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DESIGN PROCESS Planning and Design

This procedure forms the basic outcome of the Planning and Design phase
of the introduction of a new service into the Enterprise Network. It is
intended for Architects, Planners and System Administrators.

There are two types of architectures required when implementing a new

technology: the Enterprise Architecture which is focused on orientations,
rules and standards for the service; and, the Technical Architecture, which
is focused on the technical details of the service implementation. Both can
use this procedure with small variations.

Task Coverage
The procedure covers the design of architecture. It begins with the review of
the existing situation and a review of existing and comprehensive
inventories. If inventories are up to date, this procedure is greatly facilitated
since it can concentrate on its objective instead of getting side-tracked into
actually performing inventory collection. The situation review should also list
existing problems and issues that can be addressed by the new service
being introduced. Make sure the review also focuses on the positive
elements of the existing situation. This ensures that what is being done well
continues to be so.

Tools Required
List by category, items or tools required for the SOP.

Equipment  A Personal Computer

 A technological laboratory able to reproduce
the environment to be replaced or a virtual
machine VMware
 Evaluation or testing copies of the technology
supporting the new service
Reference materials  The new technology’s Help Files
 Reference Documents on the New
 Internet Access.
Training requirements  Enterprise Architects should take introductory
training on the new technology. This can be
in the form of external training or self-study.
General materials  Information on the organization, its goals and
 Inventory data in electronic format
Timing  The Enterprise Architecture must be
performed at the very beginning of the project
 The Technological Architecture must be
performed as soon as the Enterprise
Architecture is complete and the project go
ahead is authorized

Windows Server 2003

Date: 2003 Author: R&R Windows Server 2003 Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments 1
Reference Number: 1-01
© 2003, Resolutions Enterprises
Revision Number: n/a
Revised by: n/a
Steps to Perform
Steps to Perform 1. Current Situation Review — The architectural design
process begins with a review of the current situation. What is wrong?
Why do we need to change the current situation? What are our
objectives? Who are we? These are the questions that need to be
answered at this stage. Also, don’t forget to project into the future. If
some of the information you gather in this phase is likely to change in
the near future, make sure you include it in your report.
2. Update & Review Inventories — In order to answer some
of the questions listed in step 1, you need to make sure your
inventories are up to date and review them. Make sure the inventories
are as detailed as you need them to be so that you will have access to
all the information you require.
3. Identify Business Needs — Use the results from the
previous two steps to identify and prioritize the business needs of your
enterprise. Concentrate on those that are specifically addressed by the
service you wish to implement.
4. Review Market Trends — Review the industry and market
trends in this field. Categorize them as short-term and long-term.
Identify those that affect your situation. Select the appropriate
technology to support the service you wish to implement.
5. Review Product Features — If the solution is to be based
on a specific product, review and learn about the product’s features.
Now that you know what you will use to support your solution, you
need to identify the specific features that it will be based on. You also
need to be sure you understand the philosophy behind the features so
that you can use them to the best advantage. If the solution will be
based on the upgrade of an existing product, concentrate on new
features and improvements.
6. Use Applicable Best Practices — Review Best Practices
from both the Industry and from the Manufacturer of the technology
you expect to implement. Retain only applicable Best Practices.
7. Customize to Business Requirements — Customize the
solution to meet your current Business Requirements. Make sure all of
the requirements on the list you produced in step 3 are met. If some
are not met, explain why.
8. Project to Support Future Business Requirements —
Make sure your solution can evolve with time and especially, with
growing business requirements and future business trends. You don’t
want to implement a solution that cannot change with time.
9. Rationalize Hardware & Software — Rationalize
hardware and software as much as possible during your solution
design. If your inventory tells you that you have more than one type of
object that performs the same operations, reduce it to only one type.
This will simplify the management and administration of the service
you wish to implement.
10. Deal with Obsolescence — If your equipment, either
hardware or software is obsolete, replace it as much as you can, even
if it still has a little life in it. It doesn’t make sense to install something
new on a piece of equipment that will be replaced within the next six
11. Solve Existing Issues — Make sure your solution will
specifically solve existing issues that were identified in Steps 1 and 3.
If your current environment has problems of any type (technical,
situational, physical, or even human issues), ensure that your solution
will deal with them appropriately.

Windows Server 2003

Date: 2003 Author: R&R Windows Server 2003 Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments 2
Reference Number: 1-01
© 2003, Resolutions Enterprises
Revision Number: n/a
Revised by: n/a
12. Test through Proofs of Concept — Test everything
thoroughly. Perform Proofs of Concepts if you’re not sure of
something. It is always easier to test first, then document.
13. Standardize and Certify your Solution — Standardize within the
solution. If there are procedures to document, ensure that they are
outlined through standard operating procedures. Also make sure that
every process you recommend is tried and tested. If you are using
software that can be certified to work by its manufacturer, ensure that
certification is part of your solution.

Additional Comments
Don’t forget, the objective of the Architecture — it is to solve problems,
improve service levels and stay within budget. Make sure you involve other
groups, especially the groups targeted by the solution, into your solution
design process.

Windows Server 2003

Date: 2003 Author: R&R Windows Server 2003 Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments 3
Reference Number: 1-01
© 2003, Resolutions Enterprises
Revision Number: n/a
Revised by: n/a

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