Dowel Bar-Tie Bar-IRC-58-2015

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Annexure 4.

4 Design of Dowl Bar

Design of Dowel Bars (IRC 58:2015)

Input Data Unit Remarks
Slab thickness,h 340 mm
Joint width, z:
Expansion joint, z 20 mm Clause 7.2.6
Contraction joint 5 mm Clause 7.2.6
Subgrade CBR 8 %
Modulus of subgrade reaction, k 50 MPa/m
Radius of relative stiffness, I 1177.4 mm
E for Dowel Bar 200000 MPa

Modulus of Dowel support, kmds 415000 MPa/m Clause 7.2.3

Maximum single axle load 190 kN

Maximum single wheel load 95 kN (Considering dual wheel as single

wheel for a safe design)

Assuming a load transfer of 30% at terminal stage to the tied concrete shoulder. If no concrete
shoulders are provided, no load transfer to shoulder may be assumed.

Wheel load to be considered for Dowel Bar design 66.5 kN

Safety of Dowel Bar can be examined for a load of 80 kN (say)

Assume the percentage of load transfer through Dowel Bar 40 %

Permissible bearing stress in concrete is calculated is Fb=(101.6-bd)fck/95.25


fck=Characteristic compressive strength of concrete 40 MPa for M40 grade

bd=Diameter of Dowel Bar 38 mm Table 5

Fb= 26.7 Mpa

Spacing between the Dowel Bars, s 300 mm Assumed

First Dowel Bar is placed at a distance of 150 mm from the pavement edge

Length of the Dowel Bar 500 mm Assumed

Dowel bars upto a distance of 1.0xradius of relative stiffness (I), from the point of load application are
effective in load transfer

Number of Dowel Bars participating in load transfer when the wheel load is
5 N0s.
just over the Dowel Bar close to the edge of slab is (1+I/s)

Assuming that the load transferred by the first Dowel is Pt and that the
load on Dowel Bar at distance of 1 from the first Dowel is zero, the total 2.11xPt 2.47
load transferred by Dowel Bar system is ((1+(I-s)/I+(I-2s)/I+(I-3s)/I))*Pt

Load carried by the outer Dowel Bar, Pt 12.95 kN

Check for Bearing Stress

Moment of Inertia (Mi) of Dowel is π(bd)^4/64 102395.1

Relative stiffness of Dowel Bar embedded in concrete, β is


Bearing Stress in Dowel Bar Fbmax is (Ptxkmds)x(2+βxz)/(4β^3xExMi) 17.3

If Fbmax is less than Fb than Dowel Bar spacing and diameter assumed are safe Safe

Design of Dowel Bars

Diameter of Dowel Bar 38 mm

Spacing between the Dowel Bars 300 mm

Length of the Dowel Bar 500 mm

Marc Mangalam
Design of Tie Bars

Appendix-IX of IRC:58-2011 (Clause 8.2.4)

Input Data Unit Remarks

Slab thickness,h 0.34 m

Lane width, b 3.5 m

Coefficient of friction, f 1.5

Density of concrete 24 kN/m3

Allowable tensile stress in plain bars, st S 125 Mpa As per IRC:15-2011

Allowable tensile stress in deformed bars, st S 200 Mpa As per IRC:15-2011

Allowable bond stress for plain tie bars, B 1.75 MPa

Allowable bond stress for deformed tie bars, B 2.46 MPa

Design for Plain Bars

Select diameter of tie bar, dt 16 mm

Area of plain steel bar required per metre width of joint to resist the
342.7 mm2/m
frictional force at slab bottom, s=bfW/ st S
Cross sectional area of tie bar, A= t^2xπ/4 201.1 mm2

Perimeter of tie bar, Pptb=πdt 50.3 mm

Spacing of tie bars, s = A/As 586.9 mm

Provide a spacing of c/c 570 mm SAFE

Length of tie bar, L=2x stxA/Bx ptbP 571.4 mm

Increase length by 100mm for loss of bond due to painting and another
50mm for tolerance in placement 150 mm

Required length of tie bar 721.4 mm

Provide length of tie bar 725 mm SAFE

Design for Deformed Bars

Select diameter of tie bar, dt 16 mm

Area of Deformed steel bar required per metre width of joint to resist the
214.2 mm2/m
frictional force at slab bottom, s=bfW/ st S
Cross sectional area of tie bar, A= t^2xπ/4 201.1 mm2

Perimeter of tie bar, Pptb=πdt 50.3 mm

Spacing of tie bars, s = A/As 939.0 mm

Provide a spacing of c/c 910 mm SAFE

Length of tie bar, L=2x stxA/Bx ptbP 650.4 mm

Increase length by 100mm for loss of bond due to painting and another
50mm for tolerance in placement 150 mm

Required length of tie bar 800.4 mm

Provide length of tie bar 810 mm SAFE

Design for Plain Bars

Diameter of tie bar, dt 16 mm

Spacing of Tie Bar 570 mm

Length of Tie Bar 725 mm

Design for Deformed Bars

Diameter of tie bar, dt 16 mm

Spacing of Tie Bar 910 mm

Length of Tie Bar 810 mm

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