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General Guidelines on Case Analysis By Teams

• Analysis of cases would expose the students to actual business problems

confronting managers in some of their activities. The cases may involve either
open- or close-ended situations that would call for the use of descriptive or
prescriptive model formulations and their corresponding solutions.

• The cases require group/team analysis. This would allow the group members to
interact intelligently among themselves to come up with a thorough analysis of
the case.

• The corresponding groups assigned to the cases are required to submit a written
analysis of the case aside from an oral presentation of the group’s analyses and
solution/s (for a maximum of 60 minutes).

• The assigned groups are to simulate the actual situation presented in the cases,
assume the role of managers, and then proceed to solve the problem/s in a
logical sequence. That is, group presentations should include: identification of
the problem/s (and/or sub-problems); formulation of case objectives;
presentation of alternative courses of action; development of pertinent models
for some or all of the alternatives presented; identification of the best alternative
course of action; and, development of an implementation scheme for the
recommended course of action.

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