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General Pharmacology
Practice Question Paper (Unit-01)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based
on our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to
prepare students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. The study of pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic is known as

(A) Pharmacogenomics
(B) Microbiology
(C) Pharmacology
(D) Embryology YouTube-Facebook
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2. “What does the drug do to the body” is also called as-

(A) Pharmacokinetic
(B) Pharmacodynamics
(C) Idiosyncrasy
(D) Teratogenicity Solution-Pharmacy
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3. Pharmacokinetic is study of-
(A) Body response for the drug taken
(B) Drug action on body
(C) Both of them
(D) None of them
4. Definition of drug is (most accurate) E-Mail-
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(A) Agent for treatment
(B) Agent for prevention
(C) Agent for diagnosis
(D) All of the above
5. Penicillin was discovered by- E-Mail-
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(A) Alexander Fleming
(B) Subba Rao
(C) DH Burn
(D) Selman A Walksman
6. Paul Ehrlich is known as- YouTube-Facebook
(A) Father of chemotherapy Subscribe us on youtube to get all lecture videos of pharmacology and pharmacognosy

(B) Father of botany

(C) Father of zoology
(D) None of the above

7. “A drug which should be available at low price and sufficient quantity” is called-
(A) Essential drugs
(B) Orphan drugs Solution-Pharmacy
(C) Buffer drugs E-Mail-
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(D) All of the above
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8. Drug given by intravenous route is called-

(A) Parenteral
(B) Topical
(C) Enteral
(D) Local
9. Agent which proceed the drug action is called E-Mail-
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(A) Agonist
(B) Antagonist
(C) Inverse agonist
(D) None of the above

10. Spare receptors is – Solution-Pharmacy

(1) Remaining receptors E-Mail-
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(2) Finished receptors
(3) Occupied receptors
(4) Damaged receptors

11. Tachyphylaxis is a kind of

(A) Tolerance Solution-Pharmacy
(B) Dependence Subscribe us on youtube to get all lecture videos of pharmacology and pharmacognosy
(C) Abuse
(D) Genetic defect

12. Conversion of drug into polar or water soluble substance is known as-
(A) Absorption
(B) Adsorption
(C) Distribution
(D) Metabolism

13. Phase 01 reaction in metabolism is also known as

(A) Non Synthetic
(B) Functionalization reaction
(C) Synthetic reaction
(D) Both A and B

14. Lipid soluble drugs may be eliminated through-

(A) Bile
(B) Milk
(C) Saliva YouTube-Facebook
(D) All of the above Subscribe us on youtube to get all lecture videos of pharmacology and pharmacognosy

15. Which of the following is an example of principle of drug action

(A) Stimulation
(B) Depression
(C) Replacement
(D) All of the above

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16. Cytochrome P-450 is
(A) Metabolic enzyme
(B) Genetic enzyme
(C) Inducer enzyme YouTube-Facebook
(D) Inhibitor enzyme Subscribe us on youtube to get all lecture videos of pharmacology and pharmacognosy

17. A receptor is
(A) Macromolecule
(B) Micro molecule
(C) Genetic material
(D) All of the above

18. A drug which has very rare use is termed as-

(A) Essential drugs
(B) Orphan Drug Solution-Pharmacy
(C) Emergency drug Subscribe us on youtube to get all lecture videos of pharmacology and pharmacognosy

(D) All of the above

19. “Rate and Extent of drug absorbed from its dosage form” is called-
(A) Bioavailability
(B) Onset of action
(C) Duration of action
(D) Therapeutic failure

20. Protein binding may affect- Solution-Pharmacy

(A) Drug Distribution E-Mail-
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(B) Drug Absorption
(C) Drug Digestion
(D) All of the above

Section 02- Long answer type questions (Answer any 02)

1. Define pharmacology and explain pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics with
suitable examples. Also explain one landmark in pharmacology.
2. Explain route of drug administration. Classify various route of drug administration
with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
3. Define drug. What do you understand by sources of drug? Explain with suitable

Section 03- Short answer type questions (Any 07) 05 marks each
1. Explain marine source and give its importance
2. Explain tolerance and dependence
3. What do you understand by metabolism? Explain its phases in short
4. What is agonist, antagonist and inverse agonist
5. Explain idiosyncrasy and Tachyphylaxis
6. Explain enzyme induction and its clinical relevance
7. Explain combined effect of drugs with suitable examples
8. Explain essential drug concept.
9. Explain cellular transport mechanism

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General Pharmacology
Practice Question Paper (Unit-02)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Which of the following is not a principle of drug action?

(A) Stimulation
(B) Depression
(C) Replacement
(D) Modification of Physiological System
2. How many extra and intra cellular loops are present in G-Protein coupled receptor
(A) 04
(B) 05 Solution-Pharmacy
(C) 06 Available on- YouTube-Facebook (Group and Page) & Instagram
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(D) 07

3. Therapeutic index is ratio of

(A) LD50 and ED50
(B) ED50 and LD50
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

4. Complex formation of iron and antacid which affect absorption is an example of

(A) Pharmacokinetic Interaction
(B) Pharmacodynamics Interaction
(C) Adverse drug reaction
(D) Side effect
5. G-Protein is equipped with how many alpha helical membrane
(A) 03
(B) 06
(C) 07
(D) 09
6. Autophosphorilation is related with
(A) Ion channel
(B) Enzyme linked receptor
(C) Neurotransmitter Contact-
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(D) None of the above You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

7. “The effect of combination is greater than the individual effect of compound” is

definition of-
(A) Additive
(B) Superaadditive
(C) Antagonistic
(D) None of the above
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8. What will be the effect of grape fruit juice on phenytoin

(A) Act as an enzyme inhibitor so increase level of phenytoin
(B) Act as an enzyme inhibitor so decrease level of phenytoin
(C) Act as an enzyme inducer so increase level of phenytoin
(D) None of the above

9. Drug interaction may be result of

(A) Additive effect
(B) Antagonistic effect
(C) Synergistic effect
(D) All of the above Solution-Pharmacy
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10. Phase 0 of clinical trial is also known as-

(A) Micro dosing
(B) Therapeutic dosing
(C) ADR testing
(D) Post marketed surveillance

11. How many subjects are used in phase 0 clinical trial

(A) Around 10-15
(B) 100 Contact-
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(C) 300-500 You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) 3000

12. Phase 01 clinical trial is basically performed for assessment of

(A) Possible adverse effect
(B) Therapeutic effect
(C) Idiosyncratic effect
(D) All of the above

13. Which of the following phase is conformational phase for the therapeutic value
(A) Phase 0
(B) Phase 01 Solution-Pharmacy
(C) Phase 02 Available on- YouTube-Facebook (Group and Page) & Instagram
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(D) Phase 03

14. Phase 04 clinical trial is also known as-

(A) Micro dosing phase
(B) Human pharmacology and safety phase
(C) Therapeutic exploration phase
(D) Therapeutic conformational phase
(E) Post marketing surveillance phase

15. Definition of ‘Pharmacovigilance’ was given by WHO in-

(A) 2000
(B) 2002
(C) 2010
(D) 2007

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16. Find the example of combined drug effect

(A) Iron and antacid
(B) Paracetamol and Nimusulide
(C) Magnesium hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide
(D) B and C both

17. Teratogenicity effect is listed under which type of adverse drug reaction
(A) Type A
(B) Type B
(C) Type C
(D) Type D

18. Alcohol should not be consumed along with

(A) Sedative drugs Solution-Pharmacy
(B) Hypnotics drugs Available on- YouTube-Facebook (Group and Page) & Instagram
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(C) Antihistaminic drugs
(D) All of the above

19. Therapeutic index of drug should be-

(A) More than 01
(B) Less than 01 Contact-
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(C) More than 10 You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) None of the above

20. Teratogenicity is related with

(A) Abnormality in foetus development
(B) Abnormality in respiratory tract
(C) Kind of cancer
(D) Based on genetic sequence

Section 02- Long answer type questions (Answer any 02)

1. Explain signal transduction mechanism and explain G-Protein coupled receptor
2. Define drug interaction. Explain pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics type of drug
interaction with suitable examples.
3. Explain drug discovery process and elaborate different phases of clinical trial.

Section 03- Short answer type questions (Any 07) 05 marks each
1. Define receptors. Explain various types of receptors family in short
2. Write short notes on adverse drug reaction with suitable examples.
3. What are various factors modifying drug action.
4. Write short notes on dose response relationship
5. What do you understand by combined effect of drugs? Give your answer with example.
6. What is Trans- membrane enzyme linked receptor.
7. What do you understand by mechanism of drug action?
8. Explain pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics in short along with their related
9. Explain Pharmacovigilance. Why it is important?

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Pharmacology of Peripheral Nervous System
Practice Question Paper (Unit-03)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Nervous system involve in the fight and flight response is-

(A) Sympathetic nervous system
(B) Parasympathetic nervous system
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
2. Enteric nervous system is located at Available on- YouTube-Facebook (Group and Page) & Instagram
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(A) Gut wall

(B) Brain
(C) Spinal cord
(D) Eyes

3. Which of the following is step of neurohumoral transmission

(A) Impulse conduction
(B) Transmitter release
(C) Post junction activity
(D) All of the above

4. Major neurotransmitter at autonomic, somatic site is-

(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Norepinephrine Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Dopamine You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) Adrenaline

5. Which of the following agent cause loss of cholinergic transmission

(A) Botulinum toxin A
(B) Botulinum toxin B
(C) Both
(D) None of the above

6. Mechanism of action of Botulinum toxin is

(A) Interact with axonal proteins
(B) Affect exocytotic release of acetylcholine
(C) Both
(D) None Solution-Pharmacy
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7. Effect of cholinergic drugs on eye-

(A) Miosis
(B) Mydriasis
(C) No change
(D) Irritation
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8. Effect of acetylcholine on smooth muscle
(A) Relaxation
(B) Contraction Contact-
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(C) No effect
(D) Relaxation and contraction both

9. Cholinesterase is responsible for

(A) Breakdown of acetylcholine
(B) Synthesis of acetylcholine Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Transmission of acetylcholine You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) Transmission of nerve impulse

10. Atropine is an example of

(A) Anticholinergic
(B) Antiadrenergic
(C) Chloninomimetic
(D) None of the above

11. Beta 2 blocker should not be given to

(A) Asthmatic patient
(B) Hypertensive patient Solution-Pharmacy

(C) Both Contact-

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(D) None

12. Which of the following is example of neurotransmitter under adrenergic transmission

(A) Noradrenaline
(B) Adrenaline
(C) Dopamine
(D) All o the above

13. Antiadrenergic drugs are also known as

(A) Sympathomimetic
(B) Sympatholytic
(C) Parasympathomimetic
(D) All of the above

14. Example of direct acting sympathomimetic drugs

(A) Adrenaline
(B) Isoprenaline Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Both A and B
(D) Ephedrine

15. Alfa 1 selective blocker is

(A) Prazocin
(B) Terazosin Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Both A and B You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section
(D) Yohimbine

16. Local anaesthetic is used for

(A) Minor cuts
(B) Major cuts
(C) In surgery
(D) To anaesthetized complete body
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17. In glaucoma intraocular pressure
(A) Increase
(B) Decrease
(C) Both
(D) No change

18. Neuromuscular blocking agents work at

(A) Nicotinic receptor
(B) Muscarinic receptor
(C) Histamine receptor
(D) All of the above

19. Curare was the first used neuromuscular blocking agents, which caused
(A) Muscle contraction
(B) Muscle relaxation
(C) Both Contact-
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(D) None You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

20. Mechanism of action for neuromuscular blocking agents

(A) Non depolarizing
(B) De polarizing
(C) Causing Gradient repolarization
(D) All of the above

Section 02- Long answer type questions (Answer any 02)

1. Define neurotransmitter and write a detailed note on neurohumoral transmission steps in

2. Define anaesthetic, classify local anaesthetics with examples. Give mechanism of action
for any one drug.
3. What do you understand by sympathomimetic drugs, write and explain their
pharmacological effect on different organs?

Section 03- Short answer type questions (Any 07) 05 marks each

1. Explain drugs used in myasthenia gravis

2. What is glaucoma? Classify drugs used in treatment of glaucoma.
3. Write short notes on neuromuscular blocking agents
4. Write synthesis and function of acetylcholine
5. Explain cholinergic receptors with their respective location
6. Explain mechanism of action of non-depolarizing type drugs as peripheral muscle
7. Explain sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in short
8. Write organization and function of ANS
9. Differentiate general and local anaesthetic drugs along with examples.

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Pharmacology of Central Nervous System
Practice Question Paper (Unit-04)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Which of the following is a criteria for a neurotransmitter.

(A) Synthesised in presynaptic nerve
(B) Present at the nerve ending of presynaptic nerve
(C) Must bind and activate post synaptic receptors
(D) All of the above

2. Acetylcholine is
(A) Excitatory neurotransmitter
(B) Inhibitory neurotransmitter Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Both Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(D) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a step in neurohumoral transmission

(A) Synthesis
(B) Storage
(C) Release
(D) Amplification of nerve impulse

4. Enzyme responsible for the degradation of acetylcholine

(A) Cholinesterase Contat us-
(B) Acetyl cholinesterase Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(C) Glutamate
(D) Both A and B

5. Anaesthetic which block the perception of pain at local level

(A) Local Anaesthetic
(B) General Anaesthetic
(C) Inhalational anaesthetic
(D) All of the above

6. In major surgery which anaesthetic will be preferred

(A) Local
(B) General
(C) Both Contat us-
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(D) Analgesic drugs will be preferred

7. Mechanism of action of local anaesthetic is

(A) Blockade of Na+ Channel
(B) Opening of Na+ Channel
(C) Both A and B
(D) By blockade of Cl+ Channel

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8. “Agent which cause calmness without inducing sleep” is
(A) Sedatives
(B) Hypnotics (Sedative is the right answer)
(C) Antianxiety
(D) Anti-epileptic

9. Benzodiazepine mechanism of action is

(A) Hyperpolarization
(B) Increasing the opening time of chloride ions
(C) Both A and B
(D) By blocking sodium channel
10. Muscle relaxant is act at Contat us-
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(A) Nicotinic receptors
(B) Muscarinic receptor
(C) GABA receptor
(D) All of the above

11. Drug which is used for the treatment of alcohol abuse

(A) Disulfiram
(B) Nicotine
(C) Charcoal
(D) All of the above

12. GABA has following number of membrane

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3 Contat us-
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(D) 5

13. Total number of alpha membrane in GABA is

(A) 02
(B) 01
(C) 03
(D) 05

14. Total number of beta membrane in GABA

(A) 1
(B) 2 Solution-Pharmacy
(C) 3 Contat us-
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(D) 4

15. Epilepsy is
(A) Sudden and excessive nerve discharge
(B) Frequent nerve discharge
(C) Balanced nerve discharge
(D) Over activity of chloride channel

16. Generalized tonic-clonic seizers is also called-

(A) Grand mal
(B) Absence
(C) Petit mal
(D) All of the above
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17. Which o the following is possible mechanism of action o antiepileptic drugs
(A) Blocking sodium channel
(B) Blocking low threshold calcium channel
(C) Prolonging the inactivation period of sodium channel
(D) All of the above

18. Alcohol dehydrogenase is inhibited by

(A) Fomeoizole
(B) Disulfiram
(C) Nicotine
(D) GABA enhancer

19. Valproic acid is used for

(A) Epilepsy Solution-Pharmacy
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(B) Angina Please find us on- Facebook, YouTube-Instagram
(C) Malaria
(D) All of the above

20. Sedative-hypnotics are basically differ in

(A) Dose
(B) Potency to cause sleep
(C) Both
(D) None

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain neurohumoral transmission in CNS in detail. Explain various type of
neurotransmitter in CNS.
2. Explain General anaesthesia, classify preanaesthetics drugs with their importance
3. Classify antiepileptic drugs. Give mechanism of action of phenytoin

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Write short note on sedative
2. Explain general anaesthetic with mechanism of action
3. Classify types of seizures
4. Explain pharmacology of alcohol
5. Explain mechanism of action of Disulfiram
6. Explain EPSP and IPSP
7. What do you understand by preanaesthetics drugs
8. Write short note on muscle relaxant
9. Explain GABA receptors
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Psychopharmacological Agents
Practice Question Paper (Unit-05)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. Drugs which act on mental disorders are known as

(A) Hormonal pharmacology
(B) Psychopharmacological agents
(C) Antipsychotic agents
(D) Both C and D Contact-
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2. Which is the target for antipsychotic agents

(A) Synthesis of neurotransmitter
(B) Release of neurotransmitter
(C) Degradation of neurotransmitters
(D) All of the above

3. Which of the following is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(A) Seliginine
(B) Diazepam
(C) Lorazepam Solution-Pharmacy

(D) All of the above Contact-

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4. Find the neurotransmitters listed under monoamines

(A) Dopamine
(B) Serotonin
(C) Norepinephrine Contact-
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(D) All of the above

5. Monoamine are responsible for

(A) Memory and joyfulness
(B) Body balance
(C) Neurogeneration
(D) None of the above

6. Parkinson is related with imbalance between

(A) Dopamine and serotonin
(B) Dopamine and acetylcholine
(C) Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
(D) Serotonin and Acetylcholine

7. Administration of the following will be effective for the treatment of parkinsonism

(A) Dopamine
(B) Levodopa
(C) Carbidopa
(D) Both B and C Solution-Pharmacy
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8. Alzheimer’s disease is associated with
(A) Loss of memory
(B) Neurodegeneration Solution-Pharmacy
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(C) Aging You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharmacy" facebook group and then go to file section

(D) All of the above

9. Depression and Mania in combination is called

(A) Monopolar Disorder
(B) Bipolar disorder
(C) Anxiety
(D) Obsessive compulsive disorders

10. Mechanism of action of antianxiety drugs is based on

(A) GABA mediated receptors
(B) Increasing the opening time of Cl- channel
(C) By causing hyperpolarization
(D) All of the above

11. Which of the following is not the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs
(A) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(B) MAO inhibitors
(C) MOA Inhibitors
(D) Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

12. Which of the following is example of CNS stimulants

(A) Caffeine
(B) Nicotine
(C) Methyl xanthine
(D) All of the above Contact-
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13. Agent which inhibit the sensation of pain is called

(A) Analgesic
(B) Antipyretic
(C) Antimanic
(D) None of the above

14. Which of the following is an example for drug addiction

(A) Cocaine
(B) Marijuana
(C) Opium
(D) All of the above

15. Which of the following may be a common example of drug abuse

(A) Use of corex*
(B) Use of Petrol
(C) Use of Different solution
(D) All of the above

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16. If a dose of a drug which was enough earlier but now it’s not producing the same effect
as it was used to produce. This condition is called as-
(A) Teratogenicity
(B) Tolerance
(C) Dependence
(D) Abuse

17. If a person believe that he or she will not be able to work without having alcohol
(Liquor) then he is in which condition-
(A) Dependence
(B) Tolerance
(C) Anxiety
(D) Abuse Contact-
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18. Nootropic agents are used in

(A) Improving mental ability
(B) In Alzheimer’s disease
(C) In children who are in poor mental state (Memory problem)
(D) All of the above

19. Basic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease is-

(A) Nerve damage
(B) Formation of plaque
(C) Atrophy of specific nerve cell
(D) All of the above

20. Which of the following is opioid antagonist

(A) Naltrexone
(B) Amphetamine
(D) None of the above

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain Depression and give classification of antidepressant drugs and write
mechanism of action of SSRI
2. Explain any 02 of the following- (1) Drug addiction (2) Drug Tolerance
3. Explain the detail etiology of Parkinson disease and give its treatment strategy

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Explain psychopharmacological agents in short
2. Explain classification and examples of antidepressant drugs
3. Write pharmacological use of CNS stimulants.
4. Give pathophysiology (Etiology)of Alzheimer’s disease
5. Define pain and explain drug used to reduce the pain
6. Write short notes on drug abuse with suitable examples
7. What do you understand by drug dependence?
8. Classify antianxiety drugs with examples
9. Write mechanism of action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

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Psychopharmacological Agents
Practice Question Paper (Complete Units)
B.Pharmacy- 4th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)
Note- All these questions are made by “Solution-Pharmacy” which are based on
our video lecture. Our objective for making these practice questions is to prepare
students for their examination. Total marks is- 75
Section 01- Multiple choice questions. (Attempt any 20 questions) 01marks each

1. What does drug do to the body is a definition of-

(A) Pharmacokinetic
(B) Pharmacodynamics Contact-
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(C) Pharmacology
(D) All of the above

2. Which of the following route shows first pass metabolism

(A) Oral
(B) Intravenous
(C) Intramuscular
Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.
(D) Parenteral

3. Sudden development of tolerance is called-

(A) Tachyphylaxis Solution- Pharmacy
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(B) Anaphylaxis E-Mail-

(C) Allergy
(D) None of the above

4. G-Protein coupled receptor has following subunits-

(A) 01
(B) 02 Solution- Pharmacy
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(C) 03 E-Mail-

(D) 04

5. Which of the following is not a principle of drug action-

(A) Stimulation
(B) Depression Solution- Pharmacy
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(C) Irritation E-Mail-
(D) Modification of physiological system

6. “The effect of combination is greater than the individual effect of compound” is

definition of- Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.
(A) Additive
(B) Superaadditive
(C) Antagonist
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(D) All of the above Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook

7. Phase zero (o) clinical trial is also known as-

(A) Micro phase
(B) Macro phase
(C) Preclinical trial
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Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.
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(D) None of the above Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook

8. Phase 04 clinical trial is also known as-

(A) Preclinical trial
(B) Main clinical trial
(C) Post marketing trial
(D) Micro trial

9. Nervous system involved in fight and flight response is-

(A) Sympathetic System
(B) Parasympathetic system
(C) Both
(D) None of the above Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.

10. Major neurotransmitter in autonomic nervous system is

(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Dopamine
(C) Adrenaline Solution- Pharmacy
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(D) All of the above E-Mail-

11. Cholinesterase is responsible for

(A) Breakdown of acetylcholine
(B) Synthesis of acetylcholine
(C) Generation of Neurotransmitter release
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(D) Transmission of nerve impulse Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook

12. Beta 2 blocker is contraindicated for

(A) Heart patient
(B) Asthmatic patient
(C) Kidney patient
(D) All of the above

13. Acetylcholine is
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(A) Excitatory neurotransmitter Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook
(B) Inhibitory neurotransmitter
(C) Both
(D) Depressive neurotransmitters

14. Parkinsonism is due to imbalance between

(A) Acetylcholine and Dopamine
(B) Acetylcholine and Serotonin
(C) Serotonin and Norepinephrine
(D) All of the above

15. Which of the following agent should be given in case of Parkinson disease
(A) Dopamine
(B) Levodopa
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(C) Carbidopa Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook
(D) Both B and C

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Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.
16. Alzheimer’s disease is
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(A) Neurodegenerative disease Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook
(B) Neurogenerative disease
(C) Genetic disease
(D) Hormonal disease

17. Antagonist for opioid analgesic is-

(A) Naloxone
(B) Naltrexone
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(C) Both Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook
(D) None of the above

18. Agent which block the sensation of pain at regional level

(A) Local anaesthetic
(B) General anaesthetic
(C) Complete anaesthetic
(D) None of the above

19. Agent which cause sedation without causing sleep

(A) Sedative
(B) Hypnotics
(C) Antianxiety
(D) All of the above

20. Depression and mania together is called

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(A) Bipolar disorder Find us on- YouTube-Instagram-Facebook
(B) Monopolar disorder
(C) Anxiety
(D) Alzheimer’s Disease

Section- 02- Long Answer type questions. (Attempt any 02)- 20 Marks
1. Explain the detail etiology of Parkinson disease and give its treatment strategy
2. Explain various phases of clinical trial in detail
3. Explain different route of drug administration with advantages and disadvantages of
each categories.

Section 03- Long answer type questions. (Attempt any 07)- 35 Marks
1. Explain classification and examples of antidepressant drugs
2. Write pharmacological use of CNS stimulants.
3. Explain G-Protein coupled receptors Solution- Pharmacy
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4. Explain Opioid analgesic and its antagonist in short E-Mail-

5. Classify antianxiety drugs with examples.

6. Explain drug used in the treatment of glaucoma
7. Explain any 02 in short – (1) Drug addiction (2) Drug abuse (3) Drug tolerance
8. Classify anaesthetic drugs with examples.
9. Explain combined effect of drugs and write in short about factors affecting drug

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You can download all of our uploaded study materials by joing our "Solution-Pharamcy" facebook group and tehn go to file section
Note- This question paper is totally based on our video lecture and own analysis. Please do your own preparation for exams.

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