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Standard Operating Procedure

Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

Department Quality Management Document no QMS-135

Title Quality Risk Management Techniques
Prepared by: Date: Supersedes:
Checked by: Date: Date Issued:
Approved by: Date: Review Date:

1.0 Purpose
This SOP defines the approach to Quality Risk Management (QRM) of a GMP site and gives practical
examples for tools which may be used to facilitate the process and to aid personnel performing the

2.0 Scope
Applicable to any process at a GMP site which requires a Risk Management approach. The applicability
of QRM methodology and the corresponding level of documentation may vary depending on the
individual circumstances. Examples of circumstances to which QRM may be applied in conjunction with
existing SOPs include but are not limited to:

· Identification and evaluation of the potential quality and compliance impact of product and/or
process deviations, including the impact across multiple and/or divergent markets.

· Evaluation and determination of the scope of internal and external quality assessments such as
quality concern investigation systems, complaint handling, out-of-specification investigation, quality
control testing etc.

· Evaluation of design of facilities, equipment, materials of construction, utilities and Preventative

Maintenance (PM) programs.

· Determination of the scope and extent of commissioning, qualification and validation activities for
facilities, equipment and production processes.

· Risk tools for engineering project evaluation and validation projects are not included in this
procedure. References to those tools are made in Appendix 6 and 7 of this procedure.

3.0 Responsibility
The extent to which QRM is used and documented shall be consistent with the complexity and/or
criticality of the issue to be addressed.

Site Quality Review Team has oversight responsibilities for all QRM activities.

Department Heads, Process and System Owners and Project Leaders are responsible for ensuring that
risks to quality, compliance and other site functions are considered, understood and managed to an
appropriate level within the GMP site.

They must ensure that a suitable Quality Risk Management process is implemented and that
appropriate resources with the necessary competence are involved. They must also ensure the
involvement of all stakeholders.

Department Heads, Process and System Owners and Project Leaders are responsible for ensuring that
there is a process for reviewing and approving documented quality risk assessments and that
appropriate records are retained.

QA Associates and Laboratory Supervisors involved in deviation, complaint and OOS investigation
should follow the risk tool “Risk Ranking and Filtering – Method 1” as demonstrated in appendix 1 for a
quick turn around in decision making.

QA Associate, Production and Engineering supervisors or anyone who is involved in manufacturing and
regulatory change management, in-house rework, supplier quality audit and other analysis of

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
4.2 Initiating Quality Risk Management (QRM) Process

4.2.1 Risks are multi-dimensional and a shared understanding is a prerequisite for the success of
any risk management process. The initiation phase of the QRM process involves
understanding the risk event by defining and agreeing the context, the scope and the
tolerability criteria for the quality risk assessment, together with any underlying assumptions.

4.2.2 Initiation of QRM process should involve all the stakeholders. All the relevant information is
assembled and shared, any gaps are identified and analysis tools are selected.

4.2.3 The scope of the quality risk assessment must be clearly defined both in business and
technical terms. The scope should clearly establish the boundaries of the process, system,
project or activity being assessed and any inherent assumptions that are made. It should
consider possible interactions outside the boundary and their potential impacts.

4.2.4 The risk assessment process evaluates the tolerability of the identified risks against some
defined criteria to determine whether any mitigating actions are required. A common approach
to establishing criteria is to divide risks into five categories:

· A very high risk band where adverse risks are intolerable whatever benefits the activity
might bring and risk reduction measures are essential, whatever the cost.

· A high risk band where the risk would not be generally acceptable unless there were
very significant benefits and where reduction measures are expected as the norm.

· A medium risk band area where costs and benefits are taken into account and
opportunities are balanced against potential adverse consequences.

· A low risk band where positive or negative risks are small and where potential benefits
can only be justified at minimum cost.

· A very low risk band where positive or negative risks are negligible or so small that no
risk treatment measures are necessary.

4.2.5 A team comprising individuals with the education, training and experience relevant to the issue
or situation under evaluation should undertake the risk assessment process. A subject matter
expert (SME) should also be consulted or involved to ensure that best practice is followed.

4.2.6 Each Risk Assessment is reviewed and approved by appropriate department heads and
stakeholders. Consideration should be given to consultation of the EHS team. Quality
Assurance Manager or a delegate should review and approve all compliance related Risk

4.2.7 Risk Register

· For traceability purposes, a reference number is assigned to each Risk Assessment by

Quality Assurance personnel.

· Risk Assessment conducted for deviation, complaint or out of specification

investigations do not need a template to follow due to their adherence with the
investigation. An entry to Risk Register is also not required.

· Risk Assessment conducted for calibration interval; supplier assessment and external
supplier audit frequency; engineering and validation projects do not need a reference
number. Hence, an entry to Risk Register is also not required.

· All initiated Risk Assessments using the tool “Risk Ranking and Filtering – Method 2”
are logged into the Risk Register. The hard copy register is located in the “Risk
Assessment and Quality Investigation” folder kept in QA office.

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
4.3.8 The Completed Risk Assessment shall result in an overall risk value expressed as either:

· A quantitative estimate of risk, expressed numerically, such as a probability scale from

0 to 1 (0 percent to 100 percent), or

· A qualitative description of a range of risk, using qualitative descriptors, such as “high”,

“medium”, or “low”. The qualitative descriptors shall be defined, with as much detail as

4.4 Risk Assessment Tools

There are many tools and techniques that can be used to help identify risk from hazards and assess
the risks. No single tool or technique will meet all requirements. Following is a table with a list of Risk
Assessment tools used in Site with description and possible areas of application. Adaptation or
combination these methods and other statistical tools, may be applicable for specific event or

Table 1: Risk management tools and methods applicable to Site quality systems

Risk Tools /
Descriptions Area of Application in Site References
A quick method to compare Examples: Quality concern The method is
and rank risks, typically investigation such as Deviation demonstrated in
involving evaluation of a handling, Product Complaint Appendix 1. This
unique risk event (i.e. investigation, Out of Specification method is designed
Risk Ranking
deviation / complaint / investigation. to apply quickly in
and Filtering –
OOS) by weighting each The tool can also be used for any repetitive quality
Method 1
risk dimension severity, other quality and compliance events, as such, use
probability and detectability issues where a risk event is of a formal template
associated with the event. repetitive and a quality decision is each time may not be
urgent. necessary.
A descriptive method to Examples: Manufacturing and The method is
compare and rank risks, Regulatory Change Management; demonstrated in
typically involving Rework management; Appendix 2 and
Risk Ranking evaluation of multiple Establishing external supplier Appendix 5. Entry to
and Filtering – diverse quantitative and quality audit frequency. risk register for
Method 2 qualitative factors for each The tool can also be used for Method 2 is
risk, weighting factors and analysing a manufacturing necessary. Use of a
risk scores. process to identify high risk steps formal template is
/ critical parameters. recommended.
Evaluates potential failure Examples: Change of critical The method is
modes for processes, and instrument Calibration intervals; demonstrated in
the likely effects on evaluation of equipment and Appendix 3, 4. Entry
outcomes and/or product facilities; quality risk management to risk register for is
performance. Once failure for supplier; preventive not necessary. Use of
Failure Mode
modes are known, risk maintenance; process, cleaning a formal template is
reduction can be used to and computer validation projects. recommended.
eliminate, reduce or control
potential failures. Relies
upon product or process
understanding. Output is a
relative ‘risk score” for each
failure mode.

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Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
risk assessment only documents the current situation. The nature of quality risks may change
with time. Improved knowledge may result in a different view of the risks and may lead to a
challenge of the original assumptions.

4.7.2 The risk assessment document should be routed for approval to all impacted system owners
and the Quality Assurance. The documentation package should contain all documented
aspects of the QRM process.

4.7.3 Implementation of the notification system cannot proceed until all approvals are obtained. The
risk assessment process should be repeated any time a change is introduced that impacts the
practice, e.g. change in regulations related to investigations, change in direct impact
assessment, etc.

5.0 Related Documents

Form Risk Assessment Registry

QMS-035 Deviation Report System
QMS-065 Manufacturing Rework Procedure
QMS-045 Vendor Selection and Evaluation
QMS-080 GMP Audit Procedure
QMS-050 Vendor Certification Procedure
QMS-125 Change Management System
QMS-055 Product Complaint Procedure
LAB-055 Laboratory Results-Out Of Specification Investigation
VAL-135 Risk Assessment for Computer Validation Systems

6.0 Revision History

Date Replaces Writer Role Change Reason for
None New Document

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
Level 1: Standard (Low Risk, shaded by green colour)
Observations of a less serious or isolated nature that are not deemed Critical or Major but require
correction or suggestions given on how to improve systems or procedures that may be compliant but
would benefit from improvement (e.g. incorrect data entry).

Risk Ranking of “Impact on Product Quality and GMP”

From all the information collected from the quality investigation and other evidences QA has to rate the impact
of the risk event on product quality and GMP from 0 to 4.

0 – No impact on the quality

1 – Low risk for impact on quality
2 – Risk for impact on quality
3 – Probable impact on quality
4 – Risk for customer or production outside regulatory file

Rating of “Probability of Risk Event Recurrence and Ease of Detection”

QA has to determine this variable and rate it by assessing two separate parameters. The first parameter is the
“Probability that the event will occur again”. Here the rating can be given from 0 to 3.

0 – This risk event will probably not occur again

1 – Risk event may occur again (seldom)
2 – The risk event will probably occur again (from time to time)
3 – The risk event will probably occur again (often)

The second parameter is the “Probability that the event will be detected if it will occur again”. Here the rating
can fall between 0 to 6.

0 - The risk event will definitely be detected again

2 - The risk event will probably be detected again
4 - The risk event is at risk of not being detected
6 - The risk event will probably not be detected.

After assigning the weights for both the parameters, total probability could be determined by adding the rate of
“Probability that the risk event will occur again” and “Probability that the risk event will be detected if it will occur

Total probability rank = Probability of recurrence + Probability of detection

An Example
For instance after an initial investigation on a deviation if QA would find the,
“Impact on Product Quality and GMP” scored 2,
“Probability that the deviation will occur again’ scored 2 and “Probability that the deviation will be
detected if it will occur again” scored 2. Than, the total probability score will be 2+2 = 4.
Plotting this rating for both the variables will assess the risk as level 2 class. This example is depicted
in the following figure.

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

Probability Ranking Scale:

Rank Description
1 No Chance of Occurrence
2 Chance of Occurrence is Remote
3 Occurrence is Unlikely
4 Occurrence is Probable
5 Occurrence is Definite

Threshold Interpretation:


(1 - 4) Low Risk. No specific action is necessary to close the investigation

Medium Risk. Some actions may be necessary to control the assessed
(5 – 9)
Medium to High Risk. Product quality Risk is medium to high level. Failure
(10 – 25)
to take appropriate Actions could lead to product reject or recall.

Risk Evaluation Matrix:

5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20

Probability 3 3 6 9 12 15
Score 2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

Severity Score

Once the individual risk factors have been ranked, the Total Risk Score is calculated using the values
assigned for probability and severity. The Total Risk Score is calculated as shown below.

Probability x Severity = Risk Score

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

Appendix 3: Quality Risk Assessment for Critical Instrument Calibration


Applicable to Risk Events: Critical Instrument Calibration Interval Change

Risk Assessment Tool: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Entry on Risk Registry: Yes
Assessment Frequency: Assessed individually for each critical instrument which needs calibration
Reference SOPs: Equipment Installation Procedure
Equipment Notification Form

Template Location: # :\QA\RISK ASSESSMENTS\Risk Assessment Templates

The impact of an instrument calibration failure from the standpoint of probability, severity, and detect ability may
be determined through the integration and factoring of multiple parameters associated with each criterion as
illustrated in the following Table.


The probability (or likelihood) of instrument failure may be attributed to:

a) Design and construction,
b) The environment it is exposed to, and
c) How it is used.

Knowledge of the effects of design and construction can be gained through a review of the maintenance history
of the instrument, comparing it to similarly designed instruments, and by knowing the age of the instrument
(period of time in use). For each of these parameters, if the data and relevant information is not known, the risk
should be assumed to be high.

The following criteria may be used to determine risk ranking for failure probability.

1. History
There are three (3) possible scenarios illustrated in table where instrument history may be used
to determine risk ranking for failure probability.


(i) Availability of recorded history of an instrument in its current location,

(ii) Availability of history of identical instrumentation of the same make and model in the
same area, and \
(iii) Availability of history of similar instrumentation in a similar environment. Risk ranking is
determined by the length of recorded history available for an instrument, the number of
available instruments for use in data gathering, and the typical interval between
observed failures (mean time between failures, MTBF). When the number of
instruments in place combined with the use history (e.g. >2 years) is sufficient to have
observed most, if not all potential modes of failures (MTBF is long i.e., >24 months),
the risk should be considered low.

The absence of historical records, lack of identical or similar instruments to benchmark,

and if the MTBF is <24 months would indicate a higher risk. If there is less than 2 years
of historical records, and the number of identical or similar instruments is considered
less than sufficient, i.e., <3 and <10 for identical and similar instruments, respectively
and the MTBF is >24 months, then the risk should be considered medium.

2. Environment
The environmental situation can be divided into sub-categories as illustrated in Table. For
purposes of risk assessment, the environmental sub-category with the highest risk determines
the risk ranking for failure probability.

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

Risk Assessment Based on FMEA

Probability of Instrument Failure (MTBF = mean time between failures)

Risk Level Low Medium High

Numeric Ranking (1) (2) (3)

This instrument (The Have more than 2 years Have less than 2 years Have no historical
intent is to use history as of records, history shows of records, history shows records or records
an indicator of probability) low rate of calibration low rate of Calibration show MTBF <24
OOT (Out of tolerance) OOT months
(MTBF >24 months)

Identical Instrument Have 3 or more identical Have 1 or 2 identical Have no identical

(make and model) instruments instruments instruments to
(MTBF > 24 months) (MTBF > 24 months) benchmark

Similar Instruments (The

concept is to determine if
there are instruments of
similar Have several (e.g.10)
design and functionality similar (in type, Have a few similar
Have no similar
utilized in the intended technology, range) instruments
instruments in similar
environment that may instruments in similar in similar environments
yield performance data for environments (MTBF > 24 months)
use as a predictor, (MTBF > 24 months)
i.e. show low risk based
on demonstrated

Temperature and Temperature and Temperature and

Temperature and
humidity are stable and humidity vary, but always humidity are not
Humidity (both operating
are within manufacturer’s stay within known or may exceed
and storage conditions)
recommended range manufacturer’s range manufacturer’s range
Instrument is located
in an electrically
Instrument is battery
“noisy environment or
powered or well-filtered
Power line / electrical may be susceptible to
Instrument is non-electric and protected from
Disturbances sags, surges, spikes,
power disturbances and
and severe electro-
magnetic interference

Instrument is in an
Instrument is in a
exposed, dirty
Instrument is located in a protected cabinet, or
Dust / Dirt / Chemical environment
clean, dry, area that does removed for area wash
Wash down subjected to frequent
not get washed down down. light dust and no
wash downs or
chemical exposure
chemical exposure
Instrument is portable
Instrument is permanently and moved frequently or Instrument is
Vibration and shock mounted in a stable may be exposed to subjected to severe
environment occasional vibration or shock and vibration
Instrument is kept in a Instrument is located in a Instrument is located
Physical Damage segregated or protected moderate traffic area and in a high traffic area
area potentially susceptible to and susceptible to

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Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
Probability of Risk Severity of Risk Detectability of Risk

Maximum Risk

(Table I) (Table II) (Table III)
Criteria used: Instrument Criteria used: Impact on human Criteria used:
history, environment, range safety, environmental, GMP / Automatic / Manual
of use, & age Product, production, cost, energy operation, Operator
1 Low Low Low 1
2 Medium Medium Medium 8
3 High High High 27

Risk illustration:
To assign the appropriate level of risk, a simple Low, Medium, High model with a corresponding numerical
designation of 1, 2 and 3 will be used. Each criterion (probability, severity, detectability) can therefore have a
numerical rating of 1, 2 or 3 that will determine the risk score. The risk score for each failure mode is obtained
by multiplying the individual scores for each criterion. For example:

Probability x Severity x Detectability = Risk Score

Recommended frequency for Instrument Calibration Intervals change – The frequency selected will all be
relative to the risk score resulting from the assessment.

Low score will justify broader or less frequent calibration verification from the established guidance table.

High risk score will require adherence to the calibration table or perhaps Team review to tighter than published

Example only: Change of calibration frequency period based on risk score

Risk Score Overall Risk

Suggested Calibration Frequency Interval change
Examples Description
01 Negligible Consider extending calibration interval up to 36 months
02 Very Low Consider extending calibration interval up to 24 months

Consider extending the calibration interval x 2

03-06 Low (up to a maximum of 24 months) (i.e. 6 months 12
Consider extending the calibration interval by a factor of
08 Medium 1.2x to1.5x (up to a maximum of 18 months)
(i.e. 3 months 4 months. 1 2 months 1 8 months)
Maintain the same calibration interval. (re-evaluate the risk
09-12 Med / High
score in 12 months)
Consider shortening the calibration interval by a
18 High
factor of x 0.5 (i.e. 12 months 6 months)
Consider shortening the calibration interval to a very short
27 Very high period (i.e. 3 months) and consider re-engineering the
instrument system to reduce the risk score

Examples of Instrument Calibration Interval Change Request

The sample risk assessments below are to serve as “examples” only and used as illustration of the approach.
Actual situation requires a team assessment and review of site coordinator.

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Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques
Example: #3
Instrument: Humidity Transmitter
Application: Ambient humidity sensor in a conditioned room. This transmitter is an alarm point only. The
Building Management System (BMS) controls the temperature and humidity and a chart
recorder records them, providing very easy detect ability of failure.

Basis for change:

Probability of Occurrence
Instrument class. Critical

Detect ability of Failure

Basis for change

Associated System

Severity of Failure

calibration interval:
Instrument Type

Recommended Since it is low
Y or N

Calibration Period probability and easily
(months) from table detected, consider
increasing the
calibration interval to
24 months.

Humidity Packout 3
Y 1 3 1 12 months 24 months
Transmitter Room (Low)

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Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

The Purchasing team responsible for procurement of the material/product should complete the Supplier Quality
Risk Assessment based on analysis of their quality experience and knowledge of the supplier and supply
chain(s) for the material(s) supplied. All completed supplier Quality Risk Assessment must be reviewed and
approved by Quality Assurance Manager.

For suppliers providing multiple materials, the highest risk category should be assigned. The Supplier Quality
Risk Assessment is completed as described below using the Quality Risk Evaluation Form described in Table

1. Read the questions in sequential order (i.e., a→b→c, etc.) and determine the first lettered
question that can be answered with a "yes".
2. Enter the corresponding quality risk value from the Answer column into the Quality Risk Score

3. After completing all five risk factors, sum the individual Quality Risk Scores to calculate the
Total Quality Risk Score.

4. Complete the Supplier Quality Risk Evaluation by comparing the Total Quality Risk Score to the
following Risk Levels and assign the supplier the corresponding Risk Level:

Table 1: Supplier Quality Risk Factor Information

Quality Risk Factor General Consideration for Data Gathering

Intended Purpose · What is the intended purpose of the material?
Supply Chain Complexity · Where is the material manufactured and handled, and what are the
regulatory requirements and quality oversight?

· Is the supply chain known and how complex is the supply chain for the

· What is the method of transportation and who has Control / oversight?

· Is the supplier located in a region where there is a lack of robust

pharmaceutical GMP quality system orientation and or a lack of robust
regulatory oversight?
Supplier Quality System · Does the supplier has a formal Quality System and is it effective?
· What is the audit history at the supplier?

· How responsive is the supplier to requests from Site?

· Does the supplier have quality system controls over transportation and
Non-Conformance · What testing is done by Site on the material?
Detection by Site
· Are there non-conformances detected by the end user that should
have been detected by the supplier?

· Do the economics of the material make it subject to fraudulent

activities (value of material, demand exceeds supply. disproportionate

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Title: Quality Risk Management Techniques

1. Intended Purpose
If yes.
a. Is the material a finished Drug Product, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API), High
excipient for a parenteral product or does it have specific tiled regulatory requirements? Risk.
enter 5
If yes.
b. Is the material a non-sterile excipient, primary packaging, regulated printed packaging,
registered starting material or reagent contributing to significant molecule structure?
If yes.
c. Is the material a solvent used in processes, secondary packaging or non registered
Low Risk,
enter 0.5
Quality Risk Score:
(i.e. medium / high / low)
2. Supply Chain Complexity
If Yes,
High Risk,
Is the material manufactured and/or handled in a region where there is a lack of robust
enter 54
pharmaceutical GMP quality system orientation and/or a lack of robust regulatory oversight?
If No, enter 0
a. Is the supply chain complex with more than three sites involved in the manufacture,
finish and/or handling of the material with limited quality oversight of the supply chain? If yes.
OR High Risk.
enter 20
b. Is the supply chain not completely known?
c. Is the supply chain complex with more than three sites involved in the manufacture,
finish and/or handling of the material with adequate quality oversight of the supply
OR If yes.
d. Does the supply chain contain two or three sites involved in the manufacture, finish Risk
and/or handling of the material with limited quality oversight of the supply chain? Enter 10

e. Is the method of transportation not under Site control or oversight?

If yes.
f. Does the supply chain involve a single manufacturer that ships the material directly to
Low Risk.
enter 2
Quality Risk Score:
(i.e. medium / high / low)
3. Supplier Quality System Effectiveness
a. Does the supplier lack a formal Quality System (e.g. ISO or similar)?

If yes.
b. Does the supplier Quality System either lack effectiveness or the effectiveness is
enter 25
c Is the supplier new to Site, have no previous Site Audit history or has a Conditionally
Acceptable rating?

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regulatory compliance and acceptable audit outcomes? Low Risk.
OR 2.5

i. Is the supplier a well-respected supplier to the pharmaceutical industry?

Quality Risk Score:
(i.e. medium / high / low)
5. Non-conformance detected by Site
a. Are there non-conformances detected by the end user that should have been detected
by the supplier?

b. For Drug Products. API and excipients, is there no specific ID or potency testing
performed by Site (i.e. testing for impurities, identification testing using methods with
high selectivity and specificity, etc.)?
If yes.
c. Do the economics of the material make it subject to fraudulent activities (value of
material, demand exceeds supply, disproportionate pricing)? High Risk
enter 25

d. Is the material subject to the potential contamination with known adulterants to improve
the apparent activity or potency of the pharmaceutical ingredient.


e. Is it difficult to detect product quality problems?

f. Is there an inspection process performed, including testing that can provide a high
If yes,
assurance of non-conformance detection?
g. Is the supplier sometimes able to detect product quality problems?
h. Is a specific ID or potency test performed at Site along with all registered tests?
If yes,
Low Risk,
i. Is the supplier routinely able to detect product quality problems?
Quality Risk Score:
(i.e. medium / high / low)

Total Quality Risk Score: Comments:

(Sum of five risk scores
detected above)

Supplier Quality Risk Evaluation:

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· What are the sources of potential harm related to each risk factor?
· Could the material sourced have a potential impact on patient safety?
· Could the material sourced have a potential impact on product quality and conformance
to registered specifications?
· Could the supply of the material have an adverse impact on the business?

b. What are the related hazards?

For the purpose of prioritizing the external supplier audit schedule, each material supplier
represents a potential risk to the finished product(s) in which the material(s) sourced are used,
therefore, all material suppliers can be viewed as hazards for the purpose of this assessment.

Table 1: Examples of Risk Factors and Severity (this list is not all inclusive)

Hazard Risk Factor
General / Specific
a. Type of material/component/service
1. APIs
2. Labelling/Inserts
Quality/ 3. Raw Materials (e.g., Excipients, Processing Aids, Solvents,
Regulatory Gases, Lubricants, Cleaning Agents)
Material compliance
Supplier 4. Packaging Materials, Primary and Secondary
5. Service providers such as contract laboratories, calibration,
HEPA certification and gamma
6. Distributors/Warehouses/Brokers
b. Number of products involved/volume of material involved
(quantity and/or cost)

Table 2: Examples of Risk Factors and Probability (this list is not all inclusive)

Hazard Risk Factor Probability

a. cGMP/regulatory compliance supplier history
Quality / Regulatory
b. Licenses, inspection and audit outcomes
c. Certifications and/or accreditations
Quality / Regulatory d. Quality audit type and number of findings,
compliance open/closed
Supplier a. Volume (lots consumed per years or number of times
service used per year)
b. Length of time supplier has been used for
c. Service history delays, complaints, deliveries on time and/or

4. Define the Risk Assessment Scales for Probability and Severity

In order to perform an assessment of the risk posed by each hazard (material supplier) the probability
and severity characteristic of each hazard must be defined. Severity and probability scales must first be
defined by determining the range of possibilities and differentiations for each as indicated below:

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Table 4: Examples of Probability Scale

Hazard Risk Probability

General Quality / Regulatory Business
Supplier has been inspected within the last six
The materials
· There have been few or no
have been in 1
observations stock
· Observations have been responded to
and/or responses have been accepted
Supplier has been inspected
cGMP/ · There have been some (more than 5) The materials
regulatory Mandatory Action Required observations, have been 3
Supplier short stocked
compliance · Observations have not been responded to
supplier and/or responses have not been accepted
Supplier has been inspected
There have been many (more than 10)
Mandatory Action Required observations
The materials
· Observations have not been responded to
have been 5
and/or responses have not been accepted back ordered
· Supplier has been issued a warning letter or
has been placed under a consent decree.
OR Supplier has never been inspected

5. Define the Risk Evaluation Matrix and Determine the Action Thresholds
Prior to completing the risk assessment using the scales established for severity and probability. An
evaluation matrix must be constructed to aid in evaluation of the total risk scores (severity x probability)
derived for each hazard.

An example of a risk evaluation matrix and corresponding action thresholds is shown below. In this
example the values in the green boxes (risk scores 1-4) represent low risk and could be audited every 5
years. The values in yellow (risk scores 5-14) represent medium risk and could be audited every 3
years. And the values in red (risk 15-25) are high risks to be audited annually.

Risk Evaluation Matrix

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