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Worksheet: Acids and bases
1. The pH scale is associated with _________________and _______________.
2. “pH” stands for “particles of _______________________”.
3. Alkaline, or alkali, is another word for ______________________.
4. Water is _____________________ - it has a pH of 7.
5. On the pH scale, ________________are found from 1 ± 7, and
______________ from 7 ± 14.
6. To carry out a reaction where an acid and a base are mixed to form a salt
and water is to ________________________. (In this reaction, both the base
and the acidlose their dangerous qualities.)
7. An atom that has lost or gained electron/s, and so has an electric charge, is
calleda/an ______________.
8. The acid our bodies use to digest food in the stomach
is ___________________ (full name:
9. Complete the equation: acid + base = water + _____________.
10. Arrange in order of increasing pH: vinegar, sea water, soapy water, 
concentrated hydrochloric acid.
_________________________________________________  ______________
11. Honey can be used to neutralise a bee sting, which means that
honey is ______________.
12. _______________________________is believed to neutralise acid rain

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