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1. Are the following elements, molecule OR compounds? Please circle the correct answer OR answers.

H2 O Element Molecule Compound

O2 Element Molecule Compound
He Element Molecule Compound
NO Element Molecule Compound
N2 Element Molecule Compound
H2SO4 Element Molecule Compound

2. Label the following as an element, a molecule or a compound. One is also a mixture – which one is it?

3. List the names and symbols of five different elements.

Name Chemical symbol


4. Circle the correct chemical symbol for magnesium

Mg MG mg

5. What are the types of atoms and how many of each are there in the following molecules OR

a) O2_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) HCl____________________________________________________________________

c) H2SO4__________________________________________________________________________________________________


d) SO2?__________________________________________________________________

e) H2S?__________________________________________________________________

f) C12H22O11?_____________________________________________________________


g) H2SO4?________________________________________________________________


h) 2CO2? _________________________________________________________________

e) EXTENSION: CH3COOH?_____________________________________________________


f) EXTENSION: Al(OH)3?_________________________________________________________


g. EXTENSION: Cr2(SO4)3 ?______________________________________________________


6. Choose one of a-e above and use the molecular model kits to make a model of it. Draw
what it looks like below and include a key.

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