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Before 2009 ended, I decided to see what all the buzz was about Hada Labo

and the buzz is really centered around the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic
Moisturizing Lotion – one of the top sellers in Japan. While in Japan, I saw
Hada Labo sold almost everywhere from convenience shops to pharmacies
and I saw quite a few girls buying it too. Definitely a popular brand.

In Asian cosmetics, “Lotion” is a moisturizing toner used after cleansing but

before moisturizer. It conforms to the concept of “double moisturizing” to help
preserve and add moisture in your skin after cleansing.

Now what really sold me is watching the tv ad which I showed you before and
which I will append again below because I think it is adorable! Will my skin
really feel so bouncy and moisturized after using this lotion? My answer is yes.

I’ve been using the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Moisturizing Lotion for
about a month now, day and night. It takes a hell of a long time to get it fully
absorbed though, so its not something to use if you’re in a hurry for work in
the morning. You’ll know what I mean when you see how I use it below.

To read more click this link

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