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“The Gift of Righteousness”

1. The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance,

The depth of His love I’ll never understand.

His love reaches me and you;

His mercy goes farther too.

The One on the throne of God is called the Lamb.


So, why not open up and call His name, “Oh Lord!”

Find your spirit where His grace has been outpoured.

Call His name, taste His grace, exercise before His face

He’s longing and yearning.

He’s hoping and waiting.

He’s ever desiring for you...

To turn to Him.

2. He knows your deepest thought,

Your every situation.

He understands your heart,

He knows your history.

There’s nothing in His way,

He’s just waiting for you to say

“Lord Jesus, my wandering heart

I give to Thee.”

“Cup of Christ ”

1 2

Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ

in the morning? in the morning?

Start your day with a little restoring Start your day with a little restoring

With Christ as your new beginning. With Christ as your life-giving drink.

What better way to start than to start the day singing? He’ll fill your cup, He’ll fill you up, until you sink in Christ.

Turn, turn your heart in the morning, Drink, drink up Christ in the morning,

Take His blood, be washed from all things; Drink the One who’s overflowing

Nothing’s too big or small for Him, In your heart, from the throne He’s flowing

He’s righteous and He will forgive; To reach you. With the tree that’s growing

Exercise your spirit in this way. To cherish, to nourish, to refresh, to supply you.

3 4

Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ

in the morning? in the morning?

Start your day with a little restoring Start your day with a little restoring

With Christ as the heavenly air. With Christ as your first and best love.

Just by one simple prayer, you can breathe Him Let Him love you, He’s really good at recovering you.


Love, love your Lord in the morning,

Call, call His name in the morning, Open wide to His adorning

Join yourself to the One who’s soaring, By loving you, making home in you,

Transcending over everything, Just love your Lord with all your heart,

Just call His name and breathe Him in. With all your soul, with all your mind and strength.

Don’t think; the breath knows where to go.

Bulacan Young People’s Conference Via Zoom

July 11-12, 2020

Message 1


Scripture reading: S.S 1:2, Phil. 3:13-14, Lam. 3:22-23a, 2 Cor. 4:16, Psa. 119:147, 139:23-24, Eph. 6:
17-18, Matt. 6:6, Exo. 34:3

I. Morning revival is to build up a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord - S.S 1:2
A. It cause us to have a new start and new beginning every morning - Phil. 3:13-14
B. We can also start the day with the Lord's mercy - Lam 3: 22-23a
C. Daily morning revival enables us to live a vital and victorious life that meets the
requirements of God- ordained way to build up the body of Christ.
1. By our intimate and thorough fellowship with the Lord, we can have the vitality to be
vitalizing members of the body of Christ.
2. By enjoying the Lord every morning, we can live a revived life which enables us to bring
others to the Lord.
3. Living a revived life cause us to become a normal functioning member in the body of
4. Daily revival brings us into a reliable long-lasting revival.
II. Patterns of morning revival in the Bible.
1. Abraham - Gen. 19:27
2. Jacob - Gen. 28:18-19
3. Moses - Exo. 8:20, 34:4
4. Joshua - Josh. 6:12, 8:10
1. Lord Jesus - Mark. 1:35
2. Mary Magdalene - John. 20:1, Mark 16:9

III. How to do the morning revival.

A. Calling on the name of the Lord - Psa. 119:147
B. By receiving God's word - Eph. 6:17-18
C. By singing praises unto God - Psa. 108:2-3, 119:164a
D. By asking the Lord to enlighten us that we might clear up our conscience –
Psa. 139:23, 1 John. 1:9

IV. Morning revival will also cause us the pray and intercede for others by receiving the Lord's
burden for them.

V. The two aspects of Morning revival - personal and corporate - S.S 1:4, Matt. 6:6, Exo. 34:3

“Lord, how I thank You”

1 2

Lord, how I thank You that Lord gain my heart so that

You died on the cross for me. It is single and pure for You.

Your mercy, my Savior, reached me. No other love, Lord would I know.

And Lord, You paid the highest price, Lord I am so in love with You.

My life bought with Your shed blood, For You are so lovely,

My life now belongs, Lord, to You. My everything, my all in all.

And Lord, how can I turn away from Your love, And Lord, I really want to know

The eternal love which You have for me? This Person inside of me.

I give You my heart; Lord, keep my heart open to You.

Lord, spread in every part, Keep flowing Your life,

Till my whole heart belongs to You. Into me that I would grow,

And be saturated with You.


“Jesus Lord, I’m captured by Thy beauty”

1 2
Jesus Lord, I’m captured by Thy beauty, Shining One—how clear the sky above me!
All my heart to Thee I open wide; Son of Man, I see Thee on the throne!
Now set free from all religious duty, Holy One, the flames of God consume me,
Only let me in Thyself abide. Till my being glows with Thee alone.
As I’m gazing here upon Thy glory, Lord, when first I saw Thee in Thy splendor,
Fill my heart with radiancy divine; All self-love and glory sank in shame;
Saturate me, Lord, I now implore Thee, Now my heart its love and praises render,
Mingle now Thy Spirit, Lord, with mine. Tasting all the sweetness of Thy name.

3 4

Precious Lord, my flask of alabaster My Beloved, come on spices’ mountain;

Gladly now I break in love for Thee; How I yearn to see Thee face to face.

I anoint Thy head, Beloved Master; Drink, dear Lord, from my heart’s flowing

Lord, behold, I’ve saved the best for Thee. fountain,

Dearest Lord, I waste myself upon Thee; Till I rest fore’er in Thine embrace.

Loving Thee, I’m deeply satisfied. Not alone, O Lord, do I adore Thee,

Love outpoured from hidden depths within me, But with all the saints as Thy dear Bride;

Costly oil, dear Lord, I would provide. Quickly come, our love is waiting for Thee;
Jesus Lord, Thou wilt be satisfied.

Bulacan Young People’s Conference Via Zoom
July 11-12, 2020

Message 2


Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 1:14; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Gal. 2:20; John 14:21, 23; 21:15-19; Rev. 2:4

I. Loving Christ the Person

A. Christ as life to us is a Person.

B. We can deal with many things without love, but we cannot deal with a person without
C. According to the Bible, our relationship to the Lord is likened to a marriage.
1. We are His Bride, and He is our Groom. A bride and a groom must have love. If a
marriage lacks love, then that marriage will have difficulties. It is impossible to have
a genuine marriage without love.

2. There is no problem on the Lord’s side, for He certainly loves us. The problem is on
our side.

3. Do we love the Lord Jesus? When someone mentions the name of Jesus, do we
have a sweet feeling within? Whenever we think even a little about Him, are we
attracted to Him?

D. Grace is abundant in two aspects: in faith and in love in Christ Jesus. (1 Tim. 1:14)

1. Paul as Saul of Tarsus had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. He was even full of hatred
toward the Lord. But one day he received mercy and grace from the Lord, not only
to believe in Jesus, but also to love Him.

2. Once he hated Jesus; then, by the grace of God, he loved Jesus. This is the greatest
mercy, and this is real grace. It is not enough just to believe in the Lord Jesus. We
also must love Him.

E. The entire Gospel of John shows us not only to believe in the Lord Jesus but also to love

1. In the first part of the Gospel, we read that the Lord Jesus, who was God Himself,
was the Word in the beginning. Then one day He became incarnated as a man to
dwell among us, full of grace and reality. John’s Gospel encourages us to believe in
this One.

2. One of the most important verbs in the Gospel of John is “believe.” The Word has
been made flesh and we must believe in Him. To believe simply means to receive.
(John 1:12)

3. We believe by receiving, and we receive by believing. We believe what God has

given, and by believing we receive what He gives.

4. In the Gospel of John, after speaking of believing, the Lord Jesus appeals for our love.
He tells us, “…he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and
will manifest myself to him…If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father
will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” (14:21, 23).

5. To believe in the Lord is one thing, but to love Him is another. To believe is to
receive, but to love is to enjoy what you have received.

6. In the last chapter of John’s Gospel, the Lord asks Peter three times, “Lovest thou
me?” By this, the Lord was showing Peter that, as one who had received Him, he
must learn to enjoy Him by loving Him.

F. The love of Christ constrains us to live no more unto ourselves. He loved us and gave
Himself for us; now we love Him and live by Him.

1. In Galatians 2:20 we can see how Paul was constrained by the love of Christ.

2. The Apostle Paul had been an enemy and persecutor of the Lord Jesus. But at a
certain time the Lord knocked him to the ground. Then he was turned from being an
enemy and a persecutor of Jesus to being one who loved Jesus.

3. Real power is in love. Love can do everything. If we really love the Lord Jesus, we will
have the power and strength to do anything for Him.

4. If we love Jesus, we will be willing to die for Him.

5. Do you think that to follow and sacrifice your life for Jesus is a suffering? On the
contrary, it is really an enjoyment because we love Him. The power is in the love.

6. We need to pray, “Lord, show me Your love that I may love You.” Once we see the
love of Jesus, we will be so constrained, so captured, and so attracted. We will
spontaneously love Him. Then by loving Him, we will enjoy Him. This is life, and since
this life is a Person, there is no other way for us to experience Him but by love. Only
by loving Jesus can we enjoy Him.

7. The Lord Jesus is not a doctrine; He is not a set of gifts or a power; He is a Person
who needs our love, our appreciation, and our affection. How we need the sweet
affection and love toward the Lord Jesus!

8. We may talk about Christ being our life, but if we do not have the real love toward
Him, He is only life to us in doctrine. We just have the doctrine of Christ as life; we do

not have the enjoyment of Him as life. If we would enjoy Jesus as life, we must love
Him. As long as we love Him, even if we do not know the term “life,” we will enjoy
life. We will not know a doctrine, but we will enjoy Jesus, a living Person, as our very

G. To take the Lord as our life and as our Person, we must take His desire as our desire. We
must take His will as our will. We must take His intention as our intention. To love Him
as a Person, we must take His personality.

1. We may have many teachings with all the gifts and power, and yet we would not
take the personality of Christ. The Lord Jesus does not need someone who has
teachings, gifts, and power. He needs someone like Peter to love Him, someone to
tell Him, “O Lord Jesus, I love You! I follow You. I take You as my Person. I take Your
personality as my personality. I take Your will as my will. I take Your desire as my
desire. I don’t care for teachings, gifts, and power. I just care for Yourself. I love You,
and I follow You, taking You as my Person.”

H. Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so prevailing, and no other way is so safe,
so rich, and so full of enjoyment. Just love Him. Do not care for anything else.

1. As long as we love Him from the deepest part of our being, everything will be all

2. Whatever we need, He is. Do not try to get anything else; just look to Him that He
would reveal His love to you.

3. We must ask the Lord to draw us, and then others will run after Him with us. To take
Him as our life, we must love Him in such a way. (SS. 1:4)

I. In Revelation 2 the degradation of the church began with the loss of the first love toward
the Lord Jesus.

1. The church in Ephesus had many good works and was even strong in faith, but the
Lord rebuked her by saying, “I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left
thy first love.” They had lost the fresh and best love toward the Lord. This started the
degradation of the churches.

2. When we lose our love for the Lord, we start to backslide.

3. We must go to the Lord and make a deal with Him: “Lord, be merciful to me! I do not
need anything or anyone else but Your loving Self. Simply show me Yourself! Draw
me that we may run after You. O Lord, show me Your love that I might be constrained
by Your love! I do not want to do anything for You, Lord. I just want to love You. I just
want to take You as my Person. I want Your personality as my personality, Your will as
my will, Your desires as my desires. I want Your everything as my everything.”


“We will sing to the Lord with our Spirit”

We will sing to the Lord with our spirit,

We will sing to the Lord from within,
We will sing hallelujah to Jesus;
And be blent into oneness with Him.

We have been many years in religion,

We have been many years in our mind,
We have been many years in emotions,
Always seeking, but never to find.

Now we’re learning to turn to our spirit,

Now we’re learning to take Christ as life;
Now we’re learning to feed upon Jesus
And be freed from all struggling and strife

Hallelujah for life in the Spirit,

Hallelujah for newness within.
When we turn from our mind to our spirit,
We enjoy all the riches of Him.


1 How mysterious, O Lord,

That Thy Spirit dwells in mine; 5 Every time I speak, O Lord,
O how marvelous it is, May my spirit actuate;
Into one, two spirits twine. And whatever I may do,
Let my spirit motivate.

2 By the spirit I can walk, 6 Every time my spirit acts

Spiritual in spirit be; Others’ spirits opened be,
By the spirit I can serve, Every time my spirit moves
And in spirit worship Thee. Others’ lifted unto Thee.

3 Thru Thy Word and by my prayer

In the spirit touching Thee,
7 Lord, have mercy, from above
Lifted high my spirit is,
May Thy Spirit breathe on me;
Strengthened shall my spirit be.
Then my spirit will be rich,
Strengthened and refreshed by Thee.

4 Make my spirit strong I pray

Others’ spirits to revive;
Lift my spirit high and free,
Others’ spirits then may thrive.

Bulacan Young People’s Conference Via Zoom

July 11-12, 2020

Message 3

Fanning into Flame the Gift of God

Scripture Reading: 1 Tim 4:12-16, 2 Tim 1:6-9

I. The Background

A. Written by the Apostle Paul during his second imprisonment near his martrydom.

B. Time of degradation of the church.

C. Written to Timothy his young co-worker.

II. The Gift of God

A. The Source of the Gift of God

1. “For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through
the laying in of my hands”--2 Tim. 1:6

2. Do not neglect the gift which is in you, which was given to you by means of prophecy
with the laying on if the hands of the presbytery.

B. What is this Gift of God

1. The mingled spirit--2 Tim 1:7, 1 Cor. 6:17, Col.2:5

C. The purpose of the Gift of God- for the Lord’s testimony, the church- 2 Tim. 1:8

III. The Practice of Fanning into flame the Gift of God

A. Calling on the name of the Lord- 2 Tim. 2:22b

B. Reading the Bible- 1 Tim. 4:13 ***

C. Intimate Fellowship with the Lord-

D. Confessing our sins and dealing with sins-

E. Being revived in the Morning-

F. Reading proper spiritual publications-

G. Participating in all the meetings of the church-

H. Having companions in the Lord- 2 Tim. 2:22

I. Keeping oneself from worldly defilements-

J. Being a Pattern to the believers

K. Inviting gospel friends and preaching the gospel- 1 Tim. 4:13

L. Shepherding- 1 Tim. 1:2

M. Material Offering- 1 Tim. 6:17-18; 1 Cor. 16:2

N. Guarding the deposit-1 Tim. 6:20-21

Your Words Were Found (Jer. 15:16; Psa. 119:15)

Your words were found,

And I ate them.

And Your words became,

Became to me,

The gladness and joy

Of my heart,

Became the gladness and joy

Of my heart.

I will muse upon your precepts,

And regard Your ways,

I will turn the Bible into

Both my prayer and praise.

I will sing it in the morning,

And I’ll pray it all day long,

Until Jehovah has become

My strength and song.

H-811 “My heart is hungry, My spirit doth thirst”

1 My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst;

I come to Thee, Lord, to seek Thy supply; 5 Thou in the Word art the Spirit and life,
All that I need is none other but Thee, Thus by the Word I may feed upon Thee;
Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy. Thou dost as Spirit in my spirit live,
Thus I may drink in the spirit of Thee.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, 6 Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst. On Thee to feed till my hunger is o’er.
Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee,
Of Thee to drink till I’m thirsty no more.
2 Thou art the food and the water of life,
Thou canst revive me, my spirit up bear;
I long to eat and to drink here of Thee, 7 Feeding and drinking, Lord Jesus, of Thee,
Thyself enjoy through my reading and prayer. Feeding by reading, and drinking by prayer;
Reading and praying, I eat and I drink,
Praying and reading-Lord, Thou art my fare.
3 Thou art the Word with God’s fulness in Thee,
Thou too the Spirit that God my life be;
Thee in the Word I enjoy as my food,
Thou as the Spirit art water to me. 8 Here, O my Lord, may I feast upon Thee;
Flood with Thy Spirit and fill by Thy Word;
May, Lord, Thou be such a feast unto me
As man hath never enjoyed nor e’er heard.
4 Thou from the heavens as food camest down,
Thou to be drink hast been smitten for me;
Thou as the food, my exhaustless supply,
Thou as the water, a stream unto me.

Bulacan Young People’s Conference Via Zoom

July 11-12, 2020

Message 4


I. The definition of the truth—1 Tim. 2: 4 ; 3 : 15

A. Truth is the shining of light, the expression of the divine light—1 John 1:5-6:

1. Truth is not merely a report, not simply words written in the Bible: it is a
heavenly, spiritual vision “televised” into our being.

2. All the divine realities as spiritual facts are contained and conveyed in the
Bible; when the Spirit as the heavenly electricity shines on the facts
recorded in the Bible, they become truth, reality—2 Cor. 4:6-7.

B. Truth means reality, denoting all the real things revealed in God’s Word, which
are mainly Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the Body of Christ
—1 Tim. 2:4.

C. Truth denotes all the realities of the divine economy as the content of the
divine revelation, conveyed and disclosed by the holy Word—1 John 1:6 and
note 6:

1. God, who is light and love, incarnated to be the reality of the divine
things—John 1:1,4,14-17.

2. Christ, who is God incarnated and in whom all the fullness of the
Godhead dwells bodily, as the reality of God and man, the types,
figures, and shadows of the Old Testament, and of all divine and
spiritual things—John 14:6 ; Eph. 4 :21.

3. The Spirit, who is Christ transfigured, as the reality of Christ and of

the divine revelation—1 John 5:6

4. The Word of God as the divine revelation, which not only reveals but
also conveys the reality of God and Christ and of all the divine and
spiritual things—John 17: 17.

5. The contents of the faith, which are the substantial elements of what
we believe, as the reality of the full gospel revealed in the entire
New Testament—1 Tim. 1:4 ;2:7: Eph. 1 :13.

II. The full knowledge of the truth—1 Tim. 2 : 4 ; 4 : 3 ; 2 Tim. 2 : 25 ; 3 : 7; Titus 1 : 1

A. Every saved person should have a full knowledge, a complete realization of the real
things revealed in God’s Word—1 Tim. 2:4 and note 2.

B. To have the full knowledge of the truth, is to realize God’s purpose in His economy and to
grow unto maturity in the spiritual life—1 Tim. 4:3 and note

C. The full knowledge of the truth is a thorough apprehension of the truth, a full
acknowledgment and appreciation of the reality of all the spiritual and divine things that
we have received through faith—Titus 1:1 and note 3.

III. The truth wrought into us and constituted into our being:

A. To be constituted with the truth is to have the truth wrought into us to become our
constituent, our intrinsic being, our organic constitution.

B. Since the truth is the reality of the Triune God, (John14:6; 1 John 5:6; John 17:17), to be
constituted with the truth is to be constituted with the Triune God, who is realized by us
and transfused into us through the Word.

IV. The way to be constituted with the truth:

A. We are constituted with the truth through the Word, by the Spirit, and in the church life—
John 17 : 17; 16 : 13; 1 John 5 : 6; 1 Tim. 3 :15:
1. If we read the Word without the Spirit, the Word is only doctrine and not the truth.

2. If we have only the Spirit without the Word, the Spirit cannot be the truth.

3. The church life is the sphere in which we can be constituted with the truth, for the church

is the supporting pillar and holding base of the truth.

B. The truth gets into us through our mentality, our understanding—Matt. 13:19, 23; Luke 24:45; Eph.
1:18; cf. 1 Pet. 2:2 and note 3:
1. If we do not understand, the truth cannot get into us.

2. Once the truth gets into us through our understanding, it remains in our memory, and

then we retain the truth in our memory, causing us to have an accumulation of the truth.

C. The best way to learn the divine truths is to study the translated and interpreted holy writings:

1. Using the Recovery Version with the footnotes and the life-study messages to open the
entire Bible in a general way.

2. Entering into the Crystallization-studies, which lead us into the depths, the crystals, of the

holy Word, revealing the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation item by item.

3. Studying the messages on the high peak of the divine revelation released between 1994 and
1997 and learning to speak the high-peak truths.

V. The Lord ’s recovery is a recovery of the truth and of life—John 18 : 37b ; 10:10b:

A. Both the truth and life are Christ Himself, but they are two different aspects of what He is—
John 8: 32, 36; 14: 6; 11: 25:
1. The truth is the outward definition and explanation, and life is the inward and intrinsic
2. Christ is in us as our life (Col. 3:4), but the experience of life needs an explanation; this
explanation is the truth.

B. The experience of the Lord as life is contained in the Lord as the truth:

1. In order to experience the Lord as life, we must know the truth—John 8 :32, 36.

2. If we are not clear about the truth and do not understand or know the truth, we will have
no way to enjoy the Lord as our life—Col. 1 : 5; 3 : 4.

C. All the truths are contained in the Bible, which has been given to us:

1. The Bible is a book of life because its entire content is truth.

2. All the knowledge contained in the Bible is in fact truth, and in this truth, life is concealed;
once we see the truth, we will spontaneously touch life.

3. We must come to the Bible to receive the truth that is in it if we want to receive and enjoy
the Lord as life: all the truths in the Bible are food for our spiritual life.

VI. The result of being constituted with the truth:

A. The solid truth that is constituted into us becomes in us a constant and long-term,
nourishment—1 Tim. 4:6.

B. We will know how to present the truth to others and lead them into the enjoyment of Christ
as life.

C. We will not teach differently from God’s economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4.

D. We will be able to protect the interests of the riches of God ’ s divinity and the attainments of
His consummation—Rev. 21: 12a, 17.

E. Those who are constituted with the truth are a great blessing to the church.

“God has called us for His purpose”

God has called us for His purpose,
His economy so glorious,
For which He was fully processed;
Consummated now is He! 3
As the Spirit, He indwells us;
Living out His resurrection,
As our God allotted portion,
Dying to the flesh and soul-life.
Working out His full salvation,
Living by the mingled spirit,
Making us the same as He is.
Natural man we will deny.
Now we’re living in the Body,
Every day we’re overcoming,
Striving for the peak of Zion,
Watching for our Lord’s appearing.

Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of

The Lord’s economy direct my heart,
And burn in me until my spirit’s wholly set
afire! 4
With spirit strong and active we’ll press on God and man will have one living,
To consummate God’s goal— Always in the mingled spirit;
New Jerusalem, Hallelujah! We two are incorporated
One organic entity!
This the vision of the ages
Will control our daily living
That the Lord may have His Body
2 Shining as the holy city.

Jesus lived the God-man pattern,

Set the way for us to follow,
He denied His natural man and
Was obedient unto death,
Once He was the only God-man;
Now we are His duplication.
As the many grains we’re blended
As His corporate reproduction.

Bulacan Young People’s Conference Via Zoom

July 11-12, 2020

Message Five



Scripture Readings : Joel 1:4 2:28-32; 3:11-12; Eph. 3:16-21,4:15-16;Rev.19;7-9;22:17a

I. In this universe there are two histories; the history of man, the human history, and
the history of god, the divine history; the former is like an outward shell and the
latter, like the kernel within the shell:

A. We need to have a clear view of the divine history within the human history-
Joel 1:4; 2: 28-32, 3:11-21:
1. The history of man, the history of the world, the physical , human history is
outward; the divine history, the history of God with man and in man , is in
inward; it is a matter of the mystery of the Triune God in humanity- 1
a. Before Christ’s incarnation God moved with men and among men; this
was not His direct move to carry out His eternal economy for Christ and
the church but His indirect move in His old creation for the preparation
of His direct move in His new creation for His eternal economy.
b. God’s history is of two portions – the history of God with man, found in
the Old Testament, and the history of God in man found in the New
c. God’s history in man began with the incarnation and continued with His
processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection and
ascension: Hosea 11: 14 says that these are the cords of a man, the
bands of love.
2. The divine history, the history of God in man was from incarnation through
His ascension to become the life- giving Spirit and then continues with His
indwelling in us through the God’s organic salvation of regeneration,
sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, and glorification to
make us the glorious bride of Christ- Rom.5:10; Eph 5;27; Rev.19;7-9.
3. This culminates in Christ as the Spirit, the processed and consummated
Triune God, marrying the church as the bride, the processed and
transformed tripartite man-22;17a.
4. At the time of the Lord’s coming back, there will be a meeting of two
figures- Antichrist, a figure in the outward, human history, and Christ, the
Figure in the intrinsic, divine history- 2Thes. 2:2-8.
a. Christ will come back, descending with His overcomers as the His army
(Joel 3;11) to defeat Antichrist and his army(Rev. 19;11-21).
b. After the Figure in the divine history defeats the figure in the human
history, the thousand- year kingdom will come, and this kingdom will
consummate in the New Jerusalem—the ultimate and consummate step
of the divine history--- 20:4,6;21:10.
B. We need to consider whether we are living merely in the human history or living
also in the divine history---- 1:11,20; 12:11; 14:4b; 19:7:
1. We all are born in the human history, but we have been reborn, regenerated
in the divine history--- John 3:6.
2. If our living is in the world , we are living merely in the outward, human
history—Rom.12:1-2 1John 2:15-17.
3. If our living is in the church, we are living in the inward divine history--- 1
4. If our living is in the church, we are living in the inward divine history--- 1
5. As the enlargement of the manifestation of Christ, the church is part of the
divine history within the outward, human history—1 Tim. 3:15-16:
a. In the church life God’s history is our history; God and we have one history,
the divine history; our God has a marvelous history that includes us; God’s
history has become our history because He is in union with us—1 Cor. 6:17.

b. Whatever God has done, whatever He is doing, and whatever He will do in

His history are all for our Christian life and church life.

C. “Our living, our daily walk, our schooling, our job, and our business must be a
part of God’s history in His marvelous and excellent move on the earth
today…We need to be one with God in His history, moving and energizing in His
loving overcomers; that is, we need to be one with God in life, in living, and in
our entire doing today on this earth! We need to write God’s today’s history!”
(Life-study of Joshua, p. 3).

II. In the divine history what is being recovered today is God’s economy, which is focused
on the central work of God—to work Himself in Christ into His chosen and redeemed
people, making Himself one with them for His expression—Eph. 3:16-17a; 4:4-6:
A. God’s ultimate move in His recovery to carry out His economy is to work Himself— the
Father, the Son, and the Spirit—into us and to become our life so that we may live Him
out and express Him as His Body, the church—3:16-21; 4:4-6, 15-16.

B. God’s economy is to make Christ everything, to make Christ the centrality and the
universality, for the producing of God’s increase, His enlargement, which is the church;
the increase, the enlargement, of God is the fullness of God for His expression—Col.
1:18;2:19; 3:10-11; Eph. 3:19.

C. In His economy God wants to work Himself into man to be one with us, to be our life,
life supply, and everything, and to have us as His expression; thus, God’s intention in His

economy is to have a corporate entity, composed of God and man, to be His expression
for eternity—4:4-6.
D. According to His economy, God will rule over the world, produce a situation for Israel to
be His elect, gain the church as His mysterious people, and have the nations to be the
peoples in the eternal kingdom of God; if we see this, we will know where we are, and
we will know the meaning of our human life—2 Tim. 1:9; Rom. 8:28-30.

E. We need to have a clear vision of God’s economy and be governed, controlled, directed,
preserved, and protected by this vision; today in the Lord’s recovery we must be strong
and unshakable in the vision of God’s economy—Acts 26:19; Prov. 29:18a.

F. God’s ultimate move is to have Christ, the mystery of God, enter into us as our life so
that we may become His living members and form His Body, which is the fullness of the
One who fills all in all—Col. 2:2; 1:27; 3:4; 2:19; Eph. 1:22-23:

1. Those who live Christ, who live in the spirit, are the actual Body of Christ corporately;
they are also the one new man in actuality, a new creation with a new living to express
the Triune God—4:16, 24.

2. Eventually, the Body life will reach the reality of Romans 12, and this will be the
preparation of the bride for the Lord’s coming back—Rev. 19:7.

3. “Be burdened with God’s ultimate move. Then you will see God’s oneness with you,
and there will be no problem with your living” (The World Situation and God’s
Move, p. 43).

4. “Rise up and stand for the Lord’s recovery. This is the ultimate time for God to
accomplish His purpose to bring the Lord back” (p. 58).


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