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A Project Report on


Prepared as a part of the requirements for the subject of :-

B. E. Semester –VII
(Computer Engineering)
Submitted By:-
Rao Ishan 141260107033

Prof. Rahul Sharma

(Faculty Guide)

Prof. Kinjal Adhvarvu

(Head of Department)

Academic Year
SAL Engineering And Technical Institute
SAL Engineering & Technical Institute
This is to certify that the project entitled "A.I. BASED CHILD CARE
MONITORING”. has been carried out by Mr. Ishan Rao (141260107033) of 7 th
semester of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering has
satisfactorily complete their Team work in Project Phase-I during the year 2017-2018.

Date: Place: Ahmedabad

Prof. Rahul Sharma Prof. Kinjal Adhvaryu

(Faculty Guide) (Head of the Department)


We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to this project, both
explicitly and implicitly, without the co-operation of whom, it would not have been possible to complete
this project.

We would like to thank our H.O.D Prof. Kinjal Adhvaryu and Prof. Rahul Sharma (Internal Guide)
for constantly guiding and showing us the correct path to reach towards our desired goal. Also I thank
them for sharing their experience, knowledge and valuable time with me and showing their concern in
my project to make it better.

I also thank all the other faculties who directly or indirectly supported me in making my project
successful by sharing their ideas and knowledge.

At last, I would like to thank our parents and friends who have directly or indirectly helped us in making
the project work successful.


Ishan Rao (141260107033)


My project is based on an Artificial Intelligence System which detects the motion & gestures of the child
and accordingly sends the relative message through the portal to the respective guardians. It also
requires Image Processing and Image Classification tools so with the help of that it can easily find out
that in what condition.

Sr. No Index Page

I Acknowledgement I

II Abstract II
III List of Figures III
IV List of Tables IV

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project details 2
1.2.1 Need for new System 2
1.2.2 Objective of the new system 2
1.2.3 The Process 3
1.2.4 Advantages and Limitations 4

Chapter 2 Requirement Analysis 5

2.1 Requirement Determinations 6

2.2 Proposed System and target users 6

2.3 System Requirement Specification 7

2.4 Tools and Technology used 9
2.5 Data Dictionary 10

Chapter 3 Implementation 13
3.1 Use case diagram 14
3.2 Activity diagram 15
3.3 Context Diagram 17
3.4 Sequence diagram 19
3.5 E-R Diagram 21
Chapter 4 Appendix 22

Appendix - 1 23
4.1 Design Engineering Canvas 24

Appendix -2 23
4.2 Periodic Progress Report 24

Appendix - 3 28

4.3 PSAR Details 29

Chapter 5 Conclusion 30

Chapter 6 References 31

1.1 Project details :

o Virtual Currency is one of the most emerging topic around the world, Virtual currency is
basically used to exchange a commodity, It is extremely better than FIAT currency and this gives
an opportunity to even invest in the world of crypto currency.

o These currencies do not have a fix value so there has to be a real time record and updating the
whole chart which would be compared amongst the leading crypto currencies all over the world,

o Virtual currency can be well-defined as a digital illustration of value that is issued and controlled
by its developers, and used and accepted among the members of a definite (virtual) communal.
Unlike FIAT currency, it depends on a system of conviction and not issued by a central bank or
other banking authority also these decentralized currencies don’t even have a sever in the middle,
this whole process works on PEER-PEER connection which is quite risky and safe both at a
same time.
o VC are also now the new assets which makes their value increase more and more day by day, as
these VC’s are not centralized this makes them self-controlled and No federal reserve can
devalue it.

1.2 Need for new System :

o Currently there are no systems monitoring and creating awareness about these virtual
currencies all over the world.

o This would help people and the public can even invest in these VC’s. Virtual currencies
have been decentralized which makes them more valuable and since 2008 these
currencies have been playing a major role in world financial industry.

1.3 Objective of the new system

o This system creates awareness for those who don’t know about these virtual currencies this
would start making a change from level 0. For those who already are working on these VC for
them the system would manage the watch list and keep giving real time updates about the
interested VC.

o For every individual these would make an initiative and for the miners and members of the VC
community, comparison, News and different valuation and prediction will be give by the system.

1.4 The Process

o The user interacts with the application designed by the system which would be showing the
leading crypto currency chart and real time updates of every currency. This process is the basic
process makes things look and feel good while the user is watching the charts and predictions
given by the algorithm based on old records of the market.
o The user can buy a bitcoin wallet get oneself register and to which there will be a redirection to
the official sponsors page this would make the system also mine the currencies.

o There will be high end security level which would make quite impossible for the hackers to crack
in and takeover the whole bticoin wallet

1.5 Advantages and Limitations


o Major amount of financial industries and investors are taking it seriously and have started
investing and making a progress which makes the perfect advantage for them to use the system.

o These VC are extremely rare and wont be mined after couple of years as 21 million VC are
already in the market and then people having these VC will have a valuable asset
which can make the demand go high and this will lead to the price rise in these VC.


o Bitcoin's fundamental consumers are still lawbreakers and outlying figures as there is no proof to
whom one transfers the money in form of VC. Subway and Overstock started aaccepting bitcoins
but the whole idea of waitng for 10 mins while bitcoin was transferred was tiresome and it was
better to swipe a credit card and just pay instantly

o These VC do not exsist anywhere else than the computers and on digital world, A piece of code
can make the wallet go empty into a hackers pocket, and as these currecnies are decentralized no
actions can be taken.

2.1 Requirement Determinations

 What is a requirement ?
 A statement of what the system must do or a characteristic it must have.
 The systems development process transforms the existing (as is) system into
the proposed (to be) system.
 Purpose: To convert high-level business requirements (from the system
request) into detailed requirements that can be used as inputs for creating
 Types:
1. Functional: relates to a process or data.
2. Non-functional: relates to performance or usability.
 Problems in requirement determination:
 Analyst approaching wrong user’s for requirement gathering.
 Inadequate requirement specifications.
 Unidentified requirements since inception.
 Difficulty in verifying and validating requirements.

2.2 Proposed System and target users

 The system we propose consists of an application running on any mobile device.

 Users: People who are new to these VC, those who need real time updates
 Admin: The developer and miners will be the admin who will handle the traffic.

2.3 System Requirement Specification

2.3.1 Overview

 This system will be used to make the environment user friendly and compare the
values and of the virtual currencies.

 This concept of virtual currency was initially centralized but it failed and then
later on the developers and miners started mining the currency. Thus it became

2.3.2 Environmental characteristics

 Hardware

 High end computers

 Mobile devices for the users
 Routers and Switches to make a network
 Software

 Wireshark
 CPT Cisco Packet Tracer
 Android Development Studio

 Pheripheral Devices

 Internet Connection

2.3.3 Functional Requirements

 Registered Users

I. Login
II. Add the interested VC name from given list
III. Check the predictions
IV. Compare with other leading crypto currencies
V. Logout

 Admin

I. Login
II. Keep the servers up and running
III. Check for News feeds and show the current comparision
IV. Show the recently viewed VC
V. Logout

2.3.4 Non-Functional Requirements

 User friendly
 Quick and easy
 Secure
 Less time consuming
 Device of the best quality
 Responsive

2.4 Data Dictionary

 Table name : Table_login
 Table number : 2.1
 Description : Login for users and admin

Table No: 2.1 Table_login

Field Name Datatype Constraint

Login_id Int (10) PK

Email varchar NOT NULL

Password Varchar NOT NULL

User_type Varchar (10) NOT NULL

 Table Name : Table_registration

 Table No : 2.2
 Description : details of users after registration

Table no: 2.2 Table_registration

Field Name Datatype Constraint

User_id Int (10) PK
First name Varchar NOT NULL
Last name Varchar NOT NULL
Login_id Int (10) NOT NULL
Gender Varchar NOT NULL
 Table Name : New_Currency
 Table No : 2.3
 Description : Add new currency to wallet

Table no: 2.3 New_Currency

Field Name Datatype Constraint

VC watchlist Int (10) PK

User_id Int (10) NOT NULL

Buy/Sell Varchar NOT NULL

Date and Time Int (10) NOT NULL

 Table name : Table_IDProof

 Table number : 2.4
 Description : Purchasing new Virtual Currency

Table no: 2.4 New_Currency

Field Name Datatype Constraint

VC Details Int (10) PK

Wallet_number Int (10) NOT NULL

User_id Varchar NOT NULL

Buy/Sell Varchar NOT NULL

date Int (10) NOT NULL


3.1 Sequence Diagram

3.2 Entity-Relationship diagram
3.3 Class Diagram



1 AEIOU Summary & Mind mapping

 AEIOU is a heuristic to help interpret observations. Its two primary
functions are to code data, and to develop building blocks of models
that will ultimately address the objectives and issues of a user. What
is important is not only understanding and describing each element
of the framework, but also understanding the interactions between
the elements. AEIOU stands for 5 elements: Activity, Environment,
Interaction, Object, and User.
2 Ideation canvas:

 People : users who are using our airport system – students, businessmen, old
people, governenment officials, sports person, etc.
 Activities : activities done by the system
 Situation/context/location : the location of system implementation i.e. Airport
 Props/possible solution : components used in the system
3 Product Development canvas:

Product development includes following categories :

 Purpose of the system
 People included
 Product experience
 Product functions
 Product features
 Components used in the system
 Customer revalidation
 Reject, redesign, retain
4 Empathy mapping :

 Empathy mapping includes the users, activities, stakeholders (indirect users) and the
positive and negative points of your system in order to map the consistency of the

 To conclude, the entire details and specifications about the concepts,theories,practical

implementation and the technologies used behind activities related to cryptocurrency is
explained thoroughly.

 The application leads people towards a better perspective and understanding of

cryptocurrencies. The application gives wide details about the cryptocurrencies, makes
transactions reliable,easy and secured.

 Virtual Currency is the new gold which is lighter in weight but more profitable cause this new
gold basically gives high returns. This currency is again not centralized and therefore the
currency does not gets banned or something as the currency is not controlled by the bank or
federal authorities.

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