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Mata Pelajaran : English Date :

You were supposed to meet your

friend at 08.00 this morning. You
overslept. It’s 11.30 and your =
phone shows four missed calls
from him/her. What will you say to
your friend?

2. You borrowed your friends toy. Unfortunately, =

there was an accident and the toys are broke. How
will you explain to your friend?

3. Your mom asked you to clean your room. But

you got busy and forgot. Your mom is not happy. =
What will you say to your mother?

4. You accidentally run into an old lady, making her

drop her groceries and breaking up her egg. What =
will you say to the old lady?

5. You got great news and, even though it’s 2:10 In

the morning, you decided to call you’re your =
bestfriend. You called a wrong number and woke
someone up. What will you say?

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