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Tense Forms | Stative verbs express a permanent state rather than an action and do not have continuous forms. These are: verbs of the senses (used to express involuntary actions): feel, hear, see, smell, taste etc. / see someone landing at the front door Verbs of feelings and emotions: adore, deteet, dislike, enjoy, forgive, hate, like fete, She really enjoys cooking for her iencls. Verbs of opinion: agree, believe, suppose, understand etc. | don't believe hes coming. Other verbs: appear (= seem), belong, concern, contain, depend, fit (= be the right shape and size for sth), have (= possess), know, Mean, owe, own, Possess, need, prefer, require, ‘want, weigh, wish, keep (= continue), seem etc. [hs si fits you perecty Note: Feel and hurt can be used in continuous or simple forms. nn Is feeling/feels ire”. Listen, took and watch express deliberate actions and can be used in continuous forms. T/iey are looking at some pictures, ‘Some stative verbs (be, love, see, smell, taste, think etc) have continuous forms but there is a difference in meaning, uy STATE | ACTION © | see exactly what you mean. (= | understand) @ She Is seeing a lawyer tonight. ( = She's meeting) Peter thinks he knows everything. (= He believes) He is thinking ot studying Law. (= He is considering) © They have a villa in Portugal. (= They own) @ He is having problems. (= He is experiencing) @ Ababy's skin feels very smooth. (= Ithas asmooth @ He is feeling the engine to see how hotitis. (= He's texture) touching) © This soup tastes of garlic. (= Ithas the taste of garic) @ Why are you tasting the curry? (= Why are you © The room smelis of fresh flowers. (= Ithas the smell __ testing the flavour?) of © Why are you smelling that meat? (= Why are you © Most people love/enjoy eating out. (= They like in checking its smell?) general) © She Is lovingils enjoying every minute of her © Peter is a dificult person to get on with. (= His holiday. (= She likes specifically) character is dificut) © Jane is being panicularly generous this week He looks as if he’s going to faint. (= He appears) (= She is behaving generously) © The patient appears to be recovering. (= He seems @ They are looking at the photos. (= They are viewing) tobe) © Simply Red are appearing on stage next week, @ Sam now weighs more than his father. (= His ‘They are giving a performance) weight is greater) © The doctor is weighing the baby. (= She is finding © My uniform doesn't fit me. (= It isn't the right size) out its weight) © We are fitting a new kitchen next week. (= installing) [ | _Filtin with Present Simple or Continuou A . B: (See) - so you won't be able to meet me after work, will you? A secs eT {you/smell) the milk? 8: *. (Smell) a bil strange. | think it might have gone off. As seni Sete (youenjoy) reading Jane Austen's novels? B: Not usually, but |. —— - «ss (@nfoy) this particular one. AA WHY on seat (Johnibe) so bad-tempered today? B: a AK B: a B: A B. I don’t know. He ... (be) usually so easy to get on with. Carol and I. ieee * (think) of getting married, :. (youlthink) that’s a good idea? You haven't known each other for very long. (you/have) the phone number of a good business consultant? rs snsmnnenne (yOUu/Rave) problems at work? ... {the singer/appear) tonight? (appear) to have lost hor voice. Why? sn Unfortunately nol Tense Forms 8 A Why sess (yourtaste) the lemonade? Bit . a taste) a litte bitter. | think I'll add some more sugar. 9 A: hear the Fords von - (look) for a bigger house. Bi YOS, it esesesssssen oa (look) as if they are going to move. 10: How much a (the parcel/weigh)? B: mnt sure. The assistant (weigh) it at the moment. a Have gone to / Have been to / Have been in @ She has gone fo the bank. (She's om her way lo Une bank or she's there now. She hasn't come back yet.) @ She has been fo New Orleans. (She has visited New Orleans but she isn't there now. She has come back.) @ She has been in the Hague for lour years. (She lives in the Hague now.) [E_ Fitlin hasinave been tov, hasihave gone to. 1 How tong .../i25.., she 2620 I. York? 2 Sheila sia Brussels twice this year. 3 Mum the supermarket. She'll be back in about an hour. 4 Sam isn't in the office. He... a meeting, 5 Mr Smith Paris for nearly three years. Since expresses a starting point, Sine's been working here since November. “= For expresses the duration of an action. Tay'vo boon in Hawa for two wooks. LA Fithin since or tor. Animals have been a source of help and comfort to humans 1) since... history began, and we have known 2) years that animals make people gentler and more relaxed, 3B) oon fa long time the question has been how exactly animals can change people. Some researchers believe that stroking a pet helps to relieve anxiety and tension and, 4) vse. the 19608, therapists have believed that animals’ remarkable powers can be used to Neal our bodies and minds. This belief has actually been confirmed 5) the discovery that seriously ill people tive longer if they have a pet to care tor. I ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms 1 George Smith ..iae boon trainilig.. (rain) for this match for MONthS. HE (practise) at least four hours a day for the last 1Wo WEEKS AND Ne wrnrsnsnssssne (BAY) that NOW he (feel) confident. However, he (face) a difficult opponent tonight. Palmer... (win) several games recently, and he (look) determined to win this one too. The match a (be) about to start, so let's watch and see what (happen). 2 Louisa usually (go) to work by tube, but today she (go) there in a chautfeur-driven limousine. The reason for this, (D8) that Sh so snsnnnsennne QUSUWIN) the young business person award. and as part of the prize people (treat) hor like royalty 3 Mary (dye) her hair for years. She ..... (go) to the hairdresser once a week AND (try) every colour you can imagine, She «0. (say) she (want) to match her hair with her clothes. | (ask) her for ayes whiy she (not/keep) her natural colour but she .... (say) she sonon (forget) wnat itis! | i Tense Forms 4 A: Excuse me, | : (seem) to want to serve me. Its the worst service | B: | agree sir, but l.. Make all the necessary changes and additions to make a complete letter. Dear Sir, (try) to pay for this shirt for ten minutes. Nobody . (try) complaining but nobody z sovnmnes (@VOR/eXPerlence). Summiethitiy Ought lo be done! (notiwork) here (listen). | write/apply/position of French teacherladvertised/The European. Academic q include/degree in French/Oxford University. | spend several years/Paris/have craleaeel knowledge of French. | work/assistant French teacher/two years/school outside London. | be unemployed/at the moment. | enclose references/former employer and CV. | trust you give/application/ serious consideration. | look forward/hear you/earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, Derek Spencer Dear Sir, I'm writing to apply oO Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description. 2 13 1 Thad read most of his novels by the end of the holiday. ara 2. | was talking on the phone while Tim was watching football ON TV. sannnnsnmnnnn 3 We got up at halt past six this morning, . 4 They were still considering his proposal that EVENING. sn nern 5 She jogged five young. 6 She had a shower, got dressed quickly and left for the aiMPOFt. nnrnnnnnsne 7 Reporters had been telephoning all morning, miles every day when sho was 8 A crowd of tourists were waiting outside the hotel When the lights Went OUt. nr 9 He made his last film in Poland, 9 They had been going out for five years before they decided to gat married 11 She was upset because she had just heard the news. The police officer changed her phone number because she had been receiving anonymous calls for several weeks. The dancer had always dreamed of becoming successful a b action in progress at a stated past time complete action or event which happened ata stated past time past actions which happened immediately atter another past action in progress interrupted by another past action action continuing ever a period up to a specific time in the past complete past action which had visible results in the past past action which occurred before another action or before slated tine past habit or state Past Perfect Continuous as the past equivalent of the Present Perfect Continuous action not connected to the present and which happened at a definite past time not mentioned Past Perfect as the past equivalent of the Present Perfect two or more simultaneous past actions past action of certain duration which had visible results in the past one 9 Wiss Wise Taw 19: Tense Forms Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms, then match the [ ] sentences with the correct description. ————___ Christopher Columbus 1). bor. (belorn) in ttaly in 1451. He 2) {work) as a woollen cloth weaver with his father before he 2) we nautical career atthe age of 22. After several merchant voyages he 4) . (Gettle in Lisbon, Portugal in 1478. By this time he 5). - (teach) himself Portuguese and Latin and 6) or (read) many geographical and navigational .- (begin) his ‘books. In 1481 he 7) _. (marry) Felipa Parestrello, They - BY ste have) one son, Diego. They 9) wm (he/married) for two years when his wife 10) nnn (Ge). At this ime he 11). (work for John I of Portugal. Columbus 12) cn (alwaystwish) to sail around the world westward but John Il wouldn't agree. Finally King Ferdinand and ‘Queen Isabella of Spain 13) nu (decide) to finance the voyage. He 1a) (et off) forthe frst time in April 1492. There 15) (be) three ships; the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and a crew of 90 men. They 16) ace (have) many false alarms before they finally 17). {spot the ‘New Worle at 02.00 on Friday the 12th of October, 1492. Columbus 18) snouna (MBA) anther three voyages after this. He 19) (retire) to Valladolid 12 years after his fist voyage and in 1517 he 20)... (die) there. a complete past actions not connected ..8,.. @ complete action or event which to the present, with an implied happened at a stated past time time reference © past action which occurred before action in the middle of happening another action or before a stated ata stated past time og past time ¢ action continuing over a period up a {the Past Perfect as the past to a specific time in the past ‘equivalent of the Present Perfect BD Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms. When she 1) ..was... (be) only fiteen Helen 2) school without any qualifications. Nevertheless, she 3) coves (DO) very ambitious and 4) (want) to work in the fashion industry. Luckily she §) . vsnmes (find) a jod immediately as an aseistant in a ‘small fashion company. While she 6) (work) there she Tspesssarae _ (decide) to go to evening classes to get a qualification in business studies. Once she 8) soovnnene (SUCESStully/complete) the COUTSE SHE 9). rsnrsnennsnimn (D@/pFOMated) to the Position of assistant manager. after she 10) (do) that joo for some years she 11) v- (want) a change. She 12) sven (think) of moving to London for some time, so she 13) 2 (apply) for a job which she 14) (see) advertised in a fashion magazine. Helen 15)... Be (get) the job as the manager of a small but prestigious fashion company in central Londor Sho 16) os nnmnininenen (@Phi@ve) her ambition of becoming a successful businesswoman at last Tense Forms B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Continuou: ‘A few years ago a friend of mine, Tom, 1) ..i/a6 travelling. (travel) in Java. One day he 2) .. (decide) to visit an ancient temple. The walls were covered im beautiful old paintings of mysterious-looking faces. While he 3). (walk) around the temple, he 4) (feel) an inexplicable desire to remove one particular face which seemed to be staring at him. Nervously, checking to see that no one 5) (look), he 6) 7) (put) it carefully in his bag. Tom 8) (peel) the face from the wall and . (think) no more about the incident until two years later. At that time he 9) umimmmnnnane (live) in London and 10) 1» (work) in a shop selling old books and manuscripts. One day an extremely ld man 11) . . (walk) slowly Unrough the door. Tom could hardly see him but he 12) 0 (notice) the man’s piercing black eyes. He 13)... (stare) at Tom, fixing him with his gaze, saying nothing. As the man 14) ... (have) an awful, terifying feeling of shame and fear. Suddenly, the Tom 45) ‘man was gone. When Tom got home that evening he 16) through all his things until he 17) of the old man from the shop! He 18) picture to Ue temple, or someting terrible would happen. il Present Perfect @ She has come. (unstated time; we don't know when she came) @ He has been in hospital for two months. (he's stil in hospital - action connected to the present) Ho's been out twice this week. (i's still the same week - action connected to the present) ve seen Nicole Kiciman, (action connected to the present — she's sll alive ) @ The Prime Minister has decided to dissolve Parliament. (announcing news) B Fill in with Present Perfect or Past Simj . (stare) at him, . (search) frantically . (find) the face from the temple. It was the face (know) then that he had to return the Past Simple She came last Friday. (stated time - When? Last Friday.) He was in hospital for one week. (he isn't in hospital any more ~ action not connected to the present) He went out twice inst weer (action not connected to the present - it's the next week now) J saw Princess Diane. (action not connected to the present - she's dead) He announced his decision this morning. (qWving dolails of the news - stated time in the past) 1. The president 1) ..has anounced... (announce) the introduction of a new set of measures to deal with unemployment. The problem 2) the president 3) (become) worse in recent months, and yesterday (state) that action must be taken now. She actually 4) (sign) the new bill during this morning's session of Parliament. 2 George 1) late at least five times this month. The supervisor 3) .. (notipay) any attention . (die) when he 2) a yesterday but he obviously 4) 3 John Keats, who 1)... 3) soe (write) a lot of beautiful poems. | 4) poetry, but | 5) 4 Clare 1) (be) in New York for almost a year now. | 2). her last month and | have lo say 13) (visit) most of the major cities in Europe but 15) as the Big Apple 5 11)... .-« (88e) five films this month, but | 2) much. Actually, | think the films they 3) (be) much better than anything 15) {arrive) late to work again this morning. He 2)... ee) (speak) to him about it . (be) only 26 years old, (read) mast of his . (never/manage) to get to the end of Endymion, I's too long for me! (go) to visit (be) very impressed. | 4) (never/see) any place as exciting (nottlike) any of them very . (make) ten years ago 4) (see) for ages. Tense Forms _[D Used to ~ Be/Get used to + ing form/noun/pronoun - Would - Was going to © Used to expresses past habitual actions and permanent states. (Note that stative verbs are not used with ‘would’ ) She used to wake up at 6 am every day. (ALSO would wake up) They used to live in a fiat. (NOT: wouta) © Would oxproscos past repeated actions and routines not states. When I was young, | would go for a waik before breakfast. (ALSO 1 used to 90...) © Bo/Get used to expresses habitual actions and means ‘be/get accustomed to’, ‘be in the habit of She isn't used to staying up late at night. She is getting used to working under pressure. © Was going to expresses actions one intended to do but didn't or shows that one doesn't mind changing his plans. ‘She was going to buy a new watch but unfortunately she couldn't afford one. "Do you have a moment?" “Well, | was going to make something to eat.” (= but it can wait if you want to tell me sth really important/ interesting) a Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1. Paul lived in Brazil when he was young, live Paul ..used to live. in Brazil when he was young. 2 When he was in the army, he used to wake up at § o'clock in the morning. would When he was in the army, 3 Rosa didn't like English food at frst, but now she quite likes it used Rosa didn't like English food at first but now . 4 He meant to make a cup of tea but they had run out of teabags. 1» at 6 o'clock in the morning. going He erumnn +» 8 Cup of tea but they had run out of teabags. 5. [don't think I'l ever find it easy to eat with chopsticks. used I don't think Illever . aracst with chopsticks. 6 My grandmother rarely travels by plane. used My grandmother sate by plane, 7 She wanted to call him but she couldn't find his phone number. going She . but she couldn't find his phone number. 8 My mother always gave me a bath every y Facey night ‘when | was litle, would — My mother .a bath every Friday night when | was litle. [E1_ Make atthe necessary changes and additions to make a complete email. Dear Sir, Yesterday/l receiveinew TV setl order. However/l be/ very anary/as it artivelterrible condition. Firstly/delivery men/be rude/retuse/wait while Vunpack/TV. When | unpackil see/it be damaged, The control knob/be broken/and there be/ large crack/on the top/TV. linever before/receivelanythingy in such bad condition. Could you arrangelcollect this setland deliver/a new one/soon/possible? | trustthis matter receive/prompt attention. Yours faithfully, L. Rogers (Mr) Dear Sir, Yesterday | received . Tense Forms [_Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past form 1 Alexander the Great ...Wa2 bor. (become) King when he was 20 and the work that his father (begin). In 834 BC he invade) Persia and by his thirtieth birthday he ..00 of south-west Asia. However, while he ... Arabia he .. (develop) a fever and Last month Albert and | (save up) for months and so we when the time . (come) to leave. We (get) in the car and... (set off). We Albert SUdGENIY .nnnen (fOmeMber) Something - we George Grimes .. about strange creatures which have) hms and big green eyes and ‘they (think), “at least they aren't real.” Just at that _ (come) crashing through the window! (invite) me to go fishing with him | " (neveribe) fishing before. But as we... the first black clouds and ten minutes later it (pian) the i (die) jen Bob (be/born) in 356 BC in Macedonia. He .. (continue) (conquer) most (ge) on a skiing trip to Scotland. We .. (be) very excited (wake up) feeling very odd. All through the night he {try) to break in through his window. They (seem) to be threatening him. “Oh woll” he ss (rive) t0 the FIVER WE on. .. (rain) heavily. Three hours later, soaking wet, invasion of (pack) our bags, sun (drive) for six hours when ... (forget) to pack the skis! (dream) moment, however, a big scaly hand (be) excited because | (see) we (Stil/100k for) somewhere to get warm and dry. 5%. (youlenjoy) your holiday?” “No, it (BQ) a disaster! AS | ...nccmn (get on) the plane, I found I... . (leave) my holiday money at home! I... (save) for months to get that money. My father... .~. (send) mea cheque, but it. (take) tive days to reach me. 6 Alan. . (work) in the same office for ten years before he (apply) for another post with Mask Ltd. He. an interview with the Personnel Manager. He (buy) the day before, only to find that they (wait) for an answer for weeks when he (go) there dressed in an expensive suit which he (be/asked) to attend (want) someone to work as a cleaner. [E_sentity the tenses, then match them with the correct description. 1 The builders are going to start work tomorrow. 2. She'll be waiting outside the station as usual | forgot to tell Jim the news. I'll ring him now. By the end of the year we will have been working togethor for ten years, . Be careful. You're going to fall off your bicycle. . . The meeting starts at 9 o'clock... 1 I'm sure things will work out in the enc Perhaps your mother will change her mind, Will many people be coming to the wedding? They will have finished the plans by the end of the week i Hospital staff are beginning a two-day strike tomorrow. i By the year 2020 more people than ever will be moving to the cites prediction about the future asking politely about people's arrangements action which may (not) happen in the future action which is the result of a routine action intended to be performed in the near future action which will be finished before a stated future time action in progress at a stated future time evidence that sth will detinitely happen duration of an action up to a certain time in the future timetable/programme fixed arrangement in the near future decision taken at the moment of speaking 10 1 2 Tense Forms a Future Forms with Time Words * @ We never use future forms after: as long as, after, before, by the time, if (conditional), unless, in case, tilluntil, when (time conjunction), whenever, while, once, suppose/supposing, on condition that ete. Let's buy more food jin case James comes (NOT: in case damas-will-camne ) © If meaning ‘whether’ especially after I don’t know, | doubt, ! wonder etc and when used as a question word can bbe used with future forms. When will the race take place? I doubt if they will hold their annural anniversary party this year. [_ rin ne correct present or future forms Welcome to Nutfield Valley Health Farm! » After you 1) ..have settled! in... (setite in), a member of staff 2) (come) and interview you. about your speciic dletary requirements Once you 3) (each) your target weight. you 4) (start) o maintenance diet to make sure you stay sim! To ensure your safety and well being, our fitness programmes are plonned by quoiified instructors, Before you 5) (Begin), ne resent doctox 6) (eheelo your near rate and blood pressure, Inere & ako 2 fully-equipped medical room in case you 7) (have) any problems ~ though of course we don't expect you wi At Nufeld Valley you pay only on condition that vou 8) (050) ot least 5% of your body weight in two weeks. not, we 9) (Give) you o refund, By the time you 10) (eave), you 1) {eed ike @ new parson, Of couse, we doubt that you 12) (have) ony complaints, but Cur helpful sta ore always on hand if there 13) (Ge) anything youneed. Remember, ‘our motto is: "As long OS YOU 14) ...... sow (be) happy, WE 15) (be) happy!” [1 Fillin the correct present or future form: | t I | | Dear Mr Green, Regarding our telephone conversation last week, here are the details of your forthcorning trip to Thailand. You 1)...Will be leaving... (leave) on Saturday 4th December from London Gatwick at 10.00 pm. You 2} rose (fly) with Thai Air, flight number TA 907, The flight 3) - (arrive) in Bangkok at 4,00 pm on Sth December - that 4) .. .. (be) 11.00 pm local time. Our tour guide, dim Smith, 5) sve (wait) for you at the airport to accompany you to the Imperial Hotel. AS soon a5 you 6)... - (settle in), you 7)... - (attend) a welcome dinner party. In the next few days you 8) (vist) all the sights. There 9) sesrererseee - (be) time for you to do your shopping as well. By the time you 10) ... sos. (get on) the return flight on 10th December, you 11) (experience) the most traditional aspects of Thai life b Our tour guide 12) . +. (be) with you throughout, so there shouldn't be any problems, I you 13) (need) more information, please contact us. Yours sincerely, A Jones [_Fittin wit or be going to. - 1A: There's no sugar left. 2 A: Have you got any plans 3. A: Have you bought a dress B: That's OK.1...7/.. go and for the evening? for the reception? buy some. B: Yes, | see B: No, but “The Doll's House’ in town, buy one this afternoon Tense Forms 4 A: Here’s £20. B: Thank YOU. | nner _.. pay you back as soon as | can. 5 A: Have you heard that Mrs Potts is il? B: Yes. Actually we .. visit her this afternoon. 6 A: Peter is taking his driving test tomorrow. B: Oh, 'm sure he... 3 nme PASS, 7 A: Is Tom coming tonight? B: I don't know. I... . phone him and see. 8 A: Has Helen decided what to study? B: Yes. She eum sn tfain to be a teacher. 9 A: It's quite cold today. Bi I think Winter wnsnn nso 1» be here soon. 10 A: We are having a picnic on Sur B: I hope the Weather nnn be nice. [Mate ait necessary changes and additions to make a complete letter. Dear Mrs Scott, lwritelconfirm/arrangements/concerning/new nanny Margarita. Margarita’s plane/leave Hamburg! 5,30/arrive/London Gatwick 6:45, so/it/be/early start/you. As agreed/Margarita/work/8-10 morning/ 3-8 afternoon and evening. She/have/English lessons/every Saturday. As know/by December! Margaritalcomplete/six months’ employment/therefore/expectipay rise 10%. I/go/holiday/three weeks/Saturday/if/have problems/contact/secretary Elizabeth Hazlett. | hope/things run smoothly you/Margarita. Yours sincerely, Janet Hemsworth Dear Mre Scott, Tam writing to confirm the arrangements concerning your new nanny Margarita ) Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present or future forms. 1. Bill Haynes, author of the immensely popular novel ‘Black ROSES’, 1) wn (write) a new novel. “I 2) 1 (start) next Monday ~ or at least that's the plan.” says Bill. “Its amazing to think that by next year it 3)... . (be) ten years since | last picked up a pen.” Despite his long break, Billis confident. “i think this book 4) A . (be) even better than ‘Roses’ 15) es (include) the usual elements of action and adventure but this time there 6)... sve (D8) SOME romance too. | hope it7) svn (BQ) SUCCESSFUI, Of COUTSE, WE B) on (not/know) until it 9) . (be/published) next year.” 2 Jeanne and Paul 1) nnn (MOVE) to London next month. Paull is haing transferred there and Jeanne hopes she 2) sna (find) @ job by the time they 8) .....n:.neesneu (MOV) there. They 4) secsnsnnnnsnnse (FIV) down Next Weekend to l00k for a flat, They hope they 6) ..... (find) something in a nice area, bul wilh prices Ue way they are, they will have to be satisfied with whatever they Bicone: (find). Jeanne is afraid she 7) ... (miss) living in Nottingham, but Paul is convinced that they 8) .. (be) happier in London because there is so much more to do there. The stat of Collen Pray Schoo! 1 (hod) an open day on August $ Colfenhom zis. ire moming you 2) Ge able fo) meet your chit’ teachers At Primary 12.30 the Headmaster, Mr Patterson, 3) (show) the plans for the new adventure playground. We hope that this 4) (finish) by December. It School your child §) (Glarf) schoo! this September. bring him or her along! The programma 6) (egin) ot 9 am. See you there! = |" Tense Forms 4 “Where 1). -vsmsnewewe (YOU/O) On holiday this year Laura?’ “Iddon't know Sue. What about you?" “We 2) +s (PrOBAbly/gO) to Spain agai. BUL AS | 3) ones nennennene (GUN) @ pay rise t very soon, I'd like to go somewhere more glamorous. | think |4) (get) some brochures from the travel agent tomorrow, 50 if you WAN, | 5) ....messnn-nran (PICK Up) a COUPE for you as well , + "Good idea. With any luck, we 6) (decide) where to go by the time summer 1) cern (come)!” 5 Dear Anna, I got the job! 1) -ncnenon (leave) for Africa in two weeks. I's a shame 12) (not €e) you betore 13) (G0). For the first six MONS 1 4) sessnnone (work) n'a village school, teaching English and Maths. 5) (yourbe able) to visit me? If not, by the t time | 6) (see) you again, so much 7)... (happen) to us both that il take ts hours to catch up on our news. , Lots of love, Danielle : | Time Words r © Ago (= back in time trom now) used with Past Simple. vi called an hour ago © Before (= back in time from then) Phil fold me Ji had! called! an hour before. tt ean also be used with present or past forms to point out that an action preceded another. He ‘lac been working in the company far lwo years before he was promoted. ills used in statements and questions after the auxiliary verb or before the main verb. Tiiey ca stl walk long aiistances. She still works in the same office, Still comes before the auxiliary verb in negations. They still can't find @ solution to the problem. © Already is used with Perfect tenses in mid or end position in statements or questions. Siiola had already cooked dinner before Liz came home. Has he finished already? © Yet is used with Pertect tenses in negative sentences after a contracted auxiliary verb or at the end of the L sentence. She hasn't yet accepted the post. She hasn't accepted the post yet. Itean also be used at the end of questions. Has she phoned yet? Underline the correct word. She has gone to Singapore and she's stiliyet there. He doesn't want to watch the film as he's seen tt already/still ‘Ann was on a diet five months before/ago. She lost three kilos. She's only been playing the violin for two years and she can already/still play several of Mozart's most difficult pieces. 5 Even after twenty-five years she is still/yet actively involved in the club. 8 Jo's yotstll got a good figure oven though she’s five months pregnant 7 “Has Sandra typed up those reports yet/still? | need them now.” 8 9 10 Bone Peter left the party two hours before/ago because he wasn't feeling well. She had come back ago/before he returned | can't do the exam ~ | haven't finished doing all my revisions still/yet. . { ] Put the verbs in brackets into a correct tense. 1 Anew addiction 1) .../iae recently cinerged.. (recently/emerge) ~ an addiction to soap operas, that is ~ and the world's first clinic to treat people obsessed with the $0ap$ 2) «mn (open) next week. Sufforors 8) .. sssmnes (OME) from every walk of life. Symplors uf edUiction 4) (include) refusing to miss an episode and watching recorded episodes again and again. One sufferer 5) sonessnmneesne (@XPLaIN) how he 6) (become) addicted five years ago. His obsession Di v= (D@) 80 bad that he 8) (be) unable to keep a steady relationship. ‘When my friends 9) swe: (OMe round), | was More interested in the soaps. It was almost as if the people on TV 10) wn. (become) my friends instead.” ‘ 1 10 " Tense Forms AL) emma (think) of going to that new Chinese restaurant in the city centre to celebrate my birthday. 2) ..ninnsmnee (YOU/BE) there yer? B: No, | 3). - (notibe) there yet, but eOPIE 4) «rss (BAY) that the food is fantastic. ‘A; Would you like to go there next weekend? B: Yes, that's a great idea. | 5) (write) it in my diary now. John 1) con (leave) the house in a rush this morning. AS HO 2)... (drive) to work he suddenly 3) soneen (Femember) that he A) scsssnsnmnnsenns (D@/ASKEM) tO Speak at a conference, He 5) ae (OOK) al his watch and 6) wovsnsmnenenns (882) that it was nearly time for the conference to begin. Last March, Sam 1) sa. (decide) that Ne 2)... (have) enough of working in a bank and that he 9)... (Fide) around the world on a bicycle. HE 4) -nnnneesnnes (OVE) England two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He 5) “ (be) away for six months now, and N0 ONC 6) jwsunssenme ren (KMOW) WhENAL HE 7) vnernrnesenrinee (FBRUEN) OF NOt Jan and Paul 1) (pack) their suitcases at the moment. They 2) ..snmnnnonn (BO) extremely happy 8 they 3) snrnne-nnnnsnes (Win) a trip to Australia, It all 4)... (start) when Jan and Pall 5) snus (receive) a call a few days ago regarding a competition they 0) apawrocrn {enter) some months before. To their eurprise, they?) (win) a 10-day trip to Australia which 8) ... (be) completely tree. What a lovely surprise! AT) masa (you/go) on holiday to Germany this year? BNO, WO 2) rn (go) there every year, so we want a change this year. ‘A: Where 3) sve (yOU/plan) to go instead? B:Well, We 4) een (bertold) that Greece Is a beautiful country so we 5) (already/book) a two-week holiday on Corfu Susan 1) _-sunsnnawe(StUdY) interior design parttime for three years and she 2) (get) her diploma next month. Since She 8) .....::m:ree (WOPK) in the Same Company for over ten years She 4) co (feel) that she 5)... (need) a change, so she 6) (plan) to open her own design business. She 7) .. (start) looking for an office next week, and she 8) ecercicasat (hope) she 9) (find) something in a good location and at a reasonable price by the end of the month. Het tUtOFS 10) .n...m:n- (tell) her that she 11) _ (be) very talented and they 12) cnnmnnne (@88UFE) Her that SHE 1B) .neomenennsenee (MAKE) success of the business. SORE) seca (walk) along the High Street when he 2) su (notice) someone behind him. Actually, he 3)... ue f0llOW) him since NE A) oem (get off) the bus, JIM 5) sane (stop) at a shop window. The man 6) (come) closer to him. Jim Tis (have) the feeling he 8) (see) him before, so he 9) (go) up to him and 10) (ask): sso (NOUWKNOW) you? Why 12) .. ss (yourfollow) me?" The man 13) (smile) and 14) . seosuans (SAY), “Smile! You 15) (be) on Candid Camera” Julie 1). _.. always/want) to be famous, ever since she was young. She 2) . as (lake) acting classes for years and last week someone 3) wmnnnmnnnnronn (@ffOr) her @ part in an advertisement. They only 4) Atleast ner career 5) (need) her voice, though, because it's going to be on the radio. (start) Tom 1) on sins (BV UP) to go to France for months, and yesterday when he 2) (count) his savings he 3) “nsnesn (Pealige) he had enough. Unfortunately, as he 4)... ees (drive) to the travel agent's he remembered that he 5)... (nowpay) his rent for two months so he 6) soon (tum) round and 7) sss: (drive) back home again. Next month | 1) (visit) my friend who 2) .. (live) in Brazil. The flight from London 3) seonmuse (take) about fifteen hours and | 4) (never/be) on a piane before. | 5). 2 feel) quite nervous about the journey but my friend 6) ...nmnemnnn (Keep) telling ime thal there 7) (be) nothing to worry about. Tense Forms In Other Words © I've never read such a good book. © It's a long time since we went out. It's the best book I've ever read We haven't been out for a long time. © He started studying Spanish two years ago. © I've never eaten Chinese food before. Ha has heen studying Spanish for two years. Its the first time I've ever eaten Chinese food © When did he start work? © He started cleaning as soon as the guests (had) How long is it since he started work? left. How long ago did he start work? He didn’t start cleaning until after the guests had ® They haven't reached Madrid yet. left. They still haven't reached Madrid, He started cleaning when the quests (had) left ® He moved to London two months ago. He waited until the guests had left before he He has been in London for two months. started cleaning. ® He hasn't been out for two months. We joined the club a month ago. The last time he went out was two months ago. We've been members of the club for a month. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 She didn't go out until after Philip had called, before — She waited until Philip ...:2d called before che went out 2. She started taking lessons ten years ago. been She ... 3 ten years 3. How long ago did he move to Canada? moved — How long .. to Canada? 4 I've never driven such a fast car! ever it's the driven, 5 We haven't been abroad for two years. ume The last 6 How long is it since you visited Spain? two years ago. visit When Spain? 7 She has never eaten lobster before. time It's the first, lobster. & He hasn't turned up yet. still HO ee . up. 9 The last time | saw Emily was six monthe ago. for ' six months, 10 When did Patricia finish writing her mill since How long writing her essay? 11. She took up knitting five years ago. been She five years. 12 They have never been outside Britain before. first t's the... - outside Britain 13 He can't speak italian yet still — Italian 14 How long is it sinca they met? ago How ... si meet? 15 They waited unl sunvse belore they go up. get They . after sunrise. 16 I haven't eaten meat for six months. since It's . meat. 17 I've never seen such a pretty gir. ever She's the. .. Seen. Tense Forms 48 She didn't start serving unti all the guests had arrived. before She waited unti all he guests ..... 49. Geoff hasn't come back trom his holiday yet. still Geoff Dos. serving. {rom his holiday. a ‘Think of the word which best fits each gap. Write only one word in each one. SUDOKU What's the big deal with Sudoku? Why are (0) ...20... many people addicted to a puzzle made (1) .... of little rows of boxes and numbers? Sudoku addicts ~ Of (2)... Uiere are many - will tell you that it's the challenge of the puzzles, the mystery of solving them, and the rush you get at the end when you (3) completed one. Sudoku, they say, is one of the (4) .. addiclive puzzles ever invented. So, what exactly is Sudoku? Well, if you've never heard of it, Sudoku is a logic puzzle. Each puzzle consists aN B1-Square grid divided Into nine blocks, each containing nine squares. Some of the equares in the grid contain a number. To solve the puzzles, you have tof in all the empty squares 50 (6)... the numbers 1 to 9 appear only once (7) ‘each row, block and column. Each Sudoku puzzle has only one solution Part of Sudoku’s incredible success must surely (8) ......n:: attributed to the fact that no special skills are required to play it. It looks (9) sau @ Maths puzzle but you don't need mathematical skills to solve it. I's simpler (10) ‘a crossword because to solve one of these you need a certain level of linguistic ability and general knowledge. To play Sudoku (11) ... . you need is logic. The concept is easy to grasp, the rules can be learnt in 10 seconds, and solving the puzzles doesn't (12) forever. Of course, the puzzles vary in their level of difficulty. But the appeal of Sudoku is that everyone can enjoy it. Oral Development 1 : Look at the pictures below, then talk about these people. Talk about what they are doing now, | what they usually do, what they did/were doing before, and what they will do afterwards. Use a; variety of tenses. me © Prefixes are syllables which we add betore certain "words to form new words. The meaning of the new ‘word depends on the prefix that has been used. anti. = against (antiwar) Dk = wo (Diingvay) (60+ = with (co-pilot), ‘counter- = in the opposite rection (counteratck) lex- = previous, former (@x-/usbanc) Inter- = between {interconiinenta) ‘mis- = done wrongly or badly (misuncerstarne) ‘mono- = one (monolinova) rmulti- = many (multi ionaire) rnon- = not (non-members) out- = more, better (out) over. = (done) to a great extent (oversieen) post. = after (postoracivale) pre- = belore (pre-scioo!) = half (somi-dotachoa) Under, leas (subway) supers = big, more ‘super'iero) trans- = (travel) from one sido, group te to anothor (transatlantic) trie = three (visrole) uunder- = not enough /uniereaic) tun = one (uniform) sub- ‘The prefixes below are used to express opposite meanings, de defrost, decompose dis- dissatisfied, disobey ine inaccuraie, Insecure BUT Wk (before I /203! im: (before b, m, p) immature, Impossible ire (Detore #) irelevart BUT unrelabie unreasonable non non-2xstorr, non-stop tun- uncomfortable, unlucky Some prefixes are added to words to form verbs. fen. courage - encourage BUT em (before B, m, p) 20Wer empower © Suffixes are syllabies which we add to the end of Certain words to form mew words. = Nouns referring to people verb + -er/oriear (i010 inspector, beg - beggar) ‘s noun/verbyadjective + -Ist (piano — pianist. yee typist, educational ~ educationalist) © verb + -ant-ent (ciescenc!~ descendant, siudy student) noun + -an/ian (republic - republican, magic magician) © verb + -00 (passive meaning) (examine — examinee) trainer, inspect Word Formation — Nouns formed from verbs sage pass passage -al propose ~ proposal sance insure - insurance sation iovestigate - investigation sence depend - dependence lon select - selection sment improve - improvement sion expand! ~ expansion (verbs ending in - dit) sis emphasise - emphasis ction compete - competition ou fail -fature ¥ ‘alscover - discovery — Nouns formed from adjectives sance important - importance ty private - privacy sence innocent - innocence sion perfect - perfection siness lazy laziness ‘mess dark - darkness ty popular - popularity ay safe - safoly ¥ ‘modest ~ modesty = Adjectives formed from nouns potzon poisonous function - functional sie rama ~ dramatic aeal alphabet - alphabetical -ish foo! - foolish | ive expense - expensive ful with) harm ~ harmful sless (without) parm harmless oriance ~ briliant reason - reasonable salt - salty ‘week - weekly = Adjectives formed from verbs sable accept - acceptable sible respond ~ responsible (verbs ending in di) ve attract - atractive sate consider ~ considerate sent ifor—alttorant = Verbs formed from adjectives sen tight - tighten rise legal -legalise = Verbs formed from nouns ‘en strength - strengthen 1 " 2 1B 4 15 16 7 18 19 Word Formation - I ll in the correct form of the words in bold using the appropriate prefix. ‘After the operation, the patient was prescribed some .... would reduce the risk of inflammation. Children their clothes quickly Ina . Society various languages are spoken and different ethnic _groups live together and learn to respect each other's traditions and customs. Thisisa conference which takes place in spring and autumn every year. The ‘sat next to the driver, put on his helmet and gloves, and. got ready for the car rac The first... = railroad in the United States was built in the 1860s and connected North America’s east and west coasts The teacher drew a .. own ON the blackboard and asked the students to copy it into their notebooks. ‘She was ruched to hospital with symptoms of food poisoning after having caten chicken, . drugs that He decided to . s their offer. HO the speed of the car coming towards him and crashed into it with great force. Heathrow Airport, the busiest airport in the world, handles up to a thousand domestic and .. flights a day. Jack and his ..... are on good terms with each other and still spend time together for the sake of their children. She me by saying that my argument didn't hold water and was totally invalid In the .. years, many women had to raise their children on their ‘own as a high number of men had boon killed in tho war. ‘Snow and .. temperatures have brought the country's transportation system to a standstill. The documentary explores the development of painting and sculpture during . ancient and medieval times. The football team are preparing for the week at Stamford Bridge. There seems to be a new countries He became a ... the third time. . which will be held next ‘movement in many non-democratic . throughout the whole country after scoring for INFLAMMATORY Grow CULTURAL ‘ANNUAL DRIVER CONTINENTAL, ANGLE COOKED CONSIDER JUDGED NATIONAL WIFE ATTACKED WAR ZERO HISTORIC FINAL DEMOCRACY STAR OB Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns referring to people. AAll new loans and mortgages need to be approved by the bank .. first v-nne BFOKE Into thei flat and stole all their jewellery. The first prize will be given to the who gets all the answers to the quiz questions right. ‘You will never hear anything honest from John. He is a compulsive . . are warning people about the dramatic effect global warming has on the environment. Pablo Picasso is considered one of the most influential of the 20th century. Tom worked as a.........-- ournalist before getting a senior position in the media. Jennifer was seriously overweight so she visited a who put her ‘ona healthy diet, Being a war Pavlo has found himself in hazardous situations. The vse 100K eautiful photos of the bride and groom during their first dance as a married couple. MANAGE BURGLE CONTEST UE SCIENCE ART TRAIN DIET Word Formation [Z_ Fitlin the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from verbs. 1 The dress was sent over from Australia s0 the cost of the... was quite high. POST 2 Matt very quickly came to the senna that Janet was lying. CONCLUDE 3 The vnsue: Of Out Tight was delayed due to the fog. ARRIVE 4 Carbohydrates should form the ‘of our daily diet BASE 5 Ted found an interesting painting in the attic of his grandfather's house which had been in for decades. STORE 6 In second-hand bookshops you can buy valuable firs. ..ofwell EDIT known novels for a few pounds. 7 We cannot proceed with the project until everyone is if... oe AGREE 8 Elaine is a great cook and gets a lot of 2 out of creating the PLEASE most amazing dishes. 9 Anew archaeological has proved that there were people DISCOVER living in America even 30,000 yeare ago. 410 The bride lost a lot of weight before her wedding day and so an ... ALTER of her dress was required 11. Both teams gave a wonderful... in the match. PERFORM 12. While in London, we walked past the Prime Minister's official in RESIDE Downing Street [E_Fitlin the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from adjectives. 1. You can tell that Ben has lived in Spain as he speaks the language with great 5 FLUENT 2 Noone can question the . of being able to buy goods over the Internet. CONVENIENT 3. The woman couldn't bear the sight of blood and lost «.....- CONSCIOUS 4 The ‘of our customers are satisfied with our outstanding service MAJOR and high-quality products. 5 For thei OM a.m VSiOFS Of the ZOO are required to Keep away from the cages. SAFE 6 Heisaman of ‘and incredible courage. HONEST 7 His “does not allow him to talk about his work, but his musical MODEST ‘compositions speak for themselves. 8 Thore is a short-term at the local post-office, in case you are inleresied. VACANT: 9 We shouldn't underestimate the «...:..enenne Of regular exercise and healthy diet. IMPORTANT 40 James didn't do well in his last performance but he is determined to achieve ssi next time. PERFECT [fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from nouns. 1 You should take a whole course of antibiotics so that the treatment is..... EFFECT 2 This isa . magazine; it usually comes out every Sunday. WEEK 3. Joanna's mother's... . personality has created many problems in DOMINANCE. the two women’s relationship over the years. 4. The house is situated on a... . hill and has a great view of the sea. ROCK 5 The committee will consider the effects of global warming and propose ways of preventing further . . destruction. ENVIRONMENT 6 My new sofa is much more .. svn than my last one. ‘COMFORT 7 Fiona did well at the audition and is very . coum about the possibility _ ENTHUSIAST ‘of being the leading lady in the play. 8 It is said that in wars people perform the most . help others. acts inorder to. COURAGE » Word Formation 9 His family are regularly telling James that his behaviour at times is very sn FOOL 10. The book I read last month WaS AN ars . story of the character's AUTOBIOGRAPHY ‘own personal experiences. 11. Sarah is definitely the safest driver | know as she is very sonnet CARE to break any of the rules of the road 412, Tho long and hard climb loft David «nn and exhausted. BREATH ] _Fillin the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from verbs. 1. Although they are twins, they are completely... from cach other. DIFFER 2 Andrew is one of the most sensitive and men I've ever met. CONSIDER 3. Jennifer simply never tells a ssn StOTY aS She is always trying tomake BELIEVE the trull sound more exciting than it actually 1s. 4 This remote part of the isiand is .... only by boat ACCESS 5 Drama and art classes encourage young children to develop thelr Skils, CREATE, 6 Brian works all day long and in the evenings he studies, but lately he finds this schedule to be a most. one, EXHAUST [1 fitlin the correct form of the words in bold forming verbs from adjectives/nouns. 1. Mary bought a new pair of trousers and gave them to a seamstress tO... SHORT them as they were too long. 2 They decided to...... the kitchen and bathrooms of their house and MODERN hired a professional decorator to make suggestions. 3. Apart from being a great experience, travelling also sown the mind, BROAD 4. Diane decided to join a yoga class to ... her muscles and become — LENGTH more flexible. 5 The clouded Shy wnresunmn and the wind became stronger, being a sign of _~_ DARK an imminent storm. [2 fiin the correct form of the words in bold forming the opposite from the words given. 1. Betty took the meat out of the freezer and let it. 2 Last winter John had a ski accident which was before cooking it. FROST ashe missed the — CONVENIENT rest of the season. 3 Next week | will go to dinner with the ambaseador and so | will have to wear a cuit as . clothing is not appropriate for the occasion FORMAL 4 Every year in December teenagers gather inthe city centre to collect money for a charity, which is a organisation. PROFIT 5 My grandmother always says that manners are almost... intodays world. EXISTENT 6 One wonderful feature of new tube stations is the number of lits that help to facilitate anyone with a... ABILITY 7 When Sarah quit her last job she didn't think she would be forsolong. EMPLOYED 8 Being a doctor often involves working long and... hours. REGULAR 9 Tina is always boasting about herself and her achievements. She is probably the most person | know. MODEST 10 John’s handwriting was totally . and so | found it impossible to LEGIBLE ‘ead his letter. 11 Mary was cosonmsennes With the Weather last surtimer as it rained everyday — LUCKY during her holidays. 2) 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 29 30 31 32 2 Word Formation Fill in t correct form of the words in bold. The radio was ... .. $0 | returned it to the shop. Jane has been suffering a lot from headaches ‘Tho company was operating an closed down. Most people beliove that it is that UFOs exist Iliked the documentary as it contained some very interesting ‘As a result of the special offer James was able to purchase some new clothes usiness and so had to be AR VETY on sone ICES. Maria has an... soe CK watch, He became famous for his uo. efforts to save the young boy from the river. Like most Olympic athletes, Kelly is fit and ..... The famous man was very angry about being by the newspapers. My neighbours always complain about the high costs There is, cn thatthe Prime Minister will resign The result of the match was Jusnnssnens 10 both teams. Civis accepted the doctor's news although was Vey. to hear. She used to smoke a lot but she became a pregnant with her son five years ago. Kevin is always struggling with his Maths homework as he finds very ditioutt ‘The government should have taken more. the workers’ strike. The teacher took the class on a trip to London to reward them for their _-» efforts all vear long The one 2 thing Ilove about the new duvet cover | bought for my bed is that itis and so it can match sheets of all colours. Tho man’e . of guilt in court landed him in jail Time went by quickly during the fight as the airline had an supply of movies to entertain us with. ‘The earthquake caused so much damage tral most buildings in the area had to be “ He was 50 sau that as a result he fell ill and suffered a nervous break down. It is not uncommon for adverts to give. products so that they are more appealing to consumers. The doctor GaVe a «eens nmnnmnnn 10 BOD SO he Could collect the medication from the local pharmacy My room was so .. that | spent the whole weekend cleaning it. Tracy has found a job as a at the local library. Joanne added a few spoontuls of flour to the sauce in order to No one Se@Ms 0 wn non the urgency of the situation ‘The newspapers said the game was very boring due to the... performance of the home team, ‘once she got measures to stop information about ORNS one ‘sent him some flowers to wish him a fast recovery. James is a very sonnnnnen PeFSON and often behaves in a very childish way. FAULT LATE LEGITIMATE PROBABLE INFORM. ADVANTAGE IMITATE HERO MUSCLE QUOTED MAINTAIN ‘SPECULATE FAVOUR PAIN ‘SMOKE MULTIPLY PREVENT sTUDY REVERSE ADMIT END BUILD WoRK LEADING PRESCRIBE MESS LIBRARY THICK REAL DEFENSE WORKER MATURE

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