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CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY AS TAKEN FROM AND COMPARED WITH THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE ug 07 2020 REFERENCE 1D: 571864 Mele Merk FIRST ISLAND COMPANY, LLC "NANIEOF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 10 Signature of each organizer Date ‘AidgpaamnsT nes HeCHESaTT FiLiua nsTauCTIONS tuo copies of form the onginal ane exer a duplicate anginal ora contormed copy. ' space on this ont uot sutoent please atta adthonal sheets containing areterence othe appropiae paragrah ht fom, 6 reve thiausing a computer dik wich wit alow for expansion cl the space on the orm sm must ba compari wtih tae ot $110.00 payable tothe Secretary of State otuen a Sacto Sage ©. Box 11950 Soluble. SC 292) ~ve ts} annual veput for @ Lines Labi company must be delivered fo the Secretay ot Slate between January test and ‘aynitst lhe Caleear year er wns the Limited iabiy Company wae organizecor iis toragn company wes tt “uthorizedto irnsarl ousiness South Carona. Supsequent annua repos must be deleredto the Sectelary of Sle [etween sanvay isl ana Apel ist athe ensuing edendar years NOTE > FILIN OF THIS OOCUMENT DOES NOT IN AND OF ITSELF, PROVIDE AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TOUSE THIS CORPORATE NAME ON OR N CONNECTION WITH ANY PRODJCT OR SERVICE USE OF A NAME AS ATRADEMARK OR SERVICE MARK Wit MEQLIRE FURTHER CLEARANCE AND REGISTRATION AND OE AFFECTED BY PRIOR USE OF THE WARK. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE TRADEMARKS O/VISION OF THE SECRETARY OF STATESOFFICE AT (003) 734-2511, Seenttanyor Sue wars

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