Critique Paper

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The research papers are all about the enhancement of oral communication or the

communication skills of the Senior High school students in Golden Success College

through various ways. Discuss the important aspects of effectively using your body

posture, gestures, facial expression and eye contact to enhance the verbal message of

your speech. Reading is a complex development challenge that we know to be

entertained with other developmental accomplishment. Speaking is a potent to

communicate and enrich all areas of development. Oral communication skills are

fundamental to the development of literacy and essential for thinking and learning.

Through talk, students not only communicate information but also explore and come to

understand ideas and concepts; identify and solve problems; organize their experience

and knowledge; and express and clarify their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Listening

and speaking skills are essential for social interaction at home, at school, and in the

community. To develop their oral communication skills, students need numerous

opportunities to listen and to talk about a range of subjects, including personal interests,

schoolwork, and current affairs. The language program should provide opportunities for

students to engage in various oral activities in connection with expectations in all the

strands, such as brainstorming to identify what they know about the topic of a new text

they are about to read, discussing strategies for solving a problem in a writing

assignment, presenting and defending ideas or debating issues, and offering critiques of

work produced by their peers. In order to all students to benefit from the opportunities

provided for listening and speaking, differences in the norms and conventions

associated with oral communication in different cultures must be take account. Although

children normally start to develop oral language skills before they learn to read and
write, the development of reading and writing skills can enhance their ability to use and

understand oral language clearly, accurately, and critically. Its problem statement in

Golden Success College that there are some of the respondents that are needed to

improve their communicating skills, advantage of reading skills, the expertise of

pronunciation, delivering of strategies in enhancing communication. This study aims to

determine the level of the oral communication skills of Senior High School in Golden

Success College. There are some of the respondents who can't speak English fluently.

This are the main problem of the respondents such as: speaking difficulties, speaking

consciousness, harmfulness of technology affects speaking difficulties, wrong word

pronunciation that affect students difficulty in speaking, non-appearance of reading

habits, the attention span of the student conversing with others.

With the use of oral communication towards the implementation of the teaching

and learning of the environment, it brings much elasticity towards understanding what it

is entailed during the communication. Oral communication provides the opportunity to

avoid mistakes, confused speech and the undeserved speech. With the ability that one

cannot be capable to differentiate from a human accomplice has been tested, therefore

it is considered as a successful artificial astuteness. During the presentation of the shift,

response might be observed from one point to another and thus sometimes ability to

hear the informal conversations. These can be classified to towards the problems facing

the deliverance of the oral communication for example in the teaching and learning of

the environment. Therefore, as part of the deliverance method in the teaching and

learning environment, one is associated with the skills and elasticity of the arranged

record to be stated. As by the time discovers, in the learning of the environmental

factors, their advantages and disadvantages, oral communication opts to send a

message on the key factor of what and how it serves in the preparation and implication

of the significance the oral communication. The deliverance determines the ability to

understand the basic content and the facts about the prevailed meaning arranged

during the presentation or during the deliverance of the speech. As a result, therefore,

oral communication absorbs many determining issues in the historical level and

processes of communications it is based from the early stages of communication.

Fluency in language use is considered as a successful factor of students during the

language learning processes. Fluency is not something separated from accuracy. A

person who is seen as a fluent language user is the one who obtains communicative

competence because major elements of fluency are speed of reading, accuracy, and

appropriate expressions. As educators, we need to find ways to help our students to

enhance their language fluency as prerequisite requirements. Extensive reading

activities could be used to help improve student‟ reading fluency and comprehension.

Writing journal is one of the activities to enhance students‟ writing fluency, and

communicative teaching approach could help improve student‟ oral performances.

According to Skinner`s Universal Grammar Theory, an idea of innate, biological

grammatical categories, such as noun category and verb category that needs to

facilitate the entire language development in children and overall language processing

in adults. Universal Grammar is considered to contain all the grammatical information

nneded to combine these categories. According to Bachman and Palmer(1996), The

affective schemata which refers to the language users` emotional responses to the

given tasks. It may affect whether the learners will use the language in a given situation
or even their flexibility in using it in various contexts. According to Schumann`s

Acculturation Theory, this theory is defined a Social and Psycholigocal integration of the

learner with the target language group. The first kind (language) and the second kind

(other than language). The theory states that the more distance created between the

learners and the target language culture such factors, the less contact s/he will have

the TL culture and thus, the lower will his or her expected language proficiency be.

Furthermore, the theory also considers the social factors as prime influences; the

psychological factors become the deciding factors only in situations where the

combined social factors create neither positive nor negative circumstances to the

learner. Overall, the research papers were beneficial to the students especially the

senior high school students to enhance their communication skills. It can help you boost

your confidence in terms of public speaking It can help you boost your confidence in

terms of public speaking when one enhances their oral communication skills, like the

words they use and they construct their sentences, it would go hand in hand with fluent

communication because they would understand each other more with little to less

misunderstandings in between. It also gives a lot of benefits to people especially when

they find their job. They never get foolish in t Theory of speaking English. We have to

enhance our oral communication so that we can communicate to other people, but we

can't easily enhance it now there's a process of enhancing it that's why we study right

so that we can enhance our communication skills.

Speaking English properly in front of everyone is so hard. This kind of provided to

speak English properly in front of everyone can help me in the future also, in class.

Communication with other people makes me easier and not being shy because for now
this kind of process, help me to speak fluently and calm. Needed to study more

meaningful words to understand other people saying and get a friend to help me. Thx to

the author for this provided information about speaking English properly and enhancing

my communication skill

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