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5) Statistical Techniques ~I 3.1_ INTRODUCTION Statistics is as old as the human society itself. It is difficult to imagine any face of our life untouched by numerical data. The modem society is essentially data-oriented, It is, therefore, essential to know how to extract useful information from such data. This is the primary objective of statistics. Statisties concerns itself with the collection, presentation and drawing of inferences from numerical data which vary. In singular sense, Statistics ia used to describe the principles and methods which are employed in collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. These devices help to simplify the complex data and make it possible for a common man to understand it without much difficulty. Human mind is unable to assimilate complicated data at a stretch. Statistical methods make these figures intelligible and readily understandable. Jn plural sense, Statistics is considered as a numerical description of quantitative aspect of things. Definition Statistics is the science which deals with methods of collecting, classifying, presenting, comparing and interpreting numerical data collected to throw light on any sphere of enquiry. 9.2 VARIABLE (OR VARIATE) A.quantity which can vary from one individual to another is called a variable or vari- ate, eg., heights, weights, ages, wages of persons, rainfall records of cities ete, Quantities which can take any numerical value within a cortain range are called con- tinuous variables ¢g., as the child grows, his/her height takes all possible values from 50 cm to 100 em, Quantities which are incapable of taking all possible values are called discrete or dis- continuous variables eg., the number of children a man can have are positive integers 1, 2, 8 ete, (no value between any two consecutive integers), 3.3 COMPARISON OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS When two or more different series of the same type are compared, tabulation of observa- tions is not sufficient. It is often desirable to define quantitatively the characteristics of fre- quency distribution. 190 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ‘There are two fundamental characteristics in which similar frequency distributions may differ : @ They may differ in measures of location or central tendency i.e., in the value of the variate x round which they centre. (ii) They may differ in the extent to which observations are scattered about the value, Measures of this kind are called measures of dispersion. ‘We will only study here ‘measures of central tedency’, 3.4 MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY Tabulation arranges facts in a logical order and helps their understanding and com- parison. But often, the groups tabulated aro still too large for their characteristics to be readily grasped. What is desired is a numerical expression which summarises the characteristic of ‘the group. Measures of central tendency or measures of location (also popularly called Aver- ages) serve this purpose. A figure which is used to represent a whole series should neither have the lowest value nor the highest in the series, but a value somewhere between these two limits, possibly in the centre, where most of the items of the series cluster. Such figures are called Measures of Central Tendency (or Averages). According to Professor Bowley, “Averages are Statistical Constants which enable us to comprehend in a single effort the significance of the whole.” There are five types of averages in common use : tral 1. Arithmetic Average or Mean 2. Median 8. Mode 4. Geometric Mean, 5, Harmonic Mean 8.4.1 Arithmetic Mean In the case of Individual Observations (-c., where frequency is not given) : 1, Direct Method. If x : x1, xp...) %, then AM, Z is given by pet tatennt ty 1 go Sites th ola . Short Cut Method. (Shift of origin) Shifting the origin to an arbitrary point a, the formula = 1 =x becomes nm or, Eeattud, where d,=s-a Here, _ a= arbitrary number, called Assumed Mean Yd, = Ele —a) = (ra) + bq —a) + +, -@) = sum of the deviations of the variate x from a n= number of observations. In the case of Discrete Series : J. Direct Method. If the frequency distribution is Ly fy men © stamsmioat-TecHMQUES1 to ! Pify fo wmnfy then 32 fiat fate tet hate EE where N =f, + fy on ty fit fa Font fey N : 2. Short Cut Method. (Shift of origin) Shifting the origin to an arbitrary point ‘a’, the - formula ¥ =< 3fk becomes or Feats, where dj=s~a and assumed mean Bd, = Ble — a) = fle, ~ 0) + fxltig— 2) + nee + Ff, 2) += sum of the products off and the deviation of the corresponding variate from a. Nef thyt on th =i Note. If the frequencies are given in terms of class intervals, the mid-values of class intervals are considered as x and then the above formulae are applied. In the case of Continwous Series having equal class intervals, say of width h, we use a different formula (Shift of origin and change of scale ; Step Deviation Method). 57S thenz=a+ hu ; ss Bf = Bila + hu) = ad + hfe Dividing both sides by N = /, we get. Let Efe, BEte Efe WY sat W or +h N? where u % Weighted Arithmetic Mean. If the variate-values are not of equal importance, we ‘may attach to them ‘weights’ w;, Way .m., W, a8 measures of their importance. eo 5 a MEL H pty tonne Wty | Lut ‘The weighted mean %, is defined as %, A raerontae = ; ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES ‘Example 1. Find the mean from the following data: Marks No. of students Marks No. of students Below 10 6 Below 60 eo ‘Below 20 9 Below 70 . 70 Below 30 7 Below 80 8 Below 40 29 Below 90 83 Below 60 6 Below 100 8% 192 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Sol. The frequency distribution table can he written as: = Marks Mid values (x) fr 2-05 ue fu 0-10 5 5 = 50 <5 = 25 10-20 6 4 40 ~4 =16 20-30 25 8 -380 -38 —a4 3040 35 2 =20 2 24 4o—50 43 16 =10 m1 =16 50-60 86 rf] ° ° ° 60—70 65 10 10 1 10 7080 1% 8 20 2 6 80-90 85 5 20 3 16 90—100 95 2 40 4 8 Naapaes su 58 Efe (3) Bis ath N =55+10x BB [Here a = 55, h = 10) 112 = 55- at 48.41 marks. Example 2. The mean of 200 items was 50. Later on it was discovered that two items were misread as 92 and & instead of 192 and 88. Find out the correct mean, Sol. Here incorrect value of F =50, n= 200 Since xo2t nm 7 Using incorrect value of £, Incorrect Zx = 200 x 50 = 10000 Corrected value of Ex = 10000 — (62 + 8) + (192 + 88) = 10180 Corrected Sx _ 10180 Correct mean = TEAS = Properties of Arithmetic Mean Property I. The algebraic sum of the deviations of all the variates from their arithmetic ‘mean is zero. Proof. Let d, be the deviation of the variate x from the mean Z, then d, =x—% i Bid, = fle £) = Be TOF =Nz-Nz=0 0.9. ZL, where N= 27 Property Il. The sum of the squares of the deviations of a set of values is minimum when taken about mean. Proof. Let the frequency distribution be xf, i= 1, 2, .... n. Let 2 be the sum of the ‘squares of the deviations of the given values from an arbitrary point a (say). STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES ~1 198 A . = Let z=) fz-a% a We have to show that z-is minimum when a = %. 2 will bemininium when $$ =0 and £3>0 see 1 Now, © Dd) ofe-a-D=-2. 2, fea) a a dz ao fen0 =~ 28a) = 0 => Efe-akf=0 > Nz-aN=0 => E-a=0 > anz aot Also, SB =-2D) f= 28 =2N>0. da’ im Henee 2 is minimum when a = %. Property III. (Mean of the composite series) IPF, (0= 1, 2, nb) be the arithmetic means of k distributions with respective frequen- cies n, (= 1, 2, nny B), then mean & of the whole distribution obtained by combining the distributions is given by _ natn tong, _ EM yt tg 4m LM Proof. Let 2435 Xp) Xyge «oo» Fin, be the variables of the first distribution, toy, z999 wey gq, be the variables of the second distribution, and so on. Then by definition 0 pall Bye Oy tag tee ty) Fas, an t tan to ae) fA) Re a BaF tay, to Sin) _ +n,) is given by + Gy, Hay, + ‘The mean 7 of the whole distribution of size (n, +1 + 4 iy) met * 1 +1 toh Ty 194 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS vfexample 3. The mean annual salary paid to all employees of a company was ¥ 5000. ‘The mean annual salaries paid to male and female employees were ©6200 and € 4200 respec- tively, Determine the percentage of males and females employed by the company. Sol. Let p, and p, represent percentage of males and females respectively. Then p, +p,= 100 1) ‘Mean annual salary of all employees (z) = 2 5000 Mean annual salary of all males (¥,) = 5200 ‘Mean annual salary of all females (%) = 84200 Using PAE * 2% ve get 5000 = 520021 + 42007. Pi* Pp 100 or 52p, +427q= 5000 or 26p, + 21(100—p,) = 2500 Tsing (01 or 5p, =2500-2100= 400 .. p, =80 and p, = 100-80 =20 Hence the percentage of males and females is 80 and 20 respectively, 3.4.2 Median 1, Medion is the contral value of the variable when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude. When the observations are arranged in the order of their size, the median is the value of that item which has equal number of obser- vations on either side. Median divides the distribution into two equal parts. Median is, thus, a potential average. For the computation of median, it is necessary that the items be arranged in ascending or descending order. 2, For an ungrouped frequency distribution, if the n values of the variate are arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude. 4 (@) When nis odd, the middle value i.e, C2) value gives the median, & os (®) When n is even, there are two middle values (2) and (E+) * ‘The arithmetic mean of these two values gives the median. 8, For discrete frequency distribution, median is obtained hy considering cumula- tive frequencies. Find N+1 whore N = 5 f. Find cumulative frequency just > Net .The corresponding value of xis the median. 4, For a grouped frequency distribution, the median is given by the formula, tanats (3-0) Median =1+ 2(3 c lower limit of median class, where median class is the class corresponding to cumulative frequency just 2 x A= width of the median class; f= frequency of the median class N= 3f; C=cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES —1 195 5. Partition values. These are the values of the variate which divide the total frequency into a number of equal parts. Median being that value of the variate which divides the total frequency into two equal parts. (@) Quartiles. Quartiles are those values of the variate which divide the total froquency into four equal parts. When the lower half before the median is divided into two equal parts, the value of the dividing variate is called Lower Quartile and is denoted by Q,. ‘The value of the variate dividing the upper half into two equal parts is called the Upper Quartile and is denoted by Q,. (Q, being the median.) The formulae for computation are 3 (@) Deciles. Deciles are those values of the variate which divide the total frequency into 10 equal parts. D,, Dz... denote respectively the first, second, .... deciles, D,-1+8(X-c), p=1+2(4-c), p,at+t(Bc), (The fifth decile D, is the median) (c) Percentiles. Percentiles are those values of the variate which divide the total frequency into 100 equal parts. IfP,, P,,... denote respectively the first, second, ... percentiles, then (ON ay (RN ene (io 9), ite #CGor ‘(The 50th percentile Pyy is the median.) In the above formulae for Quartiles, Deciles and Pereentiles, the letters , i, N, Chave ‘been used in the same sense in which they have been used in the formula for the median. Example 4, Below are given the marks obtained by a batch of 20 students in a certain class in Mathematics and Physics : RollNo. : 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 ~0} ete 8 9 10 Marks in Maths. : 63 64 52 92 30 60 47 46 35 28 MarksinPhysies : 58 55 25 32 26 8 44 80 33 72 Roll Nos. : Ud 2b 8B Mw b&b 6 Ww Bw 1 20 MorksinMaths. : 2 4% 38 48 7 61 45 33 65 39 Marks inPhysics : 10 42 16 46 50 64 89 38 90 36 In which subject is the level of knowledge of the students higher? Sol. To find out the subject in which the level of knowledge of the students is higher, we find out the medians of both the series. The subject for which the median value is higher will be the subject in which the level of Imowledge of the students is higher. Let us arrange the marks in ascending order of magnitude. 196 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS S.No | Martoin | Markein | S.No | Markets | Markein Matis Physics Maths Phosics 1 2 0 n 46 “2 2 28 5 2B a “ a 29 25 1B 8 45 4 30 26 “4 a 50 5 32 30 15 55 6 33 22 16 38 58 7 33 33 "7 a 6 8 35 36 18 60 2 9 2 38 9 85 20 10 “5 39 20 2 85 Number ofitoms in each ease = 20 (even) Median marks in Mathematics =AM. of sizes of (2 45446 2 39442 = A.M. ofsizes of 10th and 11th items = 3455, Median marks in Physics © = A.M. of sizes of 10th and 11th items = =405. Since the median marks in Mathematics are greater than the median marks in Physics, ‘the level of knowledge in Mathematics is higher. Example 5. Obtain the median for the following frequency distribution : gp ee Bt fi 8 10 It 1 20 2 1° 9 6 Sol. The cumulative frequency distribution table is given below : = ft of 1 8 8 2 10 18 3a n 29 4 16 45 5 20 6 6 25 90 1 15 105 8 9 4 9 G 120 ‘STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES —1 197 Nel Here N= 120 360.5 N+1 is 65 and the value of'x corresponding to Cumulative frequency just greater than of 65 is 5, Hence median is 6. ‘Example 6. Find the median, lower and upper quartiles from the following table : Marks No. of students Marks No, of students Below 10 6 Below 60 94 Below 20 95 Below 60 war Below 30 60 Below 70 198 Below 40 84 Below 80 249 iol. From the above table, we reconstruct the cf: table with class intervals. Marks ‘No. of students (f) of. 0-10 15 15 10-20 20 35 20-80 25 60 30-40 oy 8 40-50 10 4 50-60 33 1 60—70 a 198 70-80 BL. 249 Here N=249 (@ Calculation of Median. N “771245 + median class is 50—60,2=50; h=10,f=33,C=94 te Modian=1+4(3-c) «50+ 55 (1245-94) ~50.24 marks (id Calculation of lower quartile Q, ¥ 2.62.25 + lower quartile lass is 8040, = 90 * h=10,f=24,C=60 =80+ z (62.25 — 60) = 30.94 marks 198 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Caleulation of upper quartile Q, mat SN _ 47 126.75 2. upper quartile lass is 60—70 4° 4 1=60,h=10,f=71, C= 127 -c) = 60+ 2 (196.75 127) = 68.41 marks 3.4.8 Mode 1. Mode. Mode is the value which occurs most frequently in a set of observations and around which the other items of the set cluster densely{ It is the point of maximum frequency or the point of greatest density, in other words, the mode or modal value of the distribution is that value of the variate for which frequency is maximum, , 2, Calculation of Mode. AAdT In the case of discrete frequency distribution, mode is the value of x corresponding to maximum frequency. But in any one (or more) of the following cases: (@ if the maximum frequency is repeated (i) ifthe maximum frequency occurs in the very beginning or at the end of the distribution Gii) if there are irregularities in the distribution, the value of mode is determined by the methed of grouping (llustrated in examples below). min the case of continuous frequency distribution, mode is given by the formula: fn =f Mode =1+ xh 2in A-ha where Zis the lower limit, h the width and ,, the frequeney of the model class, f, and /, are the frequencies of the classes preceding and succeeding the modal class respectively. While applying the above formula, it is necessary to see that the class-intervals are of the same size. If they are unequal, they should first be made equal on the assumption that the frequencies are equaily distributed throughout the class. - Tncasef,,—/,<0 or 2%,~f,-f,~0, use the formula -in—Si_y Mode=1+ ig xh where 41 = | ffi | and y= | fafa | “ (©)For a symmetrical distribution, mean, median and mode coincide, (@) Where mode is ill-defined i.c., where the method of grouping also, fails, its value can be ascertained by the formula Mode = 8 Median ~2Mean ‘This measure is called the empirical mode. : [STATISTICAL TECHNIGUES —1 199 Example 7. Calculate the mode from the following frequency distribution: | Size (x) patie etre te ao tak aa ae . Frequency (f); 2 6 8 9 2 WM WM 1 iW 1 - Sol. Method of Grouping: : ‘Frequency Size () : I a m wv v Ww : 4 3 a 5 5 6 1B i 6 8 } 22 wv 7 9 29 Pa 8 2 35 } = 9 “4 } 40 . 28 10 4 43 } » a 15 40 } 26 2 n 39 ie 18 18 Explanation: Incolumn I, original frequencies are written. - Incolumn II, frequencies of column I are combined two by two. In column IMT, Leave the first frequency of column I and combine the others two by two. In column IV, frequencies of column I are combined three by three. Incolumn V, leave the first frequency of column I and combine the others three by three. In column VI, leave the first two frequencies in column I and combine the others three by three. In all these columns, the maximum frequency is written in bold black type. ‘Note. All operations are done on column I. Now we frame another table in which against every maximum item of columns I to VI, ‘we write down the corresponding size or sizes. The size («) which occurs maximum number of times is the mode, 200 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Columns Size of item having mas. frequency 1 n n 10, 11 cg 9 10 v 10, 11, 12 v 8 9 10 vL 9, 10, 12 ‘Since the item 10 occurs maximum number of times (i.e., 5 times), hence the modeis 10. Example 8. Find the mode of the following : Marks 1s 6-10 I-16 16-20 21-285 No. of candidates 7 10 16 32 2 Marks : 96-90 81-35 3640 41-45 No. of candidates: B 10 6 1 Sol. Here the greatest frequency $2 lies in the class 16—20. Hence modal class is 16—20, But the actual limits of this class are 15.5—20.5. 1 = 16.5, fr, = 82, fy = 16, fy=24,h=5 32-16 ‘ = fon = = ao a Moteat+ splat hea 165 + grey x8 8.83 marks, 3.44 Geometric Mean Geometric Mean. (a) Geometric Mean (G.M.) ofr individual observations x, xy, «&, («; # 0) is the n' root of their product. Thus G= by ty my ‘Taking logarithms of both sides log G= 2 (og, + log, +. +108%,)= 2 1S ngs, Est f, times respectively and N=)” /, then GM. i a ) Wey ty ny CUE fy fry by Gm epieg ety hy ‘Taking logarithms of both sides : 1 log G = 5 logs, + fy log ty + + F108) = 5G East xen Epes (c) In the case of continuous frequency distribution, x is taken to be the value corresponding to the mid-points of the class-intervals. - i f 201 STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES ~1 Example 9. Compute the geomeiric mean from the following data : Marks ‘No, of students 0-10 10 10-20 6 2030 8 30—40 7 40-50 20 Sol. Table for the calculation of mean: Marks Mid-values No. of Students log = flog w # 0-10 6 30 0.6990 ‘6.9900 10-20 6 5 1.1761 5.8805 20-80 25 8 1.8979 11.1882 30—40 35 7 1.6441 10.8087 40-50 4 20 1.6532 38,0640 50 67.9264 1 67.9264 log G= 5 flogs = SETS = 1.8585 G = antilog 1.3585 = 22.83, 8.4.5 Harmonic Mean ‘Harmonic Mean. Harmonic mean of a number of observations is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the given values, Thus, the harmonic mean H of n observations x, %,, Hey x w», (none of them being zero) have the frequencies fy fy.» f, Tespectively, then harmonic mean is given by In the case of class-intervals, « is taken to be the mid-value of the class-interval. ‘Example 10. Find out the harmonic mean of the following data: Maries (out of 150) 10 20 40 60 120 No. of students Aaa en 202 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Sol. 1 ft tt f a & 10 2 0.00 ‘0200 20 3 0.050 0.50 40 6 0.025 0.50 60 6 oor 0.085 30 4 0.008 0.082 20 ott N___20 HM. = 4-20 39.4, Men <7" oer 724 z Example L1, An aeroplane flies along the four sides of a square at speeds of 100, 200, 300 and 400 kmfhr respectively. What is the. average speed of the aeroplane in its flight around the square ? Sol. When equal distances are covered with unequal speeds, the harmonic mean is the proper average. 4 1 7 T 1 ‘T00 * 300 * 300 * 400 2: Average speed = 192 km/hr. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE - The minimum tomperature in (°C) for Delhi for the month of July, 1983 as reported by the Meterclogical Department is given below. Construct a frequonoy distribution table for it. 80.8, 80.0, 25.8, 26.5, 24.2, 252, 28.0, 28.0, 29.5, 278, 30.0, 81.1, 27.2, 95.9, 27.6, 24.5, 244, 27.0, 28.1, 26.0, 25.4, 28.0, 26.9, 25.7, 27.2, 25.5, 26.6, 28.5, 28.0, 27.7, 24.0, 2, The fallowing are the monthly rents (in rupees) of 40 shops. Tabulate the data by grouping in intervals of €8. 38, 42, 49, 37, 82, 87, 75, 62, 54, 79, 84, 75, 63, 44, 74, 4 86, 69, 64, 48, 74, 47, 62, 57, 62, 67, 72, ‘77, 82, 51, 31, 88, 43, 75, 67, 77, 47, 64, 84, 81, 8. Draw a histogram representing the following frequency distribution: Monthly Wages Number of Workers a0 6 20 25 30 35 40 45 Hint, Mid-values of class intervals of size 6 are given,] en od BSa . [STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES — 1 208 ' 4, Represent the following distribution by a (() histogram and (ii) frequency polygon. ‘Scores ‘Frequency 90-99 2 8089 2 70-19 22 60-69 20 50-59 4 4049 3 30—39 1 5. Represent the following distribution by an ogive : Marks No, of students Marks No, of students o—10 5 50-60 4 10-20 1B 60-70 1 20-30 2B 70-80 3 30—40 u 80-90 1 4050 8 s0—100 2 6. Compute the arithmetic mean for the following data : HeightGnem): 219 216 2183 210 207 204 201 198 195, Noofpesos: 2 4 6 1 MM 7 6S 4 2 1,_Find the average marks of students from the following data : Marks ‘No, of students Marks No, of students Above 0 80 Above 60 28 Above 10 7 Above 70 16 Above 20 72 ‘Above 80 10 Above 80 65 Above 90 8 Above 40 55 ‘Above 100 0 Above 50 43 8. ‘Two hundred persons were interviewed by a public opinion polling agency. The frequency distri- bution gives the ages of persons interviews Frequency Age Group (Gears) 80-89 7019 6069 50-59 2 2 6 20 Age Group (ears) 40-49 30-89 20-29 10-19 Calculate the arithmetic mean of the data. 9. Calculate the arithmetic mean from the following data : Gis neat Hey ont 3 rs eh 8 , as 0 = 2B 10-18 8 | mean is 85. ‘Step deviation (u) = Frequency (f) 5 (Class interval 16-25 2528 28-30 3045 45—80 i -i 0 10 580 Frequency 10. Find the class intervells if the arithmetic mean of the following distribution is 88 and assumed 1 2 2 © 10 204 ma 12. 13. 16 18. uw. 18, 19, ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ‘The average height ofa group of 25 children was calculated to be 78.4 em. It was later discovered ‘that one value was misread as 69 em instead of the correct value 96 om. Caleulate the correct average. A candidate obtains the following percentage in an examination : English 60, Hindi 75, Math- ‘ematies 68, Physics 59 and Chemistry 55. Bind the weighted mean if weights 2, 1, 5, 5, 3 are allotted to the subjects. ‘From the following data calculate the missing frequency No. of tablets No. of personecured No. of tablets No. of persons cured 4-8 pre 2428 9 Bui2 18 2882 cu 12-16 16 82-86 6 1620 i 36-40 4 20-24 2 ‘The average number of tablets to cure a person is 20. ‘The frequencies of values 0, 1, 2 ..” of a variable are given by 9, *Cyg"™p, "0,9 *p?, uuu p® Where p + q = 1, Show that the mean is np. ‘The moan marks obtained by 900 students in the subject of Statisties are 45.'The mean of the top 100 of them was found to be 70 and the mean of the last 100 was known to be 20. What is the ‘mean of the remaining 100 students ? In a certain examination, the average grade of all students in class A is 68.4 and that of all students in class B is 71.2, If the average of both classes combined is 70, find the ratio of the number of students in class A to the number in class B. ‘The following are the monthly salaries in rupees of 30 employees ofa firm : gl 139 126 119 100 87 65 7 99 95 108 127 96 148 116 76 #69 «88 112 118 89 116 97 105 9 80 86 W6 93 135 ‘The firm gave bonuses of 10, 15, 20, 25, 90, 35, 40, 45 and 50 to employees in the respective salary ‘groups : exceeding 60 but not exceeding 70, exceeding 70 but not exceeding 80, and so on upto exceeding 140 but not exceeding 160. Find the average bonus paid per employee. ‘According to the census of 1981, following are the population figures in thousand, of 10 cities : 2000, 1180, 1785, 1500, 560, 782, 1200, 385, 1128, 222. Find the median. Find the median from the following table: 256 7 9 Ww w ww WT 19 foi 2 7 9 WL 8 5 4 24 Caleulate the mean and median from the following table: 21. Class interval Frequency 657.5 5 15-85 2 85-95 28 9.5—10.5 43 105-115 32 - 1512.5 6 12.5—18.5 1 ‘Compute the median from the following data: Mid-value Frequency Mid-value Frequency 15 6 165 20. 135 25 115 38 135 43 185 22 145 2B 195 3 155 us STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES -I 205 Find the median, quartiles, 7 decile and 85% percentile from the following date: Monthly Rent No. of families ‘Monthly Rent No. of families @ @ 20—40 6 - 120140 6 40-60 9 140—160 10 60—80 u 160—180 8 80—100 uw 180-200 7 100-120 20 39 An incomplete frequency distribution is given as follows: Varable Froqueney Variable Froqueney 10-20 2 50—60 2 20—80 80 60—70 25 30-40 2 70-80 18 40-50 65 ‘Total 229 Given that the median valuo is 46, dotermine the missing frequencies using the median formula, 24, Find the median, lower and uppar quartiles, 4!* decile and 60" percentile for tho following ' istribution: Marks No.of students Marks No. of students o4 oo, wis 5 8 2 18-20 8 ee 3B 20-25 4 12-14 7 25 and above 6 Bint, Here the clasentervas are nota equa. To find any partton valu there is no need to ‘make them equal. 25. Find the mode of the following frequency distribution: Size : 2 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 © M BB Frequency: 3 8 15 98 3 40 92 2 2 45 14 6 26, Find the mode and median ftom the following table: Marks No. of students Marks No. of students o-10 2 40-50 « 35 10-20 1B 50-60 20 20-30 30 60—70 6 30—40 45 70-80 3 27. Calculate the mode of the following distribution: Montily wages No. of workers Monthly wages No. of workers n® find) 50-70 4 150-170 8 70-90 “4 170—190 2B 90-110 38 190-210 2 10-130 8 210-230 a 130-150 6 2 (Hint. Use the method of grouping for finding the modal class.] Be An incomplete distribution of families according to their expenditure per week is given below. ‘The median and mode forthe distribution are € 25 and & 24 respectively. Caleulate the missing Sroquencios. aes Expenditure: o—10 10—20 20—80 30—40 40—50 ® No. of families : “u . ? a7 2 6 206 TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS a —E ee —neeeeeeooeoeomss ic meen of the following data : ~, zs 10 1B 18 20 25 fir w 3 5 6 4 80, fn, and ng are the sizes, G, and G, the geometric means of two series respectively, then the seometric mean G ofthe combined series is given by log G = M1108 Gs+12 log Gy 7 Ry ‘The marks obtained by 25 students in a test are given below: Marks a 2 13 u 15 No. of students 3 7 8 5 2 Find the harmonic mean 82, Compute the harmonic mean of the following date: Class Frequency o~10 4 10-20 6 20-20 10 30—40 7 40—50 3 98. Three cities A, B, C are equidistant from each other. A motorist travels from A to B at 30 km/hr, from B to C at 40 km/hr and from C to A at 50 km/hr. Determine the average speed. ‘$4, Show that in finding the arithmetic mean of a set of readings on a thermometer, it does not matter whether we measuro temperature in Contigrade or Fahrenheit, but that in finding the ‘geometric mean, it does matter which scale we use. Answers 6. 207.54cm 7.51.76 marks 8, 86.8 years 9.17.36 10. 0—10, 10-20, 20—80, 80-40, 40—50, 506011. 79.48 em 12, 60.63% marks 1. 14 15.45 16.3:4 17.8275 48. 1181.5 thousands 19.18 20. Mean = 9.87, Median = 9.97 2. 168.8 22, (€) 110, 78.18, 140, 183,93, 160 28. 34, 45 24, 10.89, 6.5, 18.125, 9.98, 12.57 25.6 26, 36, 36.6 a7. 97.50 28, 25, 24 29, 18.20 * 31, 12.7 marks 32. 16.03 98. 38.8 lm/hr. 3.5 MOMENTS: ‘Moments are statistical tools, used in statistical investigations. The moments ofa distribution. are the arithmetic means of the various powers of the deviations of items from some given sumber. 3.6 MOMENTS ABOUT MEAN (Central Moments) 8.6.1 For an Individual Series E Ixy Xp « #, are the values of the variable under consideration, the r®* moment 1, about mean # is defined as Dena 37=0,1,2, STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES — | 207 3.6.2 For a Frequency Distribution fay 2p) -«y % are the values of a variable x with the corresponding frequencies fy fp respectively then r* moment y, about the mean Z is defined as DA -a" * =) ___ 5 =0,1,2,... where N= > ft = N a In particular, y= For any distribution, Forr=1, For any distribution, Forr=2, =D Ali - BF =(6D."= Variance a For any distribution, 1, coincides with the variance of the distribution. 1g 2 1y ye fil: -D*,ny= File — 3 Fe i Me wey a Similarly, y= and soon. ‘Note. In caso of a frequency distribution with class intervals, the values of x are the midpoints of the intervals. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. Find the firet four moments for the following individual series: = 3 6 8 10 8 Sol. Calculation of Moments S.No. = aE @-=P Genz Gy 1 8 -6 36 =216 1206 2 6 -3 9 ~27 81 3 8 -1 1 -1 1 4 10 1 1 id 1 5 18 9 81 729 6561 nob | Beeds Be~ z= 486 | ez) = 7940 2 2-0)" _ 486 97,9, aS nye SEE 280 08 Example 2. Calculate jy iy Hy Hy for the following frequency distribution: Marks 55 15-25 | 25-35 | 95-45 | 45-55 | 56-66 ‘No. of students 10 20 25 20 6 io Sol. Calculation of Moments ‘Marks | No.of | id. | fe |=-=| fe-=) | fe-zP | fle-z) | fie-3¥ students | point © @ 515 10 10 | 100 |-24 | -2é0 | 5760 |-1s8240 | 3817760 15-25 | 20 20 | 400 |-14 | -280 | 3920 | -s48s0 768320 2-35 | 25 30 | 750 | -4 | ~100 400 | -1600 6400 36-45 | 20 40 | 800 é 120 720 4320 25920 45-55 | 15 50 | 750 | 16 z4o | ag4o | 61440 983040 55-65 | 10 eo | eo | 26 eo | e760 | 175760 | 4569760 Bez | Bfie-z | Bhe- zy = 46800 | = 9671200 21400 Too = 214 " 2fe—2)* _ 46800 _ agg, 9671200 _ 96739, Be 8 100 p 3.7_ SHEPPARD'S CORRECTIONS FOR MOMENTS While computing moments for frequency distribution with class intervals, we take variable x as the midpoint of class-intervals which means that we have assumed the frequencies concen- trated at the midpoints of class-intervals. ‘STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES —1 209 ‘The above assumption is true when the distribution is symmetrical and the no. of class- Intervals isnot greater than <2 ofthe range, otherwise the eomputstion of moments will have certain error called grouping error. ‘This error is corrected by the folowing formulae given by W.F. Sheppard. =p-* H, (corrected) =p ~ F5 sy (corrected) = 1, where h is the width of the class-interval while 1, and i, require no correction. ‘These formulae are Inown as Sheppard’s corrections. Example 3, Find the corrected values of the following moments using Sheppard's cor- rection, The width of classes in the distribution is 10: lip=214, ty =468, ty = 96712, Sol. Wehave p=214, = 468, “Wj = 96712, A= 10. 2 Now, — tp (corrected) = jy Haag 0" = 214 8.893 = 205.667. is (corrected) =p, = 468 Any, +n ghia + aaah Any + ons oy? 1 doy i corrected) = p,~ 5M He + pag! = 96712.— “5 (214) +57 (10) = 96712 - 10700 - 291.667 = 86303.667. 3.8 MOMENTS ABOUT AN ARBITRARY NUMBER (Raw Moments) Ty tp yy %, are the values of a variable x with the corresponding frequencies ff» fy respectively then r** moment p,’ about the number x = A is defined as Wee RD AG AY r= 0,1, 2p where, N=), fi Fest ft Forr=0, Forr=1, Forr=2, Forr=3, 210 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Jn calculation work, if we find that there is some common factor h (> 1) in values of z-A ~A, we can ease our calculation work by defining u = “—*. im that caso, we have we 2]¥ fu’ |e" sr=0,1,2, Nl& ‘Note. For an individual series, Lis =) Ge; -AY 37 =0, 1,2, 9.9 MOMENTS ABOUT THE ORIGIN Thay ty tively then 74 moment about the origin v, is defined as , be the values of a variable x with corresponding frequencies f,, fy Y= ED ANH 0, 1, 2p where, N= fi At i 1g N For r= 0, Yom ay yh ay ot Forr=1, yehd hist Na Forr=2, vod fis? and soon ‘ a 3.10 RELATION BETWEEN 1, AND j1,” We know that, Dlr f _ fl -4-G- AN", 4 ¥ wey fils: oN Ale al wie wfee-A yy Fille, AN yl AY py 4Cyl, — AY WP — mt | Using binomial theorem = PCy Wh ght + °C My ght aru i STATISTIOAL TECHNIQUES -1 21 - Putting r = 2, 3, 4, we get y= Wg 2H 7? + HP = By Bi? Tenge Mg = Wg — Bushy + BHjS — HYP = Ws — Spgs + nj? Hy = Hy ~ Agu + Gugny?— Byy* ‘Hence, we have the following relations: n=O Be = Wa? = ag — Sagas + 2H? and y= Hy — Anau + Guz? — Sugt 3.11_RELATION BETWEEN v, AND i, ‘We know that, iz — fini" 37 = 0, 1, 2, . =3 fileA AY LS ites MAY +O, - AY At AT Nai BH +O At AP Tfwe take, A= = (for j,) then Ves Bp tC play B+ Cah g B24 at BT AD) Putting, r= 1, 2,8, 4 in (1), we get Vy = th tho = [hy =0,Hy=2 Va Mg + 20h + 2p Hg F?= ty + F* Vp = bg + Sega + Seah Z? + Sosy Z® = Uy + Sige + Z* ; Vg = Mg + SO ghg® + feahtn¥® + tes, 29 + eye * ‘ yt Age + Guz? + Z4 . ; Hence, we have the following relations: waz ‘Vp = Hy +E? Vp=Hg+SHpz+e® | and [ vy=my+ dupe + O4,5°+ 74] 212 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 3.12_ KARL PEARSON'S B AND 7 COEFFICIENTS: Karl Pearson defined the following four coefficients based upon the first four moments of a frequency distribution about its mean: 2 B= i (G-coefficients) ott fen ae n+ vB (reoefficients) y= B.-8 } ‘The practical use of these coefficients is to moasure the skewness and kurtosis of a frequency distribution. These coefficients are pure numbers independent of units of measure- ment, Example 4, The first three moments of a distribution, about the value ‘2’ of the variable are 1, 16 and ~ 40, Show that the mean is 8, variance is 15 and , =~ 86. Sol. Wehave A=2, p{=1, wj=16, and pj=-40 Welknow that wj=7-A => ¥=uj+A=142=3 ‘Variance = Hy = pj - pj? = 16 (1)? = 15 Hy = Hg — Basu + 2p 73 = — 40 — 3(16)(1) + 20)? =~ 40 — 48 + Example 5. The first four moments of « distribution, about the value ‘36° are ~ - 1020 and 144000. Find the values of jy tly Vg» Wy. Sol. I, =0. ‘He = Hy — Hy? = 240 - (— 1.8)? = 236.76 Hy = HS — Sug + 2uj8 =— 1020 — 3(240\- 1.8) + 2 1.8)® = 264.36 He = He — Anan + Guz? — Suit = 144000 — 4(— 1020)(— 1.8) + 6(240)(- 1.8)? — 3 1.8)¢ = 141290.11. Example 6. Calculate the variance and third central moment from the following data: 5 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 Gi 7 8 a [2 9 26 | 59 72 oa ,| 28 7 1 Sol. Calculation of Moments ZA = f wo fe fae fe A=4h=1 0 1 —4 —4 16 64 1 9 -3 -27 a1 ~243 2 26 “3 52 04 -208 3 59 -1 58 59 ~58 4 2 0 o | 0 0 ‘STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES ~ 1 213 ‘Moments about mean m=O Hy = Hy R’P = 1.9805 — (— 02784)? = 1.97975 Variance = 1.97975 Also, Hy = Bg Sug Hy + 2a = 0.1445) ~ 8 (1.9805) (— 002734) + 2 (- 0.02734) = 00178997 Third central moment = 0.0178997. Example 7. The first three méments of a distribution about the value 2 of the variable are 1, 16 and — 40 respectively. Find the values of the first three moments about the origin. Sol. Wehave = A=2, w{=1, 4j=16, nj=—40 n vj=E=Atpi=2+1=3 5 + (8)? = 24 Vp =Hy + Sig + F8=— 86 + 9(15)() + (38 = 76. Example 8. The first four moments of a distribution about x = 2 are 1, 2.8, 5.5 and 16. Calculate the first four moments about the mean and about origin. Sol.Wehave A=2, uf=1, wj=25, wi=5.5, = 16. ‘Moments about mean, =2.5- (R215 By — Suguy + 24499 = 6.5 — 3(2.5)(1) + 201)? = 0 . Hf — 4c + Gunz? — By j= 16 ~ 4(6.5)(1) + 6(2.5)(1)" — 3(1)* = 6. ‘Moments about origin vjeEeAtny Vo Het 3? ‘V5 = Hy + Spy% + ¥4, Vg = By + 4ilge + 6p? + =* va 224153, v= 15+) = 10.5 Vg = 0+ 8(1.5X3) + (8 =40.5, — vg= 6 + 4(0)(8) + 6(1.5X8) + (8)* = 168: 214 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Example 9. For a distribution, the mean is 10, variance is 16, y, is 1, and By is 4. Find the first four moments about the origin, ‘Sol. =10, u,=16, 4=1, B.=4 | given Now, 1 = Ie n= Br => ip? = (16)* = (64)? = and = => y= 4016)? = 1024 b= 16 y= Hg + Sigz + £® = 64 + 480 + 1000 = 1544 Vi, Zt dine + OugX? + F4 = 1024 + 4(64)(10) + 6(16)(100) + (10) 22188) Example 10. In a cerlain distribution, the first four moments about the point x = 4 are ~ 15, 17,30 and 308. Find the momente about mean and about origin. Also, calculate B, and By- (UP.L.U. 2014) Sol. We have, A=4,y'y =~ 1.5, "',= 17, W'y =—80, p’, = 308 ‘Moments about mean w=0 Hy = Hg — 82’g i’, + 2nf9 = — 80-8 (17) (1.5) +2 1.5) = 39.75 Bg = Hy Ab’g hs + OHH? — Spy = 808 - 4 (— 80) (— 1.5) + 6(17) - 1.5" ~ 3 (~ 1.5) = 842.3125 ‘Moments about origin ‘ Vg = Hy + x? = 14.76 + (2.6)? = 21 16 +4=25 Wy +A= Vg = Hg + SugF+3* = 166 Vg Hig + dug + Gu, 3? +z* = 1982 Calculation of 8, and Bi, a Me = #2 20499377 f, = “4 = 1.578908 fia ie Bee s Example 11. The first four moments of a distribution about the value #’of the variable are ~ 1.5, 17, - 30 and 108, Find the moments about mean, about origin ; B, and 8,. Also, find the moments about the point x = 2. (AKT, 2017) ‘STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES -1 215 Sol. We have A= 4p", Moments about mean Hy=0 By = Wy = Wy? = 14.75 y= Big ~ Bis by + Qu? = 89.75 1.5, p= 17, p's 80, W’, = 108 y= Weg Sg Ws + Ouran? — Buf = 142.8125 Also, Fwy tAs-15+4=25 Moments about origin yaF =25 Vp= Mg + 3? = 14.75 + (2.5)? = 21 Vp= ls + Sigg + 3° = 166 ‘Vg Mg t 4g + Guyz? + Z¢ = 1192 Calculation of B, and By 2 §,=42=0.402377 p, = #4 = 0.654122 ue cH ‘Moments about the point x = 2 y= F-A=25-2=05 Wy = My + Hy? = 14.76 + (5 = 15 Hig ™ Hy + S's By — 2°9 = 39.75 + 3 (15) (.5) — 2 (.5) = 62 Wey + AW — Gig? + Suit = Bad TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1. @Caleulate the first four moments about mean, for the following individual series: 5 5 6 BO (Gi) Find the first four moments about the mean of the following series: AEE PE eH rere tear (Gif) Calculate ty tay Hy» Hy for the series : 4, 7, 10, 18, 16 19, 22, (® Find the frst four moments for the following frequency distribution: «fu 2 3 4 5 6 7 s | 9 Ae 2 a 4 5 4 3 a | 4 i) Calculate the first four moments ofthe following distribution about the mean and hence find 8, and By. * 0 1 a 3 4 5 é 7 1 8 28 58 70 cme (iii) The number of flowers on Sunflower plants are given below: ‘No, of flowers a 6 12 16 25 ‘No. of plants 1 2 3 4 5 Calculate the first four moments about mean, (0.U, (B, Pharma) 2011) 216 ATEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ‘8. @ Find the first four moments about mean for the following frequency distribution : Marks 10 10-20 20-30 so-40 | 40-50 No.ofetudents | 5 10 40 20 25 2) Calculate the first four moments about the mean for the following: Classes 5-16 16-25 25-35 35-45 48-55 f 4 22 36 18 10 (Gii) Caloalate the first four moments about the mean for the following data: |Class-intervat| 0-10 10-20 20-80 30-40 40-50 ie 10 20 40 20 10 GLTU, 2014) 4. Calculate the first four moments ahout« = 15 and hence find the moments about the mean of the following distribution : «| 1 |u| 2| 2 | «| ws | i | a] 18 | 19 | 2] 2 7] 9 | a6] 7 | a05 [ase | ao7 | a8 | oc | 45 | a0 | asl 5 5. @ The first three moments of a distribution about the value 4 of the variable are 1.5, 17 and 80. Find the moments about mean. : i) The frst four moments ofa distribution about x = 4 are 1, 4, 10 and 45. Show that the mean 4s 6, the variance is 3, jl, is O and p, is 26, (Git) The firat four moments ofa distribution about the value 5 of the variable are 2, 20, 40 and50. Calculate mean, variance, and jy. (GBTWU. 2012) 6. Ifthe first four moments of a distribution about the value 5 are equal to ~ 4, 22, — 117 and 560. Determine the corresponding moments : @ about the mean, and Gi) about zero. 7. Compute first four moments of the data 3, 5, 7, 9 about the mean, Also, compute the first four ‘moments about the point 4, e Ina frequency distribution, the mean is 1.5, variance is 0.64, f, is 2.6 and y, is 0.3. Find 1, and, ‘and also the first four moments about the origin. @ ‘The first four moments of a distribution about the value ‘0’ are — 0.20, 1.76, - 2.96 and 10.88, Find the moments about the mean, Answers LO, =0,1,=0,4j=0,n,=0 y= 0, iy = 12, Hy =~ 12, ty = 208.8 i) My = 0, Ip = 86, hy = 0,1 = 2268 2 Outy= 0, ty =4y y= 0, y= 97.6 8) y= 0, 1g =2, Hy =O, y= 11, By =O, By = 2.75 id Hy = Og = B48, Uy = 496, ny = 5475.6 8 G4, = 0, ty = 126, tp =—300, y= 87625 Gi) p, = 0, ty = 184.56, ny = 126.14, p, = 41840.82 Gi) Hy = O, t= 120, i = 0, wy = 96000 4 By = Otlg= 6.5; = 44, ny = 77.8 5 6 Oty = 0, ty = 14.76, ty = — 99.75 Git) 7,16, ~ 64, 162 0,6, 19, 32 i) 1, 7,38, 145

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