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"OSPF neighbor relationship packet capture in Ethernet Network

1 > R1 send a ospf hello to multicast address - i. IP Header [Src ip

of R1, dst ip, Protolcol - ospf (89), TTL 1] ii. OSPF header [ospf
version -2, Message Type (Hello),
src router id, area id, Authentication data] iii. OSPF Hello packet
[ Network Mask, Hello time (10), Dead Time (40), DR IP -, BDR IP - 0.0.0,
R1 priority (1) ]
2 > If there is already a neigbor established between R1 and R2, When R2 will
receive that hello, it (R2) will send its own hello on R1 ip directly and also put
R1 ip in Active neighbor field of its
hello packet. In case, R2 is a new neighbor then R2 & R3 send a ospf hello
to multicast address
R1 listen on mutlicast address, receive R2 and R3 hello and send another hello by
putting [R2 and R3 router id in Active Neighbor field in hello packet], R2 and R3
does same thing."

"Non-Broadcast (or NBMA) - Network like Frame relay, ATM, X.25 (Serial link),
MPLS . Since NBMA network does not have broadcast capability, dynamic network
discovery will not be possible meaning ospf neighbors must have to define
statically and all ospf packets are unicast including hello and update. DR/BDR can
be used beacuse multiple routers are connected but make sure the hub router is
always set as a DR (because if we have 3 router and 2 pvc, R1+R2 and R1+R3, if R2
bacomes DR then, Since DR/BDR should have full connectivity with all other routers
but in this case R3 cannot reach R2, Hence we never have full adjacency between R2-
ospf automatically chooses the network type once we enable it, depending up on the
media and encapsulation type, However we can manually change it
R2/R3(config)# int s0/0 > encapsulation frame-relay > ip ospf
network non-broadcast > ip ospf priority 0 (so that R2/R3 never become
R1(config)# router ospf 10 > neighbor priority 0 > neighbor priority 0 (Can also be used on hub router to make sure spoke router
never become DR)

R1(config)# s0/0.10 > frame map ip 200 broadcast > frame
map ip 300 broadcast
To send multicast over a frame relay network, This has to be configured on R1 and
R2 and in case of point-to-multipoint network as well.
The braodcast keyword allow R1 to send bradcast style packet (sudo-broadcast) of
ospf to each DLCI (R2, dlci 200 & R3, dlci 300) enable for brodcast over NBMA
Broadcast is one message goes to everybody, and sudo-broadcast is one message goes
to each defined neighbor or individual dlci"
Point to point - Network that uses HDLC and PPP protocol over (serial link like T1,
ISDN, BRI/PRI), There is no DR/BDR in this because ospf sees the whole network as a
collection of point-to-point links. All routers form full adjacencies with each
other. Neighbors can be discovered and adjacency can be establsihed automatically.
Hello / update are sent on multicast address To configure it,
R(conf)# int s0/0 > ip ospf network point-to-point
"Point to multipoint - Network like Frame relay, MPLS, VPLS, DMVPN. There is no
DR/BDR election in this network because ospf sees the whole network as a collection
of point-to-point links, however neighbour can be discovered automatically and
updates or hello can be sent on the multicast address.
r2/r3(config)# int s0/0 > encapsulation frame-relay > ip ospf network
Point to multipoint non broadcast - Network like MPLS, VPLS, DMVPN. It’s the same
as point-to-multipoint with the difference of Non broadcast, Means in this you have
to manually define the neighbors and ospf hello or updates cannot be sent on a
multicast address. There is no DR/BDR

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