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Fall Semester – 2020~21
DA - I
Course Code: MAT3003 Slot: C1+TC1
Course Name: Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations
Max. Marks : 10 Date: 20-09-2020
sin 2 x
1. If f ( z )  u  iv is analytic find f (z) and v if u  .
cos 2 x  cosh 2 y
2. Verify whether the equation   e 2 xy sin( x 2  y 2 ) can represent the path of
electric current flow in an electric field. If so, find the complete electric potential
and the equation of the potential lines. Also show that the resultant families of
curves   c1 and   c2 cut orthogonally.
3. Show that the line x  3 y is mapped onto the circle under the bilinear
iz  2
transformation w  . Find the centre and radius of the image circle.
4z  i
4. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z  1  2i, 2  i, 2  3i into
the points w  2  i, 1  3i, 4 respectively. Also find its invariant points.

5. Use the transformation   z 2 to find the image of

(i). The straight lines through the origin of the z-plane are mapped onto the
straight lines through the origin of the  -plane and
(ii). Find the image of the circle | z | a .

z 2 1
6. Expand f ( z )  in a Laurent’s series if
( z  2)( z  3)
(i) | z | 2 (ii ) | z | 3 (iii ) 2 | z | 3
 1 
7. Find the nature of the singularities of the function sin  
 z 2
tan( z / 2)
8. Evaluate  ( z  a)
dz,  1  a  1 where ‘C’ the boundary of the square whose

sides are x  1 and y  1 .

cosz 2  sin z 2
9. Evaluate the integral  dz , where c is z  3 .
( z  1)( z  2)

10. Evaluate by contour integration.

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