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Band 7.

5 IELTS essay sample

There is no doubt that there is a wide range of salaries in some nations
nowadays. While some people believe that extremely high remunerations
are in favour of a nation, others argue that this trend does more harm than
good and hence the government should put a cap on how much one can
earn. In this essay I will discuss both sides of the argument (write: the
argument) and lend my support for the latter view.

Those who believe that high salary packages are good for a country might
support it for various reasons. Firstly, higher salaries would bring a better
lifestyle to the country. This is because the money always circulates within
the country and keeps changing hands. The more the money in circulation,
the more the prosperity. Secondly, they might also argue that a high salary
means a better job. For example, the traders in investment banks are the
people who make millions of dollars every year and undoubtedly trading is
one of the most attractive professions.

On the other hand, I would argue that the free upward movement of
salaries should be checked and controlled by the government because of
the intense competition it creates along with the huge disparity of incomes
in a society. Competitiveness beyond a certain point can make human life
awful. This is because people get into the rat race and compare them with
others rather than enjoying what they already have. Ultimately, this
mentality results in stress and tension. Also, the wide range of income
difference can lead to criminal activities. This is due to the fact that poor
people would find it extremely difficult to earn higher salaries through legal
means, and might get tempted into traps of easy money.

To conclude, although the very high salaries may benefit a certain section
of the society, it leads to unhealthy competition and a spurt in criminal
activities. Therefore, in my opinion, the advantages of this phenomenon are
outweighed by the disadvantages and it is the responsibility of the
government to check it.

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