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Analysis 5 (Part 1 + Part 2)

Part 1 (Qualitative):
Product: Glossier makeup products
Sponsoring Organization: Glossier
Digital Platform: Instagram
URL Link:
What do you think are the product’s overall objectives and its projected audience?
Glossier is a makeup brand that was started in 2013 by founder Emily Weiss. The
world renowned makeup brand is one that has grown popular among millennials within
the past couple of years and continues to attract many other demographics. Glossier’s
overall mission is to provide good makeup products with equally good skin care provided
in those products.
They want to mesh the idea of having great skin from what the industry experts tell
you to use and then translating that into good makeup. Their projected audience seems to
be women and those aged between 14-35 years old. Many of their photos feature younger
looking customers with naturally youthful, dewy textured skin.
What are some specific elements of its content approach and strategy?
Some elements of Glossier’s content approach and strategies include using photos
on their Instagram that include natural makeup customer photos, product photos, celebrity
features, brand loyalty and more. They stay consistent with their color scheme throughout
their photos and website. They also utilize their Instagram stories to better connect with
their audiences and provide interactive content using the makeup. Glossier’s tag line is
“skin first, makeup second” and that clearly shows in their overall aesthetic.

What is the visual style and approach?

Glossier’s visual style can be described as young and fresh faced. Their color scheme
features bright fun pink, white and coral colors. They also feature many models with
various skin tones that seem to have that famous dewy skin look that they are products are
known for. They also have a pink aesthetic on their Instagram that looks attractive and
inviting to many young girls who are their main target market. There products are heavily
featured on the social media site and they have acquired over 1 million followers in just the
past couple of years. Another approach that Glossier has on their Instagram that showcases
their visual style is ‘female empowerment’. They have an all female staff and feature mostly
females in their visual makeup photos.

What is the navigation approach and opportunities for interactivity?

The navigation approach that Glossier has on their Instagram is the idea of a
lifestyle brand mixed with a beauty approach.Their overall mission is to feel not only
confident with your makeup but with first of all your skin. Their light and airy approach to
makeup shows in their customer fan base as the more natural makeup trend is all the hype
in the beauty industry right now. Glossier is also breaking the industry standard barriers
by introducing an inexpensive brand to the high end industries of the world like makeup
fashion and celebrity targets.
Recently Glossier has dealt into the fragrance industry by releasing a unique scent
that they claim “smells like you”, it is a scent that adapts to your body temperature and
essentially brings out your natural scent. As for opportunities for interactivity, Glossier is
such a great brand to really incorporate any kind of young millennial brand into it, even
influencers can play a huge part into their social accounts. Glossier has a ‘brand
representative’ program where they send products to influencers and ask them to post
about what they love. This not only adds exposure to the brand but shows their customer
Finally, summarize how effective you feel this product is overall, and whether this
digital platform is used well to achieve content objectives:
Glossier is a beauty brand that I have a high admiration for as a business owner.
They have broken boundaries when it comes to beauty standards by bringing in the new
trend of natural makeup in and “heavy-caked” makeup does out. This new beauty approach
clearly shows in on their Instagram page as favorited among their target market with their
1.2 million followers and I see that follower count only going up.
I personally have seen this brand featured on many social platforms and they are
becoming a staple in many designer and celebrity makeup preferences, which is so unlike
any other brand that has tried to accomplish this status. Something that I really love about
their Instagram is the interactiveness of their page. They showcase their makeup with real
faces and women who live that kind of universal busy lifestyle. Confidence can be
contagious and this brand is helping millions of young women feel that level of confidence
in their everyday lives through makeup and skin.

Part 2 (Quantitative):
Sponsoring Organization: Dollar Shave Club
Digital Platform: Dollar Shave Club website
Product you are analyzing: Alexa Data National Metrics
URL Link:

Choose one metric available to you and provide the most recent available
One of the metrics available is the search traffic that the Dollar Shave Club site receives.
The percentage of visits to the site that comes from a search engine is 10.50% and that is in the
span of December 26, 2016 and the past 30 days. That is up 53.00% from their previous period.
The top 3 keywords that come from those search engines is “dollar shave club”, “shave club”
and “razors”.

As well as a summary of the trend for this metric for the past month, six months or
one year:
According to data that was given on the Alexa screenshots from Google Drive, last
updated December 26, 2016 and the past 30 days before.
- Dollar
as the
in the
Rank. The Global Rank is 7,076 below the average rank that it should be at.
- Looking at their graph trend they seem to have done well with their traffic ranks
during January and May of 2016. During the month of September is when they had
reached their highest traffic peak amount and from there it decreased significantly
during the next few months.
- The estimated unique visitors during that 30 day period for the United States was
1,899,185. The estimated visits were 3,880,959 and estimated pageviews was
13,378,630. These metrics show how much of a pretty high volume that the
website has attracted in just a short 30 day period.
- Their visits per visitor is 2.05 and the pageviews per visit is about 3.45 pages.
Lastly their monthly pageviews per visitor is 7.08.
- The main target demographic for Dollar Shave Club is men so it makes sense
that male hit above average for their audience demographics. Women fall below
average near the actual ‘below’ line.
- The highest age group for Dollar Shave Club is 55-64 years of age. The lowest
age group is surprisingly both 18-24 and 65+ who fall below average. Most do
not seem to have children as it shows almost above average.
- As for education for their audience demographic, The highest amount have gone
to college as it shows almost above average.
- Income stats show the highest averages being those people who make between
$30K-$60K and also those making $100K+ being their main demographic.
- Browsing Location for those same audience demographics is usually those
looking at the website during Work and also Home then School almost hitting
below the Internet Average.
- Ethnicity demographics include the highest being Caucasian, Hispanic and
African American and the lowest ones being African and Asian.
- The visitors that visit the subdomain website of is 83.84% of
percent of visitors and as being the lowest.
- The site itself ranks as average as how fast it loads. 51% of other sites are
slower and the average time loading is 1.66 seconds.
- The most popular countries that accumulate their visitor percentage is United
States, Canada, Australia, Japan and United Kingdom.

What tendencies and trends in the metrics stand out the most to you?
The trend metrics that stood out to me the most are those that have ranked lower
for The subdomain of ranked the lowest for
where visitors go to look at Dollar Shave Club products and this website has a Canadian
URL link in it. Canada also ranks as 2nd in the metrics for most popular countries
accumulate their visitor percentage. I thought this metric was odd because Canadians
should be using the ca. Link site for their browser rather than the United

This metric can show how the misinformation of links can be related to how the
consumer shops for their items. Another trend that stood out to me was the Caucasian
ethnic demographic, as being the highest out of all of them. Looking at their content on
their site and their TV commercials they all seem to feature Caucasian male models and I
think that really inspires the Caucasian demographic to really stand out from others.
Now take a look at the content of this product and see if it reflects what you see in
the metrics. Offer three recommendations (with one-paragraph explanations for
each) that you feel would help this product better achieve its objectives:

1. The first recommendation I would make for Dollar Shave Club is to widen their
geographical demographic. All men on this earth have a need for a good quality
razor, especially if it is offered at a discounted rate. The countries featured on their
website to buy from are United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. These
countries do see a need for the kind of products that Dollar Shave Club offers but
there are other markets that they can hit big on. The Middle East has a huge male
demographic that can see the need for this type of product and even Germany or
Japan, can see that same need. By widening their spectrum geographically it can
open the door to new ventures for the brand.
2. The second recommendation I would make for the Dollar Shave Club for future
reference is to feature more feminine products in their brand. Looking at their
demographic women fall way below the Internet Average and this can cause a
roadblock for future sales. Having an all-inclusive type of brand is important in this
day and age and if the Dollar Shave Club incorporated women’s razors and shave
cream then I could see it doing better sales and Internet visitors per site-wise.
3. The final recommendation I would make for the Dollar Shave Club is to target more
low-income individuals who can afford their monthly payments for high quality
products. The idea behind the brand from the start is just that high quality that you
can get at an affordable price. By promoting that better using SEO and Internet flag
banners, The Dollar Shave Club can up many metrics shown on Alexa for example
College Education, Yearly Income and many others. By targeting those individuals
that come from lower income you can promote that anyone can afford these
products and also replace major retailers who these consumers go to first. Dollar
Shave Club can be the number 1 destination for everyday toiletries essentials.

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