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Project management-HR systems

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Human resource is an essential part of the company that focuses on the management and
evaluation of internal affairs as well as the external affairs of the organization. Human resource
management system is the information system used by the companies that help them to manage
their employees in an effective manner. The main application of this system is on the process of
hiring, marking, analyzing, and monitoring attendance of employees by fingerprint scanning and
managing salaries of the employees on the basis of number of days they have worked. This
ensures accurate and error-free management systems.

Project statement
Analysis of the in-use tools of HR in today’s functions and formulate an application of single
integration for the effective and applicable system of management of human resources.

Project scope
Project scope can be defined as a pre-project working draft that plans and prepares a project for
its implementation. Project scope is an introductive approach that defines the risk that a project
might face in its execution. The project scope also defines the plan and approach used by the
implementor to produce the effective outcomes of the project. The measures need to define
which will make implementation as a key addition to the success of the Company. This must
include the key areas that will influence the implementation of the system and formal
documentation must be proposed ineffective management. The report is about the
implementation of the HR system in the organization to analyze the effectiveness and method of
implementation in the organization. The scope of this report will include certain areas to be
covered and plan for their implementation and analysis. These areas are
● Services and products need to be delivered
● Procedure and methods by which they will be achieved or completed
● Resourcement of HR
● The location of the resources and their method of reporting

Objectives of the project

The objectives of the project must be clearly defined to identify the scope and encourage the
effective planning of the project. In the HR system implementation, the main objective of an
organization is to eliminate the mainframe HR and manage a system like payrolls and benefits by
maintaining the useful application that enhances the data management in the business processes.
Other objectives of the system can be highlighted as

● To Implement an organization centered HR management system

● Establishment of a sustainable process of HR for the longterm running
● Improve the functionality and management of the human resources by the
implementation of the application software.
● Identify the risks and their solutions for better implementations of the system.
To achieve these goalsa better scope of the project must be identified and analyzed. The need of
identification of different elements can help in the formulation of effective project scope for HR

Identification of the requirements.

To implement a process it is essential to identify the need for implementation and the
requirement of elements to implement the system effectively. It is essential to must know the
different requirements to implement the system such as functional, technological, and system
requirements that need to be considered.

Functional requirement
The functions of the organization need to identify which will facilitate the implication of the
system. In this case, the organization needs the HR system to be implemented on the functions of
the benefits system, payroll monitoring, and employee management by monitoring their
attendance. It is the requirement to eliminate the mainframe of HR and provide the client-server
accessibility to ease the processes of HR management

Technological requirement
The technological requirements are the integrated management softwares and hardware that need
to be evaluated and collected to perform the project in a well-driven direction. The technological
requirement to implement an HR system can be stated as,
● The integrated software for management and their implementation in the existing systems
● Supporting hardware for newly implemented systems.
● The technological requirement must include the system operating modules for the
operation of an integrated system

System requirement
The system requirement indicates the availability of skillful personals that knows the operation
of the integrated and installed system. Also, the system must be implemented tothe
administration department and must be accessed on it to evaluate and imply the systemin the
management of the employees, and the system must be supported and maintained by the
organization and update the system by time to ensure maximum productivity.

Identification of the stakeholders

The stakeholders are the direct or indirect users or customers of the implemented system. The
interests and needs of the users must be considered in order to ensure the effective
implementation and success of the system. In HR management, the customers are the
administration and people from the human resources department. The users of the application
will be employees that use the system to report their attendance. This will facilitate the company
following in the remote working of the employees. The administration and HR will also be users
to monitor the performance of employees and manage their salaries. The key stakeholders are
also the information companies that facilitate by empoering the system with their facilities. It is
important to look after their needs and wants and how they intend to use the system. The
stakeholders are equally engaged in the system and the necessary training to conduct the easy use
of the HR system. The system should be made to facilitate them and do not complicate it for the
stakeholders that they become annoyed and avoid to use the system

Identification of cost and time

To evaluate the scope of the project estimation of the budget must be formulated the current
budget is 16,000 Omani riyal with the time frame given for the implementation in 8 months to
one year. The hardware and software purchasing is depended upon the time and resources the
organization willing to spend upon. The effective information system will use all kinds of
encryption and security that prevent the system of the information to be secured and safe to use.
The security will prevent fraud and help the smooth communication and following of the system
in an organization.

Project governance and resourcing

The project governance will define the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the
project. These can be highlighted as

Designations Responsibilities
Project managers ● Manages the planning of the projects and monitors funding
● Resolve the issues and interdependencies of a project
● Identify and implement best practices across the project

Functional cordinators ● Evaluation and leading of the software and explain the
best use of the application in its best practice
● Identify functional areas of the system to be implemented
● Corporate in building and maintaining system

Technical team ● People in the technical team will deal with the software
and hardware with the monitoring of programming and
system development.
● Manages the technical applications and the staff
designated to the technical work

HR strategist ● Help in identifying the need of the organization

● Customization of the system for need and use of the
● Evaluate the measures that can help the organization to
build and accelerate the business
Executive sponsors ● These will identify and formulate the policies and
procedure for project management
● Identify the opportunities for a business process to grow
and develop in all areas of the organization
● Advice on building a system that enhances business

Risk management of the project

Conducting a project may cause it to deviate from a certain plan and scope which might propose
some risks to the project and its administration. For certain measures, a risk-mitigating strategy
must be ready at hand for the project manager that helps him to get through the level of diversity
of the risk. The diversity in the scope can be manageable upto some level but the levels should
not be exceeded. To ensure a smooth supply of the processes it is necessary for the project
manager to assess the risks and communicate the stakeholders about the status of the project and
identifying risk must be communicated through them with a weekly channel. The project
manager must take stakeholders in its confidence that some small risks are tolerable and will not
cause many problems to the project. In the HR management system, the project manager must be
in coordination with the subjective employee and HR department to aware of the risks and
deviation in project if it may occur. The organization must have a backup plan that ensures the
safety of the data and all data must not be lost with the risk posing events.

Improvement of project management by enhanced project scope

The project management can be improved if the good and applicable scope is in the hands of a
project manager. The scope outlines the necessary actions that need to be taken by the manager
in order to implement a system which is effective and long-lasting for the organization

The measure of success of scope

The success of the scope will be determined when the issues and operations of the project
management will be conducted smoothly and the implemented system will help the organization
to save their time and costs and help them sustaining an effective system.

Feasibility study
The feasibility study is conducted to evaluate the idea that it can be applied or not. The feasibility
study is the assessment of the idea that predict it's outcome and the planned scheme to applicable
and if applicable what gains will the business posses while implementing this idea. The
feasibility study assess the plan that whether it can be turned into real one and declare the
possible risks and ideas that can go wrong while the implementation of the plan. The feasibility
study identify and evaluate the resources and requirements that needs to be applied in the idea to
make it effective for the organization. The feasibility study of the Hr management can be
evaluated and understand by three aspects.

Technical feasibility
The study highlights the technological convenience in the study this identifies as the
technological evolute in the project can be fulfilled with ease or it will cause difficulties for the
organization. The technological experts figure out the available technology and its
implementation within the organization. This should not be expensive and must not be
complicated that can not be understood by the operators or other stakeholders. In this feasibility
study, the engineers and technical experts are required to review and identify the technological
aspects of the project. This feasibility study element helps organizations to properly assess and
identify the process capability, the results will be identified and evaluated by the technical team
to assess whether this idea can be converted into reality or not. Considering the HR managemnet
system it is very technologically feasible. It just requires the application software and the data of
employees to be fed in. The information system can be designed within the organization to
monitor or from the specialized encrypted software available readily in the market. The HR
managemnet system uses the software of application installing and the tracking of code to the
employees. This can help in the technological development within the organization. The
information system used in the Hr managemnet will be applicable to just between the Hr
department connected to the employees of the company. The high availability and advancement
in technology has enabled the use of technological support and provided the technical feasibility
to be implemented within the organization. This technological feasibility has provided that there
is enough technical security to the company and the idea is technologically feasible.

Economic feasibility
The economic feasibility indicates the ease and consideration of the budget in the organization.
The organization must have a significant budget and expenditure in installing and maintaining
the information system. Economic feasibility is to estimate the costs and expenditure of the
project before starting and evaluating that the company must have such an amount that will help
them implement the system. Conducting economic stability will help the organization to provide
and improve the stability in the system. To conduct this study it is essential to evaluate the
financial status of the organization. The organization must not possess the exact amount needed
for the implementation but it should have some extra backup in case of any risk poses that delays
the project or demand an addition in the project. The feasibility study of the economic condition
of the organization indicates that project administration can be done right away or can be halt
until the required economic status is reached. The economic feasibility not only assess the
required funds to implement the process but also focuses on the price gain and benefits of the
implemented project. The HR management can be costly for the organization as the system
should and must be set and a more computerized monitoring system must be set by the company.
The economic feasibility must be very effective while implementing the HR managemnet system
as there is a gain in the price in the long term while the investment is very heavy in the initial.
The company must possess the funds as the computerization of HR can be identified and
unnecessary initial cost for the organization. Although if the company have enough funds to
apply and then have to maintain the system the project is economically feasible as it will help in
saving time and cost of the company in the long run.

Operational feasibility
The operational feasibility of the project indicates that the proposed project plan is operational or
not. This plan indicates that the proposed project will altogether resolve the trouble of the
organization and help ease the operations of the company or the business. This is the most
important feasibility upon which the whole project is based on. It is important to find operation
feasibility as it is the indicator of the development process to be effective and impactful. The
operations of the company must be minimized while conducting the application of the project
and once implemented it is required to resolve the issues it was installed in for. The HR
management system will help in saving the time of the organization and promote effective
monitoring of their employees. It will also have help to maintain the records of their employees
and ease in managing the working days of the employees and their salaries accordingly. The
project is equally feasible in terms of saving assessment by the manual method that takes up alot
of time and human effort from the organization. The efficiency in HR will ensure smooth
operation throughout the organization and fair assessment of people with clear results. To be
identified the proposed system will be highly feasible and will be effective in maintaining and
formulating the effective operational system in the organization.

The HR management system is the system that helps companies to follow effective human
resourcing and employee managing capabilities. The scope before implementing the system in an
organization must be identified in order to avoid failure of the system and assess the
requirements, stakeholders, and risks of the projects that may arise during the project. The
feasibility study will also define the eligibility of the project within the organization.

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