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Raspberry pi is a minicomputer which can receive input connections of peripherals such as

keyboard and mouse. It is used mainly for image processing, video processing IoT applications
and robotics. The speed of a raspberry pi is slower than a laptop or desktop at low power
consumption. Raspberry pi runs on NOOBS OS or Raspbian OS. The official OS would be
Raspbian OS. The minimum recommended requirement for the SD card would be 8GB to store
the operating system.

Raspberry pi also provides access to hardware such as GPIO to develop applications. By

accessing it, one can connect devices such as LED, sensors and motors. The CPU speed for
raspberry pi is 700Mhz to 1.2Ghz. It also contains a SDRAM. There are a few versions of
raspberry pi available in the market:

1. Raspberry Pi 1 Model A
2. Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+
3. Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
4. Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
5. Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

6. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
7. Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi 3 model B Hardware

Features of Raspberry pi

1. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface): It is used for transmitting

uncompressed video or digital audio data to the Computer Monitor, Digital TV, etc.
Generally, this HDMI port helps to connect Raspberry Pi to the Digital television.
2. CSI Camera Interface: CSI (Camera Serial Interface) interface provides a connection
in between Broadcom Processor and Pi camera. This interface provides electrical
connections between two devices.
3. DSI Display Interface: DSI (Display Serial Interface) Display Interface is used for
connecting LCD to the Raspberry Pi using 15-pin ribbon cable. DSI provides fast High-
resolution display interface specifically used for sending video data directly from GPU
to the LCD display.
4. Composite Video and Audio Output: The composite Video and Audio output port
carries video along with audio signal to the Audio/Video systems.
5. Power LED: It is a RED coloured LED which is used for Power indication. This LED
will turn ON when Power is connected to the Raspberry Pi. It is connected to 5V
directly and will start blinking whenever the supply voltage drops below 4.63V.
6. ACT PWR: ACT PWR is Green LED which shows the SD card activity.

Limitations of Raspberry pi

1. In view that the Ethernet is only a 10/100 and the processor is now not as fast,
it is time consuming to download and installation software and is unable to do
any complex multitasking.
2. Not compatible with operating systems such as windows.
3. This product is not helpful for big businesses that have big servers as their
servers can already do what raspberry pi would be able to do.
Project 1: Raspberry Pi RFID attendance system

Objective: To count number of attendances routinely by way of the usage of RFID cards.
RFID devices (Radio Frequency identification and Detection) are normally utilized in schools,
workplace, offices and stations for various functions to automatically count or detection of
authorized people.

Items needed:

• Raspberry Pi (with booted SD card)

• · Push button

• · Buzzer

• · 16x2 LCD

• · 10k pot

• · 10K Resistor

• · LED

• · 1k Resistor

• · Bread board

• · RFID Reader

• · Power 5 volt

• · RFID tangs or Cards

• · Ethernet Cable

• · Connecting wires


1. LCD is hooked up with raspberry pi in 4-bit mode. In order that liquid crystal display’s
rs, rw, and en pin are related at wiringPi GPIO 11, gnd and 10.
2. Data pins are linked at wiringPi GPIO 6, 5, 4 and 1. A 10K pot is used to set brightness
of liquid crystal display. Buzzer is hooked up at wiringPi GPIO pin 7 with recognize to
ground. 4 LED are linked for indication with respective RFID card.
3. And one of four LED is used for ready to place card over RFID reader. Way whilst D1
LED related at wiringPi GPIO pin 14 is Glow then person can vicinity their Card at the
RFID Reader. A push button is likewise connected at wiringPi GPIO pin 12. RFID
reader is attached at UART pin (wiring GPIO pin 16).
4. install wiringPi Library for raspberry pi
5. Upload codes

Final Product

SWOT Analysis
Strength This project enables us to create a simple attendance system to
replace the traditional one.
Weakness The cost of implementing this would be high as everyone needs to
be having a RFID card
Opportunity This project will have a good market in schools and small offices as
attendance is taken there daily and implementation is simple
Threats Risk of losing data is high as there is no secured database
Project 2: Raspberry Pi Weather Station using the Sense HAT

Objective: This weather station is the perfect little hobby project for anyone wishing to
start monitoring the weather conditions in a specific room, outside or anywhere you would

Items Needed:
• Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
• Micro SD Card or a SD card if you’re using an old version of the Pi.
• Power Supply
• Sense HAT
• Ethernet Cable or Wi-Fi Dongle (The Pi 3 has Wi-Fi inbuilt


1. Ensure that the Raspberry Pi is running the latest software.

2. Install the Sense Hat software package, and this provides all the libraries we need to
interact with the Sense Hat.
3. Enter the codes
4. Python weather station script. We will start with a basic script that continually reads
and displays all the data from the Sense HAT’s sensors.
5. Connect and login to initial state website.
Final product:

SWOT Analysis:

Strength This project enables us to create a weather system linking to initial

state website
Weakness The cost of purchasing the sense HAT is costly. Too many complex
steps for the codes
Opportunity This project will have a good market in a household
Threats If there are error in the codes. The sense HAT wouldn’t be able to
detect and provide accurate data in the website

Project 3: Raspberry Pi Bulletin Board

Objective: An electronic bulletin board that would be mounted in the lobby area and would
cycle through static slides every few seconds. Non- cloud based project. Able to replace slides

anytime and display.


• TV/monitor

• TV Mount

• Raspberry Pi

• MicroSD card

• HDMI cable

1. Install Raspbian

2. Add Standard and Custom Software NOOBS installs Raspbian

3. Set Up Shared Folder

4. Configure Monitor On/off Settings

5. Configure Display Settings

6. Change Password and Set Up Auto-run

7. Set up windows machine

8. Display the slides

End Product:
SWOT Analysis

Strength This project enables us to create a electronic bulletin billboard with

less expenses. Easy to maintain and configure
Weakness There need to be some handy work done such as drilling the TV or
monitor mount
Opportunity This project will have a good market in a restaurant and shops that
need to display information or menu to the public.
Threats Need someone with raspberry pi knowledge to update the contents
in the billboard.

Project 4: Raspberry Pi Powered IOT Garden

Objectives: To maintain the well-being of a garden using the power of the Internet of Things
(IoT). The integrated sensors will be able to monitor status of plant in real-time. It connects to
a smartphone app.


• 12V Solenoid Valve

• Relay Module
• Humidity and Temperature Sensor (dht11)
• Moisture Sensor
• 12V Power Supply
• Luminosity Sensor


1. Attach one end of the solenoid valve to the water source and the other to the planter's
water input pipe using an intermediary adaptor.
2. Connect temperature and humidity sensor to port 4
3. Connect relay module to port 3
4. Connect moisture port A1
5. Connect light sensor to port A0

6. Create database

7. Set up app

End product:

SWOT analysis:

Strength This project enables us to create an IOT garden with smart app
monitoring of temperature and soil humidity. Saves water as the
valves only supplies adequate amount of water to the plants.
Weakness There need to be some handy work done such as creating the plant
base and connecting the water pipes and sensor. Needs more
raspberry pi and sensors if want to configure more plant base.
Opportunity This project will have a good market in a household and plant
nurseries where there is too much of plantations to monitor.
Threats The sensors and raspberry pi should be covered securely to avoid
contact with sunlight and rain
Project 5: Automatic Coffee Notification System

Objective: A coffee alert system that sends Slack notifications when someone brews a
fresh pot of coffee using raspberry pi zero-w.

Items needed:

• Raspberry pi zero-w

• DS18B20 sensor

• Cup of coffee


1. Run a jumper wire from pin 5 to the yellow wire on the DS18B20.

2. Ground to the ground wire (black), and 3.3V to the red wire.

3. dd a 4.7K resistor between 3.3V and the yellow wire (signal) on the sensor

4. Add the program

End product:
SWOT Analysis

Strength This project enables us to create a coffee alert system with a mobile
Weakness The risk of getting short circuit is high because it is exposed to
Opportunity This project is suitable to be fixed in household and offices.
Threats If its used in the office, everyone needs to download the application
and it will be a hassle.


As a conclusion, raspberry pi can be utilized in so many ways. The projects vary from
beginner, medium and difficult level. The codes are available online and easy to configure with
steps. There are many configurations can be done at the Raspberry Pi it all depends on the
project that we are going to do. The items used by the projects are cost efficient. These project
that surveyed have some complex configuration while some projects there set of codes need to
be implement. Overall, raspberry pi is an educational tool and will be useful if one has a
knowledge in it.


1. Circuits Projects. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2020, from
2. 4 Raspberry Pi IoT Projects. (2014 15). Retrieved January 9, 2020,

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