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Name of Teacher Saira Irfan Subject English

Theme/Reader Minibeasts Date 21st-25th October2019—Cycle8 Day:6

Class II Duration 80mins

Attainment Target  Determine the sequence, understand content, main idea, essential details, procedures while/after listening
attentively to a variety of information texts, stories, poems, spoken language, audio recordings/videos,
presentations and other media.
 Comprehend perspectives of others and evaluate the speaker's style of delivery using criteria (e.g. speaking
clearly and audibly, expression and tone of voice, etc.)
 Listen attentively without interrupting when others speak.
 Speak clearly, audibly to talk about matters of immediate interest with confidence and show awareness of the
listener (e.g. body language, volume, eye contact).
 Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction text.

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to:

 Listen the reader’s content attentively understanding the context.
(Knowledge, Skills and
 Read the story aloud speaking clearly and audibly using expression and tone of voice,
 Able to comprehend about the facts presented in reader during class discussion.

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative

materials and assessment
(Day to day

How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? (The What are the students doing What How do you plan to
teaching strategies/ methodology selected) to help them understand the resources will assess learning as it is
topic? you use that happening?
will support the
teaching and
Students will be
OracyTime integrated with Routine Lesson :
assessed on their
 SLO’s will be discussed as WALT 6 mins ability to:
 determine the
 Students will be asked to sit in at least 3 groups for the  Students will sit in 4 mins sequence,
reading of next four topics of the reader(under your groups for reading understand content,
feet,looking at minibeasts,Summer visitors,winter time. Reader main idea, essential
visiotors)) “Minibeasts” using the teaching strategy
 Students will “Minibeasts’ details, procedures
“reading circle”. 5 mins
participate in class while/after listening
 Teacher will generate a class discussion among those discussion by attentively to a
reading circles regarding the reader. Each group would 10 mins variety of
answering the relevant
be given a reader. information texts by
 Recap of the previous lesson will be done. listening with
 Recap of the previous lesson will be done.
 Teacher will ask the following questions first:
 Comprehend
 What are arachnids?  Students will explore perspectives of
5 mins
others and evaluate
 Which minibeasts you can find in your beds? the Contents page to
the speaker's style
 Further teacher will start reading the text aloud using share their knowledge of delivery using
about that. 20 mins
intonation and clearly spoken words with expressions. criteria (e.g.
speaking clearly
 Students are supposed to listen the context attentively.
Teacher may take a pause of 3 to 5 seconds whenever  Students will listen to and audibly,
the reader read by the expression and
the page is flipped so that students may observe the
teacher attentively and tone of voice, etc.)
pictures carefully.
through answering
with concentration.
 After finishing these topics of the reader the questions
 Students will their 5 mins orally.
teacher will take students’ feedback about the context
thoughts about the
they just have heard.
read content of the
Later students will be asked to take turns and read the text reader.  Distinguish
aloud to the whole class. between fiction and
 Students will read the 10 mins
 They will lead to the in-built feature of the book non-fiction text
reader turn by turn
‘Glossary’. Teacher will tell the class about usage of
aloud using intonation
glossary. It is mostly provided at the end of a book.
and clarity.
 A glossary, also known as a vocabulary, is an
alphabetical list of terms with their definitions.
 Students will be allocated with different pages in
groups to find the bold words in their assigned
pages and find their meanings from the glossary.
They will share their findings with the whole class.

Written work: (Group work)  Students will complete Chart paper/A4  reflect upon
Now students will asked to complete workbook page 40 their group work sized sheet their learning
Glossary for meaningful Reading by taking help from 10 mins
through written
the readers.
expression in
through group

Wrap up:
Students will listen the
Students will be asked to create a glossary of any new 5 others’ group work. 5mins
words with the help of dictionaries in groups.

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