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Literature 102 – gec 114

Literature of the world

Activity 1
set a - read the poem "wind and water and stone" by octavio paz from mexico, translated by
mark strand (hellopoetry. Com)
set b - present the form and the theme (essence/message about life) - 5pts.
Set c - identify in what stanzas and lines from the poem did the poet use figurative language.
Then classify them as to what
type. - 20 pts.
Example: stanza 1 - lines 1,
2, and 3 as in:
the water hollowed the...
The wind dispersed the...
The stone stopped the ...
Type - personification
Set d
* give your over all view of the poem according to the poet. Do you agree or disagree with the
poet's description/observations?what does it mean to you?
- 5 pts.
Total - 30 pts
Activity 2
"the canterbury tales" by geoffrey chaucer (england)
set a - 5 pts.
1. Provide answers to the following:
* form of literature
* setting
* purpose of the pilgrimage
* point of view
* # of characters involved
Set b - which tale is perhaps the most famous and best-loved of all the tales in chaucer's
masterpiece? Explain why briefly. - 5 pts.
Set c
* if you had a chance to deal with them, with whom or to whom would you trust? And whom
would you be watching closely? Why? - 5 pts.
Total - 15 pts.

Direction:  read bacon's essay and note down the following:

1.  Pick out at least five (5) lines/passages that struck your attention      and give your insights
on these in relation to your life as students or wherever the lines are applicable/related.      \

- 5 pts. Each x 4 =  20 pts.

2.  What particular books/reading materials do you read:   -  6 pts.  

  a)  for pleasure?  (give at least two for each)    

b)  for information?  

  c)  for inspiration/reflection?

3.  When you read newspapers, which sections do you read first?  (rank 1-4)  -  4 pts.


-  el cid (from spain)

summary the hero of el cid is a castilian soldier, rodrigo diaz de bivar, who is known by the
arabic title of sidi or el cid which means "my champion." the poem begins with the exile of the
cid as a result of intrigues and slander by means of which an enemy, count garcia ordonez,
turns the king against him.  He leaves his wife and two daughters in a monastery.  To raise
money, he tricks two jews of burgos by selling them a chest which he claims to be full of gold
and jewels but which in reality is filled with sand. He sets out with 300 faithful followers to gain
his living in the small moorish state of aragon.  Here he prospers well. He wins battle after
battle and accumulates booty and ransom from the moors.  His fame attracts more followers,
and with his invincible army he even defeats in battle the powerful count of barcelona and
acquires the great city of valencia.  He sends for his wife and daughters.  His wealth and fame
return him into king alfonso's favors. The king offers that his two daughters be married to two
noblemen (ricos hombres), the infantes de carreon who are relatives of his old enemy, count
garcia ordonez, to which the cid agrees.  His sons-in-law are proud and
insolent/arrogant/disrespectful. They marry his daughters (whom they consider beneath their
rank) only because of the wealthy dowry the cid gives them. After the marriage, the infantes
obtain permission from the cid to take their wives home; but away from the cid, the
bridegrooms strip their bodies naked, beat them, and run away with their dowries.  They leave
their young wives in the depth of the forest. The cid appeals to king alfonso for justice.  The king
summons a court at toledo and the cid appears before it.  He demands the return of his two
famous swords, which the infantes have taken.  The request is granted.  He demands the
restoration of his daughters' dowries.  This is also granted.  The third demand is the the right to
defend his honor by fighting the two infantes in a single combat.  While the court debates this
request, two messengers arrive from the king of aragon and the king of navarre requesting the
hands of his daughters in marriage.  The cid's two nephews, who are present, challenge the
infantes de carreon in single combat. The story ends with the defeat of the infantes and the
complete restoration of the cid's wealth and honor.


1.  Why was el cid exiled?   -  3  pts.

2.  Why did the infantes marry the cid's daughters?  -  2  pts.

how were the wives treated after marriage?  Justify your answer. - 6 pts.

3.  What incidents in el cid are similar to events in our society today?   -  4  pts.

4.  Was the appeal of el cid given justice?  Present how was it done/resolved?   -  5 pts.

Total  =  20 pts.

Activity 5
The Panchatantra

Set A


Language Used

Tone and Authors Purpose

Set B

1. How did Vishnu Sharma educate the three son of the king
2. List down the five volumes collection of the stories of the Panchatantra

Set C

Read any story of your choice from the Panchatantra. Submit a copy with a moral story

Set D

Who are the animal characters involved in your story? Based on your personal evaluation
who are the types of person in our community that may be compared to these animal
characters explain why?
A thousand and one nights

1. Alternative title.
2. Language used
3. Language used
4. Form/Genre
6. Total Numbers of stories written


Present and explain the background or origin of this favorite collection of this stories- 10 pts.

Set C

Submit at least one summarized story that you like or enjoy most from this collection. Note
down important characters.

Activity 7
Set A - Read the African short story "Anticipation."
Then provide answers to the following: - 5 pts.
1. Author
2. Point of view (2pts.)
3. Conflict
4. Theme
Set B - (5 pts. each) 15 pts.
1. Write down the marriage customs observed in Africa as depicted in the selection.
2. How does African society view marriage in this selection? How are the women portrayed?
3. What do you think will be the reaction of Nana Adaku after the revelation of Effua?
Set C. - 5 pts.
Create your own ending/conclusion to the story. - 5 pts.
Total --- 25 pts.

- "The Analects" by Confucius

1. What do readers get or learn from "The Analects"?
What does it contain?
- 5 pts
2. Choose at least two (2) from the excerpts below which were taken from different books of
"The Analects." Then give personal insights/interpretation of your chosen lines/excerpts. You
may relate to own experience/observation or of other people as your example in your
explanation. - 10 pts. each
* The Master said, "If a man in the morning hears the right way, he may die in the evening
without regret."
* "The cautious seldom err."
* The master said, "He who acts with a constant view to his own advantage will be much
murmured against."
* The Master said, "If the will be set on virtue, there will be no practice of wickedness."
Total --- 25 pts.

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