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How to behave?

In Guatemala
If you are planning to visit Guatemala here are some tips that you can use to get
acquainted with our culture. First of all you need to know that Guatemalan people
are very friendly, welcoming, charismatic, etc. If we talk about greetings,
Guatemalans usually greet every single person in the room and it is very common to
give a kiss on the cheek or a small hug but in some situations shaking hands is fine.

Most people in Guatemala are not on time when they are invited to an event, so don't
worry too much about getting there puntual, otherwise you would be the first person
at the place and you would have to wait for the others to come. Actually, people may
invite you one hour earlier so that they can expect all the guests to come at the
desired time.

Regarding the behaviour at the table, we talk about a lot of topics, the most
important thing is to have a good time. When you finish eating you could thank for
the meal if you want to be more polite. One thing you should keep in mind is that
Guatemalans usually say expressions that might seem rude, even to their own
friends but you don’t have to feel insulted, it is only a way to express familiarity and
they don’t really mean to offend you.

It's not a problem if you don't speak spanish, a lot of tourists don’t know and even so,
Guatemalans are always looking for a way to communicate. Feel free to express
yourself as you feel more comfortable, don't get nervous if you don't understand or
don't know how to say something, we will still try to help you.

In general, if you go to Guatemala you will feel welcome and loved, people are
always polite and kind. If you are planning to visit Guatemala or stay here for a long
period of time you won’t regret the amazing experience you will have.

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