BY: Rocamora, Sayson, Servando, Sungcad: Civil Procedure

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Civil Procedure If you lose your right to appeal because you’re late, if you fail to appeal, or if

Week 19: May 16 Transcript there is still an appeal available, Rule 65 will not be proper.
BY: Rocamora, Sayson, Servando, Sungcad
BUT, for instance, out of the blue a decision comes to you. You didn’t know
I. Certiorari about the case and judgment is rendered against you. No summons was
given and it’s the first time you heard it. And it’s already final. A writ of
Don’t be confused with Certiorari under Rule 65 and Appeal by Certiorari execution is already in play. In this case, you can use Rule 65.
under Rule 45
Take note the SC has gone through certain lengths even if there is a
In Rule 65, you only have to state whether or not the court has jurisdiction pending case. There are situations, for instance, a motion to dismiss was
and whether the court indeed committed grave abuse of discretion. denied so the case went on. The case is still going on and the denial of the
Motion to Dismiss was elevated to the SC through Rule 65. SC says yes,
Generally, the court will not go into the merits of the case. [Certiorari] is not a that’s case is dismissible. Even if the trial on the merits is pending, the SC
remedy you can apply to many different tribunals, adverse parties, can stop everything.
situations. It’s actually a very limited examination. You’re only looking at
jurisdiction. There are even situations where the SC went beyond the petition. Very
special situations. Where an interlocutory is being questioned, but the SC
However, can the court go into the merits of the case sometimes? You have noticed that the proceedings in the lower court are without jurisdiction.
this case of Leonor. Not really a landmark case, but it encapsulates what the Therefore, it should be dismissed. These are special circumstances.
Court can do even in a petition for certiorari.
For instance, in the case of Comendador, the SC went ahead and affirmed
Leonor v. CA the lower court’s decision even while it is pending appeal in the CA on the
The RTC ruled on the declaration of nullity of marriage.The petition in the ground that the case is simple enough and to avoid delay.
CA, the only question is whether or not RTC gravely abused its discretion in
deciding the merits of the civil case. It’s a procedural question whether the Who may file a petition for certiorari? The Rules have one requirement: The
appeal should be allowed or not, should be given due course or not because person aggrieved. Who is a person aggrieved? Generally, someone with any
the RTC dismissed the case because there was no record on appeal. CA material interest. Even a non-party, who did not file a motion to intervene.
agreed and said that it is grave abuse of discretion because a record of Anyone who is adversely affected. What if you’re just emotionally aggrieved?
appeal is not required in a special proceeding. The CA then ordered the Is that enough? No. It has to be something of direct and legal interest.
case to be remanded back to the RTC.
For instance, in one case, it was an estate proceeding. At the end of the
Supreme Court said while certiorari is limited only where the issue of proceeding, the judgment required transfer of certain property in favor of
jurisdiction or the lack thereof is mentioned … The Supreme Court is not a some of the heirs. However, one of these properties, a daughter in law was
toothless proponent of judicial niceties. [inaudible] I must, in appropriate not a party to the proceeding. Daughter in law was required to transfer
cases, proactively provide litigants with immediate legal and equitable relief property also. She filed a petition for certiorari. SC agreed, because it affects
her property. Therefore, she is qualified to file.
What did the SC do? Ruled on the merits. It is important here that the order
of the RTC is a void order Can juridical persons be aggrieved? Of course.

Does that mean than when you’re talking about a void judgment, certiorari Let’s say a criminal case is dismissed with GADALEJ. Who is entitled to file
kaagad? No. You still have to prove that there is no other speedy and a petition for certiorari? State and the private complainant. Both of them are
adequate relief in the ordinary course of law aggrieved parties and both of them can file a certiorari petition. If the civil
aspect of the criminal case is separate, does the private complainant still has
an interest to protect? No more. He/she cannot be a petitioner anymore.
Can an acquittal be questioned with a certioari petition? There are cases Generally, a petition for prohibition looks forward.
where the SC took cognizance of certioari petitions on dismissals and
acquittals because of GADALEJ. It’s possible. Will it apply to future acts? Yes, it will.

Rule 65 is subject to the procedure of under Rule 46. Will it apply to acts already accomplished? What’s important here is that
when the petition was already pending and the act complained of was done
What courts have jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition, and (happened), prohibition is not necessarily rendered moot. Rules of Court can
mandamus? SC, CA, RTC, SB in aid of appellate jurisdiction, CTA in aid of grant sufficient relief not just to prevent what will be done but also undo what
appellate jurisdiction. Are these courts exercise exclusive and original has been done during the pendency of the case.
jurisdiction? No. It’s all concurrent.
The SC said “In proceeding with the preliminary investigation … Aurillo did
When to file? 60 days from decision or denial of MR. so subject to the outcome of the petition for prohibition … Jurisprudence has
it that prohibition will give complete relief not only by preventing what
If the petition relates to an act or omission of the MTC, it shall be filed in the remains to be done but by undoing what has been done. The Court has
RTC exercising appellate jurisdiction. authority to grant any appropriate relief within the issues presented by the
pleadings of the parties.”
If the petition relates to the acts or omissions of a quasi-judicial agency,
petitions should be filed with the CA. It is important in filing for a petition for prohibition to ask for any other relief
that justice or law may require. Similar to the case of an injunction, what
I. Prohibition you’re concerned about is the status quo ante. Even if certain acts that have
already been accomplished, an injunction can not only prevent future acts
Prohibition, under Rule 65, is slightly different from certiorari. In certiorari, but also return parties to the status quo ante, to undo whatever disturbed the
you’re only talking about judicial, quasi-judicial functions. In prohibition, status quo ante.
you’re talking about judicial, quasi-judicial, and ministerial functions. In Aurillo, there was a TRO that prevented the criminal preliminary
investigation from continuing. However, the TRO expired after 20 days. The
The key here is that you’re trying to prohibit, not annul, the acts. You’re PI eventually filed a criminal information, as he was basically entitled to do
trying to prohibit acts about to be done without jurisdiction or with grave because there’s no TRO, there’s nothing legally preventing him from doing
abuse of discretion. that. However, the SC said, where acts are performed after the injunction
suits are brought, the defendant may not as a matter of right proceed to
Prohibition also includes the granting of incidental reliefs the demands of perform the acts sought to be restrained and then be heard to assert in the
justice require. suit that injunction will not lie because he has already performed his acts
before final hearing but after the beginning of the action. The defendant does
Example. You want a restrain a court from taking cognizance of a case of acts at his own peril.
which it has no jurisdiction. Example, the MTC is about to rule on ownership.
You can prohibit that court. Take note, if there’s not TRO or TRO expires and you do certain acts when
there’s a pending case, liable to question the authority to do those acts. If
Prohibition looks forward to the future. What if it happened already? What if you lose, you have to undo as asked. You act at your own peril, whether the
the acts complained of happened already? Then it is not prohibition you’re acts would be sustained or not. You cannot say “nagawa ko na, di na
looking for. It has to be a certiorari. pwedeng baguhin” because the Court can always undo what you’ve done.

What if hindi pa nangyayari yung act when you filed the prohibition, but What if the investigation ended before the expiry of the petition for
pending the action, they were accomplished. That’s Aurillo v. Rabi. prohibition? In that case, will the prohibition case be dismissed? -- YES. Fait
accompli. The common practice of practitioners just to be sure is that they
Aurillio v. Rabi file hybrid petitions — petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus all in
one just to be sure.
Vergara v. Duque Sec. 3. Petition for mandamus.
When any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person unlawfully
neglects the performance of an act which the law specifically enjoins as a
Prohibition is not intended to provide a remedy for acts already duty resulting from an office, trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes
accomplished. It should be dismissed. The regular time to correct errors of another from the use and enjoyment of a right or office to which such
irregularity in procedure … other is entitled, and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy
in the ordinary course of law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a
When you’re questioning the jurisdiction of the court, body, or tribunal or verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and
agency/office, are you questioning the jurisdiction of the office as a body of praying that judgment be rendered commanding the respondent,
law or are you questioning the exercise of that authority by the officer immediately or at some other time to be specified by the court, to do the
General rule: if you’re questioning the qualifications of the officers to act required to be done to protect the rights of the petitioner, and to pay
exercise authority, that’s not prohibition. The remedy is quo warranto. We the damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of
will not be looking into whether certain acts were done according to the the respondent.
jurisdiction given to that officer. In quo warranto, you’re looking at whether X The petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-forum shopping
is entitled to be the professor the class and the judge to be the magistrate. as provided in the third paragraph of section 3, Rule 46.
That’s quo warranto.

In prohibition, you’re looking into whether those sitting on the chair made the If certiorari deals with quasi-judicial and judicial functions and prohibition
right order, made it with jurisdiction, and made it without grave abuse of deals with quasi-judicial and judicial functions of ministerial functions,
discretion. It does not matter who the person is behind those acts. mandamus deals only with ministerial functions.

Nationalista Party v. Bautista What do you want to happen when you ask for a writ of mandamus? You
want someone to do something that is required of him under law. Prohibition
If it were not the Solicitor General who was appointed, would the outcome be is to stop someone from doing something, mandamus is there to require him
defeated. Yes. the writ of prohibition is in the form of a quo warranto to do that act.
proceeding and in a quo warranto proceeding, only the solicitor general can
file it before the court or the person who has a legal right to the public office. In certiorari, you can also file it against public officials, board, tribunal,
agency officer. And because it is about private individuals, your remedy is an
Again, it reinforces the rule that when you’re questioning the title of the ordinary action. Prohibition, more or less the same. You’re talking about
officer, the entitlement to sit on the office, that’s quo warranto and not public officers. If a private person is about to do something without
prohibition. jurisdiction, your action is really an ordinary action.

Prohibition will be denied. Quo warranto has a specific set of requirements of However in mandamus, it says that tribunal, corporation, board of officer/s or
where to file. person/s. The requirement here is that the person unlawfully neglects to
perform an act the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office,
However, if you’re questioning the authority of that office to do something, trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use and enjoyment
then your action is prohibition. of a right or office. The question therefore is, must the respondent be a
public official or not? There seems to be no requirement. The only
Take note that prohibition is also subject to the requirements that there requirement is that there must be a ministerial duty imposed by law resulting
would be an MR, resort and exhaustion of other remedies, there should be to an office, trust, or station, whether that duty is imposed on a public official
no other remedies either appeal or adequate relief aside from the petition for or a private.
prohibition. So if there’s an appeal, prohibition will be denied.
II. Mandamus Take note, that’s the important distinction. Has to be a duty imposed by law
or required by office, trust or station. A mandamus petition will not lie to
enforce a private duty imposed by contract, not imposed by law. It cannot lie the discretion to go absolutely wild in preparing the party? Obviously, yes, he
to impose private rights against the private person. It has to be a public duty. went overboard. I only gave him legal discretion in keeping with Ateneo
values and obviously our very low budget of Php 5 each. When he went
Generally, mandamus is used for public officials. There are many cases overboard, do you think he still had discretion? Do you think you still had
which deal with duties that are near the boundary. For instance, mandamus authority to do that? Not anymore. I’m sure everyone encountered situations
was considered the appropriate remedy to compel a corporation to grant like that. (Example of parents giving permission to go out, but this does not
holiday pay for its employees. You can say that the Labor Code enjoins (?) mean that you can go to Baguio)
the payment of holiday pay — a duty imposed by law. Mandamus may be
issued to compel the secretary of a corporation to …. stock in the books of Legal discretion. That’s what J. Trent was talking about. The Insular Auditor
the corporation. Under what law does it require a corporation secretary to had the discretion to grant or not grant the clearance. But he can only do so,
transfer stock? Corporation Code. can only refuse to grant the clearance for instance if there was sufficient
reason to do so. If there was reason under law to deny the clearance.
In American jurisprudence, however, the rule is much more relaxed. The According to J. Trent, everything was above board. He submitted all the
Federal Supreme Court, their policy is that so long as there is a right and no requirements. The Insular Auditor did not give any reason why he was
other specific remedy, mandamus should not be denied. So even if it is denied the clearance. The only other reason was flimsy -- that he had a case
almost a purely private duty, then you can compel it with mandamus. filed against him. But everyone has a case filed against him. The case
seems to be a nuisance case anyway. J. Trent said, everything the Insular
In our case, that’s basically also governed by any regular action for Auditor did outside the legal discretion is no longer authorized. Therefore, it
mandatory injunction. In the US jurisdictions, their action for mandamus is is not authorized, everyone has the ministerial duty to adhere to your legal
equivalent with one of our regular action for mandatory injunction. discretion.

Important thing to remember about mandamus: a ministerial duty resulting Stated differently, comply with all the requirements, there’s no reason to
from an office, trust, or station. deny the clearance. The duty of the Insular Auditor becomes ministerial.

What is a ministerial duty? No discretion. Take note that this case [is] very old.

What is discretion? We’ve all read Lamb v. Phipps and the dissent of Justice There are other cases that now invoke the same legal principle. For
Trent. According to the SC, the majority just said that the issuance of a instance, in Big Five Products Worker’s Union vs. CIR, which is a 1963 case,
clearance is discretionary. Therefore, mandamus will not lie. Dissent of deals with the Labor Code, which gives the Labor Arbiter the authority to
Trent: the auditor here, in issuing the clearance, although it is discretionary, order the employer convicted of unfair labor practice to reinstate victims with
has abused such discretion. J. Trent wanted to grant the mandamus. He or without backpay. The Supreme Court even said the legal provision were
was going on a different approach. Majority said it was a discretionary act deemed to confer discretion, the same is neither unlimited, nor arbitrary,
and therefore, you cannot compel it by mandamus. Issuance of clearance is capricious, inquisitorial or oppressive in nature, but a sound, legal discretion,
discretionary. J. Trent’s first premise is that any discretion is not absolute. limited by the evident purpose of the law. The Arbiter here, did not pay
Any discretion given by the law is always legal discretion which is the backpay for no reason at all. Wala lang. If there’s no reason to deny
discretion to do what the law wants you to do, the discretion to judge for backpay, you cannot deny backpay. You have to come with legal discretion.
yourself what the law wants to happen. It’s not absolute power of discretion. In other words, if there’s no reason to deny, the duty to do it becomes
Example, more close to home. For instance, I love this class. Mr.
Hernandez, I want you to throw a party for us. This is Ateneo, a Catholic In the University of San Agustin case, there is no legal duty to re-admit the
institution. Bahala ka na sa preparation, what you want to happen. You have students because the University was not a public entity. Again, as
the discretion to make the party enjoyable. Mr. Hernandez rented a ballroom emphasized, the important factor is the duty granted or required by law.
in Hyatt and hired a band and spent Php 1M decorating the place. For the
afterparty, he hired sexy dancers and macho dancers and also ordered lots (Atty. Melo emphasized reading this case) (Angchangco vs. Ombudsman)
of party drugs. Question: does he have authority to do that? Did I give him
In the case of Angchangco which was not assigned, this case involves the straight to the Supreme Court because elections was only a few days away.
Ombudsman. There was a complaint filed before the Ombudsman against Elections is something of a public interest. There are also some cases
Sheriff Angchangco, the Ombudsman however, did not decide it for a very involving environmental rights bought directly to the Supreme Court. You
long time. Sheriff Angchangco was already about to retire and the really have to justify why go straight to the Supreme Court.
Ombudsman hasn’t decided on the case yet. What Angchanco did was to
file a petition for mandamus to compel the Ombudsman to resolve and Take note that Section 7, Rule 65 is a new addition. You might find it weird
dismiss the cases against him. Is this proper? Obviously, whether or not an why this provision is added. It is because of the abuse of the practitioners in
administrative or criminal case can be pursued against a public officer is not the past, before this section was added. SC said that because of cases of
a ministerial duty. It is full of discretion. It depends on the judgment of the abuse have caused several delays. Everyone cited the case of Eternal
officer. That was how the Ombudsman opposed the contention. SC said, Gardens back in the time. Everyone was saying i-Eternal Gardens mo na
while the duty to decide whether a complaint or action is to be decided one lang yan. If one lawyer is having a problem, another will say i-Eternal
way or the other, that is a discretionary duty. However, the ministerial duty Gardens mo na lang yan. That is abuse. Is Eternal Gardens wrong? What
here is to decide, the Ombudsman is not given the discretion to decide or happened in that case?
not decide the complaint. It has to decide it. So that decision, can be In Eternal Gardens, SC court said that although the Court did not issue any
compelled by mandamus. So the decision itself can be compelled, but not restraining order against the Intermediate Appellate Court, the appellate
whether the officer should decide one way or another. Secondly, SC said court should have refrained from ruling thereon because its jurisdiction was
that in the performance of an official act involving discretion, the necessarily limited upon the filing of a petition for certiorari with this Court
corresponding official can be directed by mandamus to act, but not to act in questioning the propriety of the issuance of the above-mentioned
one way or another. There are also exceptions in this rule, such as when resolutions. Due respect for the Supreme Court and practical and ethical
there is grave abuse of discretion, manifestly unjust or palpable abuse of considerations should have prompted the appellate court to wait for the final
authority. Since in this case, Ombudsman has not acted upon the case in 6 determination of the petition before taking cognizance of the case and trying
years, the SC ordered the dismissal of the cases because of the violation of to render moot exactly what was before this court.
Angchanco’s right to speedy disposition of cases.
In Joymart case, clarified this issue. Judicial courtesy behooved the trial
Remember, 60 days to file, and 60 days from order or order denying from court to keep its hands off the writ of preliminary injunction and defer to the
motion for reconsideration. A motion for extension to file is allowed provided better judgment of the Court of Appeals the determination of whether the writ
there are justifiable reason to do so. should be continued or discontinued. The non-issuance of a temporary
restraining order by the Court of Appeals upon receipt of the petition in CA-
Remember when I said what courts have jurisdiction? There are a lot. RTC, G.R. SP No. 12998 simply meant that the trial court could proceed to hear
CA, SB, CTA and the SC, all of them concurrent and original. But does that and decide the main complaint of Joy Mart for specific performance of
mean that you can automatically go to one court directly? No, we have a rule contract and damages against the LRTA and Phoenix. It did not give the
on judicial hierarchy. What is the rule on judicial hierarchy? Unless you have lower court a license to interfere with the appellate court's disposition of the
a really meritorious case that deserves the time of the higher court, you must writ of preliminary injunction. There is nothing preventing the lower court
go through the lower courts first. That’s the case of Santiago vs. Vasquez. from proceeding with the case, and in fact it should proceed. And in fact, it
This was the case involving Miriam Defensor-Santiago. SC said that it is dit. However, whatever was raised with the higher court, the lower court can
elementary that it is elementary that the mere pendency of a special civil no longer touch.
action for certiorari, commenced in relation to a case pending before a lower
court, does not even interrupt the course of the latter when there is no writ of Section 8 of Rule 65 tries to temper the tendency of lawyers to abuse
injunction restraining it. SC also said that to reiterate the judicial policy that certiorari. The 3rd paragraph of the provision says that The Court may
this Court will not entertain direct resort to it unless the redress desired impose motu proprio, based on res ipsa loquitur, other disciplinary sanctions
cannot be obtained in the appropriate courts or where exceptional and or measures on erring lawyers for patently dilatory and unmeritorious
compelling circumstances justify availment of a remedy within and calling for petitions for certiorari.
the exercise of our primary jurisdiction. Examples of cases of exceptional
and compelling circumstances, is the case involving elections and ABS- It reminds me of an old case involving two matronas in the province. As one
CBN. They could have gone first to the COMELEC En Banc, but they went matrona was exiting a building, nagkasikuhan at nagkabangaan yung mga
matrona. They filed many cases against each other. One of these cases look at respondent because he is also not entitled to the office. The Court
reached the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was so angry with the said there is no need to go to that because you never proved your own right
lawyers, saying that it was an abuse of discretion. The Supreme Court is anyway. Why drag him through the muck, if you don’t have the authority to
reserved for issues of transcendental importance. Justice Nocon? Held all take over anyway. You don’t want to shake the faith in public officers. That’s
the parties solidarily liable for treble costs. This is probably the precedent for it. Simple lang quo warranto.
Section 8 of Rule 65.
Expropriation is a 2 stage proceeding. There are two questions that need to
What happens if you disobey a writ of prohibition, mandamus or certiorari? be answered. First, whether there is a right to expropriate. And Secondly,
That can be punishable as contempt and of course that can be executed just compensation. So first, just to give a framework, expropriation is
damages may be claimed under Rule 39. Which court will issue the writ of initiated ONLY by the state. Well, ultimately the state, but that power can be
execution? The court wherein you file the petition subject of the original delegated. So the petitioner can therefore be NAPOCOR, etc. And of
action. course, you know the 2 requirements for eminent domain: Public Use, and
Just Compensation. Without both, there is no legal or valid expropriation.
Quo Warranto
In what Court can you file an action for expropriation?
According to the Rules, the SolGen or the Prosecutor must commence the
action when directed by the President. You can also file a complaint or
otherwise motu proprio if you have a good reason or ground to do so.
What if the value of the property is only P20k? (trick question)
Basically the SolGen or Prosecutor has the discretion whether or not to file
the cases under letter a, b, and c. The SolGen or Prosecutor may also file
Still RTC. Because expropriation is not capable of pecuniary estimation.
the action upon request or relation to another person with and upon leave of
Take note of Section 2: Upon filing the complaint, and notice to defendants,
Court. So if you can’t convince the SolGen or the Prosecutor to file, sorry
the government can take the property and enter, upon payment of the
you cannot. There is no way the SolGen will file if he is not convinced. If he
deposit, which is based on the assessed value for taxes. It is not yet just
is slightly convince, he can get a leave of Court to file the action.
compensation, it is just a deposit. Or an advance for the just compensation.
Very rare cases where the SolGen will file a Quo Warranto against public
The determination for Just compensation is a Judicial Act, and cannot be
officers. Why? Because he has so many other cases. Usually the Quo
done by the President.
Warranto we are talking about involves those cases filed by private persons.
Private persons can file the Quo Warranto when he claims to be entitled to
Just Compensation has to be paid in money. Except when you’re talking
the office or position.
about CARP, where bonds can be allowed in lieu of cash. Just
compensation must be paid within a reasonable time after taking.
One important thing about Quo Warranto is that there is a prescriptive
period. That’s 1 year from the cause of the ouster or when the right of
Again it is a 2-stage proceeding. First to determine the right to expropriation
petitioner to the office arises. If you fail to file within one year, that’s it.
exists, or whether the government has the right to expropriate. They have to
look into whether it is taken for a public purpose or not. If the answer to that
Why is it that it will be very difficult to file a petition for quo warranto? Why is yes, the Court will issue an order for expropriation. That order, terminates
not make it more accessible? Because no one wants to shake confidence in that part of the case. Therefore, you can appeal that order. The case will
our public officers, or their title to office. continue in the next stage to determine Just compensation. And when Just
Compensation is fixed, another order, that is also an appealable final order.
For a Private person to initiate Quo Warranto, he must allege or establish There can be multiple appeals [in the whole process]. It’s one of those cases
that he has a right to the office. It’s like a two stage proceeding also. First he where multiple appeals are allowed. When there is an order of expropriation,
must prove his own right –the petitioner– before he goes into why the you have to appeal it, otherwise it will become final. And you can no longer
other/usurper does not deserve the position. [referring to case law] Since the go back to that decision when the case determining just compensation is on
petitioner does not prove his own right to the office, the Court decided to going.
dismiss the case, and then the petitioner complained, he said that to take a
What is Just Compensation? How much? You know that already from Consti (HAHA tangina mo sir)

There is a formula provided for by the rules. It is the Market Value at the time When there was a judgement of P5M for just compensation , and the
of taking +[plus] consequential damages -[less] consequential benefits. government does not pay, but has possession of the property, what can you
However, Consequential Benefits cannot exceed the consequential do?
General Rule, you cannot do anything. Except, receive interest or charge
There are many ways to define Fair Market Value. There’s Fair Market interest on the Just Compensation. Non-payment by the Government is NOT
Value, Market Value in liquidation, there’s many methods for determining a ground for the return of the property or for the cancellation of the
Market Value. expropriation.

In Law, Fair Market Value is generally, the price one is willing to sell and the Can you execute against the Government for the funds paid to you for just
other is willing to buy. Where those two meet. compensation?

According to the Rules, FMV + Consequential Damages - Consequential General Rule, No. Absolutely No. EXCEPT, in one case, Cosconuella v CA
Benefits = Just Compensation. (Aug 15, 1988). The SC said that the project for which the taking was made
can appropriation specifically for payment of right of way of just
Example compensation for expropriated properties, including the taking of private
lands. And the project was earning income. So the execution was allowed
Taking a parcel of land for a highway. This land is a farm land. The value of because even the law providing for that government project allotted money,
the land taken is what determines the FMV. Assume that it’s P5M. What are earmarking for payment of just compensation. That is the only exception.
Consequential Damages? These are damages from the point of view of the [the way i understand this is that if there is a law which appropriates funds
private person. It is essentially the damage that the expropriation will do to for just compensation, you can demand payment from the government]
his property. For instance, the Highway would interrupt irrigation to the
remaining portion of the land. Assume that the damage is P1M. However, Can you get the property back? If the Government does not pay?
you have to deduct the consequential benefits. Because of the Highway, the
remaining property increases in Value. Assume that the value increases by GR: No.
P5M. Exception: But look at Republic v. Lim. The Lahug Airport Case, where the
airport was no longer being used. The SC said the Republic’s acquisition of
Do you deduct 5M from the FMV and Consequential Benefits? No. The ownership is conditioned upon the full payment of just compensation within a
Benefits cannot exceed the damages. So here, you can only deduct up to reasonable time. In this case, 57 years had passed without payment of Just
P1M. So if you have P0 consequential damages, you cannot deduct ANY Compensation. Under such circumstances, recovery of possession is in
consequential benefits. order. The Crucial factor in this case, was that the purpose for which the
expropriation was made never pushed through, or was no longer followed.
Why? The airport was no longer an airport. It was just land.

Because if you don’t have this limitation, it is license for the government to The rule is within 5 years from the expropriation decision, the old doctrine
take without paying a single centavo. If you don’t limit it to consequential continues. You cannot recover possession if the govt has not paid. Only
damages, they can take anything. [*transcriber’s explanation* For example charge interest.
the FMV = 5M; CD = 1M; CB = 6M. If you don’t limit the Consequential
benefits to the damaged, the formula would look like this: 5M + 1M - 6M = 0. If after 5 years from the decision, the government still fails to pay, the owner
This means that the Government can take the property without paying can sue the government for recovery of possession through a SEPARATE
anything, which is unfair/absurd] action. It cannot be a motion, but a separate action.

When is there taking?

What happens if public use ceases after taking the payment of just

You cannot go back to the action for expropriation. The proper remedy here
is not expropriation, but reversion. In Reversion, public property is reverted
back to private because public use ceases.

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