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Home @ Free Awsange ¢ Cognitive iberticide | In libris ibertas# LibriVox App Orwell vs Huxley + € Neuropotitics @ Social psychology Cognitive science f= Seeing the bigger picture Site structure + Peer-reviewed articles | » Video lectures 4 Intelligent seareh function + % Phitosophy + 4 MindMap _@ Internet censorship = Quotations +m References w Mise = 4 Documentaries @ Wikis = Contact » “pisobedience isthe tue foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves? HOME ‘Download website as PDE ‘Read website aloud (Text-to-Speech synthesis) ‘Website keywords: [ERS Issa TTT eT TST Era PS \ = Don't extradite Assange! Srey “Men fear thought as they fear nothing ese on earth — more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought i anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless ofthe well-tried wisdom ofthe ages, Thought looks into the pit ofhell and iis not afraid... Thought is ‘great and swift and free, the light ofthe world, and the chief glory of man.” = Nobel laureate Lord Bertrand Russell (1920) “Why Men Fight: A Method of Abolishing the International Duel” pp. 178-179 Full text ebook) available on the Project Gutenberg + Education as a system of indoctrination = Prof, Noam Chomsky (Vidco) + The Ultimate Revolution = Aldous Huxley (Transcript/#HTMLS) : None i - 41 “Timust not be supposed that the oficials in charge of education desire the young. to become educated. On the contrary, their problem isto impart information without imparting intelligence. Education should have two objects: first, to give definite knowledge — reading and writing, languages and mathematics, and so on; secondly, to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgments for themselves. The first of these we may call information, the second intelligence. The utility of information is admitted practically as wells theoretically; without a literate population a modern State is impossible, But the utility of intelligence is admitted only theoretically, not practically it is not desired that ordinary people should think for themselves, because it is fll that people who think for themselves are awkward to manage and cause administrative difficulties. Only the guardians, in Plato’ language, are to think; the rest are to obey, or to follow leaders like a herd of sheep. This doctrine, often unconsciously, has survived the introduction of political democracy, and has radically vitiated all national systems of education.” Bertrand Russell (1922) “Free Thought And Official Propaganda Fulltext available on the Internet Archive: » roe A definition of "Cognitive Liberty” ‘The term “Liberty” is etymologically derived from the Latin liberatem which can ‘wanslated as ‘ivl or political freedom, condition of a free man; absence of restraint." cognate to liber “iee". Ee vi termini, "cognitive liberty" is semantically synonymous with “the right to psychological self determination” It mnplies that human creatures have the ‘universal freedom (vz tus) to control and determine their own psychotoey ie their cognitive processes, emotions, and all aspects of consciousness. Its thus essential to the universal principle of frceslom of thought » (Article 9 of the Human Rights ‘Act 1998) which in turn forms the basis 6, a condico sine qua non) for the right to feedom of speech/expression 2. As Erich Fromm articulated it: “The rigat to express our thought, however, means something only fwe are able to have our own thoughts redam from external authority is lasting gain only ifthe inner psychological conditions are such that we are able to establish our en individuaiy” (Fromm, The fear of freedom, 1942; pp.207-208) Self-determination isa cardinal principle in international law (jus cogens\? Given the significant recent advances in psychology, the neurosciences, computer science, and atficial intelligence, cognitive liberty is becoming atopic of great concern forall Jhuman beings. This website is specifically devoted to this timely topic and provides information from adversity of sources (an integral interdisciphinary approach is adopted to elucidate the topic from a plurality of perspectives). Insights derived from psychology, the cognitive sciences, and the neurosciences enable the manipulation and contzol of cognition and consciousness, oftentimes specifically targeting unconscious processes. Moreover, advances in computer science and cybernetics (eg, Bayesian * ‘convolutional neural networks ») enable science to systematically tailor and “steer” information (the flow of perceptual input to affect cognition and emotion (and consequently behavior in prespecified and highly predictable ways. Especially unconscious psychological processes can be efectively exploited because humans are generally unaware of the programmatic excitability of ‘unconscious mechanisms. This imbalance creates a power-ditferential between those ‘who know how the human mind can be manipulated (vz, the financial power elite ‘hich utilizes media and a large segment of academic science for their purposes; cf. ‘Mausfeld, 2017 ») and those who do not posses a detailed understanding of psychological manipulation and behavior modification techniques (ie, the general populous). The list of evolutionarily inbuilt psychological weaknesses (vulnerable psychological exploits i long and has been extensively studied by several generations of scientist, specially in the domain of behavioral economics ti. Kahneman & Tversky’s “heuristics & biases" research agenda). ‘The following application provides a synopsis of numerous cognitive biases which are well documented in psychology: Open ‘Cognitive Bias Codex’ application in lightbox modal window (you ean zoom via the mouse-wheel) ‘The adumbrated psychological & technological developments arc unprecedented in the evolution of the human species and have far-reaching ramifications for life on this planet as a whole because it is obvious that human behavior has a significant detrimental impact on the “Earth System’ The relatively novel terms anthropacene » & holocene are used in this context of destruction and mass extinction, These terms refer ‘to an important psychological self-reflective insight science has developed, the insight that human behavior destroys the global ecosystem. Because human behavior is governed by psychology itis crucial thar human beings are allowed to think freely in ‘order to be able to choose a more rational course of action. Freedom of thought needs to be fostered. Currently, a large proportion of socicty is transformed into mindless conformist consumers (ie, by the mass-media and other cybernetic methods of psychological programing), This manipulative modus operandi seriously impedes the unfoldment of virtuous human potential (contrariwise primitive egocentric cognitive schemata are constantly reinforced in the ego-driven system of consumerism which is based on wish-fullilment satisfactions, ingestion, introjection, consumption, competition, comparison, and other egoic human “drives"). Infact, the term homé consumens has been proposed as a more fitting substitute for homd sapiens; a clearly self inflated nomenclature which is etymologically derived from the Latin sapere Sand thus translates into the wise or rational man ~ to be taxonomically exact homo sapiénssapiéns = which duplicates the anthropocentric hubris. The boiling frog analogy & Sérités paradoxon ‘The boiling frog isan analogy describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is thrown suddenly into boiling hot water, it wll immediately jump out However, ifthe frog is putin cold water which is then slowly and gradually brought to a boil, it will not perceive the danger, sit still, and will therefore be cooked to death. Applied to human cognition & behavior the analogy could be interpreted as follow: If the environment changes gradually (microgenetically) in an ineremental step-wise fashion, humans have great difficulty to recognize the change because each step in the evolution of the system (ie, the change inthe environment) is not drastic at al However, overan clongated period of time the system changes significantly and the additive long-term effect of numerous small changes have extreme consequences. The «question thus is: When does the system change from stable to chaotic, i, from “from Jukewarm to boiling hot” Fer analogiam, the demarcation criterion between hot versus cold (chaotic versus stable) is not clearly defined. n the cognitive sciences this ambiguity is discussed under the header “vagueness of attributes"? In philosophy this is, an ancient paradox known as Sérités paradoxon (or the problem of the heap)? The paradox is based on the seemingly simple question: When does a heap of sand become heap? (When does the system “switch’ from being life-supporting to deadly.) Sorités paradoxon can be expressed asa conditional syllogistic argument (modus poner), N.B. You can replace the variable “grain of sand’ with “toxic chemical molecules" in the context of environmental pollution; or with the “cutting down of trees” in the context of global deforestation; or with the “loss of species" in the context of anthropogenic «+ L grain of sand does not make a heap, + IF grain of sand does not make a heap, then 2 grains do not either. + IF grains do not make a heap, then 3 grains don't + 1F999999,99009 grains do not make a heap, then | million grains don", + ad infinitum. Deductive conclusion Ergo (Therefore) + Lmillion grains don’t make a heap. ‘The Bald Man (phalakras) paradox is another allegory which illustrates the point: A man with a full head of hair is not bald. The removal ofa single hair will not turn him into a bold man. However, diachronically, continuous repeated removal of single hairs will necessarily result in baldness. However, it is unclear when the “critical boundary” has been transgressed. In the psychology of reasoning this is termed the continuum fallacy. The informal logical fallacy pertains the argument that two states (Le, cold vs. hot; falswm vs, verum) cannot be defined/quantised as distinct (and/or do not exist at all) because between them there exists a continuum of states (cf. many-valued logic/fuzzy logic). The fundamental question whether any continua exist in the physical world isa deep question in physics (ef atomism). Deterministic Newtonian physics stipulates that reality is continuous, Per contrast, contemporary quantum physics is based on the notion of discrete states (quanta) as the notion of continuity appears to be invalid at the smallest Planck scale of physical existence. Conditional Soritesparadoxon in symbolic logic: Ura, then 6, re, then a, ‘ag where n canbe aa ERB) Mathematical Induction Sorités paradoxon: on, ¥n(ba, 9 0 nea.) 2 In linguistic terms, Sorités paradoxon has been eloquently formulated by Black in 1997; A symbols vagueness is held to consist in the existence of objects concerning which it is intrinsically impossible to say either that the symbol in question does, or does not, apply. .Reserving the terms of logic and mathematics for separate consideration, we can say that all “material” terms, all whose application requires the recognition of the presence of sensible qualities, are vague in the sense described. — M. Black (Vagueness: an exercise in logical analysis, 1987) In the context of visual perception (psychophysics) Lord Bertrand Russel stated the following tis perfectly obvious, since colours form a continuum, that there are shades of colour concerning which we shall bein doubt whether to call them red or not, not because we are ignorant of the meaning of the word “red” but because itis a word the extent of whase application is essentially doubiful. — B. Russell (Vagueness, 1923) a Figure 1. Srités paradoxon in visual brightness perception. Figure illustrates Sorités paradoxon applied to visual perception (based on Russel’ argument), Adjacent luminance differences (eg tick-mark I versus 2) are indistinguishable by che human visual system while larger contrasts (eg tick mark 2 versus 8) are easily distinguishable. For further information see my 2018 paper entitled: Sérités paradazon: Gontextualism & borderline vagueness = & Expand to display additional pertinent references Voorhoeve, A., & Binmore, K.. (2006). Transitivity, the Sorites Paradox, and Similarity-Based Decision-making. Erkenntnis 64(), 101-114 Plain nunerical oor -> DOLURL » 30, 1007/£10672-005-2373-1 Shoe publication absract: “A persistent argument against the transitivity assumption of rational choice theory postulates a repeatable action that generates a significant benefit at the expense of a negligible cost. no matter how ‘many times the action has been taken, it therefore seems reasonable {for a decision-maker to take the action one more time. however, ‘mattors aro s0 fixed that tho costs of taking the action some large number of times outweigh the benefits. in taking the action some large umber of times on the grounds that the benefits outweigh the costs every time, the decision-maker therefore reveals intransitive preferences, since once she has taken it this large number of times, Keefe, R.. 2007). Vagueness Without Context Change. Mind M6462), 275-298. Plain numerical DOL +> directSciHiub download » 30, 1093/mind/ f2n275 ‘Show hide publication strat “In this paper i offer a critique of the recent popular strategy of giving a contextualist account of vagueness. such accounts maintain that truth-values of vague sentences can change with changes of context induced by confronting different entities (2.9. different pairs through @ sorites series). {claim that appealing to context does not help in solving the sorites paradox, nor does it give us new insights into vagueness per se. furthermore, the contextual variation to which the contoxtualist fs committed is problematic in various ways. for example, it yields the consequence that much of our everyday (now seritical) ‘reasoning is fallacious, and it renders us ignorant of what we and Litman, L., & Zelcer, M.. (2013). A cognitive neuroscience, dual-systems approach to the sorites paradox. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence + 258), 355-366. Plain nunerical DOr: > dicectSciub download » 10, 1080/¢952813x. 2013.783130 shoe publication abort: “Typical approaches to resolving the sorites paradox attempt to show: {in one way or another, that tho sorites argument is not paradoxical after all. however, if one can show that the sorites is not really paradoxical, the task remains of explaining why it appears to be a ‘paradox. our approach begins by addressing the appearance of paradox and then explores what this means for the paradox itself. we ‘examine the sorites from the perspective of the various brain systems ‘that are intuitively comfortable with the key features of the premises of the sorites argument. we suggest that the explicit and implicit cognitive systems are separately responsible for the initial plawsibilty Ludwig, K,, & Ray, G.. (2002). Vagueness And The Sorites Paradox. Noas + B6(S16), 129-461. Plain nunerical oor > directSciHiub download » 30, 1111/1468-0068..36.516.16 Show publication abracts “The principle of stability now says that sentence is true/false in a ‘model m, then has to stay true/false if m is getting more precise. formally, let m = d, ibe a refinement of m = d, i. then it has to be the case that forall: () if vm() = 1, then vm () = 1. (i) if m0) = 0, then vm O=0" ‘Campbell, R.. (1974). The sorites paradox. Philosophical Studies | 2019-4), 175-191 Plain numerical 001 10, 1007/8F90398877 _Shosuide publication abort: “The promises that a four foot man is short and that a man one tenth of 5) ‘an inch tallor than a short man is also short entail by universal instantiation and ‘modus ponens’ that a seven foot man is short. the negation of the second premise seems to entail there are virtually no borderline cases of short men, while to deny the second premise and {ts negation conilicts with the principle of bivalence, if not excluded ‘idle. but the paradox can be dissolved without resort to degrees of truth or any non-classical system of logic. ifsome true predications can >be semantically uncertain in a sense suitable for defining borderline cases, the second premise can be denied without denying the Hyde, D.. (2011). Sorites Paradox. In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Shaw hide lation abst: “The sorites paradox isthe name given toa class of paradoxicalarguments, also known as ittle-by-ttle arguments, which arise as aresult ofthe indeterminacy surrounding limits of application of thopredicates involved, for exemple, the concept of a heap eppears tolack sharp boundaries and, as a consoquence of the subsequentindeterminacy surrounding the extension ofthe predicate ‘is aheap’ no one grain of wheat can be identified as making theditforence between being a heap and not being a heap. given then thatone grata of wheat does not make a heap, it would seem to follow thattwo do not thus three do not, and s0 on. in the end it would The etymology of the term “Cognition* ‘See also: * (Cognition: That which comes tobe known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; Inowledge, ‘mid-15e, cognicioun, “ability to comprehend, mental actor process of knowing?” from Latin cognitionem (nominative cognitio) “a geting to know, acquaintance, knowledge? ‘noun of action from past participle stem of cognoscere to get to know. recognize” from assimilated form of comtogether” See co= »)* gnoscere “to know from PIE Foot {gno: #10 know In Ie. the meaning was extended to include perception and sensation. 1875-1425; late Middle English cognicioun < Latin cognition. (stem of cognitio ), ‘equivalent to cognit(us ), past participle of cognscere (co co= » + gni-, variant stem of gnéscere, néscere, to learn (sce know -) + tus past participle suffix) + -ién- -ion » ero rect zoel bit odoin of he mse Inert denen density Th whe ie geerimen aici trraig peer of sever bear of Tsien te we which rec iy rie at amber of lic tera msl fetoning ty Oor hig feral oir ail mpm ies andy hairy pit the csr, Wher 1 inseny ee nar oft deny of heir fl member the inner cabinet They ers Pave pits obs by helt amal nerf prensa. fst he wis wih ote abil nd, wh bare cal andr and en mine wad he olan oi tra ce rae bya nd gute wr ward Barns Pre 1 Berne £1 C940, Propaganda Here rit + ery, 1 026) Fredan f Propaenads. tl Spahr hey, 0, 74-18, + ang. 800) The ther fin: awa ernayand he ith of public elon (On Cognitive Liberty Richud Glen Bite Pant hgh fc dat nd — Pca! Le fancy cet the had ile, th mpeg te, hep se ae wh evan cancun ple ces wi the haan eee min aur ee sting de ofthe ann DN ec lth an ‘tse nko tine tne he Warn Drag alah th os of me "aye pre dat wa expe knoe he fanamenl anan ‘htc ey ninety gn din cma Exams mie her can heat fons Now cols ck ges ‘ick, na npr ii Dincic, cal acing 2 ‘led co-star i xg pends hoki Son oot dep a td psy hy ad pn hyp, cn ps a Src Teta ci en Wha he pb my han weal cng bre were crn mnksndmenos morally aih-pee win emt he We? Si, ‘es nbc ad den nae ean el uss wl Cessna he rapes wl ate sce the a er cag 2 ‘angele so Catbraing Cogaive Liberty ‘concep fr orn he Ares rennet np fr pene Ae uk enc of pal contol ns tre wild was Sel tr 56 198, x coc al ate wa oscrcen 11 gut od yo [en Anyone who ne har tou pei arated latin Heney David Thoreau [ABOUT THE FOUNDER se Cane nani ase n nem sed ih sei experte inthe rn of oie sole and wearin & Moral impetus of the project, Cognitive-Literby. Online was created to counteract the perfidious and uteriy "unethical psycho-physiological ‘manipulation (viz, cybernetic propaganda) which is currently systematically ised by the narcissistic financial power “elite” and its asociated co-opted myrmidénes to control and exploit the largely nalve populace (behind a superficial ‘Orwellian fagade of humanitarian benevolence and scientific progress Asthe propagandist oreph Goebbels already noted in the age ofthe Reich Effective propaganda i invisible — ‘conscious awareness of the influence would automnatially elicit psychological reactance resistance, of. in Prof. Noarn Chomsky's terms, “the natural human instinet for freedom’ In other terms, human beings generally donot like to be ‘manipulated.. Unbiased information and historical eontext are crucial ‘components for a realistic understanding ofthe prevailing highly manipulative socio-political situation. Cogntie-Liberty Online was ‘created to make a contribution towards this critial objective. Based ‘on a mm-criteria metalevel analysis ‘one is forced to conclude that the ‘current capitalistic sytem (aka. the “apitalocene’ is antagonistic towards the unfoldment of human potential and nature/ife a a whole ie, the current modus operand is fundamentally corupt and promotes nescience, neuronal atrophy, and ‘moral decay. The empirical evidence For tis statement is defacto ‘overwhelming (ifone dares to look at ivin an unbiased manner) Per «analogiam, the situation is ery reminiscent of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" which he introduced in his Socratic dialogue “The Republic” (Greek: cial Pola, +880 BC), a text concemed with the character of the just stare and the jst man, The text definitely ranks among the most influential philosophical text in world and ithas deepiy influenced modem political theory, The timeless cave- allegory profoundly demonstrates Plato's status asa deep philosopher who was initiated into the occult ‘knowledge traditions (etymological root meaning: that whieh is hidden concealed from the eye, Latin celta), bur see huspss/ehrstopher- “Toackthe right question i far more important than to receive the answer. The solution fa problem lies inthe understanding ofthe prolems the answer ‘sot outside the problem itis the roblen."— Sr iddlu Krishnamurti Sper aude, koma sopens spins! [Selecta post (ON THE DUTY OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE BY HENRY DAVID THOREAU (949), ALTRANSLATION, wee RECENT POSTS. ‘Corona propaganda & Vaccination plans Deepfakes with AT ‘Operation Mockingbitd “The Smith-Munde Aet~ Legal Propaganda AB Fake News - Syria Bombing ssTicky Posrs Dial-process theory Elaboration likelihood model Nading Obedience to authority “The opportunistic marketable/ealable eharacter Origins of the “conspiracy meme” Bordieu's Habitus Cass Sunstein ~ Cognitive infiltration RANDOM QUOTE. “A really efficient totalitarian state would ‘be one inwhich the all-powerful ‘executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population fof slaves who do not have tobe coerced, because they love their servitude” Julian Hunley (Eugenics) Next quote » Freedom of thought Lei fubleRelation ‘Nreolibe lie bueeesensuDse tacoma Deception sumentaysfPMns Darwin Media [EXTERNAL SEARCH ON WKILEAKS Search query e, MR-Uhra ‘Submit [ALDOUS HUKLEY - THE ULTIMATE REVOLUTION (BERKELEY SPEECH 1062) The OF Aldous Husley on Cognitive Liberty ‘CATEGORICAL POST OVERVIEW cognitive-liber ‘online/post-overview DOMAIN SraTISTICS Last 7 Days Visits 26709 Search Engine Referrale: 18,598 “Total Posts: 188 “Total Pages: 91 listen to this article \ SWE Mental self-defense 101-4 conceptual primer-on cognitive resilience and psychological self-contral NMA Further References enca, M., & Andorno, R.. (2017). Towards new human rights in the age of neuroscience and neurotechnology. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 13(0), 6 Plain numerical DOL: 10,1186/40504-017-0050-1 > DOLUR +> directScitfub clownload «Shows publication abstract, “Ropid advancements in human neuroscience and neurotechnology open unprecedented possibilities for accessing, collecting, sharing and ‘manipulating information from the human brain. such applications raise {Important challenges to human rights principles that need to be addressed to prevent unintended consequences. this paper assesses the plications of emerging nourotechnology applications in the context of the human rights framework and suggests that existing human rights may aot be sufficient to respond to these emerging issues. after analysing the relationship between neuroscience and human rights, we identity four new rights that may become of great relevance in the coming decades: the Rose, N., & Abi-Rached, J.. (2014). Governing through the Brain: Neuropolitics, Neuroscience and Subjectivity. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology Plain numerical DOI: 10.3167/ca.2014,320102 _howihide publication abstract: “This article considers how the brain has become an object and target for NE governing human beings. how, and to what extent, has governing the conduct of human beings con o require, presuppose and utili knowledge of the human brain? how, and with what consequences, are so _many aspects of human existence coming to be problematized in terms of the brain? and what role are these new ‘cerebral knowledges” and technologies coming to play in our contemporary forms of subjectifcation, and our ways of governing ourselves? after a brief historical excursus, we delineate four pathways through which neuroscience has left the lab and became entangled with the government of the living: Footnotes: 1. Freedom of though, conscience and religion § I Everyone has the right to freedom ‘of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, ether alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, texching, practice and observance. § I Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of publi safety for the protection of public order, health or morals, or {forthe protection of the rights and freedoms of others. = 2. Latin for ‘compelling law’ - a juridical term which refers to a peremptory norm that isa general internationally accepted principle which does not permit derogation. = 8. sapiens m, fm (genitive sapientis); third declension -—__UNIversITy oF <= PLYMOUTH wari curie actions *"xpaeaineo Legal cesimer: The nterdiecipinary Mare Curie Cgovo program has sen intentionally designe bythe Baropean Union an the University of Pmt (United Kingdon 0 ‘lscussand disseminate a wide view on diverse spectrum of topes including psychology, neuroscience current airs, bsie scence, humanities and che ars, ner alia Not thatthe ‘cw and opinions exprened on thi website donot necesarly represent the opinions of ny of Use ition: mentioned on this website ad belong excuse othe copyright holderThe CogNove program exp empusescognthe and soda imovation, the generation of ew eas and perspectives, and the probing of boundaries, bu see Inups/ewn.cognovacw/aboue

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