What Is Drishti

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Moon Tara Name Meaning

1st, 10th, 19th Janma Tara Birth (mixed)
2nd, 11th, 20th Sampat Tara Wealth (good)
3rd, 12th, 21st Vipat Tara Danger (bad)
4th, 13th, 22nd Kshema Tara Well-being (good)
5th, 14th, 23rd Pratyak Tara Obstacles (bad)
6th, 15th, 24th Saadhana Tara Achievement (good)
7th, 16th, 25th Naidhana/Vadha Tara Death (bad)
8th, 17th, 26th Mitra Tara Friend (good)
9th, 18th, 27th Parama Mitra Tara Best friend (good)

Taras are also used in muhurtas. At the time of an auspicious effort or when a new project is launched, transit Moon
should not be in a bad constellation with respect to the natal Moon’s constellation.

Special Nakshatras/Taras

In addition to the above general classification, we have a few special nakshatras for each person:

The constellation occupied by natal Moon is called Janma nakshatra. Janma means “birth” and this nakshatra shows
general well-being.

The 10th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Karma nakshatra. Karma means “profession” and this
nakshatra shows profession and workplace.

The 18th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Saamudaayika nakshatra. Saamudaayika roughly means
“related to a crowd” and this nakshatra shows group activities.

The 16th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Sanghaatika nakshatra. Sanghaatika roughly means
“belonging to group” and this nakshatra shows group/social activities.

The 4th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Jaati nakshatra. Jaati roughly means “community” and this
nakshatra shows one’s community. To be more correct, one’s jaati shows people who belong to the same class,
nature and profession.

The 7th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Naidhana nakshatra. Naidhana means “death” and this
nakshatra shows death and suffering.

The 12th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Desa nakshatra. Desa means “country” and this nakshatra
shows one’s country.

The 13th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Abhisheka nakshatra. Abhisheka means “coronation” and this
nakshatra shows power and authority. This is also called Raajya nakshatra (kingdom).

The 19th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Aadhaana nakshatra. Aadhaana means “epoch/conception”
and this nakshatra shows well-being of family.

The 22th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Vainaasika/Vinaasana nakshatra. Vainaasika means
“destructive” and this nakshatra shows one’s destruction.

The 25th constellation from janma nakshatra is called Maanasa nakshatra. Maanasa means “mind” and this
nakshatra shows one’s mental state.

Benefics or malefics situated in these constellations in their transit bring good or bad results related to the area
covered by the nakshatra. However, it should be kept in mind that the results will be with respect to the native. For
example, malefics transiting in desa nakshatra may not ruin one’s country. After all, any country has almost the
same number of people with desa nakshatra in each constellation. When many malefics are transiting in desa
nakshatra, one may be driven away from one’s country or start hating one’s country. Similarly, many malefics
transiting in jaati nakshatra may alienate one from one’s community. Many benefics transiting in karma nakshatra
may give success at workplace. This is how these special nakshatras should be used. Sometimes, using these
nakshtras gives special insights that cannot be gained by looking at any divisional chart.

Meanings of the Nine Tara:

Tara #1: This is the Janma Nakshatra, the Nakshatra of the natal Moon including the other two Nakshatras who have
the same planetary ruler as the Moon. Description: Beginnings, ideas, body. The Janma Nakshatra is equivalent to
the Lagna (Ascendant). Planets here have a marked influence upon the appearance and personality.

Tara #2: Sampat Nakshatra, the 2nd Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler as the Moon. Description: Accomplishment, good care of responsibilities, wealth, receptivity.

Tara #3: Vipat Nakshatra, the 3rd Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. This relates to the 3rd House. Description: Hindrance, prevention, death, self-will, hard work,
travel, siblings, competition

Tara #4: Kshema Nakshatra, the 4th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. This Tara relates to the 4th and 5th Houses. Description: Things that create security, property,
home, security of progeny and creativity.

Tara #5: Pratyak Nakshatra, the 5th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. Relates to the 6th House. Description: Averted, missed. Obstacles. Conflict, enemies.

Tara #6: Sadhaka Nakshatra, the 6th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. This Tara relates to the 7th House. Just as our spouse completes us and is useful to us and helps
our life become more efficient, so does the 6th Tara manifest these specific qualities. Perfecting, useful and efficient.

Tara #7: Vadha Nakshatra, the 7th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. This Tara relates to the 8th House. Description: Slayer, destroyer, destruction, change.

Tara #8: Maitra Nakshatra, the 8th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same planetary
ruler of the Moon. Relates to the 9th and 10th Houses. Description: Friendly, helpful, dharmic, dutiful, actions, what
the person gives to the world.

Tara #9: Parama Maitra Nakshatra, the 9th Nakshatra from the Moon and from all Nakshatras ruled by the same
planetary ruler of the Moon. This Tara relates to the 11th House. Description: Best or highest, most useful,
producing a lot of good in life.

As an example, think of the Taras in this way: if Venus is in the second Nakshatra from the Janma Nakshatra, then
the person will create and grow wealth in their life through the use of Venusian qualities, such as art, music
decoration or comforting. If Venus was in the third Nakshatra (Vipat), then there would be a lot of competition
within the person’s love life. If Venus is in the 4th Nakshatra from the Janma Nakshatra then the person derives
security from art, music, romance, etc. The native will have a beautiful home and love to create beautiful things. Do
you get the idea? The 3rd, 5th and 7th Taras produce challenges and create obstacles and setbacks. The 9th Tara is
the best and yields excellent results. The ruler of the 9th Tara, the planetary ruler of the Param Maitra Nakshatra and
any planets within the 9th Tara will yield extremely beneficial results in its dasas and bhuktis. The 1st, 2nd,4th, 6th,
and 8th Taras will also give good effects.
While deciding muhurthas in case the the tara balam happens to be bad(1,3,5 and 7) and the tara falls in First
Navakam for Janma Tara, Second Navakam for Vipat Tara, and Third Navakam for Pratyak Tara and in any
Navakam for Naidhana has to be discarded.

 Muhurthas are possible even during the bad tarabalam by doing suitable dosha pariharam.
 Tarabalam is a basic step in calculating muhurtha.
 Other factors like panchaka bala, calculation of muhurta chart is very important.
 If muhurtha chart is strong and required planets are positioned well it counters all doshas.
 This does not replace the judgement of a professional astrologer but uses it as an aide.

Pariharam for Taradosham

 For Janma Tara: Saka Danam--Yellow Pumpkin,Leafy Vegetable,

 For Vipat Tara: Jaggery Danam
 For Pratyak Tara: Salt Danam
 For Naidhana Tara: Should be avoided. If inevitable Tila Sahita Suvrana Danam(Seseme seeds+Gold)

Drishti means “To See” and planets ability to have a say in a particular house where they are and where they can
see. So it is evident that planets don’t impact from the place they are
placed but also houses where they can see (Have Drishti on) and also houses it owns. For Example, planet Sun will
impact house where it is situated, 7th house from where it is (Drishti) and Leo since it owns the house. As
mentioned the concept is huge, let’s go to a planetary aspect. The idea of Drishti is based on planetary placement
and distance. So let’s make a list of planets which are furthest away from Sun:-

1. Saturn – 3rd and 10th house – Upachaya – Growth

2. Jupiter – 5th and 9th House – Kona – Knowledge

3. Rahu – 2,5,9 – the Only planet to see 12th from it!
4. Mars – 4th and 8th House – Chaturashara – Protection
5. Sun – Kama – 7th house
6. Venus – Like Sun
7. Mercury – Like Sun
8. Moon – Like Sun
9. Ketu – No aspect (It does not have eyes, has an only lower body)

As we see in the above illustration planets, which are further away from Sun have “Special aspects” since they have
a “Top View” of world affairs and are watching us with an eagle eye. Sun and planets below Sun (King) are having
only “desire” hence they can see activities opposite it (7th house) only.

1. Saturn has a unique ability to see you in your Kama (3rd house of sexuality) and Karma (10th house of
office/work). Saturn, therefore, is primary karaka for the 10th house!
2. Jupiter is a “Guru”, and it has unique ability to see your past (9th house) and affect your future (5th house)
based on the experiences of the This is the best aspect in your chart so mark it as your blessing!
3. Mars is a warrior, and it understands only “Protection”. 4th house is “Where/Who to Protect”, and 8th
house is “How long/duration to ”
4. Rahu is equally intelligent as Jupiter (there is variation though) but has an additional aspect of the 2’nd
house (straight count) from where it is, the only planet to see what’s happening behind his back – so crucial
for politicians and Entrepreneurs!
5. Sun and other planets have “interest” in opp house from where they are placed – 7th house.

What does it mean?

As we know our Horoscope is a map based on our past existence, the planetary placements and aspects tell us our
previous unfulfilled missions and blunders we have committed! Check for houses which have 3 or more malefic
planets aspecting and put a red dot on it – Activities related to that house shall torment you throughout your life and
more so in the dashas of that malefic planet. Benefic planet aspects give you success and ability to learn/change, and
those houses are your blessings. Houses, where there are equally good/bad aspects, are houses (activities) which you
are utilising most time on. For example, 7th house is a house of marriage, and if you have equal planets aspecting
7th house, then marriage is a constant struggle. Benefic planets ensure you love your spouse, malefic guarantee there
is continuous struggle resulting in a marriage which is tough to break and hard to live with!

Movable sign  aspect the sign in 8th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 11th and 5th.
Fixed sign aspect the sign in 6th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 3rd and 9th.
Movable sign aspect the sign in 7th to them and their Parshava sign which is 4th and 10th.
In Short. Movable sign aspect all fixed sign except the one in 2nd to him, Fixed sign aspect all movable sign
except the one in 12th to him, Dual sign aspects all other dual signs.
Refer the table given below.

Aspect Table
Rashi Frontal Sign Other Signs under Aspect
Aries Scorpio Aquarius and Leo
Taurus Libra Cancer and Capricorn
Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces
Cancer Aquarius Scorpio and Taurus
Leo Capricorn Libra and Aries
Virgo Gemini Pisces and Sagittarius
Libra Taurus Aquarius and Leo
Scorpio Aries Capricorn and Cancer
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini and Virgo
Capricorn Leo Taurus and Scorpio
Aquairus Cancer Aries and Libra
Pisces Sagittarius Virgo and Gemini
Planet’s placed in the sign also aspect with Rashi Drishti.

Special with Rashi Drishti – Rashi Drishti is always full [Other’s are not – will be seen in next sections] People
are confused about aspect of planet’s like Ketu or Upagraha like Mrityu or Aprakash Graha like Dhooma. Any thing
in Rashi aspect with Rashi drishti. This is to say if you need to check aspect of Gulika see Rashi drishti of the Rashi
where Gulika is placed and you will find aspect of Gulika. 
When one will read Jaimini one will find that Jaimini gave extreme importance to Rashi Drishti because even
Arudha in a Bhava will aspect with Rashi Drishti only. That is to say anything in Rashi will aspect with Rashi
It is mentioned that “Brahma” [Creator] told about Rashi Drishti, Which means any affliction arising out of Rashi
Drishti shows a basic defect in creation or manifestation. Also how to approach this subject as there can be four
differentiations here, aspect by malefic but who is a friend of a lord of the sign, aspect by malefic who is inimical to
lord of sign.  the aspect of benefic inimical to Lord of sign, aspect of benefic friendly to lord of sign. All this will be
explored in-depth in our course.

Graha Drishti
Here you will see when people superimpose their own understanding in name of editing and proof-reading what
happens. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra clearly states that every planet have 1/4th aspect on 3-10 Houses from itself
[It uses bhava which means house and not Rashi], 2/4th aspect on 5-9 houses from itself. 3/4th on 4-8 houses from
itself and 4/4th aspect on 7th house from itself. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have have special aspect as Saturn aspects
3-10 from itself by full 4/4 aspect, Mars aspect 4-8 from itself by full 4/4 and Jupiter aspects 5-9 fro itself by full 4/4
What the sage have intended to say was all planets except Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a full aspect on 7th house
and they Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a special aspect on these houses as their full aspect and on 7th house, their
aspect is not full, but partial.
But both authors with their claim of correcting the manuscript distorted it. But Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak and
Pandit Tarkachandra Shastri [They never mentioned correcting the manuscripts gave original table of aspects which
is as follows.

Graha Drishti
Planet Trine [5-9] Chaturastra [4-8] Saptama [7] Upachaya [3-10]
Saturn 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th Full
Jupiter Full 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th
Mars 3/4th Full 1/4th 2/4th
Others 2/4th 3/4th Full 1/4th

This, as can be seen above was the real method Sage wanted to propagate which was mutilated in name of correcting
manuscripts.One can also see that secret of Nadi Astrology lies here. Suppose two planets are in trine Sun and Moon
then Sun cast 2/4th aspect on Moon and Moon cast 2/4th aspect on Moon – Now is it illogical to say in sense that
they are in conjunction [Half+Half=Full] Due to this reason while defining Sambandha between planets
Mantreshwara in his Phladeepika added Sambandha between Planets in Mutual Kendra and Kona.

Secrets in usage: We know sam-bandha between planets are made by four methods. By being in each other’s sign,
By being in mutual aspect, By being aspected by the depositor, by being in same sign [Together] But in practice, we
find mutual aspect does not make a strong connection in many cases, Why? the answer to the same is only Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Venus have a full aspect on 7th to participate in mutual aspect sam-bandha other planets cast partial
aspect on 7th house thus yoga may or may not be applicable.
What do I mean by “may and may not” will be defined here? 
Suppose few variations.
Jupiter and Mars in 1-7 Jupiter aspect Mars by 2/4th aspect and Mars by 1/4th aspect. it makes only 3/4th aspect.
Unable to form Sambandha.
Jupiter and Saturn in 1-7. Jupiter aspect Saturn by 2/4th aspect and Saturn by 3/4th aspect making 5/4 which means
a Sambandha.
This way one can clearly see the differences into considerations when we follow true spirit of Sage.
Difference between Graha and Bhava Drishti : 

Graha Drishti is basically for Sambandha between two Graha, Only when it is full it have to be taken into
consideration. Bhava Drishti is sambandha between Bhava and Graha and all types of aspect can be considered here.
which differentiates them on extent of their influence on Bhava.


MANGAL : Everyone needs energy for every aspect be it any work and for this reason it is given additional drishti.
The main work of mankind is to live and to protect himself and since 8TH HOUSE is of life / death, it is given that
drishti. Any person who does any work, does for his satisfaction (sukh) and since 4TH HOUSE is of sukh, it is given
that drishti. Thus 1 – 7 – 8GURU : Everyone needs education and one has to implement whatever he has studied in
education. Whatever knowledge you have acquired, that should be implemented in the right manner for the
betterment or ourselves and mankind. For eg : a sword has been given for fighting. We have a sword and now we
will learn how to fight with it and that also as per one’s ability in using the right weapon at the right time and thus a
teacher will help to learn. 5th HOUSE is the Prapti Stan and 9th House is the destiny/dharm and therefore 5 & 9
house. Thus 5 – 7 – 9

SHANI : We have learnt how to use weapons and now we need to implement them for self defence or for any other
reason and for that we have to work and Shani helps to work. Parakram / Purusharth is done through 3rd House.
Now it is also important to know where we have to use our weapon and for that 10th House – karyashetra. Thus 3 –
7 -10.

Consciousness and Energy / Shiva and Shakti are both definable and inseparable.  If we use an example like the Sun;
The sun itself would represent consciousness and the sun’s rays would represent energy. Without the sun, there are
no rays – and without the rays, the sun has no influence or means of expression.Shakti energy comes in many forms
or qualities and energy has as many expressions as we can possibly think of.

Within the energetic realm, there are three main forms of Shakti. These have been known in yoga since very ancient
times (discussed as early as the Mahabharata), to be key ingredients for any form of success. Learning to identify,
work with, purify, and ultimately strengthen these forms of Shakti is a powerful and often overlooked ingredient for
lasting spiritual growth and expansion.

The 3 Forms of Shakti

 Iccha Shakti – the energy of will or desire

 Jnana Shakti – the energy of knowledge

 Kriya Shakti – the energy of action

For any and all success, all 3 of these forms of Shakti need to be involved. The process and interplay of these
energies is continually cycling within us, and without these ingredients, we would become inert.

If we take the example of even a small task or action to come to fruition –  something as simple as scratching one’s
head, the 3 forms of Shakti all play their part.  Consciousness is there in the background. Through Jnana Shakti,
we know the itch is on our head and that scratching it relieves the discomfort. We then desire to relieve the itch by
scratching it, involving Iccha Shakti.  Next comes the action, or Kriya Shakti – in this case, the action of scratching
the head. Remove any one of the 3 forms of Shakti in this example, and what happens?  There is no success in
relieving the itch!

Through this example, it could seem that the 3 forms of Shakti are not that important or powerful since they are
already involved in any conscious event in our lives that comes to fruition.  But when this process is part of Yoga –
the re-uniting of consciousness and energy, or in other words, the full connection between the small ‘self’ with the
greater ‘us’, we give ourselves the opportunity to refine, empower and divinize this flow as an unlimited potential.

Tarabal and Navamsa

Navamsa positions are first division of Mutable/Chara signs, 5 th ie middle of dual signs and end of fixed

Tendency of Stars

1. Birth Star: It gives results according to its nature, but it's results are everlasting.

2. Sampath Star : Planet on this Star gives maximum benefic results, have great impact in
life of native. Benefic planets give more benefic results.

3. Vipath Star : It creates maximum obstructions and malefic results according to it's nature. But
benefic results are insignificant. e.g. Jupiter on this Star, gives malefic results to children &

4. Khemya Star: It gives benefic results, which are enjoyed by whole-family.

5. Pratwara Star: It does not gives results directly. It gives disappointments. It affects others, who
associates with the native.

6. Sadhaka Star: Planets owning or occupying this Star gets 100% benefic results, but after some
efforts. Some of the native expect some quick benefic results, but these are delayed.

7. NaidhanaStar : Planets occupying this Star indicate hopeful nature of native, but it seldom

8. Maitra Star: Planets occupying this Star indicate all type of achievements through friends.
Specially while travelling, through known or unknown persons. If a malefic planet is on this point,
this destroys the achievement’s of native.

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