Malcolm X & The Conspiracy To Genocide Whiteman

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Malcolm X & the conspiracy

 to genocide Whiteman


I have endeavored to research this subject matter because it concerns me as to why so many
young blacks are Whiteman haters.

I have found out that it is all centered on Malcolm X and his brain washing philosophy of black
man was first. I tend to see a parallel with Adolph Hitler.

Malcolm believed that the black man was first and that white man came from apes. Hitler
believed that the blond hair, blue eye areons were first and that black man came from apes. what
an irony! suppose both of them are right, after all science claims to be able to prove that the
Whiteman has DNA from the white haired ape and the Blackman has DNA from the black haired

I tend to lean on a more biblical approach; we are all descendents of Adam. It is Science that also
proves that all races of man come from one blood type, (type O) which is the universal blood
type and it is most commonly found in native Americans and Asians. 

"In the Resistance and Immersion Stage, the minority person strongly rejects the beliefs, values
and an attitude held by the majority culture and embraces the culture and views held by his or her
own minority (Sue & Sue, 1999). There is an anger and hate directed towards the dominant
group for their beliefs. Guilt and shame is directed against themselves for the views they held in
previous stages: the conformity and the dissonance stages. The individual begins to explore his
or her own culture and the items that were a source of shame now become a source of pride
when they begin to have a cultural identity. A person in this stage has a strong dislike and
distrust towards anyone in the dominant group.

Malcolm was a very angry person at this stage of his life--angry with himself and society (Haley,
1964). He was often in solitary confinement because of his antisocial behavior. Malcolm was
nicknamed Satan for his antireligious attitudes; the Bible and God were some of his favorite
targets. The White man and his oppressions over the years of the Black race would soon be a
target. Malcolm met in prison a person who left a positive impression, a man by the name of
Bimbi (Haley, 1964). Even the White guards would stop and hear what Bimbis opinion on any
subject. Bimbi was the Libraries best customer. He told Malcolm, If he had any brains, he should
use them (p. 154). He should take advantage of the libraries correspondence courses. Bimbi had
the respect of Malcolm, so he took correspondence courses in English and then in Latin.

About one year after Malcolm started taking correspondence courses, his brother, Reginald,
introduced him to the Nation of Islam (Haley, 1964). This is the start of his resistance and
immersion stage. Reginald told Malcolm the White man is the Devil. The Black man, the
Original Man, came before the White man. He explained how the black man has a dominant
chromosome over the chromosome responsible for those with white completions. Starting with a
white chromosome, one could not produce a Black man because the white chromosome is
recessive. Everybody agrees that there was but one Original Man, so logic says the Original Man
must be Black."
(Analysis of Malcolm X: Racial Identity Development ModelSteven J. Park / University of
North Texas)

In lew of the facts and what Malcolm believed I think that blows Whiteman and black out of the
water. And what is the big deal about who was first, that to me is as ridiculous as the chicken and
the egg theory.

Who was first? Adam! and since native Americans descend ultimately from Asians, Adam had to
be Asian according to the scientific proof found in blood type. Sorry to burst your bubble black
man, you weren't first and neither was the Whiteman.

Why didn't I say neither was I the first? because I'm not totally white, I have about a 16th of
native American in me through me Cherokee ancestry.

By the way, why does all that matter! Why follow Malcolm who was blown away by the FBI for
being a (_hit stirrer).
Follow Martin Luther King who was a peace maker and preached the equality of all races and
that we were to love one another. This is what Jesus taut us, and let me tell you that the color of
your skin has nothing to do with the price of tea in china as far as Jesus is concerned.

We come from one origin, (Adam) and the black power scrolls and or the Aeron scrolls findings
of both the black race and white race being biologically engineered by aliens from outer space is
a bunch of crock.

And so what if the white gene is recessive, the native American gene or Asian gene isn't. Just
because you can't couple a pair together to get a black baby unless you couple two black people
together doesn't mean any-thing.

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