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& Lhenens GG" | | CORNELL AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY, Inc. CORNELL AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY, INC. BUFFALO, WY. REPORT NO. 05-160-1 ‘THE PERCEPTROW A PERCEIVING AND RECOGNIZING AUTON\TON (PROJECT PARA) January, 1957 Prepared ty: aa Kean thor — ‘Frank Rosenblatt, Project Engineer’ Approved wr OBicttn den Hed ‘Alexander Stieber Head, Air Defense Section Syoténs Research Dept. Approved ty:_Btuord. Robert H, Shatz, Head Systane Research lope, PRERAGE ‘The work described in this report was supported as a part of the internal research progran of the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc, ‘The concepts Gscuased had their origins in some independent research by the author in the Sield of physiological psychology, in which the aim has ‘been to Zomulate a brain analogue useful in analysis, This area of ‘research has been of active interest to the author for five or six years, The perceptron concept is a recent product of this research prograns ‘the current effort is simed et establishing the technical and econonic foastbility of the perceptron. | | oii emmopuorroN Since the advent of electronic computers and modern servo systens, an increasing amount of attention has been focused on the feasibility of constructing a device poss as perception, recognition, concept formation, and the ability to genera~ Lize fron experience, In particular, interest has centered on the idea of a machine which would be capsble of conceptuslising inputs impinging directly from the phystesl enviroment of Light, sound, temperature, otc. ‘== the "phenomenal world” with which we are all fanfiiar —- rathor than requiring the intervention of a human agent to digest and code the necessary information, sing such human-like functions A prinary requirenent of such a eysten is Uhat st must be able to recognize complex patterns of information which are phenonen= ally similar, or are orperientally related — a process which corresponds to the peychological phenomena of "association" and "stimulus generalization’. ‘The system must recognize the "sane" object in differont orientations, sizes, colors, or transformations, and against a variety of different backgromds. ‘The recognition of "sintlar" forms can bo carried out, to a certain extent, by analytic procedures on a digital or analog computer, but it is hard to conceive of a general analytic program which would, for example, recognise ‘the form of a man soon from any angle, and in any posture or position, ‘without actually storing a large Mbrary of reference figures agsinst ‘which the percept coult be compared, In general, identities of this sort mist be leamed, or acquired from experience, and if the eysten is to be economical, the aumber of functional units in the storage eyeten, ‘oF memory, should be mch less than the number of forms or nenories to be retained. It is this last requirement which seems to be incompatible ‘with the natire of conrentional computer systems. Moreover, if a memory with hmdreds of thousands or millions of pablerns stored dn it must be scanned sequentially in order to identify an object, the tine required by conventional systems becomes excessive, The proposed systen must not only economize on storage space: it must be able to categorize or identity an object "directly" -- i.e, it must locate the relevant menories without resorting to a sequential search procedure, Recent theoretical studtes by this writer indicate that At should be feasible to construct an electronic or electrcnechanical system which will learn to recognize similarities or identities between patterns of optical, electrical, or tonal information, in a manner which may be closely analogous to the perceptual processes of f biological brain, The proposed system depends on probaniizetio rather than deterministic principles for ite operation, and gains its reliability from the properties of statistical messurenants obtained from large populations of elements. A system which operates according to these principles will te called a perceptron, A model which is designed to accept optical, or "visual" patterns as inpute will be called a photoperceptron. One which accepts tonal patterns, or “auditory” inputs, will be designated a phonopereeptron, and xe might also consider the possibility of electrom or radioperceptrons, with corresponding sensory devices, Tt is also useful to distinguish between monentaiy stimulus perceptrons and temporal pattern pereeptrons = the latter having the ability to ronomber tenporal sequenceeof events, rather than transient monentary images, such as would be obtsined from collection of isolated franes cut fron a strip of movie film, The present discussion will concentrate on a momentary stimulus photoperceptron, which seons to be the nost clenentary device which could be built to demonstrate the general principles of this type of systen, It is suggested that the proposed model should be built, not only to desonstrate the workability of the pereeptron concept, but as a research tool for further study of the principles employed. oo TT. GEUERAT. DRSCRTPTTON_OF_t_PHOTOPRAREPTRCH We might consider the perceptron as a black box, with TV canera for input, and an alphabetic printer or a set of signal Lights as output, Ite performance can then be described as process of leaming to give the sane output signal (or print. the sane word) for all optical stimuli which belong to sone arbitrarily constituted class, Such a class might be the set of all twondinensional trans positions of a tringle over the field of view of the 1V camera, or ‘the set of rotational positions of a 3~dinensional form. The forms of f stimulus pattern which are to be identified as equivalent can each be represented as 2 unique set of {Tluminated points in the TV raster. ALL of the equivalent forms constitute a transposition set, which we ‘will call Te TE 4s possible to teach the system to discriminate two such generalized forms, or "percepts", by presenting for each fom a random sample fron the set of its possible transformations, while similtaneously Nforcing’ the systen to respond with Output 1 for Form 1, and Output 2 for Form 2, For exanple, we night require the perceptron ‘to Team the concepts "aquare" and "oirclet, and to turn on Signal Light 1 for "oquare", and Signal Light 2 for Moirele", We would then proceed to show the eyoten a large ect of squares of different sizes, in different locations, while holding Light to. 1 on, thus "forving" ‘the response, We would then show a similar set of circles, while holding Light No, 2 on. If we then show the perceptron any square or ny circle, ve would expect {t to tum on the appropriate Light, with a high probability of being correct. The penalty that ve pay for the tue of statistical principles in the design of the syeten Je a probabi- ity that we nay get a wrong response in any particular case =~ 1.0.5 a wrong response that 1s inherent in the nature of the eysten, rather ‘than due to a malfuotion of one of its components. It appears that ‘this probability may be reduced, hovever, to a quantity no greater ‘than the typical protebilities of an error due to malfunctions in ewctrontec equipments, ‘The system has three main components, as indicated in Fig. 1: (1) The S:Systen (Sensory System) can be represented as a sot of points ina 1V raster, or as a set of photocelis. Bach raster= point in the S-eyeten ie comected to a number of units in the Ansysten (Association System), to which inpulses are transnitted when the S-point is Yon" (i1luminated), Any particular S-A connection may be either positive (carrying positive or "excitatory" signals to the A-mit) or negative (tending to inhibit or suppress activity of the A-untt). 4 given point in the S-raster, for example, night be positively connested to ton A-units, and negatively comected to another ten unites (2) The AxSyston (Association System) performs the switching functions between input and output, Each Anunit receives impulses from a nmber of S-pointe, and transmits outputs to one or more Response Units (R-nits). The A-Units are characterized by the fixed paraneter Oy ‘the threshold value which corresponds to the algebraic sum of input pulses necessary to azole an output, and the stochastic variable vy the “output value", which may be any physically measurable characteristic of ‘the output pulse, such as anplitude, frequency, or delay-period, Tre value of an Asunit's output will vary with its history, and acts as a counter, or register for the mmory-function of the systems (3) The Resystem (Response System) consists typically of a relatively small nunber of units, which may operate type-bare or signal Lights, and which are activated when the mean or net value of the signals received from the A-Systen exceeds @ critical level Gps In addition to printing or dleplaying an output signal, each response unit feeds tack Smpulses which ishibit, or out off the activity of all mutually exclusive Reunite and the Leunite which might activate then, Thooo inhibitory food~ back connections guarantee that only one response out of @ mutually exclusive set can be triggered at one time, The response circuits are designed in such a manner that 4f inpulses arrive at two Reuite ofmul~ tancously, the unit whose inputs have the greatest moan (or net) value ‘will respond first, outting off the other through its inhibitory connections before it can be trigzered, An entire ect of mutually exclusive Reunite ‘thus acte Like a milti-stable flip-flop, in which only one stage oan be on! at any one tine, Several. ouch mutually exclusive Remits may exist 4m parallel, asy for inetances the ten alphabets necossary to provide for printing a ten letter word, In such a case, the systen is organized a9 in Fig, 2, with a distinct A-cet corresponding to each Resets In Fig, 3, a more detailed breakdown is shown iMustrating ‘the logical composition of a perveptron designed to produce 2 threo ‘pinary-digit mmber as an output, ach binary place in the munber is represented ty an Reset of two monbers, zero and ons, In Figure 3, circles have been used to represent sets of functional units, and rectangles to represent single units, The figure illustrates the effect of inhilitory connections when the response "10l" is "on", ALL shaded areas of the disgran would be under inhibition while this response was ote that the intersection of an active A-set with an inhibited Asset is not inhibited, i.e., inhibitory connections go fron each Reunit only to those Ansubsets which do not contribute connections to it. active Te entire organization of a systen of this sort can be represented by a single table, or matrix of connections between units. ‘The systen of Fig. 3, for example, might be represented by a table such as that of Figs ly | S-SYSTEM ees | As system } “| + system SETS OF EXCITATORY CONNECTIONS: ——> SETS OF INHIBITORY CONNECTIONS: ———o | FIoURE | GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE PERCEPTRON FIGURE 2 ORGANIZATION OF A PERCEPTRON WITH THREE INDEPENDENT OUTPUT -SETS R-UNITS WHICH WOULD BE INHIBITED WHEN THE RESPONSE 101 1S AC’ ORGANIZATION OF A PERCEPTRON WITH THREE BINARY RESPONSE SETS Figs li COMMBOTION MATRIX POR & PERCEPTRON WITH THOIEE sINARY ss rrr Faruneters: 3 positive and 3 negative inputs to each A-unit, 4 Amite in each Response Set Notation: 1 = positive conection, S to A, or A to R 1 = negative conection, § to A X = absolute inhititory connection, R to A 0 = no comection SePoint Ay Set Ay Set Aggy Set 123456 123456 123156 1 101000 122101 001210 2 11010 o1021a 2142101 3 WtL100 11010 211002 4 000111 100101 ocoror0 § 10101 o10101 10102 6 wool iat a1011 7 100201 210020 100110 8 011201 oo1m01 azri0d%L 9 001000 10101¢ o10210 WO 010212 oo1tc oo1%12 Bett Yo) 1a11xx 00000¢ 000000 GQ) xx11121 00000¢ 000000 to) 000000 1221%x 000000 *m@) 000000 xx1111 000000 Tule) 000000 000000 11x11% 4m) 000000 000000 x11ix1 Sone general principles of orvanisation should be clear fron this table. (1) The table ds organized into three independent sections, ‘one for every independent set of responses. Each of these sections consists of an S-A matrix and an ACR matrix, (2) Within the matrix of SoA connections for each response set, it dp desirable that each column should have a unique permutation ‘of positive and negative connections. (3) The numbers of positive and negative connections ere the sane in every colum of the matrix. (lu) Bach A-set connects to only one Reset. (5) Bach zou of an A-R submatrix should have @ unique permutation of connestions . (6) ALL elononte of an AR oub-atrdx which do not represent exeitatory comections are filled in with inhibitory comections fron R to Ay provided the Als and R's are of the sano sot. Electronic schenatice are show in Fig. 5 for a typical Aconit and en Reunit which would meet the Logical requirements of the model, The yalus of the A-unit is controlled ty an integrator, which gains a light inorenent every tine the unit 4e active, and whlch governs: ‘the gain of the output pulse-generator, In such a system, the amplitude of the output pulee de equivalent to the value, The gas tube in the Anpub line triggers the A-unit when the value of @ 1s exceeded, provided the gate is not closed by signals fron the Reunite, SLINA WOIdAL JO NOIS3a ¢ aynol4 inn Awrdsia aenousau o1 TwHOIS oMLLYUId0 pcre 138-¥ 01 sxove aaa Ayo: AW ony su uaKio OL STwHOIS Av0 ‘sasnousay anism aot Ug = jue aowauasay Oe] vouvuvanco Inne ‘wouvueaunt inant sama vounuszimt (any 4 aenoasay 330 eu ‘sina Awosnas iini-¥ -10- The input network to the Reunite may be designed either ‘to sum or to average the inputs received, ‘The design shom merely sims ‘the inputs, but an averaging system would be preferable, particularly Af the nunber of eimuiltaneous inputs expocted is onall, A voltage is ‘bullt up across the capacitor of the input integrator at a rate propor= ‘tHonal to the net (or mean) input value. A comparator measures the Aufterence between this voltage and a fixed reference (Gp), and trigsere ‘the response unit when the threshold voltage is exceaded, a. TIT, PRINCIPLES oF STIMULIS DIscRnETNATTON In the previous section, we have desoribed the physical, characteristics of the perceptron, without attempting to justify the prescribed organization, In this section, we will outline the basic principles on which such a device operates, and introduce some criteria for evaluating its performance, We will not attempt to derive equations 4in this presentation, but the basic equations will be found in Appendix I. The essence of the percoptron's logic ie a stochastic process in the Avset, vherety the subset of units connecting any particular stimulus pattern to any particular response gains an increment in its aggregate value every tine thet that particular stimulus and response occur Simultaneously, The Association Systen can be thought of as a nuber of overlapping populations of pointewhose mean values are measured by ‘the Reuits. Each Reunit measures the mean value of active pointe in ‘that particular subset, or class, of points which is connected to ite If the sets of A~units which transmit inpulses to the responses are ‘large enough, we can be reasonably sure that there will be a non-zero subset of points transmitting impulses to any particular response for every stimulus pattern which might be presented. In a oystem such as we have deserited, there will tend to be a different set of A-units activated by every distinct stimilus patter which might occur, If we did not include sone proportion of negative (inhibitory) impulses fron the S-pointe, then a large, complex patter would always activate any of the A-uiite which might be activated by Ate component sub~patterns, or by any {1lusinated area encoapessed ‘within the larger pattern, Under such conditions, the ability to make indepentont ascociations to parts and wholes of complex patterns, or to discriminate different sizes of ilusinated areas would be lost. ‘The Anclusion of inhititory impulses from the Supointe, however, guarantees ‘that the sot of A-units responding to a "part will generally contain aie some menbers which will be inhibited when the "whole" is presened. The ts of Anunits activated by two different stimuli, selected at random, will nonetheless tend to overlap; 4.0.5 they will contain sone proportion of comon elenonts, Pye Tt is convenient to use the notation A, to denote the subset of A-units which is activated ty Stimulus ¢ and which trnonite smpulses to Response Unit x, Thus Ay 1, means the sot of A-unite which is activated by Stinulus Petter 1, and which transits dnpulses to Response lis Sintlarly, Ay 5,1, 9,19 Beans the set of Acunite which are cach activated by Stimulus Patterns 1 and 3, and each of vhich trananite ‘to the Response Units li 6 and 12, This will be a subset of A, jy and ‘WALL also be a subset of Ay ys Ay gs Stove Thus, if we consider'a system ‘with otly two responses, and linit ourselves to tvo unrelated stimulus patterns, chosen at random, each of which activates SO of all /-units, ‘we would expect to find non-zero subsets in the following proportions: 25% of all Acunite 256 of all Anmite 12.56 2 288 12.58 aye 1258 Beaye st Ayeay 6,258 of alt A-tintts Tn this systen, the subsets A» and Ay 9p represents the units which oe are common to both stimuli, P,, the proportion of those elenents responding to one stimilus which also respond to the second, is therefore equal to 0.5. Tr the stimilus 5, 18 presented, the subsets A, , and Ay g (ineluaing 4) 5 9 85,99 Ay ,2) HELL be activated and impulses will be transmitted to both Responses 1 and 2, Since the entire system is constituted to yield a "flip-flop" effect, hovever, one or ‘the other response will prevail, ani will suppress the association sete which do not contribute to Ste om excitation, Thus, if the ‘yp aet happens to have a greater mean (or net) value than the set Ay "yp Response Ho, 2 will becone doninant, and Response Wo, 1 will be suppressed, This will lead slmost imediately to a condition in which only the subsct Ay » (ImoLuding &y 9p» My p99 and Ay 9 y,9) Tenains active, all others ‘being suppressed. For a5"long as this dondition continues, the clenents of this subset will accumulate an inorenent to ‘their value, walle the elovents of the suppressed subsets will renain changed, ‘Thus, the next tine the save stimclus (S,) is presented, that subset of association units (Jy 2) which is excited by this stimulus and tends to evoke R, will probably have a mean value greater ‘than that of the association aysten as a vhole, due to its selective reinforcenent on the previous presentation, The sane response, Roy Will, therefore, have « greater probability of occurring again. The system has thus learned to associate the stimulus 5, to Ryy and st will tend to fix that comection more fimly on each successive trial. If a different stimulus, Sy, is then presented, St will ‘tend to pick up sone of the sane A-tnits as S, —- specifically, those units Jn the common eet, Ay py» ant Ay,» 9+ Hence, part of the value Smorease which was gained ty the set Ay’, will carry over to the set Ay pe creating a slight bias towards Response No, 2, Thus, the overlap, or comunality, between the two sets, leads to a etatictical interaction botween the associations formed, which may occasionally cause errors in alle ‘perfomance, If the sots responding to different stimuli each represent a omall fraction of the total munber of A-units, thon the interaction ‘will be small, and the probability of interference between different azeociations will be elight, since the random biases introduced will ‘tend to cancel one another and can easily be overcome ty the value-gein “which is concentrated in she correct subset. Appendix TT contains an illustrative example of the process by which associations are formed, ine systen with 6h A-units, At tds point, we should note that while the communslity ‘vetwoon subsets has cost us a penalty of interference between associations, At has gained conething far more important, For if we were to design a aysten of, say, 100 A-wits, in which sets of 10 units respond to every etinulus, and if we were to insist that there be no comunality between ots, then we would be Linited to a total of only ten stimuli which the systen night distinguish. Tf, on the other hand, we adult an expected comunality of 10%, the limiting nmber of stimuli vhich the systen night Identify becomes equal to the number of combinations of 100 things taken ten at a tino — a total of 1.73 x 10% possitie conbinations. This number, hovever, should not be taken to indicate the practical capacity of the system, because long before this nmber of associations hhae been learned, the eysten will have been"eaturated", in the sense that, the expected lose of previously acquired associations (through interaction effects) will exactly balance the expected gain of new associations. As this equilibria condition is approached, it will become harder and hard- er to teach" the system new associations without Imocking out old ones, and Lf we try to re-eetablich the old ones, we will find thet we have Lost others in the process. A more useful criterion for the capacity of the systen is the probability thet 2 stimulus which has been associated to one of ‘tvo responses will retain its proper "preference! after the system has been saturated to a given level —- i.e., after sone muber of associations has been leamed by the systen, This probability 4s formally equivalent to the probability of establishing @ correct diserinination between any. ‘wo A-eets on the basis of their man values, md will be called Py. The results of some calculations of P, are presented in Table 1. This table shows the probability of @ correct preference for one of two responses, in a syaten which has learned 1, associations to each response. ‘The table has been computed by equation S, in Appendix I and ie exbject to the conditions indicated there, 1, is the mmber of Aaunits connected to each Reunit, The entries in the table represent the normal curve ordinates of the probability, Pa, rather than the probebilities themselves, Thus with 1000 Anunits connected to each Reunit, and a systen in which 16 of the Asunite respond to stimli of a given size (i.e, Py = .O1), the probe ability of naling a correct discrinination with one wit of training, after 20® stimuls have been associated to each response in the system, is equal to the 2.23 signa level, or a probability of 0.967 of being corrects In the table, the commality between A-sets for different responses has been taken to be sero, i,e., each Anumtt transmits to one and only one response ‘writ, To correct for varying degrees of conmnality (P,,) between the sets comected to different responses, the figures presented should be multiplied by 1-Pa,y and I, should be divided by the expected number of output connections per Acunit, The advantage of overlapping the Resets (in the manner indicated in Fig, 3) is similar to the advantage of over= Lapping the A-sets for different stimili; 4 permite « vast increase in ‘the number of alternative responses which can be handled, at the cost of ‘8 welatively unimportent degradation in Uw probability of a correct, responses Fron Table 1, the potential effictency of a systen of this sort can readily be seen. By overlapping the Aasets for different, responses (i.0., permitting P, to be greater than sere) a great munber of mutually exclusive responses can be included in any one set, and by Anelading several intependent sets, vords can te built up, or percepts ‘can be anelyzed according to several independent attributes sinulta- neously. A crude estinate indicates that a syste with tro to three ‘thousand Avunits should be capable of maintaining a vocabulary comparable ‘to the English language, if connection parameters were properly optinized, In onder lo maximive systen capacity, and to redice the earning process for new objects, it would be desirable to redice the set of transfomations, 7, of a particular stimulus pattem by center~ ing the pattern in the field of view of the inpst canera, By including an independent Reset with feedback to a set of caneraneiming servos, ‘the aystem can readily be nade to train the canera on any form occur ing in peripheral Iccations in the field, without actually dissrininating ‘the particular forms, For this purpose, it would be necessary only to lear to distinguish the presence or absence of stimuli in different Locations in the field, associating the presence of a pattern in the lover left, for example, with a control response moving the caxera in ‘this direction, The system vould then be able to "fixate any pattern hich might prove significant, in much the sane mamer as the human eye, Limiting its "recomition learning" to a relatively Linited cestral, field, analogous to the fovea in human vision, ait TISGRIMDUATION PRORLETLTTY (D4) ASA FONCRICN OF Hig, Hy AND Dy A (Probabitities Expransad in Normal Curve Oedinates) uu. arrmom_t BASIC PEROEPTRON EQUATIONS 1, Proportion of Association Units Responding to a Stimulus (P,)+ For a finite mmber of Sepointe, n= OY Pei) 0 where max (n-y-3,0) eS min (rx) max (0, 1-X-3) Si < min(e-6,r-e) Resi)» #2 2Si sen n= tetal number of S=points in systen F = mnber of S-points activated by the stimilus x= nunber of 1's in a column of the Sy connection matrix y = muber of =1's in a colum of the connection matrix 2 = nutter of seros in a column of the connection matrix he rect « number of seros ina column of e matrix of r rows, obtained by striking out ner rows from the SyA matrix, where © = nmber of +1's and i= number of -1'e, © = threshold of an A-unst When the number of Sapoints is large, the solution of this ‘equation converges rapidly to the equation for an infinite nmber of Supointes zy a= ge @ 28 0-8 ais. vine Rileni) =p Cy REI“ RY** 4, Rie) 4! R= 2/n proportion of S-points activated by the stimilus 2. Gommunality Proportion (P,): For a fintte mmber of S-points: Re l/Pe fetes aes, P(eyiste stinger gi) (3) wore {0,15 gs 1yy yy @y] 49 the sot of all combinations of e, 4. 1,, yy gps and gy which conform to the following set of eonlstions: erin tsp + g- 9; 20 max(r-y -2,8) eS min(nx) max (r-x -3,0) 27S min (e-8,y,r-e) max (2-i-h»0) = te S min(te) max (€-fe-h,0) £8; min (2-4, i) max (9-y-i-g+h,6) = g, & min (9.x -e) max (Og 240-4 ths g-g¢+h~g) £9;<(o-ge54-i) Plestste ti rge>g;) = ele yt yon 0K ¢, ner ron {+ total munber of points activated ty the first stimtus (S,) which are not activated by 8. 20- wre total number of new points activated by the second stimilus which were not activated by the first. unter of +1's fron the originally active set of ‘connections which drop out with the new etimlus. 1, = munber of =I! which drop out. fn, * umber of nero-connections which drop out. nunber of +1's gained in the new connections. munber of -1's gained. g, * number of zero-comectione gained. For an infinite nunber of Sspoints: amd, SBE EE Ralesishodivges cre fare ais 4hb gizo ghan Ure tertirterti) (4) hth + ge gj 20 Fao (@riste 245296 99)" 2le RlI-R) 40; el(i-ryt! 2 Le (Lye sey, BIL gg GF (1G) Ge 6% (1G) #1 mF R= x/n = proportion of Supointe in the first stimdlus L = f/r = proportion of S-points in the set R which are not in the second etimlus O = g/m = proportion of the residual S-raster (left over from the first stimlus) which is included in the second stimius. + Probability of Correct, Diserinination (P,): Py * the area under the normal curve fron —20 to +2, shore the ordinate, 2, is given by the expression: Ink a Zn () where P, is the commality between the two Acets to be discrininated, and = expected proportion of Asunite responding to random stimsli (assuming a fixed or mean eize for all S-sets) (Equations 1 and 2) Jy " Mmber of Aeunits in the subset activated by a particular stimus and trensmitting to a particular response number of stimuli associated to each of the responses ‘under conparison (assuning an equal degree of saturation for both responce: ‘This equation makes the assumption that all stimuli leamed are of the sane size -- i.e. that P, remains constant, Tt also assunes ‘that an equal number of stimii have been associated to each response, with a fixed anount of reinforcement for each association formed, An equation which relawes these restrictions has not been developed, but Monte Cérlo studies are being planned to investigate the importance of ‘the assumptions. An additional assumption, for which corrections can readily be made, is that Nj will be omeiderably greater than 1. 220 | Ly Optimization of x, y, and @ ayen a mutually consistent set of constraints, Nyy My Spa, and P,[Roeage the optinm syston (in vnich P, ds nininized for any stimulus) 45 given by the simltaneous solutions of the following three equations, subject to the Limits indicated, If a set of constraints does not permit a solution within these lintts, this indicates that the constraints are mutually inconsistent, and consequently inadnissitle as design criteria. Smaxt 7% 7 ae (es~< M8) @ yr Moe o Flas gsNss Pas Rit) (62m) The constraints are defined as follove: Wy = number of S-points in the raster. N= maximm muber of input comections allowed to each Acunit, The systen perfomance will be ‘uproved by setting M as high as possitle, (M= X+T = ¥,). nag * Baximin stimlus size (number of S-potnts) to which the systen mst be able to respond, (WM< 54, FOR THR DEVELOPMENT OF feteuue ‘A PERCEIVING AUD RECOGNTZING AUTORATONE ou Acton (PROJECT PARA) Establistment of a nev research progran at Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Ine. is proposed, sith the objective of designing, fabricating, and evaluating an electronic brain nodel, the photopercentron, The proposed pilot model will be capable of "earning" responses to ordinary visual pattoms, or forns, Tho systen will omploy a nex theory of memory storage, (the theory of statistical separability), which permite the recognition of complex petterns with an efficiency far greater than that attainable by existing canputers. Devices of this sort are expected ultinately to be ‘capable of concept formation, language translation, collation of military Antelligence, and the solution of problons through induetive logio. ‘The development, and construction of a pilet model is expected to require the work of thres professional people, a digital computer, and ‘an associated technical staff for eighteen monthe. 2. pemopverroy With this proposal, a description of an electronic autonaten, ‘the Cornell Photoperceptron, is submitted, Thia is the outcome of a progran of theoretical studies cn the feasibility of an advanced brain model, which 4s to be cepable of pattem perception and generalization, ‘The author's work on the "theory of statistical separability", upon which ‘the perceptron is based, was bogun st Cornell University about five yeare ‘ago, and has been continued under the sponsorship of the Systens Research Departnent of Cornel Aeronautical Taboratary, Inc.

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