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manuel@mdv-solus ~ $ bluetoothctl

[NEW] Controller C0:CB:38:AF:3D:15 mdv-solus [default]

[NEW] Device 00:18:09:9D:88:1E MDR-XB80BS
[NEW] Device BC:E6:3F:CD:DA:8F Manuel (Galaxy J1)
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# connect 00:18:09:9D:88:1E
Attempting to connect to 00:18:09:9D:88:1E
[CHG] Device 00:18:09:9D:88:1E Paired: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress
[CHG] Device 00:18:09:9D:88:1E Connected: yes
Agent unregistered
[DEL] Controller C0:CB:38:AF:3D:15 mdv-solus [default]
Waiting to connect to bluetoothd...

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