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*M. Tarafdar Haque, * S . H. Hosseini , **T. Ise

*Electrical Engineering Department, Tabriz University, Tabriz, IRAN

e-mail: tarafdar(
**Electrical Engineering Department, Osaka University, Osaka, JAPAN

ABSTRACT voltage case [l-21. This subject is valid even

about p-q theory, which is the ’most popular
The combination of extended p-q theory and control method of PAFs [3].
quasi-instantaneous positive sequence extraction On the other hand in distribution systems,
of utility voltages for controlling of parallel voltage imbalance and voltage harmonics
active filters (PAFs) is presented. Operation of usually exist and they can influence the
PAF using this method compensates for reactive performance of control strategy of PAFs. Th&e
power, current harmonics and imbalance are some valuable literatures in presentation an
currents of a non-linear load in 3-phase 3-wire extended p-q theory to make the p-q theory more
harmonic polluted and/or imbalance utility genera1 than before [4, 51. Operation of PAF
voltage case, successfully. Problem of according to extended p-q theory results in
generating three phase balanced reference compensation of instantaneous reactive power and
currents of extended p-q theory has been solved. current harmonics in imbalance and/or distorted
utility voltage. The most important deficiency of this
Analytical calculations and simulation results method is generating imbalance source side currents
confirm the validity of presented control strategy in imbalanced utility voltage case.
to suppress the above-mentioned power quality. This paper presents a new control strategy for
PAFs can be used for suppressing of current
1. INTRODUCTION harmonics, current imbalance and reactive
power in harmonic polluted and/or imbalance
Distribution electrical systems suffer from supply voltage case, successfully. It is easy for
power quality problems such as current implementation, does not need phase lock loop
harmonics, reactive power burden and current and has reasonable dynamic response.
imbalance. It is possible using parallel active
filters (PAFs) to suppress these problems. The 2. EXPLANATION OF CONTROL ’
efficiency of operation of PAFs deeply depends STRATEGY
on their control strategy. The most important
feature of control strategies is generating Fig. 1 shows the presented control circuit. The
suitable reference compensating currents for basic idea is similar to [4] except than using
PAF, Most of presented control strategies bases quasi-instantaneous positive sequence of utility
on considering balanced and sinusoidal utility voltages instead of “utility voltages” by control
circuit. The terms of ia(t) and ib(t) are the load

02001 IEEE.
0-7803-7090-2/01/$10.00 348 ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA
side currents in the phases a and b, respectively. a =e~2n13 (1)
Va(t), Vb(t) and vc(t) are the utility side voltages Using low pass filter (LPF) results in rejection
in the phases a, b and c, respectively. vla(t), of voltage harmonics. In this way, it is enough
Vlb(t) and vlc(t) are the instantaneous positive considering only the fundamental frequency of
sequence of fundamental frequency of the utility utility side voltages in the operation of control
side voltages in the phases a, b and c, circuit. Following sections explains the
respectively and V’la(t), V’lb(t) and v’lc(t) lags operation of “2d3 phase leadlag” and LPF
from vi&), Vlb(t) and v d t ) by x/2, control blocks, respectively.
respectively. p(t) and P show the instantaneous
active power and its DC value, respectively. 3 . 2 d 3 PHASE LEADLAG CONTROL
isou0(t)and isoub(t)are the source side currents in BLOCKS
the phases “a” and “b”, respectively. icompo ( t ),
The operation of “2d3 Phase Lag” and “2d3
icompb(t) and icompc(t)shows the reference Phase Lead” control blocks of Fig. 1 result in
compensating currents of PAF in the phases a, b 2d3 phase lag and phase lead of Vb and vc in
and c, respectively. The first part of circuit, quasi-instantaneous manner, respectively. Fig. 2
generate positive sequence of fundamental shows the operation of “2x13 phase lead”
frequency of the utility side voltages, control blocks of Fig. 1 in detail. The terms of
instantaneously. Using the control blocks of v,(t) and vo+(t)are as input and output functions
“2d3phase leadlag” is similar to the operation of this block. The magnitudes of K and T are
of operator of “ U ” that is defined by eq. (1) in -&/2 and l/w, , respectively. The term of U ,
theory of symmetrical component. shows the fundamental angular frequency.

2 d 3 Phase Lead

1 h - V’ l c

d 2 Phase
icompc ,

Low Pass Filter p


I +L icompb

Fig. 1. Extension p-q theory based control strategy of PAF

349 ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

instantaneous in this paper. Of course,
considering the value of fundamental frequency
(i.e. 50-60 Hz)show that this term diminishes in
half cycle of fundamental frequency to less than
5% of its initial value. Eq. (4) can be used to
explain the operation of presented method in the
transient andor steady state cases. It is easy
Fig. 2. Explanation of 2 n 13 phase lead control block
showing that the operation of control circuit
It is possible obtaining eq. that explains the results in rejection of instantaneous zero and
relation between vi(t) and vo+(t) in the time negative sequence of utility side voltages [6, 71.
domain using some simple Laplacian theorems.
vo+(t)= (T1 vi(t) LOW PASS FILTER (LPF)

-& mle-"' 1
vi(T).e"l'dT (2) The control block of LPF that is shown in Fig. 1
consists of series connection of four LPFs by
The first term of this equation is a itself. This circuit is shown in Fig. 3 in detail.
proportional and the second term shows a
damping transient case, respectively.
Eq. (3) explains the relation between input
and output h c t i o n s of " 2 ~ 1 3phase lag"
control blocks of Fig. 2. This equation is
obtained in a similar manner as eq. (2) except Fig 3. The Control Blocks of LPF
than changing the value of K to &/2. The term The cutoff frequency of all of individual
of vo-(t)stands for the output of 2n/3 phase lag filters is set on fundamental frequency. This
control block. subject results in 4 4 phase shift and
v,.(t) = --f i 2+ l VI(t) 1/& amplitude change of fundamental
frequency at the output of each of individual
LPFs. In this way, the operation of overall
+& \(I). eyrdz (3)
0 circuit results in -IT phase shift and 1/4
Using eq. (2), eq. (3), Fig. 1 and considering magnitude change of fundamental frequency.
the operation of low pass filter (LPF) in Considering the gain of final LPF equal with -4,
rejection of voltage harmonics; it is possible compensates for these problems and makes it
writing eq. (4). possible to extract the fundamental frequency
1 6 - 1 without any phase shift or magnitude change.
vla(t)=-[ va(t) +- vb+(t)-- v,-(t) f
Eq. (5) shows the transfer function of overall
3 2 2
f low pass filter (LPF):
I(v.-(z) - vb+(z))eq7d71 (4)
0 -4
The last term of eq. (4) shows a damping H ( s )=- (5)
(1.+ S ~ ) 4
transient case with the time constant of 1/01 and
this is the reason of using the term of quasi-

350 ISIE 200 1, Pusan, KOREA

where: r = l / o l , w1 = 2 d 1 and fl is fundamental
frequency. It is possible obtaining eq. (6) using
inverse Laplacian of H(s):
In these equations p(t) and q(t) are the
instantaneous active and reactive powers,
respectively. Considering the Kirchhoff s
Current Law (KCL) in three-phase three-wire
Now, it is possible computing the equation of system, it is possible to write the following
output waveform of LPF in the time domain equation:
using the following equation:

vla( t )= JV; (t - z)h(z)dz (7)


where v,(t) is the input function of LPF.

Combination of eq. (6) and eq. (7) can be used
for explanation of operation of LPF. It is possible to write eq. (12) in every part of
For example, considering v;(t) = Cos(ot) system. Writing this equation in the source side
results in eq. (8): and re-arranging it resulted in eq. (13)

V14 ( t ) = -2wl' jCm(.l- m)e-o"Z3dZ =

3 0
A(@ e-'"'' +
[ B(o).Sin((m) + C(o).Cos((m) ] (8)

The coefficients of A(o), B(o) and C(o) are

functions of o.Considering o = 01 it is possible
to obtain eq. (9).
W:t' - 3w,t - 3 -y' In eq. (13), p , ( t ) and q s ( t ) are the
VI" ( t ) = Cos(o,t)+ ( 3 )e ,(9)
instantaneous active and reactive powers in the
utility side, respectively. Setting p s ( t )=P and
This equation shows that the fundamental q,(t)=O results in the following equation that
frequency of input signal of LPF passes through guarantees the instantaneous reactive power
this filter without any phase shift and magnitude compensation in addition to balanced and
change. Of course this operation need a small sinusoidal currents in the utility side:
transient term that is shown by the second term
of eq. (9).


-(vbI(t)-vcI(2))][~] (14)
It is possible writing the following equations - ( V ' d (0- V ' C l ( 0 ) Vd (0- VCl(t)
using extended p-q theory. These equations are In eq. (14), i*soua( t ) and i*soub(t)are the
similar to [ 5 ] . reference source currents in the phases "a" and

35 1 ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

“b”, respectively. The reference source side lOO,(L-G)
. ,
current in the phase “c” can be obtained using
eq. (15) easily:
* s o x ( t ) = - ( i*sou0 ( t ) + *soub ( t ) (15)

Using KCL in the point of PAF coupling to

the utility results in the following equation:

Fig. 4. Power Circuit of Simulated Circuit

Fig. 5 shows a number of selected simulation

6. SIMULATION RESULTS results. Fig.s 5(a) to 5(d) show the instantaneous
positive sequence of utility side voltages, load
The operation of presented control strategy is side currents, source side currents and reference
simulated using the power circuit of Fig. 4. This compensating currents of PAF, respectively. Fig.
figure shows a three-phase three-wire, 120 5(c) shows that in all of the stages, the source
(V)(L-G, RMS) and 60 Hz distribution system. side currents are sinusoidal, balanced and in
This utility feeds different kinds of loads. This phase with the instantaneous positive sequence
circuit has five stages of operation as follows: of utility side voltages that means the
compensation of instantaneous reactive power.
1- The load of utility fiom zero until 0.05 (s)
is only the three phase balanced R-L load. 7. CONCLUSION
2- The three-phase diode rectifier is switched
ON at 0.05 (s) by the operation of three A new method for obtaining the quasi-
phase static switches and produces instantaneous positive sequence of utility
harmonics and increases reactive power voltages has been presented. It is an integration
demand too. of 2n/3 phase leadlag control blocks and a
3- At 0.1 (s), a single-phase resistive load is special configuration of LPFs. The combination
switched ON and generates an imbalance of quasi-instantaneous positive sequence of
current case. This load is switched OFF at utility voltages and extended p-q theory has
0.15 (s). been used for generation of reference
4- In the same instant (i. e. 0.15 (s)), until 0.2 compensating currents of PAF, successfully.
(s), the RMS value of voltage of phase “a” The analytical calculations have been used to
is reduced to 70 V to generate an explain the operation of presented control
imbalance utility voltage case. strategy in detail. Simulation results have been
5- From 0.2 (s) to 0.25 (s), three phase fifth used to verify the analytical calculation. These
order harmonics with the magnitude of results show a valuable operation of control
16.6% of fundamental frequency of method in compensation for current harmonics,
voltage (i.e. 20 V) are added to the supply. current imbalance and reactive power of a non-
linear load in a harmonic polluted andor
imbalance utility voltage case.

352 ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA


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353 ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

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