Haque2004 - A Control Strategy Based On Extended P-Q Theory Usable in Parallel Active Filters

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A Control Strategy Based on Extended p-q Theory Usable in Parallel

Active Filters


Ahar Azad Universit

Ahar. Iran
Tel./Fax.:(98)-41 1-3300819
e-mail: tarafdara&,tabrizu.ac.ir

Abstract - The combination of extended p-q theory balanced reference source side currents in non-balanced
and quasi-instantaneous positive sequence extraction of utility side voltage case.
utility voltages for controlling of parallel active filters This paper presents a nex- control strateg- for PAFs that
(PAFs) is presented. The implementation of this method is based on combination of extended p-q theory and
is ver easy and it does not need phase lock loop (PLL). instantaneous positive sequence extracting of supply
Operation of PAF using this method compensates for voltages. The presented method can be used in a harmonic
reactive power, current harmonics and imbalance polluted and/or imbalance supply voltage case for
currents of a non-linear load in three-phase three-wire suppressing of current lhannonics and reactive power,
harmonic polluted and/or imbalance utility voltage case. successfully. This method does not need phase lock loop
Problem of generating three phase balanced reference (PLL) and guarantees generation of balanced three-phase
currents of extended p-q theory has been solved. currents in the utility side. too.
Analvtical calculations have been used to explain the
dynamic response of presented control strategy and II. EXPLANATION OF CONTROL STRATEGY
simulation and experimental results have been used to
confirm the validity of its operation. Fig. 1 shows the presented control circuit. The basic idea
is similar to [4] except than using quasi-instantaneous
Index Terms -extended pq theory, parallel active filter, positive sequence of utilitNp voltages instead of "'utilitv
reactive power, harmonics, imbalance voltages" by, control circuit. The terms of ia(t) and ib(t) are
the load side currents in the phases a and b, respectively.
I. INTRODUCTION va(t). vb(t) and v7(t) are the utility side voltages in the
phases a. b and c. respectively. vla(t). vlb(t) and v71c(t) are
Distribution electrical systems suffer from increasing of the instantaneous positive sequence of fundamental
imbalance and non-linear loads. Using these loads results in frequency of the utility side voltages in the phases a. b and
excessive current hanmonics, reactive power burden and c. respectively and N la(t)* 1lb(t) and v'1(t) lags from vNa(t),
current imbalance in the utilitx. It is possible using parallel X lb(t) and vl,(t) b,+ g/2, respectively. p(t) and P show the
active filters (PAFs) to suppress these problems. The instantaneous active power and its DC value, respectively.
efficiency of operation of PAFs in solving the above isoa (t) alld 'soub(t) are the source side currents in the
mentioned power qualitv related subjects could be
increased using suitable control strategy. The most phases "'a" and "'b", respectively. iconmpa (t)0 'compb (t) and
important feature of these control strategies is generating of
reference compensating currents of PAF. Different control icompc(t) shows the reference compensating currents of
strategies have been presented for controlling of these PAF in the phases a, b and c, respectivelv. The first part of
systems but most of them are based on considering circuit. generate positive sequence of fundamental
balanced and sinusoidal utility. voltage case [1-2J. This frequency of the utility, side voltages. instantaneouslv.
subject is valid even about p-q theory, which is the most Using the control blocks of "22t/3 phase lead/lag" is similar
popular control metlhod of active filters [31. to the operation of operator of " a " that is defined by the
On the other hand in distribution systems. voltage following equation in syimmetrical component theonr.
imbalance and voltage harmonics usuall exist and they
influence the performance of control strategy of PAFs. 'r
There are some valuable researches on presentation of
extelnsion p-q theory to make it more general than before Using low pass filter (LPF) results in rejection of voltage
such as [4] and [5]. Operation of PAF according to this harmonics. In this way. it is enough considering only- the
theory results in compensation of instantaneous reactive fundamental frequency of utility side voltages in the
power and current harmonics of a nonlinear load in operation of control circuit. Following sections explains the
imbalance and /or distorted utility voltage. The most operation of "2X/3 phase lead/lag" and LPF control blocks.
important deficiency of this method is generating non- respectively.

0-7803-8304-4/04/$20.00 @02004 IEEE 791


Fig. 1. Extension p-q theor, based control strategy of PAF

HII. 2i/3 PHASE LEAD/LAG CONTROL BLOCKS The first term of tlins equation is a proportional term
wlile the second tenn slhos a damping transient case.
The operation of "'2n/3 Phase Lag" and "27t/3 Phase respectively. Eq. (3) explains the relation between input and
Lead"' control blocks of Fig. 1 result in 27X/3 phase lag and output functions of -2 /f /3 plhase lag" blocks of Fig. 2. This
phase lead of Vb and vx in quasi-instantaneous manner. equation is obtained in a similar manner as eq. (2) by
respectively. Fig. 2 slhows the operation of 'i2 /3 phase changing the value of K to .3/2. The term of vo-(t) stands
lead" control blocks of Fig. 1 in detail. The terms of v-(t) for the output of 2 7 /3 phase lag control block.
and vo+(t) are as input and output functions of this block.
The magnitudes of K and T are - 7/2 and 1/c1
respectively. The tenr of c1 shows the fundamental vo-(t)= - v (t)2+V e v-(T).e"Id- (3)
angular frequencv.
Using eq. (2). eq. (3). Fig. 1 and considering the
operation of low pass filter (LPF) in rejection of all of
hanmonics: it is possible to obtain eq. (4). It should be
noticed that the base frequency of LPF is set on
fundamental frequenc- of utilitv side voltage.
Via(t)= [ Va(t) + Vb+(t) -2 vC(t) +
Fig. 2. Explanation of 2 i /3 phase lead control block

The relation between vi(t) and vN+(t) in the time domain

can be explained using eq. (2) (see APPENDIX I for 43 co,e t J(v2c-}r) - Vb+ (T)) e lr dt] (4)
details). o

vo+(t)= ( 22 ) vi(t) The last term of eq. (4) shows a damping transient case
with the time constant of I/o 1 and this is the reason of
using the term of quasi-instantaneous in this paper. Of
-vw1e- at vi(T).e 1dt (2) course, considering the value of fundamental frequency (i.e.
50-60 Hz). show that this term diminishes in half cycle of
fundamental frequency to less than 5% of its initial value.

Eq. (4) can be used to explain the operation of presented This equation shows that the fundamental frequenc+ of
method in the transient and/or steady state cases. It is easy input signal of LPF passes through filter without any phase
showing that the operation of this part of control circuit shift and magnitude change. Of course this operation need a
results in rejection of instantaneous zero and negative small transient term that is shown by the second term of eq.
sequence of utility side voltages [6-8]. (9).
The control block of LPF that is shown in Fig. 1 consists It is possible writing the following equations using
of series connection of four LPFs bv itself. This circuit is extended p-q theoryr. These equations are similar to [5].
shown in Fig. 3 in detail.
p(t)= vla(t) ia(t) + A) b(t) ib(t) + vIc(t) ic(t) (10)

I T 1±T I q(t)==N,`ja(t) ia(t)+ V'lb(t) 'b(t)+ V.IJO ic(t) (1 1)

Fig 3. The control blocks of LPF
In tlhese equations p(t) and q(t) are the instantaneous
The cutoff frequency of all of individual filters is set on active and reactive powers. respectively. Considering the
fundamental frequency. This subject results in -Tt/4 phase Kirchhoff Current Law (KCL) in three-plhase three-wire
shift and 1/ amplitude clhange of fundamental frequencv system. it is possible to write the following equation:
at the output of each of individual LPFs. In this wavy the
operation of overall circuit results in -7x plhase shift and 1/4 p(t) I.
lo (t)
vIC (t) lb (t) "'I c (t)
io (t) (12)
magnitude clhange of fundamental frequencv. Considering q(t) 1?'I, (t) (t) '.'Ib (t) (t) ib (t)
the gain of finial LPF equal with -4, compensates for these
problems and makes it possible to extract the fundamental It is possible to write eq. (12) in every pait of svstem.
frequency without any phase shift or magnitude clhange. Eq. Writing this equation in the source side and re-arranging it
(5) shows the transfer function of overall low pass filter resulted in eq. (13)
-4 Eisc (t) I
H(s) = (5) 4

'isoub (t)] A
where: T =l/c,o. I =27cf1 and fi = fundamental IYI bl (t) ly'cl (t) - ("bi (t) vc, (0) Ps (t) (13)
frequency. It is possible obtaining eq. (6) using inverse -- (1.1 al (t) ly,cl (0) al (t) vcl (t)
q, (t)

Laplacian of H(s): Wliere. A =(v+lo vI ()) ?1

)lC t ?1())

2(cote-ol'tt') (6) I'l 1la vt)-?i c (t) )( ',lb (t) I c())

In eq. (13), p5 (t) and q, (t) are the instantaneous active

Now, it is possible computing the equation of output
waveform of LPF in the time domain using the following and reactive powers in the utility side. respectively. Setting
equation: p5 (t) =P and q5 (t) =0 results in the following equation that
guarantees the instantaneous reactive power compensation
Vla (t) = Jva (t - r)h(r)dzT (7) in addition to balanced and sinusoidal currents in the utility

where va (t) is the input function of LPF. Combination of

*a(t)1 1
eq. (6) and eq. (7) can be used to explain the operation of Li (t)] A
For example, considering v'a (t) Cos(ot) results in eq. (8):
J.q bl (t) '.'cl (t) a(ibl (t) - (t)c oP] (14)
via (t) = fCos( - wr)e- r3dr = (I"I al (t) -I" cl (0) 1) al (t) - 1'Cl (t) 0

A(oQ))e- + [B(co).Sin((coT) + C(o).Cos((o@))] (8) In eq. (14). i* (t) and i*soub (t)are the reference
source currents in the phases "a" and "b". respectively. The
The coefficients of A(o), B(o) and C(cO) are functions reference source side current in the phase "c" can be
of o. Considering o) = o1 it is possible to obtain eq. (9). obtained using eq. (15) easily:
}'la() _3ot 3 co_Qlt (9)

i *souc (t) - ( i *soua (t) + i *soub (t) ) (15)
Using KCL in the point of PAF coupling to the utilitv
results in the following equation:
icornpa (t) Fi (t) i*soua (t]
Icompb (t) = b (t) - j*solIb (t) (16)
Ioip Lic (t)


The operation of presented control strategy is simulated
using the power circuit of Fig. 4. This figure shows a three-
phase three-wire, 120 (V)(L-G. RMS) and 60 Hz
distribution system. This utility feeds different kinds of
loads. This circuit has five stages of operation as follows:
1-The load of utility from zero until 0.05 (s) is only the
three-phase balanced R-L load.
2-The three-plase diode rectifier is switched ON at 0.05 (s)
by the operation of three plhase static switches and ("I. Load Sd.d: Cur-cvwt
produces harmonics and increases reactive power
denmand too.
3-At 0.1 (s), a single-phase resistive load is switched ON
and generates an imbalance current case. This load is
switclhed OFF at 0.15 (s).
4-In the same instant (i. e. 0.15 (s)). until 0.2 (s), the RMS
value of voltage of phase "a" is reduced to 70 V to (d:. n.t-cts ..oo'o tS O .

generate an imbalance utilitv' voltage case.

5-From 0.2 (s) to 0.25 (s), three plhase fiftl order harmonics Fig. 5. Simulation results
with the magnitude of 16.6% of fundamental frequency
of voltage (i.e. 20 V) are added to the supply.
1 00, (L-G)
100,(L-G) 2m) 3.5(mH

< 25(H)

r 10.6(Q)


Fig. 4. Power circuit of simulated circuit

Fig. 6. The experimental power system
Fig. 5 shows a number of selected simulation results.
Fig.s 5(a) to 5(d) shows the utilitv voltages, instantaneous The reference value of DC side voltage of active filter is
positive sequence of utility voltages, load side currents and set on 430 (V). Active filter. that is basically a voltage
source side currents, respectively. Fig. 5(c) shows that in all source inverter, uses IGBT switches with anti-parallel
of the stages, the source side currents are sinusoidal, diodes. The DSP of TMS 320C32 controls the switching
balanced and in phase with the instantaneous positive pattern of these switches. The values of inductances
sequence of utility side voltages that means the between inTerter and utilitvy are 2.5 (mH).
compensation of instantaneous reactive power. A Y/A transfonner with the voltage ratio of 230/115
(V)(L-L) reduces the voltage of utility and feeds a three-
VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS phase thyristor bridge and a resistor that is connected
between the phases "b"' and "c"'. The load of thy,ristor
Fig. 6 shows the ex-perimental circuit. The rated voltage bridge is series connection of a resistor and an inductor.
and frequency of utility are 100 (V)(L-G) and 60 H-z This thyristor bridge generates current harmonics and
respectivelv. A 220/220 V (L-L) A/Y transformer is used to exclhanges reactive power with the utihtv. Connection of a
produce electric isolation between the utility and load. The resistor with the value of 24.6 (Q) between two plases.
utility inductance Ls, is assumed to be 2 (mH). results in considerable current imbalance case. Fig. 7 shows

the experimental results in hiarmonic polluted utility' voltage
case. In this case, fifthi order hanrnonic with 5% of
fundamental frequency is added to the utility' voltages. This
figure shows these voltages, their positive sequence of
fundamental frequency, load side currents. source side (a.) Utitt' tv volu es t ')

currents and instantaneous acti-ve, reactive and A that is

defined in eq. (13). Except than current hiannonics due to
commutation effect of diode bridge and h-igh swA-itching
harmonics of active filter, these figures show acceptable
operation of active filter and control strategy in (b I rseo*as Pesnive sequonce aritdty voltars (V)
com-pensation for reactive power, current han-nonics and
current imbalance. Reactive power burden of passive filter
hias resulted in smiall phiase lead of source side currents
respect with the positive sequence of fundamiental
frequency of source side voltages. a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......1
Fig. 8 shows the result of operation of active filter and ...

control strategyT in imnbalance utility voltage case. The nnis

value of utilitv voltage of phiase "'a" is reduced to 80 (V) to
generate magnitude imbalance case in the utility side
voltages. This figure shiows that the operation of activ,,e
filter not only, comnpensates for currenit imbalance and .. 4.~~~~~~~~...

current harmonics but also the reactive power of load too. Jl

c. ~I A
~fi~AII~W V A ~AtV R .A 7

~~~~~~1 .4 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.44' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ...

Jta) Utifity Voltags


'N ...... -X ............. ..........

Fig. 8. Ex-perimental results in imbalanced utility voltage case

~~~~v \ A .4i\-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...., VIIIL CONCLUSION


The comibination of quasi-instantaneous positive

sequenice of utilitxr voltages and extended p-q theory7 hias
tc).uite Si-d Cunmi-A. (A) been used for generation of reference compensating
currents of a parallel active filter (PAF), successfullv. The
analyvtical calculations hiave been used to explain the
operation of presented control strategy in detail. Siimulation
and experimental results have been used to verify the
validity of presented control strategy. These results show a
valuable operation of control method in compensation for
current hannonics. current imbalance anid reactive power of
{d)Lod idCurrents 44PA(A)
a non-linear load in a hannonic polluted and/or imbalance
utility voltage case. Using quasi-instantaneous positive
.. . sequence of utility voltages as input signals of extended p-q
theory has solved the problem of this theory~in generation
balanced reference currents in the utilitvy side.

J(4) q(t vvar).L 4V
Fig. 7. E-xperimental results in harmonic polluted utility voltage case Considering Fig. 2 it is possible writing the following
v0+(t) = LU1 [v1(s).H(s)] (A-1)

Where. v'i(s) and H(s) show the Laplacian of vi(t) and the
In this equation. N>-(t) shows the output of 27r phase lag

transfer function of -23 phase lead control

control block. As an example, considering vi(t) as a
respectively. The operator of L 1 shows inverse Lap] sinusoidal waveform that is defined by eq. (A-12) and using
Eq. (A-1) is equal with the following integration: eq. (A-10) results in eq. (A-13) as follows:

Vo+(t)= L I[vi(s).H(s)1= v1(t).h(t- t)d'r Jjit) = Sin(ac it)

(A-9-) (A-12)

Where. h(t) is the inverse Laplacian of H(s). The ] H(S)is

vo-+(t)=( )Sin((ojt)-V3 )
cte I

equal with the following equation:

H(s) = -0.5 + 1 sT (A-3) .[Sin(ojTl). e""1 dT (A-13)
1 + sT
Using some manipulations related with eq. (A-13), it is
Where. K=- possible to write the following equation:
170+ Sin(w1t) + 1Cos(colt) J e-0lt (A-14)
And. T °1-.
(co,= 2;zf. f =60 (Hz)) v0±(t)= ~~2 2
The first term of eq. (A-14) shows a sinusoidal
The inverse Laplacian of H(s) can be computed as fol waveform with - plase lead conmpared with v1(t). The
H (s)=h(t)
second tenm of this equation shiows a transient case that
= L-1 [-0.5j+KX- -=_. 59(t) + K L-[ ] depends on the value of o9 (tlhat is proportional to
I+sT- ~~~1+ sT reciprocal of "T"). This equation shows that, it takes less
Substituting the equations (A-4) and (A-5) in (A-( than one cycle of fundamental frequency for diminisliing of
using some inverse Laplacian theorems results in eq. this term to near zero.
h1(t) = -O.5a(t)-.l [o,2e -8(t)] IX. REFERENCES
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