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Submitted to, Submitted by,

Ganesan.P Name: J.S.Supreetha

Professor VITBS Reg no: 19BBA0089

VIT Slot: B2/TB2


A Mundane service costing less than Rs.100:

Ms. Lakshitha is in my neighbourhood who often visits GREEN TRENDS for

eyebrow threading. She is a sole decision maker of this service. She is
concerned about her beauty and the way she looks. The service provided by
Green Trends allows for a more defined and precise shape of her eyebrows
which makes her look more beautiful. She visits Green Trends regularly
because of the review of previous decision.

In this pandemic period, since everyone is quarantined and has not gone out for
so long, she had long unwanted brow hairs which triggered her to go to parlour
for eyebrow threading. Because of this she asked her friends to suggest her the
best beauty parlour in the town and she also searched online about the
alternatives available. From the alternatives that she searched online such as
Naturals, Toni and Guy, Studio11 etc.. she chose Green Trends because it has
more reviews, easily affordable, feasible and reliable.

She goes to Green Trends every once or twice in a month for eyebrow
threading. She has been visiting Green Trends for the past two months. The
relationship that she shares with this service is a mixed feeling. The employees
of Green Trends are friendly and the ambience is good but sometimes they
delay their service time and the particular stylist who provides the service is not
available at times.

She is satisfied by the service provided by Green Trends for her eyebrow
threading as it is a technique which has to be done properly by the stylist. But
unfortunately sometimes she gets dissatisfied as the eyebrow threading is not
done as per her expectation. This is where she comes under NO

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