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Submitted to, Submitted by,

Moovendhan. V Reg no: 19BBA0089

Associate professor Name: J.S.Supreetha

VITBS Slot: E1

Vellore Institute of Technology


The company which I have chosen to work with

is UBER. Uber Technologies, Inc.,
regularly known as Uber, is an American
worldwide ride-hailing organization offering administrations that incorporate shared
ridesharing, ride administration hailing, food conveyance (Uber Eats), and a micromobility
framework with electric bicycles and bikes. The organization is situated in San Francisco and
has tasks in more than 785 metropolitan zones worldwide. Its foundation can be gotten to by
means of its sites and versatile applications.

In a little more than 10 years, Uber Technologies Inc. is a company that has developed from a
restricted transportation organization into a mega worldwide transportation arrange firm. The
achievement recorded by Uber is credited to the authoritative culture advanced by the crucial
vision proclamations of the organization. Truth be told, these have made a fame that has
empowered the company to come out as the main player in the division, working in 785
nations at the worldwide level, more than some other firm maintaining a similar plan of

As of 2019, Uber was estimated to have over 110 million worldwide users. In the United
States, Uber had a 67% market share for ride-sharing in early 2019 and a 24% market share
for food delivery in 2018.Uber has been so prominent in the sharing economy that the
changes in industries as a result of it have been referred to as uberisation, and many startups
have described their products as "Uber for X”. The National Bureau of Economic
Research estimated that, in 2015, Uber had accounted for $6.8 billion in consumer surplus.


A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. It outlines what an
organization would like to ultimately achieve and gives purpose to the existence of the
organization. A good vision statement should be short, simple, specific to your business,
leave nothing open to interpretation. It should also have some ambition.

Uber’s vision statement is “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.” 


A mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being. At a
minimum, your mission statement should define who your primary customers are, identify
the products and services you produce, and describe the geographical location in which you

Uber’s mission statement is “Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for



 My insight on the vision statement of Uber is that the vision statement of any
company is usually an announcement of particular goals achievable within a set
timeline that the management wants to impact on its decision making and operations
of the company.
 The vision statement is all about the level of influence Uber has not only in the
transportation sector but also in other life processes that depend on what it does.
 Uber is a company whose activities link people with others and places. Also, the
convenience attached with the services offered by Uber has various benefits including
making sure people arrive at their destination just in time to snatch the opportunities
that is waiting for them.
 Furthermore, Uber gives its customers an opportunity to easily manage and set the
rides of its employees from the comfort of their offices. For instance, the company
allows clients to manage and use a team app through which they can enjoy expense
less rises. 
 Uber is known for its reliability. It provides a wide range of services which includes
air rides to suit various needs that satisfy the ability of the company to set the world in
motion. It is closely related to its mission.

 My insight on the mission statement of Uber is that a mission statement of any

company outlines the strategic approaches that a management team exploits to take
the company towards the goals set.
 In the case of Uber, its mission statement stresses over the experiences and limitless
services that the company’s strategic model has on the customers it serves. The
company also points to the inseparable bond between its achievement and the core
values of the company.
 While transport is the primary objective of this company, Uber has gone beyond this
direction to provide other convenience services and care for its customers. For
example, the company has introduced delivery components such as helping people
order and deliver foods more quickly at attractive rates.
 Uber has been focusing to ensure that it satisfies this aspect of its mission statement.
The diversification of the services of the company which includes road and air travels
among other unique customer-tailored services has made Uber a company of choice
for all. 

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