Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia Learning Guide: Course Modules

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& Recognizing Dyslexia

Learning Guide

1. Introduction to Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia
2. Dyslexia Simulation
3. What Dyslexia Is...
4. What Dyslexia Isn’t...
5. Dyslexia in the General Ed Classroom
6. Additional Resources
7. End-of-Course Survey

Dyslexia affects 1 in 5 children (Shaywitz 2003) in the general education population. Chances are, if you
have taught in a mainstream classroom, you have had a student with dyslexia.
“Children who get off to a poor start in reading rarely catch up on their own. A poor
reader in 1st grade will almost invariably stay a poor reader; more than 88% of these
children display similar difficulties at the end of 4th grade and will remain so in the 10th
~Policy Statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics
This course will familiarize you with what dyslexia is, what it isn’t, and how you can support students
with dyslexia in your classroom.

Who Should Take It?

General Ed Teachers, Special Ed Teachers, Administrators, Parents, Attorneys, Advocates and others who
support students with learning differences.

Why Should They Take It?

Dealing with dyslexia is hard. Through the knowledge and tips conferred in this course, you can impact
these students and empower them to find classroom success.

Educator Learning Lab Subject Matter Experts

• Emerson Dickman, JD Child Advoacte and Special Education Attorney
About our expert:
Emerson Dickman, JD is an Education Attorney and Child Advocate in New Jersey specializing in the rep-
resentation of children with disabilities for over 40 years. He is past-President of the International Dyslexia
Association and was a founding member of the consensus committee gathered in 1992 to create the legal
definition for dyslexia. He speaks about dyslexia on the national and international stage, promoting aware-
ness and advocacy. Recipient of the Margaret Byrd Rawson Lifetime Achievement Award from the Interna-
tional Dyslexia Association in 2012.

Special Thanks to Usable Knowledge at Harvard Graduate School of Education for use
of their Usable Minute “What is Dyslexia?” video.

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 2

Use this learning guide as you move through the Understanding & Recognizing course to keep
track of your learning, prompt discussion, and take notes for future implementation of newly learned
skills and tools. This learning guide will be split into the following sections for each module to help you
get the most out of the course content:
1. Module Overview
2. Notes Section
3. Discussion Points
4. Implementation Ideas

1. Course Introduction Overview and Learning Guide 5 minutes

II. Dyslexia Simulation Build awareness and empathy for 10 minutes

students with dyslexia through
simulation exercises.

III. What Dyslexia Is... Learn the facts about dyslexia. 15 minutes

IV. What Dyslexia Isn’t... Understand dyslexia myths. 10 minutes

V. Dyslexia in the General Ed Class- Learn strategies to recognize, 20 minutes

room teach, and remediate students
with dyslexia in your classroom.

VI. Additional Resources Explore links to video, internet, Optional

and book resources to further
your understanding of dyslexia
and reading instruction.

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 3

1. Course Introduction Overview and Learning Guide 5 minutes

Overview: In this module, you will be introduced to an overview of the course content, the experts,
and the reasons why you should take the course.


Pre-Course Discussion Questions and Short Assessment:

1. Discuss your experience working with children with different learning styles and disabilities.
2. Before we get started, let’s talk about what you already feel you know. Answer a few True/False
questions about learning to read:
• Learning to read is a visual skill. (True/False)
• All students can learn to read, some students are just not interested. (True/False)
• Learning to read easily is directly correllated to IQ; the easier reading comes, the smarter a child
is. (True/False)
• More boys are dyslexic than girls. (True/False)
• Dyslexia causes people to see words backwards. (True/False)
• Students with dyslexia have messy handwriting and end assignments early becuase they don’t put
in as much effort as other students who tackle the same tasks, but with much greater success.
• Dyslexia is rare. (True/False)

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 4

II. Dyslexia Simulation Build awareness and empathy for 10 minutes
students with dyslexia through
simulation exercises.

Overview: In this module, you’ll get a feel for what it’s like for students with dyslexia to read and
write in the classroom. Even these seemingly simple, everyday tasks can pose a great challenge to stu-
dents who struggle. Take a walk in their shoes to better understand the challenges they face.


Discussion Questions:
1. What insights did you gain, if any, into the emotional struggle of having dyslexia in the classroom?
2. Discuss three things you might do to make the general ed learning environment more hospitable to
students with dyslexia.

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 5

III. What Dyslexia Is... Learn the facts about dyslexia. 15 minutes

Overview: In this module, you’ll learn what current research tells us about dyslexia, how it affects
learning to read, and the importance of early and effective remediation.


Discussion Questions:
1. In this module, we’ve learned that dyslexia is a brain-based processing issue. In what ways can
teachers help to improve processing and strengthen the neural connections that are required for
efficient sound/symbol recognition?
2. In what ways can teachers incorporate activities into the curriculum to emphasize and support
strengths of students with dyslexia?

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 6

IV. What Dyslexia Isn’t Understand dyslexia myths 10 minutes

Overview: In this module, you’ll confront common myths about dyslexia and the facts that dispel
those myths.


Discussion Questions:
1. Did you hold held any of these myths as beliefs prior to this course? If so, which ones? If not, discuss
some ways you can support your fellow teachers to dispell the myths about this common learning

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 7


V. Dyslexia in the General Ed Class- Learn strategies to recognize, 20 minutes

room teach, and remediate students
with dyslexia in your classroom.

Overview: In this course you’ve explored what dyslexia is, what it isn’t, and why it occurs. Now, you’ll
learn what you can do about it in your classroom.You’ll learn how to recognize students with dyslexia,
teach to support their weaknesses and highlight their strengths, and provide effective intervention.


Discussion Questions:
1. After reading signs for recognizing dyslexia, can you recall any past or present students that may
have fit the profile but weren’t identified?
2. Does your district screen for reading difficulties? If so, what components of reading acquisition are
included in this screening process? If not, are some easy-to-use, inexpensive tools Tk-2 teachers can
begin to screen for reading difficulties and start early intervention before students begin to fail?
3. What easy-to-implement accommodations or assistive tech did you learn about that may help stu-
dents in the classroom?
4. What key differences are there between supporting students with dyslexia in elementary school
and stupporting students with dyslexi in middle and high school classrooms? In what ways may sup-
porting them remain the same?

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 8


VI. Additional Resources Explore links to video, internet, Optional

and book resources to further
your understanding of dyslexia
and reading instruction.

Overview: Explore these additional resources to build a deeper understanding of some of the topics
mentioned in the course.You’ll also find links to advocacy sites, key academic research, and programs
that offer training and certification in working with students with dyslexia.


Discussion Questions:
1. Is there any particular area you’d like to explore in more depth?
2. What resources did you find most helpful?
3. What programs and training options are available to teachers who would like to get certified to
work with students with dyslexia?

Implementation Ideas:

Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 9


End-of-Course Survey Course Complete!


Understanding & Recognizing Dyslexia 10

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