Homework Name: Karla Elizabeth León. Date: July 02 Writing Unit 2: Competition Entry Form

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Name: Karla Elizabeth León.

Date: July 02n d .
Writing Unit 2:

Competition entry form

Part 1
First name: Karla
Family name: León
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Mobile (Ec): 979046627
Email adress: bkleon30@est.ucacue.edu.ec
Your class now: LOW 1
Course start date: June 13th

Part 2
Why is English important for you?
I work as a Civil Engineer anywhere in the world. I love my college
career except for the heavy materials such as "concrete".I need to learn
English to go around the world. I need to speak, write and think in English
so I can connect with other people.
What do you want to improve in your English?
I think my speaking in English is not very well for my level. I also find
readind and writing quite easy. But listening and understanding is still
very hard for me. I want to stay a two extra months at your scool and
improve my listening.

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