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Monday | August 17, 2020


Flag group Gone fishing
seeks image New Hope teen angler ‘born with a fishing rod in his hands’
that evokes
On Aug. 25, flag
commissioners plan
to hoist the final five
designs outside the Old
Capitol in Jackson
The Associated Press

JACKSON — Commissioners
working on a new Mississippi flag
said they don’t want a big single
star on the banner. That image is
already taken by Texas.
One also said he doesn’t want a
design that depicts one of Mississip-
pi’s next-door neighbors. A flag cho-
sen as a finalist features the west-
ern border of Mississippi in white.
It has red on the pole side of the
flag, where Louisiana and Arkansas
sit on a map, and blue on the other
side, where Mississippi is situated.
“I’ve heard a lot of comment
about, ‘I don’t want to see Louisiana
on our flag,” said J. Mack Varner, a
Vicksburg attorney who serves on
the flag commission. Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
His comment brought chuckles David Dupler, left, and his fishing partner, Brandon Bell, load a smallmouth bass that they caught during a fishing
from some at a meeting Friday. competition on Saturday at Columbus Lake. Dupler, a New Hope native, caught his first fish when he was 4 and
In late June, amid the backdrop has been fishing competitively for the last two years.
of widespread protests against ra-
cial injustice, the Mississippi Legis-
BY ZACK PLAIR the early 1990s, have been glad to On Saturday, it was Columbus have an extra hand from 14-year- Lake, where he caught a six-pound
lature voted to retire a 126-year-old

flag that was the last state banner in old David. bass. Still other times, it’s lakes
n Friday afternoon at Perfor- David obliges gracefully, help- or rivers all over North Mississip-
the U.S. with the Confederate battle mance Marine on Gardner
emblem that is widely condemned ing with whatever he’s asked. But pi and West Alabama, all for one
Boulevard, David Wesley there’s somewhere else he’d rather simple fix David can’t get enough
as racist. They faced pressure from Dupler answers the phone at the
educators, business leaders, reli- be. And whatever time it is, there’s of: “setting a hook and something
front desk, while his mother, Mi- a good chance he’s less than 24 pulling back.”
gious groups including the influen-
chelle, helps a walk-in customer. hours from being there again. “He’ll be exhausted by the end
tial Mississippi Baptist Convention
Dusty Dupler, David’s father, is “He would live on his boat if I let of the day,” Michelle said of David’s
and sports leagues including the
hidden away working in the back him,” Michelle said. mid-afternoon returns from fish-
Southeastern Conference.
of the store, occasionally walking Indeed, David is, at heart, a ing. “It’s like he’s been playing in
The law retiring the old flag set
to the front to speak friendly with fisherman — and a good one, too, the NFL.”
two requirements for a new one. It
cannot include the Confederate em- customers he seems to have known if competition weigh-ins are any Fishing is in David’s DNA.
blem. And it must have, “In God We for decades. indicator. His grandfather, Will Dupler, is a
Trust.” Business has picked up at the During the summer — whether Fishing League Worldwide record
The law created a nine-person Columbus boat dealership of late, for a local competition or just for holder for a weighed five-fish limit,
commission to recommend a new with the COVID-19 pandemic fun — most of the New Hope High and Dusty dabbled for about a year
flag. The group received nearly drawing more money and attention School freshman’s days begin with among the professional ranks in
3,000 designs from the public and to the safe, socially distanced, a 4 a.m. (or earlier) alarm and a the early 2000s until he said he
has narrowed the field twice. The “Great Outdoors.” So the Duplers, boat in a body of water by 5 or 5:30. “ran out of money and talent and
first cut was to about 150 designs. whose family has operated Perfor- Sometimes, it’s his favorite Pick- went back to work.”
The second, on Friday, was to nine. mance Marine since its founding in wick Lake on the Tennessee River. See DUPLER, 6A
On Tuesday, the group plans to nar-
row that to five designs.
See FLAG, 6A

Mississippi inmate dies after attack in privately-run prison

Attack being investigated by CoreCivic, the Department February that it is investi-
gating Mississippi’s prison
560 inmates in the Talla-
hatchie prison. They were
Ray, 64, had been hospital-
ized for several days.
of Corrections and Mississippi Bureau of Investigation system. Several inmates
died during outbursts of
moved there after the vi-
olence in late December
Ray was convicted of
murder in February 2008
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tallahatchie County Cor- child in coastal Harrison violence in late December and early January at the in Lowndes County. The
rectional Facility in Tutwil- County. and early January. Mississippi State Peniten- department said no foul
JACKSON — The er. The attack is being in- The Tallahatchie pris- tiary at Parchman. play is suspected in his
Mississippi Department Lester Andre Hen- vestigated by CoreCivic, on holds inmates from In a separate news re- death, according to the
of Corrections said Fri- derson, 36, died before the private company that Tallahatchie County and lease Friday, the Depart- county coroner. An autop-
day that one inmate died being taken to a hospital runs the prison; and by the states of Mississippi, ment of Corrections said sy will be done.
Wednesday after being Wednesday, the Depart- the Department of Correc- South Carolina, Vermont an inmate serving a life Henderson was at least
assaulted by another at a ment of Corrections said. tions and the Mississippi and Wyoming. It also holds sentence died Thursday in the 60th Mississippi in-
privately-run prison. Henderson was sentenced Bureau of Investigation. federal inmates for the the hospital at the Missis- mate to die since late De-
The department said to 15 years on May 2, 2013, The U.S. Justice De- U.S. Marshals Service. sippi State Penitentiary at cember, and Ray was at
the attack happened at the for unlawful touching of a partment announced in Mississippi has about Parchman. Michael Gene least the 61st.


1 Pam Postema became the first wom- MEETINGS
an to assume which role in a baseball Aug. 18: Colum-
spring training game? bus City Council,
2 Which 30-mile-long Roman aq- 5 p.m., Municipal
ueduct spans a river canyon on a Complex, facebook.
bridge over the river Gard near Nimes, com/CityofColum-
3 What hero of a classic holiday film busMS/
Liza Clanton Aug. 31: Lowndes
lives at 320 Sycamore?
First grade, Annunciation County Board of Su-
4 What deficiency caused Harry Tru-

91 Low 65
man to be rejected by West Point? pervisors meeting,
High 5 Which prolific artist, famous for his 9 a.m., Lowndes
Mostly sunny
“paintings of light,” hid the number County Courthouse,
5282 in his work to honor his wedding
Full forecast on date, May 2, 1982?
page 3A. Answers, 6B LowndesCountyMis-
Sept. 1: Colum-
bus City Council,
INSIDE 5 p.m., Municipal
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 3B Complex, facebook.
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B com/CityofColum-
141st Year, No. 135 Crossword 2B Opinions 4A James “Woody” Wilson is from Louisville. busMS/


2A MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Pelosi to call House back into

session to vote on USPS bill
Postmaster general has sparked outcry over The House Oversight and Re-
form Committee said it wants to
delays, new prices and cutbacks just as millions hear from DeJoy and from the chair
of the Postal Service board of gov-
of Americans will be trying to vote by mail to avoid ernors, Robert “Mike” Duncan.
With heightened scrutiny of its
polling places during the coronavirus outbreak operations, the Postal Service is
now requesting a temporary pre-
BY LISA MASCARO to avoid polling places during the election rate increase, from mid-Oc-
AND MAT THEW DALY coronavirus outbreak. tober through Christmas, although
The Associated Press
“In a time of a pandemic, the not for first-class letters.
Postal Service is Election Central,” The agency did not immediately
Pelosi wrote Sunday in a letter to respond to requests for comment
— Speaker Nancy Pe-
colleagues, who had been expected about whether the two men would
losi says she is call-
to be out of session until Septem- appear before the House commit-
ing the House back
into session over the ber. “Lives, livelihoods and the life tee. But it said Sunday it would stop
crisis at the U.S. Post- of our American Democracy are un- removing its distinctive blue mail-
al Service, setting up der threat from the president.” boxes through mid-November fol-
a political showdown The decision to recall the House, lowing complaints from customers
amid growing con- Pelosi made after a weekend of high-level and members of Congress that the
cerns that the Trump White House leadership discussions, carries a collection boxes were being taken
is trying to undermine the agency political punch. Voting in the House away.
ahead of the election. will highlight the issue after the “Given the recent customer con-
Pelosi is cutting short lawmak- weeklong convention nominating cerns the Postal Service will post-
ers’ summer recess with a vote Joe Biden as the party’s presiden- pone removing boxes for a period of
expected the Saturday after the tial pick and pressure the Republi- 90 days while we evaluate our cus-
Democratic National Convention can-held Senate to respond. Senate tomers’ concerns,’’ Postal Service
on legislation that would prohibit Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spokeswoman Kimberly Frum said.
changes at the agency as tensions sent senators home for a summer House Democrats are expected
mount. President Donald Trump’s recess. to discuss the lawmakers’ schedule
new postmaster general, Louis Earlier Sunday, Democratic details on a conference call on Mon-
DeJoy, has sparked nationwide lawmakers demanded that leaders day and were likely to be in session
outcry over delays, new prices and of the Postal Service testify at an next Saturday, a senior Democratic
cutbacks just as millions of Ameri- emergency oversight hearing Aug. aide said on condition of anonymity
cans will be trying to vote by mail 24 on mail delays. because the plans were private.

Trump makes call for new White House doctor’s virus advice
Dr. Scott Atlas has long been a critic and argued that “there’s
nothing wrong” with hav-
While younger people
are certainly at far lower
of lockdowns and has campaigned ing low-risk people get
infected, as long as the
risk of developing serious
complications from the vi-
for kids to return to the classroom vulnerable are protected. rus, they can still spread
“It doesn’t matter if it to others who may be
and for the return of college sports younger, healthier peo- more vulnerable, even
ple get infected. I don’t when they have no symp-
BY JILL COLVIN development of “natural know how often that has toms. And while their
The Associated Press herd immunity.” to be said. They have chances of dying are slim,
“In the absence of im- nearly zero risk of a prob- some do face severe com-
munization, society needs lem from this,” he said in plications, with one study
President Donald Trump
has found a new doctor for circulation of the virus, one appearance. “When finding that 35 percent of
his coronavirus task force assuming high-risk peo- younger, healthier people young adults had not re-
— and this time there’s no ple can be isolated,” he get infected, that’s a good turned to normal health
daylight between them. wrote. thing,” he went on to say, two weeks to three weeks
Trump last week an- In television appear- “because that’s exactly after testing positive.
nounced that Dr. Scott ances, Atlas has called on the way that population
Atlas, a frequent guest on the nation to “get a grip” immunity develops.”
Fox News Channel, has
joined the White House
as a pandemic adviser.
Atlas, the former chief of
neuroradiology at Stan-
ford University Medical
Center and a fellow at
Stanford’s conservative
Hoover Institution, has no
expertise in public health
or infectious diseases.
But he has long been
a critic of coronavirus
lockdowns and has cam-
paigned for kids to re-
turn to the classroom and
for the return of college
sports, just like Trump.
“Scott is a very famous
man who’s also very high-
ly respected,” Trump told
reporters as he intro-
duced the addition. “He
has many great ideas and
he thinks what we’ve done
is really good.”
Atlas’ hiring comes
amid ongoing tensions
between the president
and Drs. Anthony Fauci,
the nation’s top infectious
diseases expert, and Deb-
orah Birx, the task force’s
coordinator. While Birx
remains closely involved
in the administration’s
pandemic response, both
she and Fauci have pub-
licly contradicted the rosy
picture the president has
painted of a virus that
has now killed more than
167,000 people in the
United States and infect-
ed millions nationwide.
Atlas, the sole doc-
tor to share the stage at
Trump’s pandemic brief-
ings this past week, has
long questioned polices
that have been embraced
by public health experts
both in the U.S. and
abroad. He has called it a
“good thing” for younger,
healthy people to be ex-
posed to the virus, while
falsely claiming children
are at near “zero risk.”
In an April op-ed in
The Hill newspaper, Atlas
bemoaned that lockdowns
may have prevented the

Buckle up...
and your child, too
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 3A

3 Mississippi police officers indicted in death of Black man

62-year-old died from bleeding on the brain on the brain caused by blunt
force trauma to the head, Hinds
ly what they are trained to do
and used an appropriate level of
on the courthouse lawn, WLBT-
TV reported.
caused by blunt force trauma to the head County Coroner Sharon Grish- force,” Springer told The Clari- Robinson’s relatives said
am-Stewart said shortly after on Ledger on Friday. they were grateful that charges
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pley and Anthony Fox — with his death. The three officers were were brought against the offi-
“willfully, unlawfully and fe- Neighbor Connie Bolton told placed on administrative leave cers.
JACKSON — Three Missis- loniously” causing Robinson’s Mississippi Today that officers as the department’s Internal Af- “For us, the charges prove
sippi police officers have been death, The Clarion Ledger re- hit Robinson and slammed him fairs Division and the FBI inves- that George’s life mattered
charged with second-degree
ported. All three worked for the down while seeking suspects tigated the case, The Clarion and no one deserves to die the
murder in the death of a Black
Jackson Police Department at in the fatal shooting of a pastor Ledger said. The officers were way he did,” the family said in
man last year, according to a re-
cently unsealed indictment. the time. who had been shot in a robbery later reinstated, though Fox a statement obtained by news
A Hinds County grand jury The indictment alleges that in front of his church. and Barney currently work for outlets. “We are grateful that
indicted the officers in the Jan- the three officers removed Rob- Francis Springer, one of the the Clinton Police Department. the District Attorney has taken
uary 2019 death of George Rob- inson from his vehicle, body- attorneys representing the of- After the officers posted this action. We have cooperated
inson, 62, according to the Aug. slammed him on the pavement ficers, said that “evidence will bond at a court hearing and with the investigation in every
5 indictment. and repeatedly struck him in show that the officers are not were released Thursday, sev- way and will continue to do so
It accuses the officers — the head and chest. guilty.” eral police officers met them until we finally get justice for
Desmond Barney, Lincoln Lam- Robinson died from bleeding “These officers did exact- outside and prayed with them our beloved George.”

The following arrests

Federal funds to help
Mississippi expand
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Ethan McCraw, 20,

internet access
was charged with pos-
session of a controlled
substance, no insurance,
possession of alcohol by a THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
McCraw Osburn Pierson O’Callaghan Pickens Thompson
minor and improper equip-
ment. RIDGELAND — A Mississippi-based technol-
n Krystle Osburn, 37, ogy company plans to install more than 33 miles
was charged with posses- of underground fiber infrastructure that will help
sion of methamphetamine. offer ultra-fast broadband internet access to rural
n Kristen Pierson, 23, areas by the end of the year.
was charged with posses- C Spire announced the project last week for
sion of methamphetamine. parts of Hinds, Madison, Amite and Pike coun-
n Amanda O’Cal- ties, The Vicksburg Post reported.
Varner Baughman Porter Carter Cornish Gandy Jr.
laghan, 49, was charged The company says 20 miles of that project
with possession of meth- will include areas of Highway 27 between Utica
amphetamine, resisting and the Warren County line, and Highway 18
arrest and possession of a southwest of Raymond. The project will provide
controlled substance. broadband internet access to 157 homes along the
n James Pickens, 30, route.
was charged with posses- C Spire was one of 19 recipients of a total of $75
sion of methamphetamine, million in federal grant funds under the Mississip-
shoplifting-less than $250, pi Broadband COVID-19 program. The program
Parks Brandon Jr. Cousins Cofer Neal Jackson
possession of parapherna- is designed to help residents and businesses in
lia and three counts failure unserved or underserved areas of the state get
to appear. fast, reliable internet access in 2020. Each recipi-
n Jimmie Thompson, ent is required to match 50 percent of the overall
49, was charged with pos- cost of their individual project.
session of methamphet-
n Samuel Varner, 24,
was charged with posses-
Winchester Vidrine Johnson Jones Cox Kelly
sion of cocaine.
n Brian Baughman, 43, offense. n JD Jackson, 52, was
was charged with grand n Carnesha Parks, 23, charged with DUI 4th of-
larceny-more than $500. was charged with felony fense.
n Tylon Porter, 17, was malicious mischief and ag- n Nicholas Winchester,
charged with armed rob- gravated assault. 24, was charged with sexu-
bery. n Darrell Brandon al battery.
Jr., 23, was charged with n Ernie Vidrine, 51,
The following arrests armed robbery, grand lar- was charged with false pre-
Sanders Clayborn
were made by the Oktibbe- ceny and possession of tense.
ha County Sheriff’s Office: marijuana more than 30 n Mark Johnson, 27, sion of schedule 1 drug.
n William Carter, 36, grams. was charged with hold for n Malik Sanders, 24,
was charged with bond re- n Jakashea Cousins, 27, other agency. was charged with assault
vocation. was charged with identity n Douglas Jones, 31, on an officer, disorderly
n Cole Cornish, 22, was theft. was charged with a bench conduct, two counts car- • Firestarter
charged with trafficking a n Leonard Cofer, 40, warrant. rying a concealed weapon • Packing
controlled substance and was charged with a bench n Allison Cox, 22, was and DUI 1st offense. Materials
possession of a controlled
n Danny Neal, 52, was
charged with aggravated
domestic assault.
n Safari Clayborn, 43,
was charged with posses- Extra • Shipping
n Robert Gandy Jr., 41,
was charged with DUI 4th
charged with possession of
n Raymond Kelly, 51,
was charged with posses-
sion of burglary tools and
disorderly conduct. Newsprint Materials
• Art Projects
is a great, • Window
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Office at
Clarksdale mayor: tracted the virus, only released on bond. His tri- been a resident of Dia- 516 Main Street
that COVID-19 is hitting al is set for Oct. 5 before mondhead for at least two
City staff hit hard with the city “really hard.” He U.S. District Judge Daniel years prior to the election.
Columbus, MS
Cost: 80¢/lb.
said the issue has been P. Jordan III in Jackson. If
CLARKSDALE — So especially prevalent in the convicted, he faces up to
many employees have public works department, a $250,000 fine per count
contracted COVID-19 in and that several police of- and 20 years in prison.
one Mississippi city that ficers also had contracted “Fighting public cor-
the mayor has had to hire the virus. ruption is a top priority
contractors to fill in. of this office, as our soci-
“COVID-19 is running
all through every depart-
Ex-Meridian Police ety is undermined when
those in positions of pow-
ment at the city of Clarks- officer faces federal er become corrupted and
dale,” Mayor Chuck Espy extortion charges abuse the public trust
said Friday on Facebook JACKSON — A former for personal gain,” Hurst
Live. “A lot of my team Meridian Police officer is said. “We will continue to
members are getting hit facing charges of extor- root out corrupt officials
with the virus.” tion, federal prosecutors who endanger our com-
Espy said he hired said Thursday. munities and tarnish the
contractors to fill in at the Royric “Roy” Benam- reputation of our law en-
Clarksdale public works on, 27, was indicted on two forcement who serve and
department. A team will counts of extortion under protect us so honorably.”
begin to demolish 75 color of official right, U.S.
burned homes in 14 days Attorney Mike Hurst said
and doing grass cutting in a news release.
Mississippi city
work throughout the city. According to the in- schedules special
To slow the spread of dictment unsealed Thurs- mayoral election
the virus, Espy asked for day, Benamon allegedly DI A MONDHEA D
help. He asked that peo- pulled over two drivers — Residents in a south
ple wear masks, practice in Lauderdale County on Mississippi city will elect
social distancing and two separate occasions in a new mayor next month
wash their hands. April and accepted cash to fill the seat left vacant
He also asked for help from them in lieu of is- when its current mayor SOLUNAR TABLE
in keeping the city clean. suing them a ticket. The died.
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
“I’m asking you to do amount of money he al- The nonpartisan spe- Major — 12:22a
Minor 5:03a 6:09a
your part today, can you legedly received was not cial election in Diamon- Major 11:54a 12:50p
please get out and help in disclosed. head will be held Tuesday, Minor — 7:38p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department

your neighborhoods?” he Benamon resigned im- Sept. 15, WLOX-TV re- of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

said. “Please ask people mediately after the allega- ported. Residents who are
to stop littering. When
people drive in their cars,
we’re watching people
tions became public.
Benamon was arrest-
ed Wednesday without
not registered to vote can
do so on Saturday from 8
a.m. to noon.
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
throw bags of garbage incident and appeared for Candidates interested Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
into the streets of Clarks- arraignment Thursday in the position must qual- Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
dale.” before U.S. Magistrate ify by Aug. 26 at 5 p.m. The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Espy didn’t say how Judge Linda Anderson in Those interested in run- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
many employees had con- Jackson. Benamon was ning for mayor must have 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
4A MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Beware of the ivies
“Large leaves, smooth needed for Prairie soil. careful with the Virginia Creeper. In contact with the plant.” The treatment
leaves, serrated like my vines, The backside of the the past I was told Virginia Creeper includes letting the condition run its
and half as green. I like such house drops off 4 to 5 feet was harmless. Be warned, it turns out course and using corticosteroids to
ivy bold to leap a height. down to the lake. The open approximately 5 percent of people are sooth the pain and itching. Perhaps it’s
’Twas strong to climb!” area from ground to porch is in fact allergic to Virginia Creeper, and best to check first before encountering
— Elizabeth Barrett lined with lattice — perfect I would fall into the elite group. The ex- the ivies.
Browning, “Aurora Leigh” for ivy climbing over and posure would require two doctor visits, Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
(1856) through the lattice, forming two shots and oral prescriptions. Columbus at
a living barrier. Today ivy Though we had labored

ears back the covers about a 5-foot-tall long and hard in the op-
homestead needed by 30-foot-long area and pressive heat, the clearing
foundation work. requires no care at all. turned out beautifully.
Living in the Prairie where Shannon Bardwell The ivy was so success- We left a bit of the dark
ground-shifting is a regular ful I transplanted more ivy green foliage on the deck’s
occurrence, foundation work is not surrounding a deck near the water. east side and trailing out
unusual. Since the contractors would Within a few years the massive ivy had of planter baskets. Ivy
be moving dirt around the perimeter of virtually overtaken the deck to the loves moist humid air and
the house, I needed to salvage as many point it was a bit eerie walking by what tolerates shade or sun. It
shrubs, flowers and plants as possible. might be hiding in the shelter of the gives a nice touch of green
On the east side of the house grew ivy. It was time to clear out the prodi- to winter as well as an at-
an abundance of English Ivy. The ivy gious ivy. tractive addition to flower
covered the ground, up the walls and On a blistering hot Saturday, Sam arrangements.
under the house. I pulled a batch and and I got to work clipping, cutting The next morning, I
saved it for replanting. An article by Jon and pulling ivy. We piled it into carts awakened to a blistering
VanZile describes English Ivy as a “vig- or bundles in our arms and carried and red rash up and down
orous and sometimes aggressive vine.” the cuttings off to the woods. Being my forearms. A quick
He continues it can grow as much as extremely allergic to poison ivy, I was internet check proved
100 feet outward as a ground cover, or on the lookout for “leaves of three” English Ivy “can cause
upward as a climbing vine. It will grow but found none. There was some allergic contact dermatitis
where other ground covers will not; Virginia Creeper entwined with the and is almost always pres-
it’s evergreen. This was just what we ivy. I wore gloves and was particularly ent in people who come in



Is Biden-Harris on Tom Dewey’s path?

ccused of day after receiving
being a seri- a letter from 100 Astonishing. Here are prominent Black Democrats describing
al harasser
in 2019, Joe Biden
prominent Black
men led by rap-
the candidates they have had to support in recent years — Bill
did what comes
naturally. He apolo-
per Sean “Diddy”
Combs and radio
and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden — as “devils”
gized for perceived
past misbehavior,
host Charlamagne
tha God that read
and the “lesser of two evils.”
and, to appease his like an ultimatum. of Harris dies down, a new increasing conflict. nation of a decade of soaring
accusers, pledged “For too long reality will emerge. The Black police chief of crime the likes of which the
to choose a woman Black women have Before winning her Sen- Seattle, Carmen Best, has nation had not known. At its
for a Biden ticket. been asked to do ate seat in 2016, Harris was retired rather than carry out convention in Chicago, the
Reacting to the Patrick Buchanan everything from a prosecutor and two-term the city’s decision to cut 50% Democratic Party was ripped
racial rage that rally the troops attorney general of California of her budget. apart by anarchic violence
erupted after the death of to risk their lives for the who had established a reputa- Elected officials in New and the police response. In
George Floyd under the knee Democratic Party with no tion for being tough on petty York, Los Angeles and Minne- late September, even Hubert
of a white Minneapolis cop, acknowledgment, no respect, criminals. apolis have approved plans to Humphrey was denouncing
Biden reacted again. He put no visibility, and certainly not Biden, as chairman of the reduce police budgets. Mean- the “fascists” shouting him
out word he would be looking enough support. Senate judiciary committee, while, shooting and killings down at every appearance.
closely for a Black woman to “Failing to select a Black also had taken pride in help- are going up in almost every Undeniably, Trump has his
run with. woman in 2020 means you ing craft the Violent Crime city including D.C. and New problems.
Thus did Joe paint himself will lose the election. ... We Control and Law Enforcement York, where more have died of But it is not certain that
into a corner. don’t want to choose between Act of 1994, which dramati- gunshot wounds in 2020 than Biden’s sheltering in his base-
For there was no Black fe- the lesser of two evils and we cally increased incarcerations died all last year. ment and issuing his milque-
male governor of any state in don’t want to vote for the devil and disproportionately affect- The president has staked toast responses to Portland,
the Union, and there was only we know versus the devil we ed Black men. out his position, and it does Seattle and the shootings,
one Black woman in the U.S. don’t because we are tired of However, Black Lives Mat- not lack for clarity. President lootings and killings in Chica-
Senate — Kamala Harris. voting for devils — period.” ter has pulled the Democratic Donald Trump embraces the go, will prevail on Nov. 3 over
This presented a problem. Astonishing. Here are Party sharply to the left on phrase “law and order,” de- Trump’s boisterous campaign
For in the first debate, Har- prominent Black Democrats the issue of crime and cops nounces the “defund-the-po- call to crack down on crim-
ris had charged Biden with describing the candidates with its battle cry of “defund lice” movement as promoting inals, go back to school, get
colluding with segregationist they have had to support in re- the police!” anarchy, and offers federal aid back to work and “play ball.”
senators in the ‘70s to block cent years — Bill and Hillary Yet, today, two months af- and agents to cities that re- Biden-Harris looks like a
the busing of school children Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, ter Floyd’s death, mayors and quest help. He calls on mayors ticket content to sit on its lead
for racial balance. Joe Biden — as “devils” and cops in Democratic cities are and governor to demand the and ride to victory in Novem-
Harris introduced the toxic the “lesser of two evils.” still bedeviled by rioters, loot- National Guard to deal with ber, the way Governor Dewey
charge against Biden with Last Friday, 700 “Con- ers, arsonists, anarchists and the crisis and condemns them did in 1948.
this sweet upfront concession: cerned Black Women Lead- a criminal class that settles its for their chronic failure to Patrick J. Buchanan, a na-
“I don’t believe you are a ers” delivered a similar letter quarrels with nightly killings safely secure cities they have tionally syndicated columnist,
racist.” to Biden demanding he put a and weekend shootouts. run for decades. was a senior advisor to presi-
This Tuesday, Biden made Black woman on the ticket. The public is getting fed Trump has been accused dents Richard Nixon, Gerald
a virtue out of necessity. Wednesday, Biden com- up. People want their cops of taking us back to the Nixon Ford and Ronald Reagan. His
He chose Harris to run plied. But after the media back, and leftist politicians era. website is
with him. And did so just one ovation for Biden’s selection and police are coming into But 1968 was the culmi- blog.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 5A

Trump motivates Democrats

to rally behind Biden, Harris
‘... Right now we don’t
have leadership in White House’s Meadows says he accepts
our country, and it’s Harris is eligible for vice president
hurting all of us’ BY HOPE YEN
The Associated Press
Georgia Democratic Chairwoman
Nikema Williams WASHINGTON — White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said
Sunday he accepts that Sen. Kamala Harris is eligible to serve as vice
president, rejecting a false and racist conspiracy theory that President
The Associated Press
Donald Trump had promoted.
ATLANTA — For the second “Sure,” said Meadows, when asked on CNN’s “State of the Union”
time in four years, the Democrat- whether he acknowledges the fact that she meets the constitutional re-
ic presidential primary pitted the quirements to be president or vice president. “And I think the president
expanding progressive movement spoke to this yesterday. This is not something that we’re going to pur-
against an eventually victorious sue.”
establishment. But as the party Trump twice this past week declined to say whether he believed she
gathers virtually this week to nom- met the requirements when asked about social media claims that the
inate Joe Biden for the presidency, California senator and former presidential candidate couldn’t serve in
the possibility of President Donald the White House because her parents were immigrants to the United
Trump’s reelection has become States.
Democrats’ unifying and energiz- Trump initially said Thursday that he had just heard the claim and
ing force. had “no idea if that’s right,” but that the charge was serious and he would
“Nobody fits neatly and tightly look into it. Pressed again Saturday to accept her eligibility, Trump de-
into any one bucket,” said Georgia murred, saying at a news conference at his New Jersey golf club that it
Democratic Chairwoman Nikema didn’t bother him but he had “not got into it in great detail.”
Williams. “What we all fit into is
knowing that right now we don’t national reckoning on racism. Biden presidency.
have leadership in our country, and Still, the party’s ideological “Progressives are going to vote
it’s hurting all of us.” splits haven’t vanished. There are against Trump,” said Stephanie
That’s an important shift from disagreements over how to achieve Taylor, co-founder of the Progres-
2016, when Hillary Clinton strug- universal health care, make higher sive Change Campaign Committee,
gled to build a coalition between her education affordable, overhaul law but she called it “demoralizing and
supporters and those who backed enforcement practices and reen- wrong” for Biden and the Demo-
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who again fin- gage with countries that are ques- cratic National Committee to give
ished as runner-up this year. It re- tioning America’s role in the world. convention airtime to figures like
flects both the work Biden has done Leaders on the left warn that billionaire Mike Bloomberg, the
to court the left and the urgency Biden must still keep their inter- former New York City mayor who
among Democrats to defeat Trump, ests in mind, offering a reminder spent more than $500 million of his
which has only intensified amid the that even a November victory won’t own money running for the nomina-
pandemic, economic turmoil and a guarantee a united front during a tion.

Democrats tap array of faith leaders to speak at convention

BY ELANA SCHOR to a list shared with The peacefully against racial tist Church; Archbishop
The Associated Press Associated Press on injustice. “He took the Elpidophoros, leader
Sunday before its public symbols sacred to our tra- of the Greek Orthodox
The Episcopal bishop release. The convention dition and stood in front Archdiocese of Amer-
of Washington, D.C., who
will be almost entirely of a house of prayer in full ica; and Rabbi Lauren
criticized President Don-
virtual, with online video expectation that would be Berkun, vice president of
ald Trump after he held
addresses. Former Vice a celebratory moment,” the Shalom Hartman In-
a Bible aloft at a photo
op at a historic church President Joe Biden is ex- Budde said in an inter- stitute of North America.
in her diocese, is among pected to accept the nom- view after Trump’s walk Reflecting Democrats’
the diverse group of faith ination on Thursday. from the White House. interest in interfaith en-
leaders selected by Dem- Budde was outspoken Other faith leaders gagement, Berkun is one
ocrats to speak at their in her criticism of Trump scheduled to speak in- of four faith leaders from
presidential nominating for staging the June 1 vis- clude the Rev. Gabriel Sal- three religious traditions
convention. it to the historic St. John’s guero, the Florida-based who are scheduled to
Bishop Mariann Bud- Church across from the pastor who founded the speak on Thursday, the
de will deliver the ben- White House, where he National Latino Evan- convention’s final day.
ediction on Tuesday, held up a Bible after au- gelical Coalition; Jerry The party also planned
the second night of the thorities had cleared the Young of the Mississip- an interfaith service on
convention, according area of people protesting pi-based New Hope Bap- Sunday.

Mormons cool to Trump are finding new influence in Arizona

BY JONATHAN J. COOPER says, by President Donald ing modesty and self-re- states, including Arizona,
The Associated Press Trump. straint, and his isolationist where members of the
“We’re taught to be foreign policy is anathema faith make up 6 percent of
MESA, Ariz. — Yasser steady, to be basically the to a faith spreading rapidly the population. Many are
Sanchez has twice worked opposite of the way he’s around the world. clustered around Phoenix,
to defeat Joe Biden’s bids lived his life,” Sanchez It hasn’t helped that areas where Republicans
for the vice presidency said. Trump has made a show
by building support for have struggled to hold
Sanchez’s view isn’t of feuding with Sen. Mitt their ground in the Trump
Republican candidates as unusual as the Trump Romney, R-Utah, among
among his fellow mem- era.
campaign would like. the best known members
bers of the Church of Je- While many conserva- of the church. This past week
sus Christ of Latter-day tive-leaning religious vot- Once just a headache the Trump campaign
Saints. It wasn’t hard. ers warmed to him long for the White House, launched its Latter-day
Now the lifelong Re- ago, Trump has struggled Trump’s relative weakness Saints for Trump Coali-
publican finds himself in to win over Latter-day with Latter-day Saints is tion, sending Vice Presi-
the surprising position of Saints. His penchant for now a growing political dent Mike Pence to Mesa,
supporting Biden — and foul language clashes with liability. His standing has a suburb of Phoenix, for
repelled from his party, he the church’s culture teach- slumped in several pivotal the kickoff.
6A MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
But David “was pretty much the big tournament. To one
born with a fishing rod in his day win it, David will have to
hand,” his father said. By age rely on a skill he continues to
3, he would cast and reel in hone: Knowing the fish and
the grass in his yard for hours. looking at the situation from its
He caught his first fish about perspective.
age 4, when his father and “When you’re fishing com-
grandfather helped him land a petitively, it’s between you and
catfish that bit his spinner bait
the fish, not between you and
in the Ross Barnett Reservoir.
the other guy,” David said. “It’s
Looking at old photos, David
estimates the fish — which at about learning what the fish
the time scared him because wants and how it will respond.
he thought it was an actual Say it’s a hot summer day like
“monster” — weighed 15, may- this one, and we’re both fishing
be 20 pounds. Michelle says it for bass with a worm right be-
weighed closer to 30. side each other. Say you’re reel-
ing the worm in and bumping it
Fishing ‘in his blood’ every once in a while, and I let
About two years ago, David it sit for a while and not move
started fishing competitively, it. I’m (more likely) to catch a
mostly taking in local “fruit fish because think about it: If
jar” tournaments where fisher- you’re hot and sweating, do you
men pay $25 or so to enter and want to chase after something
the top 5 weigh-ins earn pay- or do you want to sit there, do
outs from the pot. He’s finished nothing and let it come to you?”
in the money several times, On the prospect of one day
even winning a few outright. becoming a successful profes-
Last year, he and teammate sional fisherman, David tries to
Dawson Jaynes, 17, of Ethels- keep his ambition in check.
ville, Alabama, competed in the “It’s something I would like
Upper Tombigbee Student An-
to do, but slim chances,” he
gler Trail and earned enough Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff said.
points to qualify for the Stu- David Dupler, right, weighs Jeff Oglesby’s smallmouth bass he caught during a fishing competition on
dent Angler Federation High Dusty thinks his son’s
Saturday at Columbus Lake.
School National Championship chances may be a bit better.
and World Finals in June at La pretty well for first-timers, bass weigh-in of 7 pounds, 12 when the blast off happens and “Once it gets in your blood,
Crosse, Wisconsin — David’s finishing in the top half of the ounces. you’re starting to fish, it’s pret- it’s there,” Dusty said. “He’s
first multiple day tournament pack among 312 teams in the “It was as many boats as ty much like fishing for fun.” got a lot of God-given talent
that saw him on the water for two-day nationals and in the I’ve ever seen on the water at He will team up with Ham- that I didn’t have. I didn’t have
24 hours over three days. top 50 in the world finals on one time,” David said. “It was ilton senior Houston Vaiden my father’s (Will’s) natural
The two-man team fared the third day with a three-fish way more serious, but honestly to try to qualify next year for ability. But David does.”

Continued from Page 1A
The final five will be will become the new flag. vorite because it reminds tended Friday’s meeting on the Union County blue. New Mexico has the
made into real flags. And, If they reject it, the com- her of that state’s beauty. remotely because he was Heritage Museum board, only predominantly yellow
on Aug. 25, commission- mission will restart the de- She urged fellow commis- home with a new baby urged her colleagues on flag. Washington has the
ers plan to hoist those sign process, with the goal sioners to choose a design son. Taylor spoke in favor the commission to consid- only state flag with green
outside the Old Capitol in of finding a flag that voters that does not need a de- of designs with a stylized er green as a main color. as the main color. Hamil-
downtown Jackson so peo- will like. tailed explanation. magnolia tree. She also urged support ton said green represents
ple can see how the flags One of the commission- “Nobody reads the Cyrus Ben, chief of the for the magnolia. warmth, nature, peace, re-
look flapping in the breeze ers, Sherri Carr Bevis, stories except us and the Mississippi Band of Choc- “We’ve had it every- newal and growth — and
— or, dangling flat without works for a hospital sys- people that study it,” Bevis taw Indians, persuaded where except on our flag,” she considers those appro-
the wind. tem on the Gulf Coast. said. “They need to look at fellow commissioners to Hamilton said. “I’m hear- priate for Mississippi.
By early September, She said she looked at it and they need to think, add a diamond shape to ing from others: Let’s “Driving down from the
the commission will flags from all 50 states and ‘Mississippi.’” each of the final designs, complete this brand and north, I look at our fields
choose one design to put found few she liked. She Commissioner TJ Tay- because that’s an import- put it on our flag and hoist and our pastures and all
on the November state- said the South Carolina lor of Madison, an attor- ant motif in Choctaw art. it high.” of the green around us,”
wide ballot. If voters ac- flag, with a crescent moon ney who works for House Betsey Hamilton of Most state flags promi- Hamilton said. “We are a
cept the lone proposal, it and a palmetto tree, is a fa- Speaker Philip Gunn, at- New Albany, who serves nently feature red, white or green state.”


testing could
save CFB,
where MSU’s
corps stands

better or worse, Mississip-
pi State football is back.
The Bulldogs open fall
camp Tuesday following
Monday’s resumption of
Heading into his first
fall as the head coach in
S t a rk v i l le ,
Mike Leach
has had
few, if any,
op p or t u n i -
ties to see
his squad
play given
the ongoing Portnoy
C OV I D -1 9
pandemic. Despite that,
the train rolls on toward a
season as MSU is slated to
kick off its 10-game slate
six weeks from Saturday.
Here are your rumblings
from the week past:

How much of an impact,

if any, does the new
breakthroughs in saliva
testing have on college
football and at Missis-
Rhona Wise/USA Today Sports
sippi State?
While football is on the
Atlanta Braves Nick Markakis (22) hits a two run double during the seventh inning against the Miami Marlins Sunday at Marlins Park. horizon, we’ll start with an
off-the-field question that
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS makes me feel better and “He’s a strike thrower No. 2 spot doesn’t come team’s spring training may be the biggest deter-
more at ease,” Braves who can change speeds,” two batters after the site in Jupiter, Florida, to miner as to whether a sea-
MIAMI — Nick manager Brian Snitker Snitker said. “He’s got a pitcher. begin workouts. son is actually played.
Markakis drove in three said. “He’ll do anything. little funky delivery. His “It’s something I may The group includes Saturday, the FDA an-
runs, and five pitchers He’s just good to have ability to throw the ball explore more,” Snitker starting pitchers San- nounced approval for the
combined on a two-hitter around. He’s kind of like over the plate is so re- said. “Freddie came up dy Alcantara and Jose SaliveDirect test by re-
Sunday to help the Atlan- my security blanket.” freshing here.” in some big spots today. Ureña, catcher Jorge Al- searchers at Yale in con-
ta Braves beat the Miami Markakis’ RBI single Darren O’Day (2-0) With the DH thing, going faro and shortstop Miguel junction with the NBA
Marlins 4-0 and tighten in the sixth off Nick Vin- pitched 1 1/3 innings to forward it may not be a Rojas. It’s unlikely any of that, according to former
the NL East race. cent (1-1) gave Atlanta a highlight the latest strong bad thing.” the players will be activat- Oba m a - ad m i n ist r at ion
Atlanta took two of 1-0 lead. The Braves add- effort by the Braves’ relief But the Braves mus- ed before the next home- health executive Andy
three games from the ed three runs in the sev- corps. tered only three hits stand, which starts Aug. Slavitt, could save schools
first-place Marlins and enth after their first two “The bullpen has against Miami starter 28. hundreds of thousands of
trail them by only per- batters were retired, and been great,” Erlin said. Elieser Hernandez, who dollars in the fight for fall
centage points. The Markakis’ two-run double “There’s so much expe- sports.
Braves haven’t lost a se- made it 4-0. rience. Every time the
struck out nine in five in- UP NEXT As I reported a few
nings. Braves: Open a three-
ries to their division rivals “That’s what I’m here phone rings, everybody is “Anytime you get good weeks ago, Mississip-
since 2017, and are 31-10 for — I’m here to help out ready to go.” game series at home
pitching you’d like to be pi State and Ole Miss,
against Miami over the and win as many games Two of Miami’s three against Washington on
able to put some runs on among other schools,
past three seasons. as I can,” Markakis said. baserunners were erased Monday, when RHP Touki
the board for him,” Mar- are looking at spending a
“Our mindset is the “My team got me in posi- on double plays. Toussaint (0-1, 7.27 ERA)
lins manager Don Mat- combined $600,000 to test
same with everybody,” tion where I could drive Seeking more punch faces Nationals RHP
tingly said. football players during
Markakis said. “It doesn’t in some runs today, and it from a Braves lineup Aníbal Sánchez (0-3, 9.69
Mattingly was eject- game weeks alone with
matter who we’re playing. worked out.” without the injured Ron- ERA). current testing methods
But division games are ed in the fifth inning for Marlins: RHP Jor-
Dansby Swanson had ald Acuña Jr. and Ozzie running anywhere from
extremely important.” arguing about umpire dan Yamamoto (0-0,
two hits and scored twice Albies, Snitker moved $50 to $100. By contrast,
Markakis, who opted for the Braves, who won Freddie Freeman up to James Hoye’s strike zone. 9.82 ERA) is scheduled the new tests developed
out this year because of despite striking out 16 the No. 2 spot. It was the to start Monday for the at Yale should cost around
the coronavirus and then times. first time Freeman hit TRAINER’S ROOM Marlins when they open $10 a pop. For those keep-
changed his mind five Atlanta’s Robbie Er- there since 2011, and he Eighteen players who a four-game series at ing track at home, that
games into the season, lin, making his first start went 1 for 4. went on the injured list home against the New would save the Mississippi
had two hits and improved of the year, allowed only Snitker said he likes following the Marlins’ York Mets and RHP Rob- Southeastern Conference
his average to .323. one baserunner in four the lineup because, with coronavirus outbreak ert Gsellman (0-0, 9.00 schools in the realm of
“Just having him here innings. the designated hitter, the have reported to the ERA). $593,000.
“Wide-spread testing is
critical for our control ef-
forts,” Nathan Grubaugh,

States wrestle with playing high school football amid COVID an assistant professor at
the Yale School of Public
Health said in a news re-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS es of PVC pipe bought at a Washington, Colorado, waiting for the go-ahead 12 to call off fall sports lease. “We simplified the
local hardware store. Maryland and Illinois. from Gov. Mike DeWine, raise a new dilemma for test so that it only costs
THRALL, Texas — As Still, Porter wonders But Texas and dozens who has hinted schools high schools. If two col- a couple of dollars for re-
heat waves rose from the if it will be enough to of other states are press- will be allowed to play a lege conferences, with agents, and we expect that
crackling grass next to a stave off an outbreak and ing on amid questions shortened season. One some of the nation’s most labs will only charge about
cotton field that stretched whether his farming com- about safety and COVID- top recruit has already prestigious universities $10 per sample. If cheap
far into the distance, Rick munity 40 miles outside 19’s long-term health im- decided he won’t: De- and medical expertise, alternatives like SalivaDi-
Porter watched his young Austin will see football on pact on young athletes. fensive end Jack Sawyer were willing to abandon rect can be implemented
football players strug- Friday nights. Many teams are al- tweeted that he won’’t sports then should high across the country, we
gle through a preseason “I just hope,” Porters ready practicing. Utah play and will wait to join schools be playing? may finally get a handle
practice. says with a sigh through played its first games this Ohio State in the spring. “That’s a good ques- on this pandemic, even be-
Under every helmet his own cotton mask, week; at one of them, Da- Texas, which has by far tion. I don’t think any- fore a vaccine.”
was a masked player, “that we still get to play.” vis High coach Mitch Ar- the most high school foot- body has the right an- Granted it’s early and
breathing deep amid the Just like big-time col- quette told his players to ball players in the nation swer,” said Dr. Susannah these tests still need to be
dust and stifling heat top- Briskin, associate pro- produced for widespread
lege football, American seize the moment before with about 170,000, will
ping 100 degrees Fahren- fessor of pediatric sports use, but testing prices
high school sports is a 24-20 win over Herri- play despite a COVID-19
heit (38 degrees Celsius). medicine at Rainbow Ba- have been among the
starkly divided on wheth- man. death toll approaching
bies and Children’s hospi- primary reasons smaller
August in Texas can be er to play this fall. “It really is the mantra 10,000 and health ex-
tal in Cleveland. conferences have decided
cruel and the coronavi- While the national of 2020: Win the day,” Ar- perts predicting a rise
“We certainly know to forgo pursuing a fall
rus pandemic has thrown COVID-19 death toll has quette told the Deseret in new cases as schools
the majority of kids season. If the SalivaDirect
a new set of obstacles in passed 160,000 and to- News. “You don’t know open their classrooms.
don’t develop any severe test is made available to
the way. tal infections rise above when you’re going to get The Lone Star State will
symptoms from COVID, athletic departments na-
“Social distancing!” 5 million, more than a another. We really don’t. stagger its season with tionwide, college football’s
Porter yelled as the dozen states and the Dis- We could have our game small schools kicking off but they absolutely can.
They’re susceptible to a hopes for completing a
players headed for a wa- trict of Columbia have canceled next week.” in late August and the big season look more hopeful
ter break. Nearby were suspended football and Florida gave its high schools in late Septem- more significant disease
course, but at this junc- than they did just 72 hours
hand-washing stations other sports at least until schools the OK Friday to ber. ago.
the coach built himself by spring. Their ranks in- begin later this month. Recent decisions by ture it’s less often than
drilling holes in long piec- clude California, Oregon, Football-crazy Ohio was the Big Ten and the Pac- See FOOTBALL, 2B See PORTNOY, 2B
2B MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Welcome to the playoffs: The NBA’s best time of year is here

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS No. 1 overall draft pick as haps not yet fully versed Erik Spoelstra said. “You
well. in golf etiquette, tried to just see what’s going on
There seem to be few- LeBron James is back play with nine people, around the world. Other
er players fishing at Walt in the playoffs, after tak- compared with the typical leagues, colleges, not ev-
Disney World these days. ing the Los Angeles Lak- max of four — and every- erybody has been given
Getting a tee time or ers — who couldn’t get thing from poker table- this opportunity to contin-
streaming video games to the postseason in his tops to wine fridges were ue to do what you love. We
might not be as much of injury-marred first year in being shipped in to help have and we want to take
a priority as it was a few Hollywood — to the best players pass the time. advantage of it.”
weeks ago, either. record in the West. He’s Some gamers have put
Summer vacation is gone to the NBA Finals in down their controls for Lakers face stiff test
over. each of his last eight post- the next few weeks; Mi-
The restart gets real season trips; four with Mi- ami’s Meyers Leonard, in playoff return from
now. ami, then four more with generally considered the Dame, Blazers
The NBA playoffs start Cleveland. best Call of Duty player in The Los Angeles Lak-
Monday, the beginning “We’ve been through the NBA, announced that ers’ path to a 17th cham-

of a two-month journey a lot this year,” Lakers he needs a break to focus pionship looks awfully YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
to see which team will be coach Frank Vogel told re- on the playoffs. perilous from the outset,
and not just because the
able to say it won a cham- porters last week. “But re-
pionship. It would come ally, all of it is just a build- “For now, it’s time to Western Conference’s top
Sudoku is a number- Sunday’s answer
placing puzzle based on
in the most unusual, most up to us ... going into the lock in and help my team seeds have struggled in Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 3 9 8 6 1 7 5 2
trying season the league playoffs. So we’re here, win a championship,” the bubble. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 8 6 5 2 7 4 9 3

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

has ever seen because of we’re excited about it and Leonard said. Damian Lillard by him- based onthe a 9x9 7 2 5 3 9 4 8 6 1
is to place numbers
a shutdown caused by the self is enough to make grid
confident in what we can There’s no travel in 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 1 3 4 5 6 9 2 7
coronavirus pandemic any team worry about its given
accomplish.” these playoffs, obvious- so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 5 7 2 1 8 9 6 3 4
and 22 teams eventually postseason prospects, yet object
The matchups: Mil- ly. It’ll be 16 teams, with column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 9 6 4 7 3 2 1 8 5
moving into a so-called the bubble MVP is just numbers
contains the1same to 9 number
waukee-Orlando, To- games limited to two are-
bubble at the Disney com- ronto-Brooklyn, Bos- nas at Disney. For the first one challenge looming the empty spaces so 6 5 7 2 1 8 3 4 9
before the Lakers. only once. The difficulty 2 4 8 9 7 3 5 1 6
plex in Lake Buena Vista, ton-Philadelphia and round, it’ll be four games that each row, each
The Lakers’ dubious level increases from
Florida, to salvage the Indiana-Miami in the per day at each site, mean- column and each 3 9 1 6 4 5 2 7 8
season. East, with the Lakers ing drama will begin in reward for perseverance Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 8/15

“This is why we got against play-in game the early afternoon and in an extraordinarily chal- the same number only once. The difficulty level
here, why we worked so winner Portland, the Los continue until late in the lenging and particularly increases from Monday to Sunday.
hard, why everyone put Angeles Clippers against evening. tragic season is no prize
their egos aside and put Dallas, Denver-Utah and Outside the Disney at all: They must begin
their effort into this, so Houston-Oklahoma City. gates, the coronavirus their quest against the
we could get to that point Some of those clubs pandemic continues. streaking Trail Blazers
where we could crown a can say they are happy to Most NCAA sports won’t and Lillard, who has lit up
champion,” said guard be in the postseason. For be played this fall, and col- the Lakers and just about
Kyle Lowry of the defend- others, only a title will do. lege football’s hopes seem everybody else for years.
ing champion Toronto “I didn’t mention that to be hanging by a thread. “Definitely not your
Raptors. “The best part we secured the 2 seed,” When the U.S. Open ten- typical eighth seed,” first-
of the NBA season is the Clippers coach Doc Riv- nis tournament begins year Lakers coach Frank
playoffs.” ers said. “I don’t think this month, both reigning Vogel said. “They played
The Raptors are back, anybody in the locker champions — Rafael Na- at an elite level during Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
with realistic aspirations room talked about it. We dal and Bianca Andrees- this stretch in the bubble,
to repeat their title. The really don’t care. Like, we cu — will be among the at least offensively.”
Eastern Conference field want to win it all. ... That’s many big names sitting What’s more, the Lak-
also includes the Milwau- the only thing that mat- out because of virus con- ers have only a nominal
kee Bucks, who posted ters right now for us.” cerns. Baseball has dealt home-court advantage
the best regular-season Teams have been in with outbreaks, though when the first-round
record for the second con- the bubble for nearly six it continues pushing to series begins Tuesday.
secutive year and have a weeks now, first for a complete its much-short- They’ll play in the near-si-
likely back-to-back MVP couple weeks of training ened season. lent bubble instead of a
in Giannis Antetokoun- camp, then three scrim- But inside the bubble, sold-out Staples Center
mpo. mages followed by eight daily testing is working cheering this beloved
In the Western Con- seeding games that were and the value of the strict franchise’s first playoff
ference, for the first time critical to some clubs and protocols has been prov- appearance since 2013.
since 2015, the Golden little more than tuneups en. No players inside have After going 3-5 in the
State Warriors won’t be to others. had a confirmed positive bubble with unusually
going to the NBA Finals The vibe was different test and now the best time poor play by their nor-
— their gap year, so to in the opening days of of the NBA year is set to mally sturdy defense, not
speak, meant they fell to bubble life. Bass fishing begin. much looks certain for the
the bottom of the West on the Disney campus Finally. Lakers — except the lead-
as they look to reset with was all the rage, more “Two months ago, it ership of LeBron James,
a healthy Stephen Curry than a few players tried didn’t really look like who has already done just
and Klay Thompson next golf for the first time — a this was a realistic op- about everything possible
season, possibly with the group from one team, per- portunity,” Miami coach in the NBA postseason.

Continued from Page 1B
the older population,” said players to be tested three athlete’s family to be sure “If they just came out 1 Applaud
Briskin, who also serves times per week and any- the kids are taken care in high school and said 5 Be rude, in a
on the American Acade- one who tests positive of,” Briskin said. y’all need to test every way
my of Pediatrics Council must clear rigorous heart Texas will require any kid once a week, you 10 Center of a
on Sports Medicine and exams, including echo- athlete diagnosed with would probably lose ev- bagel
Fitness. cardiograms, a cardiac COVID-19 to be cleared ery (small) school pro- 11 Needing
The A AP recommends MRI, blood tests and oth- by a doctor to return to gram,” said Porter, who immediate
that any high school ath- er tests before they are play. Officials for the Uni- is also the Thrall athletic attention
lete who shows symp- cleared to return. versity Interscholastic director. 13 Computer
toms of COVID-19 sit out Briskin doesn’t see League, the governing He noted that athletes symbol
for two to four weeks and any high schools likely to body for Texas public high at the University of Texas 14 Ladybug, for
not return until they see match that sort of concen- school sports, declined not far away will be “well one
a doctor. The group dis- trated testing and medical to comment on the Big taken care of.” 15 Nelson of
courages testing unless care. High school officials 12’s testing requirements “Can we even get a test South Africa
an athlete is symptomatic across the country have and said no further rules back in time, in a 7-day or 17 Sprinted
or has been exposed to generally not required changes were planned. 14-day turnaround?” he 18 Like some
someone who is sick. testing because of cost Still, Porter wondered asked. “If you can pick skirts Sunday’s answer
At the college level, and availability, and time- if stricter standards will any one of the things 19 Auditor’s org. 37 Egg setting and future
schools can throw mas- ly access to a cardiologist be coming eventually in (colleges) are doing, I 20 DC. base- 38 Hunting dog 16 Greek vowels
sive resources at both can be a problem in both Texas or elsewhere, hur- think it would shut down baller 39 Story 21 Little flags
testing and follow-up care rural and urban areas. dles he says would be almost all of the highs 21 Book part 40 Peruses 22 Treats with
for athletes. The Big 12 “At the high school lev- impossibly high for small schools in the state of 22 Edinburgh 41 Rose part tea
Conference will require el, the onus falls on the schools like his to clear. Texas.” natives DOWN 23 Yule singer
25 Tennis star 1 Zoo favorite 24 Run

Monica 2 From the area 25 Hearts or
26 Berets and 3 Without others clubs
beanies 4 Necklace 27 Dead ducks
Continued from Page 1B 27 Rifle or features 29 Sat for a
revolver 5 Rent from a portrait
Following Malik Heath’s Florida product corralled for receptions in Leach’s lege and this has proved 28 Mine rock
just five passes total in offense compared to Joe the perfect opportunity
renter 30 Pick up the
DUI, what does the MSU the Bulldogs’ final four Moorhead’s RPO-based to delve into some great
29 Identify, from
a lineup
6 Tire feature tab
7 Grow older 31 Supermarket
receiving corps look games of 2019. That will system and the Ocean literary work. 33 Negative link 8 Result of a section
like if he’s suspended have to improve regard-
less of whether Heath is
Springs native figures to
be among the beneficia-
With that, here are my
five favorite books I’ve
34 Toronto’s hung jury 32 Tribe symbol
or has to miss games? on the field and will be ex- ries. read since being quaran-
province 9 Blow up 36 Sch. support
Before I dive into this, 35 Go by 12 Past, present group
acerbated if he’s not. Rated the No. 2 junior tined:
let the record reflect that Other pieces to follow college receiver in the 1. The Junction Boys:
Heath has not been pub- include senior JaVonta 2020 class according to How Ten Days in Hell
licly suspended as of yet, Payton and junior Austin 247sports Composite, with Bear Bryant Forged
and last we heard from Williams. Payton came to Heath was expected to a Championship Team —
MSU the situation was be- MSU as a relatively high- step in on day one and Jim Dent (Seriously this
ing monitored. ly-touted junior college contribute immediately. It book is incredible and
That said, it’s fair to product and showed flash- remains to be seen wheth- anyone who’s a college
assume Heath could miss es a season ago but never er that’s the case, but if football fan should read it)
a game or two and that is cracked the rotation reg- the former Under Armour 2. Just Kids — Patti
undoubtedly a big hit to ularly. Now entering his All-American misses time Smith
an already thin MSU re- final collegiate season, due to his offseason ar- 3. The Cost of These
ceiving corps. coaches have been high rest, it will almost assur- Dreams: Sports Stories
Senior Osirus Mitchell on his development and edly affect MSU’s offen- and Other Serious Busi-
led the team in yards and it’s expected he will con- sive output. ness — Wright Thompson
touchdowns a season ago tribute regularly this fall. 4. Character Carved in
and should again be re- As for Williams, Ben’s Best Stone: The 12 Core Vir-
lied on heavily in Leach’s he showed some brief Throughout the pan- tues of West Point That
air raid offense. The big- prowess in MSU’s sea- demic I’ve tried to afford Build Leaders and Pro-
gest question with Mitch- son-opening win over myself more and more duce Success — Pat Wil-
ell becomes if he can be Louisiana last year when time away from my Play- liams
consistent. After averag- he caught three passes station and Netflix ac- 5. Dixieland Delight:
ing over four catches per for 43 yards and a touch- count in order to read. I’ll A Football Season on the
game over MSU’s first six down. There will assured- concede I faded as a read- Road in the Southeastern
contests, the Sarasota, ly be more opportunities er some throughout col- Conference — Clay Travis
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 3B

Elliott wins at Daytona for 3rd straight roadie

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Charlotte and at Watkins had such good drive off task, especially consid- ing cleared to return. and do what I love.
Glen last year. He got a (the corners) I couldn’t ering Elliott was turning “This is far beyond my “Thank you for your sup-
DAYTONA BEACH, tougher challenge than do anything with him.” mistake-free laps at the wildest dreams for this port, not only for me per-
Fla. — Chase Elliott was many expected down the Hamlin finished sec- front of the field. event,” Grala said. sonally but all the things
already NASCAR royalty. stretch in his latest road- ond, followed by Truex But that late caution Ryan Newman was you do for all us drivers. It
Now he’s also the sport’s ie. and seven-time series gave both a shot, albeit 19th in his return to the goes a long way, and I want
road king. The 24-year-old driv- champion Jimmie John- an unlikely one given El- scene of his most harrow- to say thank you from the
Elliott won the Cup er had a 10-second lead son. liott’s road repertoire. ing crash. deepest of my heart. Thank
Series’ first road course with 10 laps to go and Elliott, Hamlin and Another top contend- Newman delivered a you.”
race at Daytona Inter- was pulling away when Truex had the cars er, points leader Kev- special message to safety Newman had to be cut
national Speedway on Kyle Busch blew a tire to beat all afternoon. in Harvick, got turned workers minutes before from his No. 6 Ford after
Sunday, holding off hard- and brought out a caution Truex’s chances took a around while braking the race started. Newman wrecking while leading the
charging Denny Hamlin that gave his Joe Gibbs huge hit near the end into the “international spoke over his radio to the final lap of the Daytona 500
following a late restart Racing teammates, Ham- of the second segment. horseshoe” and never control tower, a clip that on Feb. 17.
and notching his third lin and Martin Truex Jr., He was caught speeding recovered. Harvick fin- was later played during Newman was one of the
consecutive victory away a chance. on pit road and forced ished 17th. the NBC broadcast. few Cup drivers with expe-
from ovals. But Elliott stayed out to start the last stanza Kaz Grala was seventh “Hey everyone, just rience on Daytona’s road
“I had a phenomenal front on the final restart. at the back of the pack. in his Cup debut. Gra- want to say a big thank course. He won an IROC
car. I don’t think I did Hamlin got to his rear Hamlin also got stuck be- la stepped into the No. you,” Newman said. race on the layout in 2004.
anything special today,” bumper on the last lap, hind slower cars early in 3 Chevrolet for Richard “This is a special day for Matt Kenseth, Kurt Bus-
Elliott said. but couldn’t do enough the final stage. Childress Racing after me. I owe a lot of it because ch, Jimmie Johnson, Kyle
NASCAR’s most popu- to mount any significant Making up that kind Austin Dillon tested posi- of all the things that you Busch, Clint Bowyer and
lar driver, the son of Hall pressure. of ground on a 14-turn, tive for COVID-19. Dillon guys did back in February. Michael McDowell also
of Famer Bill Elliott, also “I kept him honest 3.61-mile road course needs two negative tests It’s enabled me to … come had limited experience
won on road courses at there,” Hamlin said. “He was a nearly impossible 24 hours apart before be- back into this racetrack here.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: HAWAII for the last eight years has
Last month, DEAR TOOK: always been there to help me
I found out a May I point get through some pretty hard
friend of mine was out that when times. He has all the qualities
going to be living you took this I’m looking for in someone.
out of his van. I “puppy” in, it He’s smart, funny, honest,
couldn’t let him do wasn’t so he’d caring and is literally a male
that, so I offered be sleeping on version of me.
him my second your couch but in When we were younger,
bedroom and put the spare room? he told me he had feelings for
him on the lease. He shouldn’t me, but I only saw him as a
He told me be using YOUR friend. Everyone would tell us
ZITS Uber doesn’t
pay much, and
living room or
YOUR couch for
we should be together, but I ig-
nored it. After years of knowing
he couldn’t sleeping. I didn’t feel the same way, he
afford half the Because you gave up trying to progress our
$1,700-a-month put this freeload- friendship into something more.
rent, so we agreed
Dear Abby er on the lease — I always told him I didn’t want
he would pay what for what reason, I to get romantically involved
he could, roughly $200-$300 cannot fathom — you may need because I value his friendship
of the $1,700. I said it was OK an attorney to get him out of too much and I didn’t want to
because I didn’t take him in there. Rather than working two lose him.
for money purposes. I did it to days a month to pay that mi- He recently started a rela-
help a friend in need, and I had nuscule amount of rent to you, tionship with someone, and it
spare space. he should be driving enough made me realize I might have
I quickly found out that he’s hours to accumulate a down romantic feelings for him that
a hoarder. His entire bedroom payment on a place of his own. I haven’t had before. I don’t
is full of his boxes of stuff To say that your kindness has know what to do. Please help.
GARFIELD (manga, anime, books, etc., been taken advantage of is an — TOO LATE IN TEXAS
not furniture or a TV), so much understatement. DEAR TOO LATE: The longer
so that he’s been sleeping on DEAR ABBY: I am a 21-year- you remain silent, the greater
my living room couch. He also old woman who hasn’t been the chances that your friend’s
spends all his time at home very lucky when it comes to new relationship could develop
and Ubered only the last two relationships. My first real into something serious. Tell him
days of the month to make the relationship wasn’t until I was all the qualities you think are
$200 to pay me. 20, and it didn’t last too long. special about him (minus the
I guess my question is, our I have “talked” to quite a few one about being your “clone”).
agreement was $200-$300 guys, but they never went Then follow it up with the fact
a month, which he paid, but past the “getting to know you” that it wasn’t until he started
does finding out he’s working stage. this new romantic relationship
only two days a month to make I was able to figure out that you realized you have
it change our agreement? — things I wanted and didn’t want those kinds of feelings for him.
TOOK IN A LOST PUPPY IN in a relationship. My best friend Better late than never.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. silence and space is what gives weird because you didn’t even
17). Your cosmic birthday life form. know you were in a competition.
includes lofty expectations TAURUS (April 20-May Do not let that stop you from
met by new people. The plot 20). There’s a higher level of using what you’re given.
takes unexpected turns in the intellectual activity going on LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s
thrill ride that is the end of the today, and you’ll get the chance sometimes hard to tell whether
year. Highlights of 2021 include to share ideas with people you’re excited or anxious. Either
a legendary family event, a who think alike and differently. way, there’s a job to be done.
professional opportunity and a You’ll challenge and inspire one Breathe through the nerves and
habit change or skill enhance- another. remind yourself what matters
ment that brings your game GEMINI (May 21-June 21). here.
BABY BLUES to the next level. Cancer and The best way to find out who VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Sagittarius adore you. Your can keep a secret and who Unreasonable purchases have
lucky numbers are: 9, 20, 22, can’t is to observe how people their place and time. As fellow
1 and 17. do with the information you give Virgo Dorothy Parker suggested,
ARIES (March 21-April 19). them — before you tell them “Take care of the luxuries and
Observe until you have a gut anything you actually would the necessities will take care of
feeling about what to do next. want kept secret. themselves.”
If no feeling comes, enjoy the CANCER (June 22-July 22). LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
silence and space. After all, The victory is yours, which is The people around you with sim-
ilar backgrounds and experienc-
es will not be the most useful
to you now. The objective and
unbiased eye is invaluable, and
it only comes from an outsider
with a different experience.
21). Consider, just for one day,
doing hardly a thing beyond
showing up. It’s what most
people are doing. Pull back and
you’ll be suddenly aware of, for
better or worse, what a whole
lot of extra effort you normally
put in.
21). You’re only interested in
the people who are difficult
to know and the prizes that
are hard to win. Perhaps, it’s
because you have a feeling you
MALLARD FILLMORE can succeed with this.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Resist persuasion. Those
who attempt to sway you in any
particular direction are more
concerned about their own
agenda than yours. Action would
be premature.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). As a rule, people don’t
completely know the landscape
of their own psyche. Today,
you’re as likely to be surprised
by your own behavior as you are
by the behavior of another.
20). People who think they
can’t do much about their
situation will not pay nearly as
close attention as those who
are actively looking for all the
opportunities they believe are
around them.

Rest in peace
4B MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 The Dispatch •

Homes with grandparents weigh virus risk as school starts

As of 2018, the U.S. had 51 million seniors, year, the chasm could grow
between generations who live
If a grandchild does bring
the virus home, grandparents
live in the same household,”
said Tricia Neuman, one of the
with 3.3 million, or 6 percent, living with at together.
Millions of seniors 65 and
of color are at higher risk than
their white counterparts, ex-
report’s authors.
People of color are already
least one child between 5 and 18 up, one of the populations
most vulnerable to the virus,
perts say.
As of 2018, the U.S. had 51
at greater risk from the virus
because they’re more likely to
BY TERRY TANG ly touch Trary’s back — “like live with a school-age child. million seniors, with 3.3 mil- be essential workers who can’t
The Associated Press I’m sending her a kiss with my For those households, the new lion, or 6 percent, living with work from home, among other
hand.” school year means reconsid- at least one child between 5 factors, Neuman said. They
PHOENIX — Zita Robin- ering interactions from family and 18, according to a Kaiser more often live in multigen-
“It’s very hard,” Robinson
son, who’s 77 and diabetic, has dinner to bedtime hugs. Family Foundation study. The erational households because
said. “We live together, but we
been careful around her grand- While studies so far suggest situation is far more prevalent of cultural norms, sharing ex-
live apart.”
daughter since the coronavirus children are less likely to be- among communities of color: penses or getting help with
pandemic took hold. Not hugging Grandma is
come infected with COVID-19 19 percent of Asian and Pacif- child care.
A door connects Robinson’s hard for Trary, too: “It’s like I
or only experience mild symp- ic Islander seniors live with a That could become more
apartment in Phoenix to the can’t see her anymore.”
toms, data isn’t conclusive on school-age child, 17 percent of prevalent as COVID-19 clob-
main house where 8-year-old The separation Trary and whether infected kids easily Hispanics, 13 percent of Amer- bers the U.S. economy. Living
Traris “Trary” Robinson-New- her grandmother experience spread the disease. In a Geor- ican Indian or Alaska Natives, with extended family increased
man and her mother live, but in their home is becoming a gia school district that has and 11 percent of Black people. during the Great Recession in
it mostly stays shut. Their only bigger issue as children go reopened classrooms, possi- Just 4 percent of older whites 2009, according to Jaia Peter-
physical contact is if Trary back to school. Many public ble exposure has forced more live with a school-age child. son, deputy executive director
walks in with her back toward schools nationwide are starting than 1,200 students and staff “I think there hasn’t been a of Generations United, an ad-
Grandma. Then Robinson will remotely in the fall, but if class- into quarantine and two high lot of attention to the ripple ef- vocacy group focused on inter-
kiss her own hand and light- es resume in person later this schools to close. fects on older people who may generational issues.

Jerry Fowler Emma Mae Boyce and tery of Macon, with Antonia Malone of
OBITUARY POLICY Ricy William Blansett. the Rev. Rob Houston Olive Branch; siblings,
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS —
Jerry Fowler, 61, died He is survived by his Sr. officiating. Private Virginia Ivy of Shuqual-
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Aug. 16, 2020, at North siblings, Sandra Faye family only visitation is ak, Elfreeda Lovelace
Blansett of Pheba and from 2-5 p.m. today, at of Macon, Ann Malone,
free of charge. Extended obit- Mississippi Medical
uaries with a photograph, de- Rita Trull of Kennedy, Carter’s Funeral Ser- Louise Bryson, Brenda
tailed biographical information Alabama. vices. Carter’s Funeral Williams all of India-
Arrangements are
and other details families may Pallbearers will Services of Macon is napolis, Indiana, James
incomplete and will be be Bob Trull, Danny
wish to include, are available in charge of arrange- Malone of Macon,
for a fee. Obituaries must be announced by Lown- White, Tommy Mill- ments. Manuel Malone and
submitted through funeral des Funeral Home of saps, Ray Weed, Carl Mr. Malone was born Larry Malone both of
homes unless the deceased’s Columbus. Weed and Robert July 15, 1937, in Noxu-
body has been donated to Austell, Georgia; six
science. If the deceased’s Parker. bee County, to the late grandchildren; and one
body was donated to science, Darryl Blansett West Malone and Annie great-grandchild.
the family must provide official PHEBA — Darryl Jonathan White Laura Malone.
proof of death. Please submit Wayne Blansett, 61, ETHELSVILLE, Ala. In addition to his par-
all obituaries on the form died Aug. 15, 2020, at — Jonathan White, 33, ents, he was preceded Eric Holley
provided by The Commercial
North Mississippi Med- died Aug. 16, 2020, at in death by his children, COLUMBUS — Eric
Dispatch. Free notices must Holley, 45, died Aug. 15,
be submitted to the newspa-
ical Center of Tupelo. his residence. McArthur and Michael
per no later than 3 p.m. the Graveside funeral Arrangements are Malone; six brothers 2020, at Baptist Memo-
day prior for publication Tues- services will be at incomplete and will be and three sisters. rial Hospital-Golden
day through Friday; no later 10 a.m. Tuesday, in announced by Lown- He is survived by Triangle.
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Macedonia Cemetery des Funeral Home of his children, John Arrangements are
Sunday edition; and no later of Houston, with Terry Columbus. Malone, Gary Malone incomplete and will be
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday announced by Lown-
edition. Incomplete notices
Rhodes officiating. both of Decatur, Geor-
must be received no later than Visitation will be one Pinkie Malone gia, Eddie Malone of des Funeral Home of
7:30 a.m. for the Monday hour prior to services DECATUR, Ga. — Cincinnati, Ohio and Columbus.
through Friday editions. Paid at the cemetery. Calvert Pinkie Malone, 83, died
notices must be finalized by 3 Funeral Home of West Aug. 11, 2020, at Emory
p.m. for inclusion the next day Point is in charge of Hillandale Hospital.
Monday through Thursday; and
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
arrangements. A private family only
and Monday publication. For Mr. Blansett was graveside service will
more information, call 662- born Aug. 10, 1959, in be at 11 a.m. Tuesday,
328-2471. West Point, to the late in Oddfellow Ceme-

Robert Trump, the president’s

younger brother, dead at 71
‘He was not just ly passed away tonight,”
Donald Trump said in a
and “the only guy in my life
whom I ever call ‘honey.’”
my brother, he was statement. “He was not just
my brother, he was my best
Robert Trump began his
career on Wall Street work-
my best friend’ friend. He will be greatly ing in corporate finance but
President Donald Trump missed, but we will meet later joined the family busi-
again. His memory will ness, managing real estate
BY JIM MUSTIAN live on in my heart forever. holdings as a top executive
The Associated Press Robert, I love you. Rest in in the Trump Organization.
peace.” “When he worked in
NEW YORK — Pres- The youngest of the the Trump Organization,
ident Donald Trump’s Trump siblings had re- he was known as the nice
younger brother, Robert mained close to the 74-year- Trump,” Gwenda Blair, a
Trump, a businessman old president and, as recent-
Trump family biographer,
known for an even keel that ly as June, filed a lawsuit on
told The Associated Press.
seemed almost incompat- behalf of the Trump family
ible with the family name, “Robert was the one people
that unsuccessfully sought
died Saturday night after would try to get to inter-
to stop publication of a tell-
being hospitalized in New all book by the president’s vene if there was a prob-
York, the president said in a niece, Mary. lem.”
statement. He was 71. Robert Trump had re- Robert Stewart Trump
The president visited his portedly been hospitalized was born in 1948, the
brother at a New York City in the intensive care unit youngest of New York City
hospital on Friday after for several days that same real estate developer Fred
White House officials said month. Trump’s five children.
he had become seriously Both longtime business- The president, more
ill. Officials did not imme- men, Robert and Donald than two years older than
diately release a cause of had strikingly different per- Robert, admittedly bullied
death. sonalities. Donald Trump his brother in their young-
“It is with heavy heart once described his young- er years, even as he praised
I share that my wonderful er brother as “much quieter his loyalty and laid-back de-
brother, Robert, peaceful- and easygoing than I am,” meanor.

Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges writes children’s book

BY HILLEL ITALIE she made history at age unfold in our country re-
AP National Writer 6 by becoming the first cently, I felt myself wait-
Black student at an all- ing for guidance and I
NEW YORK — Civil white elementary school know many were feeling
rights activist Ruby Bridg- in New Orleans, walking the same. Having spent
es has written a children’s past crowds screaming years speaking to young
book with a candid telling racist slurs. She was lat-
of the past and positive people about racism, I felt
er honored by Norman compelled to say some-
message for the future, in- Rockwell in the painting
spired by the Black Lives thing, and after careful
“The Problem We All Live
Matter protests. With.” consideration, I decided
Delacorte Press, The book is an open let- a letter to my young peo-
an imprint of Random ter from Bridges to young ple was the way,” Bridges
House Children’s Books, readers and includes im- said in a statement.
announced Friday that ages from the 1960s and Bridges is also the Send in your church event!
Bridges’ “This Is Your from recent events. author of “Through My Email
Time” will come out Nov. “During the first few Eyes,” a memoir pub-
Subject: Religious brief
10. It arrives 60 years after days of watching events lished in 1999.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020 5B
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