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Beta Alpha Psi Candidate Class Contract: Finance Majors

Mandatory Deadlines

1. Submit an unofficial transcript containing both (1) A cumulative GPA of at least ☐ September 3
3.00 OR a GPA from the last 30 units of at least 3.25 and (2) A Major GPA of
at least 3.00 (Only includes 300 level courses and above)
NOTE: Candidates must have at least one semester remaining at CSULB

2. Once GPA is confirmed, pay BAP Candidate Dues - $75 ☐ September 7

1) $60 for FMA
2) $80 for BAP Candidate Dues

3. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the Director of Records on or before ☐ September 3

Thursday, September 3.
● The Director of Records’ availability will be emailed to you
● Be prepared to discuss grade point average, your semester goals, and
which events you can and cannot attend

4. Submit a first draft resume for Meet the Firms ☐ September 18

5. Edit resume peer review notes and submit a finalized copy for Meet the Firms ☐ September 25

6. Organize a candidate class community service event ☐ TBD by

pledge class

7. Conduct at least 3 interviews with the following people: ☐ Multiple due

● 1 CSULB BAP Alumni – Due November 13 dates
● 1 BAP officer (Excluding DoR) – Due October 9
● 1 BAP members or 1 AS member – Due October 30
These interviews are to be typed and submitted to the Director of Records
before the given deadline. E-mail interviews will not be accepted. You must
take and submit a photo with your interviewee with your interview.
One-on-one interviews are encouraged, especially for BAP Alumni and
Members. Please talk to the Director of Records for consideration of group
TIP: Joining the Public Relations Committee is a great way to
accomplish this!
Minimum Hour Requirements
During the Fall 2019 semester, there are around 35 scheduled events that will take place
through BAP&AS. These events can be viewed on the Events tab on our BeachSync
page. Each event will have a designated category and hour length that will be used to
fulfill the amount of participation hours needed for initiation as a member of Beta Alpha
Psi. The three categories, and their corresponding minimum hour requirements, can be
seen in the chart below. In addition, all pledging Finance majors are required to
attend FMA hosted events throughout the semester.


Speaker Events (AT LEAST HALF MUST BE FROM FMA, remainder from 16
BAP&AS (8 FMA and 8 BAP&AS). The Director of Records will confirm FMA
Professional Workshops 5
COB Co-Organization Event 2
Meet the Firms and Awards & Initiation Banquet 5
Total Professional Hours 28
Community Service (with BAP) 6
Pledge Class Community Service (Organized by Alpha Class) 2
Total Community Service Hours 8
Big Buddy Little Buddy (Mandatory) 2
Buddy Reveal 1
Co-Organization Social 1
Total Social & Other Activities Hours 4

Professional Activities
There are 28 mandatory professional hours. Events that qualify as professional hours
● Speaking engagements: Held every Monday/Wednesday, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
● Any other event labeled as Professional on BeachSync

Other mandatory Professional requirements include:

1. Attend a minimum of three professional workshops hosted by the DoPD
2. Attend a professional event co-hosted by BAP&AS and another COB organization
3. Attend Meet the Firms on October 2
4. Attend the Awards & Initiation Banquet on December 3

Community Service Activities

Beta Alpha Psi will usually schedule group community service events on Saturday or
Sunday mornings. These events will each have their own time length and can be viewed
on BeachSync.

It is mandatory to attend at least one Beta Alpha Psi organized community service
event. Community service hours can also be earned through other community service
efforts that have been pre-approved by the Director of Records.

Of the 8 community service hours required, a maximum of 3 can be obtained

through a candidate class organized community service event.

Note: While it is encouraged to attend more than eight community service hours, an
amount over eight cannot be used to satisfy other hour requirements.

Candidate Class Community Service Event

Approximately midway through the semester, the candidate class must plan and host a
community service event. Date, time, activities, etc. is TBD by candidate class
discussion. Candidates will organize the event and invite guests (BAP&AS members,
alumni, etc.).

Social and Other Activities

During the semester, the Director of Records and the candidate class will organize social
events where alumni and members will be invited. These events will be announced as
the semester progresses.

The first social event will be Big Buddy Little Buddy, which will be held on Sunday,
September 13 and is mandatory. This is a great event to build connections for alumni

Note: Like community service hours, any amount over four social and other activity
hours cannot be used to satisfy any other hour requirements.

Participation in Professional Development Programs

Candidates must sign up and participate in the following programs:

● Resume (also required to attend Meet the Firms)

● Mock Interview (must participate in 1 mock interview session before Banquet)
● Buddy Program
● Mentor/Mentee Program
Candidates are also required to join at least one committee (i.e. public relations, special
events, etc). In a committee, candidates will perform the duties assigned by the officers
and committee chairs in charge.

Other Rules
Candidates cannot pledge in their last semester at CSULB. As an alumni based
organization, Beta Alpha Psi candidates will serve as members in future semesters and
give back to the organization and help future pledges/members.
Candidates will dress in business casual attire (jeans are not allowed) during all
speaking engagements unless instructed otherwise by the Director of Records.

Candidates must arrive 15 minutes prior to the event time. Consequences will be
upheld for arriving late or not showing up to the required event, which include but is
not limited to: submission of a letter of apology to the officer board and/or firm, or
revocation of your candidacy.

The Honor Code

As candidates of Beta Alpha Psi, I am embarking on a lifetime of service to my

profession and community. As representatives of California State University, Long
Beach, the College of Business, and the business profession, I commit myself to the
highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and make the following pledges:

● I will maintain honesty and integrity in all aspects of my life.

● I will not cheat, plagiarize, use unauthorized materials, misrepresent my work,
falsify data, or assist others in committing these acts.
● I will act respectfully and professionally during my interactions with professionals,
faculty, staff, BAP&AS members, students and peers.
● I will commit myself to understanding and preserving professional ethics.
● I will commit myself to understanding and adhering to the California State
University, Long Beach’s Standards for Student Conduct.
● I acknowledge that while in public, I represent Beta Alpha Psi, the College of
Business, California State University, Long Beach, and the business profession
and will conduct myself responsibly.

Note: Attendance to BAP&AS events are crucial to a pledges professional and personal
development. If a pledge becomes inconsistent with attendance (arriving late, leaving
early, etc.) without previous communication to the officer board, this will be treated as a
violation of the honor code.

In cases where it is determined that a candidate has violated the Honor Code, the
following will apply:

● For a first offense - the candidate will receive a verbal and written reprimand
which goes to his or her record.
● For a second offense, all penalties as stated for the first offense above apply. In
addition, the offense will be reported to the Faculty Advisor and the candidate will
furnish a letter of apology to all parties violated or within the discretion of the
Director of Records.
● For a third offense, the candidate’s pledging status will be revoked.

Note: Sanctions are cumulative throughout the candidate’s semester-long pledging

process. (Three strikes during the pledging process means pledging status will be

Breakdown of Candidate Costs

To encourage transparency throughout the organization, all candidates can expect the
following expenses at minimum during the semester:

BAP Candidate Membership Fee $75

Any further cost requirements related to non-BAP official social events or otherwise are
up to the discretion of the candidate class board.

Candidate Class Elections

The following section outlines the basic roles and responsibilities of each candidate
class officer. Each nominee will provide a 1-to-2 minute speech on why they’re running
for the position, followed by a majority-rules election.

1. President
a. Acts as a liaison between the candidate class and the Director of Records
b. Works closely with the candidate board to oversee all functions of the
candidate class
c. Ensures appropriate delegation of tasks within the candidate class
2. Vice President
a. Assists the President in overseeing the candidate class by
communicating via weekly emails all class news and updates
b. Ensures all candidate class members are appropriately dressed and
prepared for speaking engagement and other events
c. Assists secretary in producing class yearbook
3. Treasurer
a. Manages all financial aspects of candidate events, including:
i. Assisting with sponsorship acquisition for candidate events
ii. In charge of pledge class fundraising activities
b. Works with BAP&AS Treasurer and Associate Treasurer
4. Secretary
a. Documents all candidate class events
b. In charge of creating class semester yearbook
c. Takes notes of key points during weekly meetings to share with candidate
d. Creates weekly recaps of speaking engagements, workshops and other
events for the candidate class
e. Keeps BAP social media up to date
5. Events Committee Leader
a. Recruits and oversees an event planning committee to ensure all events
run smoothly
b. Works closely with the candidate class board and class members to
organize candidate events (socials, community service, etc.)
c. Delegates event planning responsibilities within the candidate class and
events planning committee

By signing this contract, you acknowledge that all the above requirements must be
completed and that there will be no exceptions to any of the stated deadlines. If any of
the requirements are not met, it is up to the discretion of the Director of Records whether
that failure constitutes revocation of your candidacy.

I, _______________________________________, understand and will follow the rules

and requirements stated above.

Signature  ___________________________________ Date _____________________

Welcome to the Fall 2020

Alpha Candidate Class!

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