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I. Rationale

The Saint Paul School of Professional Studies conducts its Senior High School Days
annually and this year marks its 5​th Senior High School Days Celebration. This is a 3-Day
celebration exclusive for all Senior High School students. Because of this said celebration,
various activities will be held including academic, socio-cultural, and athletic events. These
activities are for the whole Paulinian community to anticipate and enjoy.

With COVID-19 around, doing physical sports activities is a no go. So we decided to do

something different this year which is Esports (short for electronic sports). Esports allows
school to redefine their athletic culture, diversify opportunities for students’ participation,
promote physical and mental health, and increase collegiate scholarship pathways. Playing video
games stimulates areas in brain associated with memory, attention, motor and strategic planning
skills, as well as eyesight. In fact, electronic games can help people learn, focus, and multitask.
Playing esports is a cooperative activity. Students form teams and must create strategies to
accomplish their objective. Just like a basketball or volleyball team, each player on
the esports team has a role to play. Some students have found an opportunity to thrive as leaders
among their esports clubs.

Esports is a competitive videogame tournament which is making its way into mainstream
consciousness. Esports tests the player’s wits, teamwork and their indomitable will to victory. It
affects not just their mental well-being but also their physical well-being, for a sound brain can
only do so much in competitive Esports. It ​often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video
game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. It usually
happens in a venue, with live viewing for the audience, the teams may be in the same venue but
are separated with a certain amount of distance or they are designated in a small room where
they can discuss their strategies while they are playing without their opponents overhearing

In our current situation, doing this event in a venue with the players is impossible because we
need to adhere to proper safety protocols during this pandemic. Our main problem was how to
monitor the teams while they were playing. We wanted to make this possible without the
competitors having the need to go outside their homes.

II. Objectives

In addition, this activity aims to achieve numerous objectives specifically;

a. To go where the students are. Popularity of videogames is undeniable.
b. To be able to help
promote physical and mental
health to the Paulinian
c. To be able to diversify opportunities for students’ participation.
d. To address the inherent issues of diversity in Esports.
e. To be able to learn valuable skills.
f. To be able to form communities. Students in scholastic Esports clubs are actively
participating in activities, making friends, learning incredibly valuable skills that will
help them in and outside of the classroom, and having fun while doing it.


(Saint Paul ELectronic sports League)

● Tournament is open to all-male and all-female, can also be a mixed category.
● Tournament will be Double Elimination.

1. All players participating in the “Legends of the Big Bang” Mobile Legend Tournament must
enter with their registered Mobile Legends in-game name. The game account will be used to
invite players into custom matches and for verification purposes.
2. A player can only join one team.
3. Players must be available during tournament dates.
4. Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
5. All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).

A team must consist of the following members:

1. Only registered team members can play for a team. Playing a match with a ringer is strictly
prohibited. Players and team members must compete with their registered mobile legends in
game name during all matches in the tournament proceeding.
2. There will be two teams per team.
3. Ten (10) main players (required).
4. Teams are only allowed to have a maximum of two (2) substitutes players per team.
5.Once nominated/registered regular/reserved players cannot be replaced throughout the event.
6. Playing with unregistered players or usage of ringers will result in disqualification.


● Players will be advised of schedule and timing of matches thru their registered email
● Only Tournament Director can alter schedule and timing of matches.
● Future matches, Bracketing and Announcements will be done through Discord App or
Facebook Page.

Tournament Format


● 5v5 Draft Mode

● Players on the left team will be tasked to create game lobby


Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware). Matches will not be rescheduled
due to above mentioned issues and will go on nevertheless. If maximum pause time and/or delay
is exceeded, the game will continue even if the issues are unresolved.


● To maintain fairness during the tournament, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify
● Teams found partaking in the following scenarios will be disqualified from the
● Deliberate stalling of the game can result in losing that game or series entirely.
● Deliberate leaving of a match before it ends can result in forfeit and winning point
awarded to the opposing team.
● Usage of exploits or third-party programs/cheats will result in player and/or team
● Unsportsmanlike conduct (Toxicity in chat, excessive bad manners, etc) will result in
player and/or team disqualification.
● Betting or match fixing will result in player and/or team disqualification.


● Tournament is an Online Tournament and will be Broadcasted Live.

● Teams must report the results after each series to the tournament admins.
● Teams should screenshot the end of match screen for verification purposes.


● Teams that did not turn up on time will be automatically disqualified.

● Any teams late for the reporting time, tournament organizers reserve the right to
disqualify any player that do not comply with the rules.

Should a team be absent and
uncontactable during
registration or attendance
taking phase, that team will be marked as late and not allowed to participate in the tournament.

● If a player is late during a match or is ready only 15 minutes after match has started; will
not be allowed to play during that series. Tournament will start on- time; Players must
check-in before the scheduled time.
● The Team Captain will be given a choice to start the match as 5 players or forfeit the
● The player whom is late is not allowed to re-join this match series.

● Players are recommended not to go on breaks in between matches in a series.
● Should a player need to take a quick break, seek out an admin or marshal.
● Players must remain contactable throughout the tournament.


● In any scenario should a player or more leaves before a winner has been determined not
due to an internet issue disconnection, that player(s) team forfeits the match, and may be
subjected to disqualification.
● In any circumstances where there is a disconnection/phone crash/application crash,
players MUST return to the game as soon as possible and continue playing.
● If in any scenario, in the organizer’s opinion that prevent the match from being decided
properly, the “re-match” must be played with the same draft.
● It is the responsibility of players to call out to a marshal should these situations occur.

Participant Conduct

● Players and teams are expected to report to the marshal when called upon as soon as
possible. If a player or team isn’t present at match time after 15 minutes before the game
starts, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify.
● Players are to take note that there MAY be no breaks during a match and/or after a game,
thus advised to fully make use of downtime in between rounds to prepare for the next
match (Toilet breaks, food, etc.)
● Any action that results in an unfair advantage are illegal. This includes bug abuse or
third-party programs.
● If a player leaves a game deliberately before it ends, that game will be forfeited and the
winning point awarded to the opposing player.
● Match-fixing is not allowed. Should any match-fixing be found out, both involved teams
will be disqualified.
● All participants are expected to uphold exemplary standards of conduct at all times.
Inappropriate, rude or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. Participants who
fail to comply will be strictly dealt with.
● Players are expected to conduct themselves and compete with the spirit of sportsmanship,
maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor in activities involving other participants and
public in general.
● The organizer has the right to apply penalties, disqualify and dismiss any registered
player from the tournament, at their discretion, at any stage of the tournament.
● Cheating doesn’t need
to be successful to qualify as a
violation. Conspiring to cheat
is already a violation and will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators.

Examples of cheating includes, but are not limited to:

Account Sharing

All participants will be advised of other rules or technical aspects of tournament prior to start of


● It is strictly prohibited for a player to use any third-party software modifying the game
functionalities or principles.
● During the tournament, the organizer will carry out random mobile device and player
materials checks for prohibited software.
● If the presence or use of a prohibited software is detected, the concerned player will be
banished of any current and future tournaments.
(RE engaging Excellence Leading with Optimism And Dedication)
● Tournament is open to all-male and all-female.
● Tournament will be Double Elimination.

● All players participating in the Call of Duty: Mobile Tournament must enter with their
registered Call of Duty: Mobile in-game name. The game account will be used to invite
players into custom matches and for verification purposes.
● A player can only join one team.
● Players must be available during tournament dates.
● All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).
● All players must submit their in game UID to the tournament organizer. Your UID can
be found in your profile page. If your UID is not submitted to the tournament organizer,
then you will not be allowed to play.

● The team must contain at least 5 players in their team list. The team list must contain the
Call of Duty: Mobile in-game names of the players.
● Teams are only allowed to have a maximum of 2 substitutes players, but this is just
● Once nominated/registered regular/reserved players cannot be replaced throughout the
● Playing with unregistered players or usage of ringers will result in disqualification.


● The tournament is an
Online Tournament.
● Players will be
advised of schedule and timing of matches thru their registered email address.
● Only the Tournament Director can alter the schedule and timing of matches.
● Future matches, Bracketing and Announcements will be done through Discord App or
Facebook Page.

● FRONTLINE (Private)
Available Maps: Crash, Killhouse, Crossfire, Nuketown, Hijacked. (Maps to be used for
one game is up to the Tournament Director)

Score limit: 50
Player limit: 10 (Five each team).
In-game description: "Kill players on the opposing team. You always spawn at your
base. The first team to reach the score limit wins!".



Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware). Matches will not be
rescheduled due to above mentioned issues and will go on nevertheless. If maximum pause
time and/or delay is exceeded; the game will continue even if the issues are unresolved.

● Tournament is an Online Tournament and will be Broadcasted Live.
● Teams must report the results after each series to the tournament admins.
● Teams should screenshot the end of match screen for verification purposes.

● Teams that did not turn up on time will be automatically disqualified.
● Any teams late for the reporting time, tournament organizers reserve the right to
disqualify any player that do not comply with the rules.

Should a team be absent and uncontactable during registration or attendance taking phase,
that team will be marked as late and not allowed to participate in the tournament.

● If a player is late
during a match or is ready
only 15 minutes after match
has started; will not be allowed to play during that series. Tournament will start exactly
on the exact scheduled time; Players must check-in before the scheduled time.
● The Team Captain will be given a choice to start the match as 5 players or forfeit the
● The player who is late is not allowed to re-join this match series.

● Players are recommended not to go on breaks in between matches in a series.
● Should a player need to take a quick break, seek out an admin or marshal.
● Players must remain contactable throughout the tournament.

● In any scenario should a player or more leaves before a winner has been determined
not due to an internet issue disconnection, that player(s) team forfeits the match, and may
be subjected to disqualification.
● In any circumstances where there is a disconnection/phone crash/application crash,
players MUST return to the game as soon as possible and continue playing.
● If in any scenario, in the organizer’s opinion that prevent the match from being decided
properly, the “re-match” must be played with the same draft.
● It is the responsibility of players to call out to a marshal should these situations occur.

● Sportsmanship
● Participants may not use language or engage in conduct that is deemed to be obscene,
foul, vulgar, insulting, threatening, mocking, disruptive, antagonistic, abusive, libelous,
slanderous, defamatory, or otherwise offensive or objectionable, or promote or incite

hatred or discriminatory conduct, in connection with the competition, at any time, off or
on broadcast.
● Profanity and Hate Speech.
● Participants shall treat all individuals with respect, including (but not limited to) during a
Match, stream, or otherwise. Participants will not engage in the use of egregious
profanity especially in regard to the treatment of other participants or the facilitators.
Participants may not offend the dignity or integrity of an opponent, private person or
group of people through contemptuous, discriminatory or degrading words or actions on
account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion,
political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or any other status, sexual
orientation or any other reason.

● All players must use the mobile device platform.
● Emulators, controllers, mouse, keyboard, etc. are not allowed.
● All cheats and hacks are strictly forbidden.
● Exploiting glitches and bug abuse is not allowed.
● Players must be on the roster with the registered UID.
● Account sharing is strictly prohibited.
● Treat players and organizers with respect.

● The usage of cheats, hacks, or any third-party applications that give you an unfair
advantage over your opponents will result in immediate disqualification.
● Teams that attempt to
use players which are not
registered in their team may
be disqualified.
● All players must remain in the game’s lobby following the conclusion of each match.
This allows us to view their final score on the scoreboard. Players that leave the lobby
earlier and thus do not show up on the scoreboard may be suspended from on-going
● Once the match has started, only the players that are in the lobby are eligible to play. In
the case of a player disconnecting and is not able to join back, a team is allowed to have a
registered player on their team to substitute. This is only allowed once per match.
● It is not allowed to switch to the spectator mode. If a player is caught using the spectator
mode, that team will automatically have to forfeit the current round of that match.
● Account sharing will be met with disqualification. Only the original owner of the Call of
Duty: Mobile account may use it in tournaments.
● Abusing in-game glitches that give a team an unfair advantage is not permitted. Teams
caught doing so may be disqualified.


● Scorestreaks are allowed in Search and Destroy game mode. Streaks permitted to be used
are the following: Predator Missile, Stealth Chopper, and Molotov Cocktail. This means
that the following streaks are banned in any game mode: UAW, Hunter Killer Drone,
Care Package, Counter UAV, Sentry Gun, SAM Turret, Drone, VTOL, MQ-2
Dragonfire, Nuke, & Shock RC.
● All Operator Skills
● Trip Mines
● Tracker Perk
● SMRS- Rocket Launcher
● All LMGS
● All Snipers


● It is strictly prohibited for a player to use any third-party software modifying the game
functionalities or principles.
● During the tournament, the organizer will carry out random mobile device and player
materials check for prohibited software.
● If the presence or use of a prohibited software is detected, the concerned player will be
banished of any current and future tournaments.


● Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
● The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
● All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).
● The tournament shall be in two categories: Male and Female category.
● Each house must have
four (4) participants two (2)
from each category. And must
also provide two (2) reserve players.
● Players should create lichess account at ​​ and must submit their details (Real
Name, Lichess Account Name, and Team Name).
● Players has twenty (20) minutes with two (2) seconds increment: In every move that
must be done it will increase their time by two (2) seconds.
● The duration of the game is 120 minutes.
● Passwords will be given to the players the day before the tournament.
● Players should be there thirty (30) minutes before the tournament starts.
● Once players are in the lobby they should click join tournament in order to join.
● Any form of cheating like using engines will result to automatically disqualification to
the player.
● Any disconnections in between the game will not change and therefore the game will
still continue.
● Players can have a substitute player in case of disconnection and stuff but once the
tournament starts, switching of players is not allowed, meaning those who are present
shall be the players and no substitution if there will be any disconnections
● Each team has a chance to face over and over again and the game still continues, if so.
● If players have concerns, they can message the facilitators to check but the game will
still continue.
● Any result of the game that have no concerns will be final and unchangeable.
● The scores/points of each player will be determined by the system.
● Pairing will start by basing on each player ratings then after every game it will be based
on close to player’s ranks.
● The tournament will be continuous until the duration of time is over which means there
are no breaks.
● The game will stop when time duration reaches to 0.
● The team with has most combined points wins.
● When two or more players have the same number of points, the tournament performance
is the tie breaker.
● In case of protest between or among players, the officiating officer/s will take necessary
actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported immediately to the
Grievance Committee for proper actions.



1. Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
2. The player must be a male.
3. The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
4. All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).
5. Each competing year level organization must have at least five (5) but not more than ten
(10) players by their team.
6. Players whose names are not included in the list submitted are disqualified.
7. Players must be wearing a complete sports attire while performing it through video.
8. No player shall be allowed to play/ participate in more than one (1) sports event.
9. To the participant who will have the highest number of dribbles in a minute will win.
10. In case of protest
between or among players, the
officiating officer/s will take
necessary actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported
immediately to the Grievance Committee for proper actions.


1. Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
2. The player must be a female
3. The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
4. All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).
5. Each competing year level organization must have at least five (5) but not more than ten
(10) players by their team.
6. Players whose names are not included in the list submitted are disqualified.
7. Players must be wearing a complete sports attire while performing it through video.
8. No player shall be allowed to play/ participate in more than one (1) sports event.
9. To the participant who will have the highest number of dribbles in a minute will win.
10. In case of protest between or among players, the officiating officer/s will take necessary
actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported immediately to the
Grievance Committee for proper actions.



1. Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
2. The player must be a male.
3. The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
4. All players must present their school/ library IDs and Proof of enrollment (screenshot of
subjects in portal account).

5. Each competing year level organization must have at least five (5) but not more than ten
(10) players by their team.
6. Players whose names are not included in the list submitted are disqualified.
7. Players must be wearing a complete sports attire while performing it through video.
8. No player shall be allowed to play/ participate in more than one (1) sports event.
9. To the participant who will have the highest number of set in a minute will win.
10. In case of protest between or among players, the officiating officer/s will take necessary
actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported immediately to the
Grievance Committee for proper actions.

1. Players must be bona
fide students of Saint Paul
School of Professional Studies.
2. The player must be a female.
3. The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
4. All players must present their school/ library IDs/ Proof enrollment upon registration
5. Each competing year level organization must have at least five (5) but not more than ten
(10) players by their team.
6. Players whose names are not included in the list submitted are disqualified.
7. Players must be wearing a complete sports attire while performing it through video.
8. No player shall be allowed to play/ participate in more than one (1) sports event.
9. To the participant who will have the highest number of set in a minute will win.
10. In case of protest between or among players, the officiating officer/s will take necessary
actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported immediately to the
Grievance Committee for proper actions.


1. Players must be bona fide students of Saint Paul School of Professional Studies.
2. The player can be a male or a female.
3. The players must be registered members of the organization they represent for the
academic year 2020-2021.
4. All players must present their school/ library IDs/ Proof enrollment upon registration
5. Each competing year level organization must have at least ten (10) but not more than
fifteen (15) players by their team.
6. Players whose names are not included in the list submitted are disqualified.
7. It will be presented/ performed through video.
8. There must be two players: One Tosser & One Kicker.
9. PROPS: Shuttlecock like flat lead washers with the flyer made with bright strips of
10. The flyer is kick up and down, until the ball touches the ground.
11. Point is counted on every kick made. To the participant who will have the highest number
of kicks in a minute will win.
11. No player shall be allowed to play/ participate in more than one (1) sports event.
12. In case of protest between or among players, the officiating officer/s will take necessary
actions based on the ​general guidelines​, but if not, it will be reported immediately to the
Grievance Committee for proper actions.

Prepared by:


Chairman for Athletic Affairs Paulinian Student Government
Attested by:


Committee Head, Athletic Affairs Senior High School Days

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