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Introduction to Database System

Spring 2019

Student Information System

Project Team
Name of Student CMS Program Valid Email Address
Hira Zahoor 23167 BSSE
Arzoo Riaz BSSE
(Maximum number of students in a group should not exceed two)

Tehreem Shabir
(Teaching Fellow)
Project Proposal

Project Title: Student Information System

The objective of Student information System is to allow the administrator of any
organization to edit and find out the personal details of a student and allows the student to
keep up to date his profile .It’ll also facilitate keeping all the records of students, such as
their id, name, mailing address, phone number, DOB etc. So all the information about a
student will be available in a few seconds.
Overall, it’ll make Student Information Management an easier job for the
administrator and the student of any organization.

Problem Statement:
In many institution this Is very difficult to maintain student data. Due to this reason this is
very difficult to check information about any student.
Due to many reasons, we want to create a system which can handled student information
so that these difficulties can be decrease. So we can called this system Student
Information System.

Proposed Solution:
Write about the solution at abstract level. Try to present the big picture of the project.
You can specify features as well. Do not provide any technical detail of the solution at
this stage. Do not use technical wording like entities, attributes etc.

Scope of the Project:

Without a Student information System, managing and maintaining the details of the
student is a tedious job for any organization. Student Information system will store all the
details of the students including their background information, educational qualifications,
personal details and all the information related to their resume.
Student Information System perform following tasks:
 To make the application of Student Information System usable for the College or
 To access the student’s records and get the desired information which may require.
 To automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the student
records, Students Details, Attendance Details, Internal Marks etc.
 To increase data accuracy, make student information management more secure,
effective, convenient and accessible.
 To coordinate information across the system to simplify student access to University

1. System Analysis and Design. By: James A Sen.
2. Software Engineering. By: Roger Pressman.
3. Introduction to Database Management System 7 th Edition
4. Java How to Program. By: Deitel & Deitel
5. MySQL workbench Tutorial videos
6. MS Access Tutorial videos


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