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1  The  chain of the FcRI:

 A  Binds IgE. 
 B  Is associated with Lyn. 
 C  Contains a GPI-anchor. 
 D  Possesses an ITIM sequence. 
 E  Is also used by FcRII.

2  Which one of the following mast cell products is not preformed and therefore has to be newly
 A  Histamine. 
 B  Prostaglandin D2. 
 C  Heparin. 
 D  Neutral protease. 
 E  Eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF).

3  Lol p1-11V are allergens cloned from:

 A  Rye grass pollen. 
 B  House dust mite. 
 C  House dust mite feces. 
 D  Animal danders. 
 E  Dermatophagoides pteryonyssinus. 
4  Type I hypersensitivity can be blocked using:
 A  Histamine. 
 B  An IgA myeloma. 
 C  A myeloma protein of mixed antibody class. 
 D  Sodium cromoglycate. 
 E  Interleukin-5. 

5  A major unresolved question concerning ADCC is:

 A  Whether antibody is involved. 
 B  Whether it can be carried out by NK cells. 
 C  Whether it leads to cell death. 
 D  Whether it is complement-dependent. 
 E  To what extent it occurs in vivo.

6  Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can lead to:

 A  Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 
 B  Agranulocytosis. 
 C  Cold hemagglutinin disease. 
 D  Thrombocytopenic purpura. 
 E  Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia.

7  The term reactive lysis usually refers to a sequence of events involving:

 A  Natural killer (NK) cells. 
 B  Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). 
 C  Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). 
 D  Th1 cells. 
 E  Complement.

8  Maple bark stripper's disease is a hypersensitivity largely affecting the:

 A  Skin. 
 B  Kidneys. 
 C  Nervous system. 
 D  Lung. 
 E  Platelets.

9  Dead Wuchereria bancrofti can cause:

 A  Elephantiasis. 
 B  Erythema nodosum leprosum. 
 C  Serum sickness. 
 D  Pigeon fancier's disease. 
 E  Farmer's lung.

10  Chronic granuloma represents an attempt by the body to:

 A  Wall off a site of chronic infection. 
 B  Make a site of chronic infection accessible. 
 C  Digest antibody-antigen complexes. 
 D  Initiate an immune response. 
 E  Change from a Th1 to a Th2 type of response.

11  In thyroid autoimmunity, an antibody causing type V hypersensitivity may be present and is
directed against:
 A  Thyroglobulin. 
 B  Thyroid peroxidase. 
 C  Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor. 
 D  Acetylcholine receptor. 
 E  Thyroxine.

12  Which type of hypersensitivity cannot be transferred with serum antibody?:

 A  Type I. 
 B  Type II. 
 C  Type III. 
 D  Type IV. 
 E  Type V. 

13  Anaphylaxis can be triggerred by cross-linking of IgE receptors on:

 A  Monocytes. 
 B  Mast cells. 
 C  B-cells. 
 D  Eosinophils. 
 E  Neutrophils.

14  Rhesus hemolytic disease of the newborn involves:

 A  IgE. 
 B  Antibody to cell surfaces. 
 C  Soluble immune complexes. 
 D  Cytokine release from T-cells. 
 E  Stimulatory antibodies.

15  The Arthus reaction is characterized by an intense infiltration by:

 A  Mast cells. 
 B  Neutrophils. 
 C  Eosinophils. 
 D  Macrophages. 
 E  Langerhans' cells. 

16  Type IV hypersentivity is often referred to as:

 A  Immediate. 
 B  Delayed. 
 C  Anaphylactic. 
 D  Anergic. 
 E  Allotypic.

17  The injection of tuberculin into the skin of a sensitized individual elicits:

 A  Immune complex glomerulonephritis. 
 B  Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. 
 C  Isohemagglutinins. 
 D  Jones-Mote sensitivity. 
 E  Mantoux reaction. 

18  The major effector molecules involved in type IV hypersensitivity reactions are:

 A  Antibodies. 
 B  Complement components. 
 C  Cytokines. 
 D  Prostaglandins. 
 E  5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)

19  Septic shock associated with Gram-negative bacteria is primarily due to:

 A  Lipopolysaccharide. 
 B  Enterotoxin superantigen. 
 C  Platelet aggregation. 
 D  Switch off of cytokine release. 
 E  Peptidoglycans

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