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Gratulujeme Vám k nákupu Gratulujeme Vám k nákupu Gratulujemy zakupu Congratulations on your
výrobku značky HECHT. výrobku značky HECHT. produktu marki HECHT. purchase of the product
Před prvním uvedením do Pred prvým uvedením Przed pierwszym użyciem brand HECHT. Before the
provozu si prosím pozorně do prevádzky si prosím należy dokładnie first operation, please
přečtěte tento návod k pozorne prečítajte návod przeczytać instrukcję read the owner‘s manual
obsluze! na obsluhu! obsługi! carefully!
CZ Tento návod obsahuje důležité informace o  bezpečnosti, montáži, provozu, údržbě,
uskladnění a  řešení případných problémů, proto jej dobře uschovejte pro možnost
vyhledání informací v budoucnu a pro další uživatele. Vzhledem k stálému vývoji a přizpůsobování
nejnovějším náročným normám EU mohou být na  výrobcích prováděny technické a  optické
změny bez předchozího upozornění. Fotografie použité v  manuálu jsou pouze ilustrační
a  nemusí se přesně shodovat s  dodaným výrobkem. Nelze uplatňovat jakékoli právní nároky
související s tímto návodem k obsluze. V případě nejasností kontaktujte dovozce nebo prodejce.

SK Tento návod obsahuje dôležité informácie o  bezpečnosti, montáži, prevádzke, údržbe,

uskladnení a  riešení prípadných problémov preto ho dobre uschovajte pre možnosť
vyhľadania informácií v budúcnosti a pre ďalších užívateľov. Vzhľadom k stálemu technickému
vývoju a prispôsobovaniu najnovším náročným normám EÚ môžu byť robené technické a optické
zmeny bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia. Fotografie použité v  manuáli sú len ilustračné
a nemusia sa presne zhodovať s dodaným výrobkom. Nie je možné uplatňovať akékoľvek právne
nároky súvisiace s týmto návodom k obsluhe. V prípade nejasností kontaktujte dovozcu alebo

PL Przedkładana instrukcja zawiera ważne informacje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, montażu,

eksploatacji, konserwacji, przechowywania oraz usuwania ewentualnych usterek. W
związku z  tym instrukcję należy odpowiednio przechować w celu umożliwienia wyszukania
informacji w przyszłości oraz dla jej stosowania przez dalszych użytkowników. Ze względu na
ciągły rozwój oraz proces dostosowywania do najnowszych, wymagających norm Unii
Europejskiej, w wyrobach mogą być wprowadzone zmiany techniczne i  graficzne bez
wcześniejszego zawiadamiania. Fotografie zastosowane w instrukcji mają jedynie charakter
obrazowy i nie muszą dokładnie zgadzać się z dostarczoną maszyna. Wykluczone są jakiekolwiek
roszczenia prawne związane z przedkładaną instrukcją obsługi. W przypadku wątpliwości należy
kontaktować się z importerem lub ze sprzedawcą.

GB This manual contains important information about safety, installation, operation,

maintenance, storage, and troubleshooting. The instructions in a safe place to be able to
find information in the future or for other users. Given the constant technological development
and adaptation to the latest exacting standards of the EU technical and design changes may be
carried out without prior notice. Photographs are for illustrative purposes only, and may not
exactly match the product itself. It is not possible to exercise any legal claims associated with this
operator’s manual. In case of doubt, contact the importer or retailer.

WERCO spol. s r.o. • U Mototechny 131 • 251 62 Tehovec •

WERCO SK, spol. s r.o. • Letisková 20 • 971 01 Prievidza •
WERCO Polska Sp. z o.o. • Mickiewicza 54 • 66-450 Bogdaniec •
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made for garden
OBRAZOVÁ PŘÍLOHA. ...............................................................................................................................4
SPECIFIKACE. .............................................................................................................................................8
DOPORUČENÉ PŘÍSLUŠENSTVÍ..................................................................................................................8
BEZPEČNOSTNÍ SYMBOLY.........................................................................................................................9
VERTIKÁLNÍ ŠTÍPAČKA - NÁVOD K POUŽITÍ...........................................................................................13
ES PROHLÁŠENÍ O SHODĚ. .....................................................................................................................67

OBRAZOVÁ PRÍLOHA. ...............................................................................................................................4
DOPORUČENÉ PRÍSLUŠENSTVO................................................................................................................8
BEZPEČNOSTNÉ SYMBOLY........................................................................................................................9
VERTIKÁLNA ŠTIEPAČKA - NÁVOD NA POUŽITIE...................................................................................26
ES VYHLÁSENIE O ZHODE.......................................................................................................................67

ZAŁĄCZNIK ZDJĘCIE. .................................................................................................................................4
DANE TECHNICZNE....................................................................................................................................8
ZALECANE WYPOSAŻENIE........................................................................................................................8
SYMBOLE BEZPIECZEŃSTWA. ...................................................................................................................9
PIONOWA ŁUPARKA - INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI........................................................................................39
POTWIERDZENIE ZAPOZNANIA SIĘ Z EKSPLOATACJĄ URZĄDZENIA.....................................................53
DEKLARACJA ZGODNOŚCI WE. ..............................................................................................................67

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE..................................................................................................................................4
RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES................................................................................................................8
SAFETY SYMBOLS. ....................................................................................................................................9
VERTICAL LOG SPLITTER - MANUAL FOR USE........................................................................................54
EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY.......................................................................................................67

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made for garden

1 B



1. Přepravní rukojeť / měrka / odvzdušňovací 12. Zajišťovací šroub pracovního
2. Centrální sloup štípačky šroub stolu
3. Hlavní vypínač 8. Přepravní kola 13. Pracovní stůl
4. Elektrická přípojka 9. Štípací klín 14. Zajišťovací šroub pracovního
5. Ovládací páka 10. Nastavovací šroub přídržné stolu
6. Motor čelisti 15. Základna
7. Nalévací otvor olejové nádrže 11. Ochrana rukou

1. Prepravná rukoväť nádrže / mierka / 12. Zaisťovacia skrutka
2. Centrálny stĺp štiepačky odvzdušňovací skrutka pracovného stola
3. Hlavný vypínač 8. Prepravné kolesá 13. Štiepacia plocha
4. Elektrická prípojka 9. Štiepací klin 14. Zaisťovacia skrutka
5. Ovládacia páka 10. Nastavovacia skrutka pracovného stola
6. Motor prídržnej čeľusti 15. Základňa
7. Nalievací otvor olejovej 11. Ochrana rúk

4 / 68
made for garden
1. Rękojeść transportowa wlewowym, miarką i 12. Pokrętło blokady stołu
2. Centralny słupek łuparki odpowietrznikiem roboczego
3. Główny wyłącznik 8. Koła transportowe 13. Stół łuparki
4. Przyłącze elektryczne 9. Klin rozłupujący 14. Pokrętło blokady stołu
5. Dźwignie sterowania 10. Śruba do zamocowania roboczego
6. Silnik zacisków przytrzymujących 15. Podstawa
7. Zbiornik oleju z korkiem 11. Osłona rąk

1. Transport handle vent screw 13. Splitting table
2. Splitter center column 8. Transport wheels 14. Locking screw of splitting
3. ON/OFF switch 9. Splitting wedge table
4. Power connection 10. Set screw for holding jaw 15. Base
5. Operating lever 11. Handle guard
6. Motor 12. Locking screw of splitting
7. Oil tank filler hole / dipstick / table

2 3 Ⓒ
1 2 Ⓐ

3 4

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made for garden
4 6







 Ⓐ

8 9

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10 11 Ⓐ Ⓑ


12 13




14 15

16 Ⓐ

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Parametr Parameter Parametr Parameter
Jmenovité napětí Menovité napätie Napięcie znamionowe Rated Voltage 230 V ~
Jmenovitá frekvence Menovitá frekvencia Frekwencja znamionowa Rated Frequency 50 Hz
Příkon Príkon Pobór mocy Input power 2,2 kW
Stupeň krytí Stupeň krytia Stopień ochrony Protection class IP 54
Max. štípací síla Max. štiepacia sila Maksymalny nacisk Maximum Force 6t
Průměr polen Priemer dreva Średnica kloca Log diameter 100 - 320 mm
Dĺžka dreva ku Długość kloca do
Délka dřeva ke štípání Log length 1040 mm
štiepaniu rozłupywania
Hmotnost stroje Hmotnosť stroja Waga maszyny Machine weight 90 kg
Otáčky motoru Otáčky motora Obroty silnika Motor speed (rpm) 2950 min. -1
Zdvih pístu Štiepací zdvih Wysokość podnoszenia Ram Travel 480 mm
Množství hydraul. Kapacita olejovej Pojemność zbiorniku Hydraulic oil capacity
oleje cca nádrže cca. oleju ok. ca.
Hydraulický olej Hydraulický olej Olej hydrauliczny Hydraulic oil HLP 22
SHELL Tellus 22,
Doporučený Odporúčaný Zalecany olej Recommended MOBIL DTE 11, ARAL
hydraulický olej hydraulický olej hydrauliczny hydraulic oil Vitam GF 22, BP
Energol HLP-HM 22
Provozní podmínky Prevádzkové podmienky Warunki użytkowania Operating conditions +5°C - +40°C
Specifikace se mohou měnit bez předchozího oznámení. / Špecifikácie sa môžu meniť bez predošlého oznámenia. /
Specyfikacje mogą być zmienione bez uprzedniego powiadomienia. / Specifications are subject to change without notice.


HECHT 006060 HECHT 900106 HECHT 900102 HECHT 120153

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made for garden

Umieszczona na
Štítek na stroji Štítok na stroji The rating plate
maszynie tabliczka
obsahuje symboly. obsahuje symboly. on your tool may
zawiera symbole.
Tyto symboly nám Tieto symboly nám show symbols. These
Symbole te przekazują
sdělují důležité oznamujú dôležité represent important
różne informacje
informace o výrobku informácie o výrobku information about the
dotyczące a maszyny
nebo instrukce pro alebo inštrukcie pre product or instruction
lub instrukcji
používání: používanie: its use.
Podane poniżej
Nasledujúce varovné
Následující varovné symbole ostrzegawcze The following warning
symboly pripomínajú
symboly připomínají przypominają o 2x

symbols are to remind you

400 V ~ 50bezpečnostné

Hz 4000 W
preventivní bezpečnostní prewencyjnych zasadach of the safety precautions
zásady,Ø ktoré je nutné max. 107cm

zásady, které je nutno při 12- 32 cm

bezpieczeństwa, które you should take when
pri prevádzke stroja
provozu stroje dodržovat. 115 kg muszą być przestrzegane operating the machine.
10 t

podczas pracy maszyny.

IP54 2x

Proszę przeczytać Read the instruction


400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W
Čtěte návod na použití. Čítajte návod na obsluhu.
instrukcję obsługi. manual.

Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm


10 t 115 kg

Používejte ochranu
400 V ~ 50 Hz očí Používajte400 V ~ ochranu sluchu
4000 W Stosować środki ochrony Use eye and ear
Oil Oil

4000 W 50 Hz

a sluchu! Ø 12- 32 cm a očí. oczu i uszu! protection.

Oil Oil

107cm Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm

10 t 115 kg

10 t 115 kg
Używać rękawic

400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W
Noste ochranné rukavice. Noste ochranné rukavice. Wear protective gloves.

IP54 Ø 12- 32 cm IP54

max. 107cm


10 t 115 kg
Noste protismykovou Noste protišmykovú Nosić antypoślizgowe Wear non-slip safety

400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W

bezpečnostní obuv. bezpečnostnú

400 V ~ 50 Hz obuv. obuwie ochronne. shoes.
Oil Oil

max. IP54
4000 W
Ø 12- 32 cm 107cm

Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm

10 t 115 kg
Pozor! Nebezpečné Pozor! Nebezpečné Uwaga! Niebezpieczne Attention! Dangerous
napětí! IP54 napätie!
10 t 115 kg
napięcie! voltage!
Nie używaj tego 2x

Nepoužívejte tento Nepoužívajte

400 V ~ 50 Hz
4000 W
urządzenia w deszczu Do not use this product in
přístroj v dešti, ani prístroj v daždi, ani

Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm

i nie pozostawiaj go na, the rain or leave outdoors
nenechávejte venku, nenechávajte vonku,
10 t zewnątrz jeżeli pada while it is raining.
pokud prší. pokiaľ prší.115 kg
Nie czyścić, nie
Nečistěte, neudržujte ani Nečistite, neudržujte ani przeprowadzać Do not clean, service
neseřizujte stroj během
nenastavujte stroj behom utrzymanie ani nie
prevádzky. regulować maszynę w
or adjust this machine
during operation. L
trakcie eksploatacji.

made for garden
9 / 68
Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm
10 t 115 kg

10 t 115 kg

CZ IP54 SK PL 2x
Oil GB
400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W
Neodstraňujte ani NeodstraňujteIP54
ani Nie usuwać ani nie
Do not remove or disable

neznemožňujte funkčnost neznemožňujte

Ø 12- 32 cm
max. 107cm
uniemożliwiać funkcję
safety devices.
bezpečnostních zařízení.10 t bezpečnostných115 kg zariadení.
urządzeń ochronnych.
Olej jest substancją palną

400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W
Olej je hořlavina a může Olej IP54 je horľavina a môže
i może eksplodować. Oil is a fire hazard and

explodovat.Ø Kouření
12- 32 cm
explodovať. Fajčenie 4000 W
max. 107cm 400 V ~ 50 Hz

Palenie i używanie can explode. Smoking and

a používání10otevřeného a používanie otvoreného

t 115 kg Ø 12- 32 cm
otwartego ognia jest
max. 107cm
open fire are prohibited.
ohně je zakázáno. ohňa je zakázané.
IP54 10 t 115 kg zabronione.
Tento stroj je určen pro Tento stroj je určený pre Ta maszyna jest This machine is intended
obsluhu pouze JEDNOU obsluhu len JEDNOU przeznaczona do obsługi
for operation by ONE
osobou. osobou.
400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W
przez tylko JEDNĄ osobę. person only.

Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm Osoby i zwierzęta

Udržujte osoby a domácí Udržujte osoby a domáce Keep other people and
domowe muszą
zvířata v bezpečné 10 t zvieratá v bezpečnej115 kg domestic animals at
przebywać w bezpiecznej
vzdálenosti. vzdialenosti. a safe distance.
IP54 odległości.
Nebezpečí zranění osob. Ryzyko zranienia osób. Danger of personal injury.
Části těla a oblečení
mohou být 400zachyceny
V ~ 50 Hz
zranenia osôb. Časti tela
a oblečenia môžu byť
4000 W
Części ciała i ubrania
mogą być zaczepione
Body parts and clothing
can be caught by moving
zachytené pohyblivými
pohyblivými částmi. Oil
ruchomymi elementami. parts.
Ø 12- 32 cm časťami.
max. 107cm

Utrzymywać przestrzeń
Udržujte Váš10 tpracovní
prostor v pořádku!
115 kg Váš pracovný
priestor v poriadku!
roboczą w odpowiednim
stanie! Nieporządek na
Keep your work space R
Nepořádek na pracovišti Neporiadok na pracovisku tidy! Untidiness may
4000 W miejscu pracy mógł by

400 V ~ 50 Hz
by mohl vést ke vzniku by mohol viesť ku vzniku result in accidents.
spowodować powstanie

úrazů. úrazov.Ø 12- 32 cm

max. 107cm
10 t 115 kg
Wystrzegać się
Vyhněte se nestabilním Vyhnite sa nestabilným IP54
niewłaściwych pozycji
Always operate your log
polohám těla. Vždy polohám tela. Vždy ciała podczas pracy.
splitter on dry, solid, level
udržujte jistý postoj udržujte istý postoj Zawsze stać mocno i
a rovnováhu. Nikdy stroj a rovnováhu. Nikdy stroj z dobrą równowagą .
nepoužívejte na kluzkém, nepoužívajte na klzkom, Nigdy nie pracować z
ground. Never operate
your log splitter on
slippery, wet, muddy, or
mokrém, zabláceném, mokrom, zablatenom urządzeniem na śliskiej,
icy surfaces.
nebo zledovatělém alebo zľadovatelom mokrej, zabłoconej,
povrchu. povrchu. albo zlodowaciałej
Starego oleju pozbyć Dispose of the old oil
Starého oleje se zbavte
Starého oleja sa zbavte się zgodnie z prawem properly (local oil disposal
dle zákona (sběrné místo
podľa zákona (zberné (punkt zbiórki odpadów point). The old oil must
nebezpečného odpadu).
miesto). Je zakázané starý problemowych). Jest not be poured into the
Je zakázáno starý olej
vylévat do půdy či smíchat
s odpadem.
olej vylievať do pôdy či
zmiešať s odpadom.
zabronione stary olej
wylewać do gleby albo
ground or drainage
system, or mixed with L
zmieszać z odpadem. other waste.

10 / 68
made for garden

Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm

10 t 115 kg
IP54 Prístroj vždy odpojte od
Přístroj vždy odpojte Urządzenie zawsze odłącz Always disconnect the
elektrickej siete pred
od elektrické sítě před z sieci elektrycznej przed machine from the power
čistením,400 Vkontrolou,

~ 50 Hz 4000 W
čištěním, kontrolou, czyszczeniem, kontrolą, mains before cleaning
opravou, pokiaľ je Oil

opravou, pokud je Ø 12- 32 cm naprawą i jeśli jest kabel

max. 107cm inspecting, repairing or
poškodený, alebo pokiaľ

poškozený, nebo pokud 4000 W se uszkodzony lub jest when it is damaged or


400 V ~ 50 Hz
sa elektrický
10 t kábel 115 kg

elektrický kabel zamotá.400 V ~ 50 Hz Oil

4000 W
splątany. tangled.
Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm zamotá. Oil

Ø 12- 32 cm max.IP54
Trzymać kabel w
10 t
kabel 115 kg 10 t Uchovávajte115kábel kg dostatecznej odległości
v dostatečné vzdálenosti v dostatočnej vzdialenosti Always keep the cable
od źródeł ciepła, oleju,
od zdrojů tepla, oleje,
400 V ~ 50 Hz

rozpouštědel a ostrých
4000 W
zdrojov tepla, oleja,

rozpúšťadiel a ostrých
rozpuszczalników i
ostrych krawędzi. Jeżeli
away from the heat
sources, oils or sharp
Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm
hran. Pokud dojde hrán. Pokiaľ dôjde edges. Remove plug from
dojdzie do uszkodzenia
k poškození10 nebo t k poškodeniu
115 kg alebo the mains immediately
albo zaplątania kabla,
zamotání kabelu, zamotaniu kábla, if cable is damaged or

elektrické sítě.
okamžitě ho odpojte od okamžite ho odpojte od
elektrickej siete.
to natychmiastowo
go odłączyć od sieci
entangled. R
Hrozí nebezpečenstvo
Nebezpečí poranění
vymrštěnými částmi.
poranenia odletujúcimi
Niebezpieczeństwo urazu
odrzuconymi częściami.
Risk of injury ejected
parts. L
Chronić nogi przed
Chraňte si nohy před Chráňte si nohy pred Protect your feet from
spadającymi kawałami
padajícími kusy dřeva. padajúcimi kusmi dreva. falling pieces of wood.

Nesnažte se uvolnit Nesnažte sa uvoľniť

Nie starać się uwolnić
Do not remove jammed
rękami zablokowane
zaklíněné špalky rukama. zaseknuté polená rukami. logs with your hands.
Ryzyko pocięcia
Nebezpečí pořezání Nebezpečenstvo
a zhmoždění. Nikdy se
nedotýkejte nebezpečných Nikdy sa nedotýkajte
porezania a pomliaždenia.
i rozmiażdżenia.
Nigdy nie dotykać się
Cutting and crushing risk!
Never touch dangerous
niebezpiecznych miejsc, areas when splitting
oblastí, když je štípací nůž nebezpečných oblastí, keď
kiedy klin rozdzielnik jest blade is moving.
v pohybu. je štiepací nôž v pohybe.
w ruchu.

400 V ~ 50 Hz napětí
Jmenovité 4000 W
Menovité napätie Napięcie znamionowe Rated Voltage

400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W

400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W Oil


Ø 12- 32 cm max. 107cm Średnica drewna do

Maximum diameter of
12- 32 cm
dřeva ke štípání
Ø 12- 32 cm
max. 107cm
Priemer štiepaného dreva
max. 107cm łupania logs R
10 t 115 kg
10 t 115 kg
t síla 115 kg
Maximálny štiepací tlak Moc łupania Splitting force

Hz 4000 W motoru
Příkon Príkon motora Pobór mocy silnika Engine power

m max. 107cm

115 kg
11 / 68
made for garden
Oil 2x
400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W Oil

50 Hz 4000 W


~ 50 Hz Ø 12- 32 cm 4000 max. 107cm


Maximálna dĺžka
Długość drewna do
2 cm 10 t
max. 107cm
Délka 115 kg
dřeva ke štípání Maximum log length
2 cm max. 107cm štiepaného dreva łupania
115 kg
115 kg
Hmotnost Hmotnosť Masa Weight

IP54 LWA Údaj hladiny Údaj o hladine


LWA – parametr poziomu LWA Data Lwa noise level


4000 W
akustického tlaku Lwa akustického výkonu Lwa
ciśnienia akustycznego. in dB.
max. 107cm
v dB. v dB.
When operating this
Při obsluze této štípačky Pri obsluhe tejto štiepačky Podczas obsługi łuparki
115 kg splitter, do not place your
nevkládejte ruce pod nevkladajte ruky pod nie kłaść ręce pod klin
hands under the splitting
štípací klín. štiepací klin. rozdzielnik.
Před uvedením do Pred uvedením do Przed rozpoczęciem
Before any operation,
provozu uvolněte prevádzky uvoľnite eksploatacji zwolnić
please loosen the bleed

odvzdušňovací šroub. odvzdušňovaciu skrutku. śrubę odpowietrzającą.

screw. Close before
Před přepravou šroub Pred prepravou skrutku Zamknąć przed
opět dotáhněte. opäť dotiahnite. transportem.
W celu transportu złapać
Pro transport uchopte Na transport uchopte To transport the machine,
łuparkę jedną rękę za
štípačku jednou rukou štiepačku jednou rukou grasp the handle and tilt
uchwyt i nachylić ją

za držadlo a naklopte ji za držadlo a nakloňte ju the log splitter slightly


umiarkowanie w swoim
mírně směrem k sobě. mierne smerom k sebe.
towards you. Do not
400 V ~ 50 Hz 4000 W stroj v
kierunku. Nie przewozić
Nepřepravujte Neprepravujte stroj v transport the device in the
urządzenia w poziome
horizontální poloze! horizontálnej polohe!
Oil horizontal position!

Ø 12- 32 cm
max. 107cm
Před použitím
obouručního ovládání si
Pred použitím
obojručného ovládania si
Przed użyciem obsługi
dwuręcznej, przeczytaj
Before operating the two-
hand control, carefully
g 10 t 115 přečtěte
pozorně kg návod k pozorne prečítajte návod read the operating
instrukcję obsługi!
obsluze! na obsluhu! instructions!
IP54 Stupeň krytí Stupeň krytia Stopień ochrony Degree of protection
Výrobek odpovídá Výrobok zodpovedá Maszyna spełnia
Product conforms to
příslušným standardům príslušným štandardom wymagania odnośnie
relevant EU standards.
EU. EU. norm UE.
Elektrické přístroje nepatří
do domovního odpadu.
Elektrické prístroje
nepatria do domového
Urządzenia elektryczne
nie należą do kategorii
odpadów bytowych.
Do not discard electrical
appliances with
household waste.


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made for garden
Read all instructions before using this product. The instructions in a safe place to be
able to find information in the future or for other users.
Please familiarize yourself with the following information to prevent damage to your
machine and injury to the operator, property damage, or death.
SK  arning: This machine is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use
of the machine by a person responsible for their safety.

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE................................................................................................................. 4
SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................ 8
SAFETY SYMBOLS..................................................................................................................... 9

GB SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................... 55
GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................... 55
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE THE LOG SPLITTER............................................................................. 56
ELECTRICAL SAFETY............................................................................................................................. 56
PERSONAL SAFETY............................................................................................................................... 57
PERSON PROTECTION.......................................................................................................................... 58
UNPACKING............................................................................................................................. 59
ASSEMBLY............................................................................................................................... 59
FITTING THE OPERATING ARMS............................................................................................................ 59
FITTING THE TABLE............................................................................................................................... 59
MOUNTING THE WHEELS..................................................................................................................... 59
MACHINE INSTALLATION........................................................................................................ 60
REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION.................................................................................. 60
FILLING THE HYDRAULIC OIL................................................................................................................ 60
BLEED THE AIR OUT............................................................................................................................. 60
ADJUSTING THE STROKE HEIGHT......................................................................................................... 61
CHANGING THE POSITION OF THE SUPPORT TABLE............................................................................. 61
OPERATION............................................................................................................................. 61
DELIVERYING LOG SPLITTER TO WORK SITE......................................................................................... 61
SPLITTING............................................................................................................................................ 62
TRANSPORT INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................. 63
CARE AND MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................... 63
REPLACING HYDRAULIC OIL................................................................................................................ 63
CLEAN THE OIL FILTER.......................................................................................................................... 64
SHARPENING WEDGE.......................................................................................................................... 64
MAINTENANCE PLAN........................................................................................................................... 64
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................................... 65
STORAGE................................................................................................................................. 65
SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS................................................................................................... 65
DISPOSAL................................................................................................................................ 65
DEVICE WARRANTY................................................................................................................ 66

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Notes on types of warnings in the manual :
 arning! This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent
accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death and / or it leads to mechanical
failure, breakdown, or damage.
Note: This mark indicates hints of directions useful in the use of the product.

 efore you put this machine into operation you have to read instructions in this

Read instructions contained in this manual before initial operation. Pay special attention to the
safety instructions.


This appliance is approved solely for use
- In accordance with description and safety instructions specified in this user´s manual
- for splitting firewood as detailed in these instructions. This machine is intended
for operation by ONE person. Other persons shall keep a sufficient distance to the
Any other use is not as intended. Improver use is not covered by the warranty and the GB
manufacturer will reject any liability. The user is liable for all damage caused to third parties and
their property. Unauthorized modifications made to machine rule out any liability on the part of
the manufacturer for damage resulting therefrom.
Please note that our equipment has not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial
applications. Our warranty will be voided if the machine is used in commercial, trade or industrial
businesses or for equivalent purposes

Observe the permissible dimensions of logs to be cut (see “Technical specifications”).

Do not overload machine – use it only within the performance range it was designed


When using this machine, observe the following precautions to avoid risk of
personal injury or material damage. Also observe special safety instructions in the
individual chapters. Where it is required, follow legal guidelines and regulations
for the prevention of possible accidents during operation of the machine.

WARNING: This machine produces an electromagnetic and electrostatic field during

operation. This field may under some circumstances interfere with active or passive
medical implants. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury, we recommend
persons with medical implants to consult their physician and the medical implant
manufacturer before operating this machine.

• Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the proper use of the equipment;
• Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the machine. Local

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regulations can restrict the age of the operator.
• Never work while people, especially children, or pets are nearby.
CZ • Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other
people or their property.


Risk of personal injury and crushing by moving parts!

SK • The machine is designed for operation only by one person.

• Do not operate the machine without installed guard.
• Keep sufficient distance to driven components when operating the machine.
• Ensure the machine is disconnected from power supply before servicing, repairing or before
• Ensure that when switching on (e.g. after servicing) no tools or loose parts are left on or in the
PL machine.
• Turn power off if the machine is not used.

Hazard generated by modification of the machine or use of parts not tested and
approved by the equipment manufacturer!

• Use only parts approved by the equipment manufacturer. This applies particularly to: Hydraulic
GB lines; Safety devices.
• Do not use any non-original parts.

Hazard generated by machine defects!

• Keep machine and accessories in good repair. Observe the maintenance instructions. Each time
before starting up the machine, check if for signs of possible damage. Before proceeding to use
the machine, carefully inspect all safety equipment, safety systems, and any slightly damaged
parts to ensure that these function trouble-free and as intended. Check to see that all moving
parts work properly and do not jam. All parts must be correctly installed and meet all conditions
necessary for the proper operations of the machine.
• Damaged protection devices or parts must be repaired or replaced by a  qualified specialist.
Have damaged switches replaced by a service centre. Do not use this machine if the switch
cannot be turned ON or OFF.
• Keep handles free of oil, grease and resin.
• Stop the machine and disconnect it when: repairs, maintenance and cleaning, troubleshooting,
transport, leaving the machine.

Caution! Do not touch the damaged cable and pull the mains plug when the cable
is damaged while working. Damaged cables increase the risk of an electric shock.
If the power supply is damaged, it must be immediately replaced with a  cable
without defect, to avoid dangerous situations.

• Do not expose this machine to the rain not even do not use this machine in dampness and wet.
Keep good lighting on the work place.
• Do not use the machine in place, where is the danger of fire or explosion.
• Protect yourself against the electric shock.
• Do not carry or manipulate the machine by service cabel, do not pull up the socket inlet from

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the socket outlet by pulling the service cabel. Protect the service cable against heat, grease,
aggressive liquids and sharp edges.
• Pull up the socket inlet from the socket outlet before every adjustment, repair or maintenance. CZ
• Check the service cabel regularly and check, if there are not marks of damage or ageing.
• If the service cabel is damaged, let it have changed in accredited service to prevent the danger.
• Do not connect the damaged service cabel into the supply and do not touch the damaged cable
before its disconnection of the supply. The damaged service cable could lead to the contact
with lively parts.
• Work only in such place, which you can reach safely. Allways keep stationary position and
• Avoid unintentional startup. When carrying the machine, always unplug the mains plug. When
connecting plugs to the socket, make sure the switch is turned off.
• Use only rubber-jacketed extension cords with sufficient wire gauge (see “Technical
• Check the damaged parts. Before the next using of the device it is necessary to replace the
damaged protection covers and other parts to judge, if the parts can continue to perform their PL
• Check adjustment of moving parts and their moveability, concentrate on cracks and broken
parts, fixation and other circumstances, which could threaten their duty. Protection cover or
another part, which is damaged, must be repaired or changed by accredited service. Defective
switch must be changed in accredited service.
• Do not use this machine if it is impossible to turn it on/of by the switch.
• Do not use this machine if the service cable is damaged or magged.
• This electric device is constructed in accordance with all valid safety regulations, which relate to
it. All repairs must be made only by qualified persons and and only original spare parts can be
used. It can come to serious danger for the user in another case.
• Disconnect the supply (by pullling out the plug from the socket for example):
Allways, when the machine is without supervision
Before eliminating of blocking
Before checking, cleaning or work on the machine
After crash into another subject
Allways, when the machine beginns vibrate unreasonably
When transporting

• Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a electric tool.
Do  not use a  electric tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or
medication. A  moment of inattention while operating electric tools can cause you to lose
control and may result in serious personal injury.
• Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection. Safety equipment such as a  dust mask,
non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will
reduce personal injuries.
• Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the tool on. A wrench or a key that is left
attached to a moving part of the machine may result in personal injury.
• Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of
the petrol tool in unexpected situations.
• Dress properly. Do  not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves
away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,

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sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
CZ their safety.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance..

Be prepared! Have about one following things at least:

SK • Suitable fire extinguisher (CO2 or Dry Powder).

• Fully equipped first-aid kit, available easily for machine operator and accompanying person.
• Clean towels and clothes for angiotrispsia.
• Mobile phone or another device for quick calling of rescue service.

Don´t work alone. There must be around another person who knows principles of
PL the first aid.

The accompanying person must keep safe separation distance from your workplace,
but he/she must be able to see you the whole time! Work only on such places
where you are able to call the rescue service quickly!

Put safety first in the case of fire:

GB • If fire comes from the engine or smoke appears from any area other than the exhaust vent, first
distance yourself from the product to ensure your physical safety.
• Turn off the machine and disconnect power supply.
• Use CO2 or Dry Powder fire extinguisher on the fire to prevent it from spreading.
• A panicked reaction could result in the fire and other damage becoming more extensive.

• Even if the device is used according to instructions, it´s  impossible to eliminate all the risks
associated with its operation. The following risks may occur arising from device construction:
• Mechanical hazard, caused by cut and throw off.
• Electrical hazard caused by touch with parts under high voltage (direct contact) or with parts,
which came under a high voltage due to failure of the device (indirect contact).
• Heat hazard resulting in burning or scalding and other injuries caused by possible contact with
high temperature objects or materials including heat sources.
• Noise risk resulting in loss of hearing (deafness) and other physiological disorders (e.g. loss of
balance, loss of consciousness).
• Vibration risk (resulting in vascular and neurological harm in the hand-arm system, for example
so called “white finger disease”)
• Dangers caused by contact with harmful liquids, gas, mist, smoke and dust or by their inhalation.
• Dangers caused by failing in ergonomic principles by construction of the machine, for example
dangers caused by unhealthy position of body or excessive overcharge and unnature to the
anatomy of the human hand-arm, relate to construction of handle, equilibrium of the machine.
• Dangers caused by unexpected starting, unexpected exceeding of engine revs caused by defect/
failure of control system, relate to the defects by the handle and placing of drivers.
• Dangers caused by impossibility to stop the machine in best conditions, relate to solidity of the
handle and placing of engine shut down device.
• Dangers caused by defect of machine control system, relate to solidity of the handle, placing
of drivers and marking.

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• Dangers caused by tearing (of the chain) during running.
• Dangers caused by shooting up of subjects or splashing of liquids.
1 x Log splitter, 2 x Control Lever, 1 x Splitting table, 1x Axle with two wheels, 1x Manual for use

1. Transport the machine of the pallet to a suitable location.
2. At least 2 people required to unpack the log splitter package.
3. Take the following steps to put the Log Splitter on the ground by tipping every side of the
carton by 45 degree.
4. Make sure put Block (B) to support the Log Splitter package (A) at the point a little higher
than the middle. The other side of Block (B) shall be against steady object, such as a wall. PL
5. Wedge (C) shall be arranged under the tipped Log Splitter Package (A) every step to avoid
6. Then remove the carton off the Log Splitter.

If you notice transport damage or while unpacking, notify your supplier immediately. Do  not
operate the machine!
We recommend save the package for future use. The packaging materials must still be recycled
or disposed of in compliance with the relevant legislation. Sort different parts of the packaging
according to material and hand it to the appropriate collection sites. For further information
contact your local administration.

1. Insert the left control arm (A) in the rocker switch (B), and screw it in place with the hexagon
bolt (C) and the safety nut. Tighten the lock nut so the control arm can still be moved.
2. Mount the control arm on the right, following the method described above.


The table can be fitted at three heights (52, 77 and 104 cm) suiting the length of the logs. There
are locking nuts at every position. Place the table in the desired supports B. For locking the table,
and secure it with the nuts (A) on both sides.


FIGURE 5 + 6
1. Insert the wheel axle (A) through the two holes on the oil tank.
2. Mount a wheel on each side and secure both with a cotter pin (B). Slightly bend the cotter
pin (fig. 6) to prevent it from falling out.

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Splitter must be plugged into a standard 230V ±5% / 50 Hz ± 1 Hz outlet. Electric power supply
should have current device (RCD) with a  maximum tripping current of 30 mA. To power this
machine use an extension cord with a diameter of min. 2.5 mm2. The network connection must
have a  minimum 20A fuse. Do not use an extension cord longer than 10 m. Excessive cable
SK length or the wrong section may cause a  voltage drop and thereby reduce engine power, or
cause damage.

Note: In case of doubt, check with your electricity supplier or with your electrician if
your home connection meets these requirements.

• Place the power cord so that it will not interfere with work and to avoid damage.
PL • Keep cord from heat, corrosive liquids and sharp edges.
• Use only rubber extension cords designed for outdoor use with sufficient cross-section of
conductors (see Technical Data).
• When disconnecting the power plug do not pull the cord.
• If the service cabel is damaged, let it have changed in accredited service to prevent the danger
• Do not carry or manipulate the machine by service cabel, do not pull up the socket inlet from
GB the socket outlet by pulling the service cabel. Protect the service cable against heat, grease and
sharp edges.


1. Unscrew the dipstick (fig. 7) and fill the reservoir with hydraulic oil.
2. Checking the oil level. With the splitter column retracted the oil level must be between the
upper and lower marks.
3. Screw the dipstick back in and tighten it.


Before any operation, please loosen the bleed screw as the following step:

1. There is a bleed screw on the oil tank (fig. 8), during transportation, it is tightened in order
to avoid the oil leakage.
2. Before operating the log splitter, the bleed screw should be loosened by some rotations until
air can go in and out of the oil tank smoothly.
3. Air flow thru the bleed screw hole should be detectable while the log splitter is under
4. Before moving the log splitter, make sure the bleed screw is tightened avoid oil leaking from
this point.

Failed to loosen the oil tank cover will keep the sealed air in hydraulic system
being compressed after being decompressed. Such continuous air compression and
decompression will blow out the seals of the hydraulic system and cause permant
damage to the log splitter, which is not covered by the warranty.

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In case of shorter wood pieces the efficiency can be increased by shortening the return of the
splitting cutter (fig. 9). CZ
1. Place the log on the splitting table and press the two control handles to bring the splitting
blade down to approx. 2 cm above the log.
2. Release one control handle so that the blade stays in this position.
3. Switch the machine off and disconnect the power.
4. Release the second control handle.
5. 5. Shorten the return path at the rod (B) fitted to the side by fixing the holding screw (A) at
the necessary height.
In addition to the height options provided by the three pivoting support tables (fig. 10), you
can put the support table in the three different positions for different length of logs, and the
different maximum length of log as the following:
1. Support table on position 1 – 1040 mm
2. Support table on position 2 – 770 mm
3. Support table on position 3 – 520 mm
At every installation positions, loosen the lock nut (A). Insert the support table in the selected
brackets. Secure it with the nuts (A) to lock the support table down.

Keep clear of the moving splitting knife!

The log splitter is equipped with 2 wheels for minor moving. To move the log splitter to the
work site. Grip the handle (A) to tilt the log splitter slightly after making sure the oil tank cover
is tightened. - see fig. 11. To ensure safe transport, the splitting knife is retained in the lowest
position during shipping.

If using a crane, lay hoist sling around the housing. Never try to lift the log splitter at the handle.

During initial operation, be sure that there is about one meter of clearance available above the
splitting knife. When the splitter is turned on, the splitting knife immediately travels to the top of
its travel automatically. Be sure that there is about 1 meter of clearance above the splitting knife.
While operating under extremely low temperature, keep the log splitter running under no load
for 15 minutes to preheat the hydraulic oil.

 lease take note of the following safety information before operating the machine!
Also follow the safety instructions given at the beginning of this manual!

Hazard generated by machine defects!

Before starting any work, check to see that the following are in proper working order:
• Check the hydraulic lines for damage. Check for any leaking hydraulic oil. Check that the
hydraulic line sleeves are in place.
• Check the operating levers for damage. Check that the operating levers move freely and fully

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back into their initial upper operating position.
• Power cable, power cable plug and switch (if damaged, have replaced by a qualified electrician).
CZ • Check before splitting if the splitting column has been sufficiently lubricated to allow its trouble-
free retraction and extension.

Hazard generated by insufficient personal protection gear!

• Wear suitable work clothing, providing protection against falling logs.

SK • Wear hearing protection.
• Wear safety glasses or a face shield.
• Wear solid non-slip safety work shoes.
• Do not operate the machine without installed safety guards.
• Already split wood and wood chips create a  dangerous working area. The operator may
stumble, slip or fall. Always keep the working area neat and tidy.
PL • Keep sufficient distance to driven components when operating the machine.
• Do not hold the log to be split directly with your hands. Use the claws on the operating levers
• Always operate the splitting wedge with both hands on the operating levers.
• Always assume a proper, safe work position: At the front on the operator side, directly in front
of the splitter

GB Danger of injury due to unexpected, sudden movement of the log being split!

• Always position the log vertically on the support table.

• Always split a log lengthwise in the same direction as the wood fibers run.
• Logs with branch stubs can be very difficult to split (irregular cross-grain structure).
• Do not try to split green logs. Dry logs are much easier to split, and do not cause jams as often
as green (damp) wood.
• Never try to split logs containing nails, wire or other similar objects.
• If a log gets caught on the splitting wedge, turn the splitter OFF before attempting to free it.
• When removing a stuck log, do not reach into the area between it and the support table. After
freeing the log, do not try to split it again at the same place. Try splitting it again in another

1. Machine must stand on a flat and firm surface. Open the Air Bleed.
2. Plug the splitter into the 230 V mains.
3. Start the splitter by pressing the GREEN switch (fig. 12A).
4. Place a log vertically on the support table.
5. Adjust the log holders (A) according to the diameter of the log to obtain most comfortable
control levers angle (fig. 13).
6. Hold the log in place with the claws on the operating levers .
7. Move the operating levers (fig. 14). Movement of the splitting knife is controlled by means
of the two operating levers. There are three possible actions:
- Press both operating levers downward. The work cycle starts, and the splitting knife
moves downward to split the log..
- Press only one operating lever downward - the splitting knife stops.
- Release both operating levers - the splitting knife moves back upward to its start

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8. The splitting knife stops automatically in the upper or lower position (end of travel).
9. When the log is split, release both operating levers - the splitting knife then returns to its start
position. If you only release one control handle, then the splitting blade remains where it is. CZ
10. Remove the split pieces of wood, and place them off to the side and out of the immediate
work area – Now you are ready to continue splitting.
11. If you do not intend to continue working immediately, turn off the splitter by pressing the
RED switch (fig. 12B, C).

Move the splitting blade right down every time before the machine is transported. To transport
the machine, grasp the handle and tilt the log splitter slightly towards you. The log splitter can
be easily transported in this position.
Make sure that the oil tank cap is securely tightened to prevent oil from leaking during transport.


Caution! Before each maintenance and cleaning work switch off device and pull
out main plug.

DANGER! Directly after stopping the splitter, the hydraulic oil and hydraulic system
parts may be hot! Let the splitter cool down before any servicing. GB
• Avoid direct skin contact with hydraulic oil. Wear protection gloves.
• Dispose of hydraulic oil in an environmentally friendly manner at a proper waste oil collection
• When topping up or changing the hydraulic oil, be sure to use only approved types of oil (see
“Technical Specifications”).
• Replace damaged parts, especially safety devices, only with genuine replacement parts since
parts not tested and approved by the equipment manufacturer can cause unforeseeable
• Repair and maintenance work other than described in this section should only be carried out
by authorized service.
• Check that all safety devices are operational again after each service.
• Regularly check and, if necessary, tighten all connecting material.


The hydraulic system is a closed system with oil tank, oil pump and control valve. Check oil level
regularly with dipstick. Low oil levels can damage the oil pump. Oil Level should measure approx.
1 ~ 2 cm lower than the upper surface of the oil tank.
First oil change after 50 operating hours, then annually.
Make sure moving parts stops and the log splitter is unplugged.
Make sure that no dirt or debris finds its way into the oil tank.

1. Move the splitting knife all the way down, and turn off the splitter.
2. Before starting, place a suitable collecting container in position underneath the machine. This
container must have a capacity of at least 7 liters.
3. Remove the drain bolt (fig. 15A) and remove it. Wait until the oil leak.

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Please dispose of used oil in a manner that is compatible with the environment.
CZ We suggest you take used oil in a sealed container to your local recycling center
or service station for reclamation. Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the
ground or down a drain.

4. Replace the drain bolt and tighten.

5. Fill the reservoir with hydraulic oil.
6. Checking the oil level. With the splitter column retracted the oil level must be between the
SK upper and lower marks.
7. Screw the dipstick back in and tighten it.
8. Following an oil change, activate the log splitter a few times without actually splitting.


1. Undo the nut on the oil hose (fig. 16A) and take the oil hose (fig. 16B) from the pump, and
PL take the oil hose from the oil tank, at the end of oil hose, there is a oil filter (fig. 16C).
2. Then take the oil filter out, and clean it in a suitable petroleum-based solvent (Be sure to
thoroughly remove traces of the solvent from the filter before reinstalling it).
3. Screw the oil filter back into the oil suction line fitting.
4. Repeat the action as the first step, and tighten the nut into the pump.

This log splitter is equipped with reinforced splitting wedge which blade is specially treated,
After long periods of operation, and when required; sharpen the wedge using a fine-toothed file
removing any burrs or flat spots on the edge.

Check the ON/OFF switch and the two-hand controls for proper function.
Before each use Check the hydraulic hoses for damage (cuts, chafing and kinks).
Check the lubrication system for leaks.
After the first hour
Clean the oil filter.
of operation
Before use, the spar of the splitter must be slightly greased. Repeat this procedure
Every 5 hours of
every five operating hours. Slightly apply grease of oil spray. The spar may never
run dry.
After the first 50
Replace the hydraulic oil.
hours of operation
Clean off all moving/articulated parts (joints, hinges and splitter column guides)
Every 50 hours of with suitable cloths and then lightly re-oil them.
operation Checking the oil level. With the splitter column retracted the oil level must be
between the upper and lower marks.
Every 200 hours of
Clean the oil filter.
Annually Replace the hydraulic oil.

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Problems which you meet while working with the machine have mostly very simple reason which
you can put easy in order by yourself. If your are in doubts or if the repair is more complicated,
or it is a failure which is not described here, contact authorised service center.

Problem Probable cause Remedy suggested

No current in the socket Check mains fuse SK
Motor does not start Electrical extension line defective Unplug, check and replace.
Switch or capacitor defective Have checked by Electrician
Control levers or connection parts
Log splitter does not work Repair the bent parts
while motor running
Lower hydraulic oil level Check and refill hydraulic oil PL
Splitter works with
abnormal vibrations and Lower hydraulic oil level Check and refill hydraulic oil

CAUTION! Faults which can not be rectified with the aid of this table may be
rectified by a authorized service centre. GB
1. Turn power off if the machine is not used.
2. Apply a thin coat of grease to the surfaces of the ram.
3. Lower the splitter column fully, and with it in this position, turn off the splitter.
4. When not in use, store the splitter so that it cannot be started by unauthorized persons.
5. Close the bleed screw.

Caution! Do not store the splitter unprotected outdoors or in a damp environment.


• Have your machine serviced by a qualified repair personnel using only identical replacement
parts. This will ensure that the safety of the petrol tool is maintained.
• Whether you need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacement parts, contact the
WERCO authorized service nearest you. Information on service locations, visit
• When ordering spare parts, please quote the part number, this can be found at

• Dispose your device, accessories and packaging in accordance with the requirements of
environmental protection into the recycling collection center.
• This machine does not belong to the household waste. Save the environment and take this
device to designated collection points where it will be received for free. For more information

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please contact your local authority or nearest collection point. Improper disposal may be
punished according to national regulations.
CZ • Oil is hazardous waste. Dispose it in right way. It does not belong to house garbage. Regarding
oil disposal contact local authorities, service center or your dealer.


SK • Our warranty period for this device is 24 months. For corporate, commercial, municipal
and other than private use is valid shortened warranty period according to valid version of
Commercial Code.
• All products are designed for home use, unless there is another information in the instruction
manual or operation description. When using otherwise or in contradiction with instruction
manual the claim is not recognized as legitimate.
• Inappropriate product selection and the fact that the product does not meet your requirements
PL can not be a reason for complaint.
• Buyer has the right to ask the seller to check the functionality of the product and become
familiar with its operation.
• A  prerequisite for receiving warranty claims is that the guidelines for operating, servicing,
cleaning, storage and maintenance were followed.
• Damage caused by natural wear and tear, overloading, improper use or incompetent interference
GB are excluded from the guarantee.
• Warranty does not cover wear and tear caused by the usual usage and components known as
consumables. (Eg. service charges, filters, blades, V-belts and toothed belts, chains, carbons,
seals, spark plugs...)
• By the goods sold at a lower price, the warranty does not cover defects for which the lower
price was negotiated.
• Damage resulting from defects in material or manufacturer error will be eliminated free of
charge by replacement delivery or repair. It is assumed that the device returns to our service
center undismantled and with proof of purchase.
• Cleaning, maintenance, inspection and adjustment of machines are not considered as guarantee
operation and all these operations are paid.
• For repairs that are not subject to warranty, you can have it repaired in our service center as paid
service. Our service center will be happy to draw up a costs budget.
• We shall consider the devices only that have been delivered clean, complete, in case of sending
also packed sufficiently and paid. Devices sent as unpaid, as bulky goods, express or by special
shipping - will not be accepted.
• In case of justified warranty claim, please contact our service center. There you will receive
additional information on processing claims.
• Information about service locations see at
• Dispose of your electrical appliances do a free of charge.

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made for garden
CZ SK PL GB Werco spol. s r.o.
Za mlýnem 25/1562,
Společnost Spoločnosť Spółka Company 147 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
IČO 61461661
Vydáváme na Vydávame na Wydajemy na
vlastní zodpo- vlastnú zodpo- własną odpo- Declare on our
vědnost toto vednosť toto wiedzialność tę own responsibility
prohlášení vyhlásenie deklarację
Název: Názov: Nazwa: Name:
Štiepačka na Łuparka do
Štípačka na dřevo Log splitter
drevo drewna
Typ Typ Typ Type HECHT 6060
Przepisy, z którymi The rules, ac-
Předpisy, s nimiž Predpisy, na zák- cording to what
byla posouzena lade ktorých bola wyrób pozostaje was issued in this
shoda posúdená zhoda zgodny declaration
TÜV Product Service,
Toto vyhlásenie
Toto prohlá- Niniejsza dekla- P.R.C.
o zhode bolo vy- This declaration
šení o shodě racja zgodności TÜV SÜD Product Service
dané na základe was issued on the
bylo vydáno na została wydana
certifikátu a me- basis of certifi- GmbH, Germany
základě certifikátů na podstawie
racích protokolov cate of TÜV Rheinland Product
společnosti certyfikatu
spoločnosti Safety GmbH, Germany
Číslo certifikátů Číslo certifikátov Numer certyfikatu Number of Q00219754-1,
a měřících pro- a meracích proto- oraz protokołów certificates and
tokolů kolov pomiarowych protocols E8N100471488013,
This declara- 2004/108/EC
Toto prohlášení Toto vyhlásenie Niniejsza dekla- tion is issued in 2011/65/EU
o shodě je vydáno o zhode je vydané racja zgodności conformity with
v souladu s direk- v súlade s direk- wydana zgodnie z 2006/42/EC
the following
tivou tívou dyrektywą 2002/95/EC
The following
Na zaručenie Zapewnienia EN 609-1 +A1 +A2, EN
Na zaručení shody harmonised
zhody sa použí- zgodności, z 60204-1 +A1,
se používají násle- norms are used
vajú nasledujúce następującymi EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2
dující harmonizo- for guarantee
harmonizované normami zhar-
vané normy, jako of conformity, +A2,
normy, ako aj monizowanymi,
i národní normy together with the EN 61000-3-2, EN
národne normy a także krajowe
a ustanovení national norms
a ustanovenia normy i przepisy 61000-3-11
and regulations
Přepočítaná Prepočítaná Przeliczony i mie- Measured
a naměřená a nameraná LWA = 98 dB (A)
rzony poziom sound power
hladina akustické- hladina akustické- mocy akustycznej level according to K = 3 dB (A)
ho výkonu podle ho výkonu podľa przez 2000/14/EC 2000/14/EC
2000/14/EC 2000/14/EC

67 / 68
made for garden
Naměřená hladina Nameraná hladina Mierzony po- Measured sound
akustického tlaku akustického tlaku ziom ciśnienia pressure level at
v místě obsluhy v mieste obsluhy akustycznego na operator’s posi- LPA = 85 dB (A)
podle EN ISO podľa EN ISO operatora przez tion according to K = 3 dB (A)
3744, EN ISO 3744, EN ISO EN ISO 3744, EN EN ISO 3744, EN
4871 4871 ISO 4871 ISO 4871
Max. vibrace Max. vibrácie Maks. wibracje Max. vibration 2,5 m/s2
Podklady a dokla- Podstawy (do-
Podklady o dokla- Documents for
dy k vydání toho- kumentacja) do Werco spol. s r.o.
doch k vydaniu issuing this „ce-
to „ es prohlášení wydania tej „De- Za Mlýnem 25/1562,
tohto „vyhlásenia conformity decla-
o shodě“ jsou klaracji zgodności 147 00 Praha 4
o zhode“ sú ulo- ration“ are saved
uloženy u společ- CE” znajdują się Czech Republic
žené v spoločnosti at company
nosti w firmie
Potvrzujeme, že: Potvrdzujeme, že: Oświadczamy, że: We confirm hereby
- toto strojní zaří- - toto strojné - niniejsze urządze- that:
zení, definované zariadenie, defino- nie mechaniczne, - this machine
uvedenými údaji, vané uvedenými charakteryzujące device, defined by
je ve shodě se údajmi, je v zhode się wymienionymi mentioned data, is
základními poža- so základnými powyżej danymi in conformity with
davky uvedenými požiadavkami uve- jest zgodne z basic requirements
v nv a tp a je denými v nv a tp podstawowymi mentioned in
za podmínek a je za podmienok wymaganiami government regu-
obvyklého, popří- obvyklého, poprí- wymienionymi w lations and techni-
padě výrobcem pade výrobcom ur- NV i TP i jest pod cal requirements
určeného použití čeného používania warunkiem zwyczaj- and is safe for
bezpečné bezpečné nego użytkowania, usual operation,
- jsou přijata opat- - sú prijaté opat- lub użytkowania contigently for the
ření k zabezpečení renia k zabez- określonego use determined by
shody všech výrob- pečeniu zhody przez producenta, manufacturer
ků uváděných na všetkých výrobkov bezpieczne w użyt- - there were
trh s technickou uvedených na kowaniu taken measures to
dokumentací trh s technickou - podjęto kroki w ensure the confor-
a požadavky tech- dokumentáciou celu zabezpieczenia mity of all prod-
nických předpisů a požiadavkami zgodności wszyst- ucts introduced
- strojní zařízení je technických kich produktów to the market
bezpečné za pod- predpisov wprowadzonych na with the technical
mínek obvyklého - strojné zariade- rynek z techniczną documentation
resp. určeného nie je bezpečné dokumentacją i and requirements
použití za podmienok wymaganiami tech- of the technical
obvyklého resp. nicznych przepisów regulations
Určeného použí- - urządzenie jest - the machine de-
vania bezpieczne pod vice is safe under
warunkiem normal- the conditions of
nego, co oznacza usual, contingently
określonego użycia determined opera-
V Praze dne V Prahe W Pradze w dniu Prague 18. 4. 2013
Jméno Meno Imię i nazwisko Name Rudolf Runštuk
Funkce: Funkcia: Stanowisko: Title:
jednatel společ- konateľ spoloč- Prezes Executive Director
nosti nosti

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made for garden

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