Unleashing The Orisa in You

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Unleashing the Orisa in you

HRU Yuya T. Assaan-ANU
The Orisa are accessible consciousness or energies made available to those who have the
knowledge and wisdom to invoke and embody them.
These various consciousnesses manifest themselves through conceptual and natural elements.

In various traditions you have primordial celestial and earthly energies that are in place to
sustain certain evolutionary and revolutionary components of what we call life, the universe, or the
These entities are often times referred to as Angels in an attempt to bring clarification to those
who function within systems that utilize God/ Angelic reference.
An Angel is not an Orisa just as an Orisa is not a Ntchru or Loa or Ancestor. They may express themselves
from a common spiritual root but, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are identical energies.
For example:
The King of Swazi Land is not Barack Obama; though they both represent the energy of
leadership and nationhood. In that case we can say they come from the same primordial or spiritual

The Orisa are stewards over natural elements and what is born out of these elements are
certain personality archetypes. So an individual or deity for that matter born of the freshwater nation
may have an energy that lends them to be amorous, creative, beautiful, sweet, emotional, and so on.
We may consider that an Osun energy. It doesn’t mean all who have those characteristics are Osun
because one born of that energy traditionally has been called Lakshmi, Erzulie Freda, Venus, etc…
Someone born of a clan of fire and iron could be prone to bouts of meditative violence, technological
aptitude, heroic feats, iron/wood working, even-handedness, and an incessant desire for solitude. We
can’t say all deities or people who derive from that energy prototype are Ogun but, one could say that
those deities or folks born of that “nation” would possible stem from that common energy strain.
When you try to assimilate all of your new spiritual breakthroughs into the current perceptual
framework that you’ve already adopted; far too often the potentiality of what that “new” information
could manifest for you is limited by current perceptual margins. Even integrated observations dealing
with morality and quote, “good and evil” will create a fear mechanism within in you which will prevent
and block you from fully realizing the value of the information placed before you.
The key is to approach these traditions…Orisa traditions with an open spirit and a controlled
mind. In other words you have to learn to remove your human thought and approach with the highest
part of you which is your awareness or your spirit. You’ll never get to a place of true understanding
when dealing with these entities if you’re constantly trying to quantify and figure them out using the
lowest part of you which is your flesh brain.

So let’s get into the nature of the Orisa and why it’s important to know them and employ them.
1st let’s start here. The Orisa are primal energies, they’re not children, and they’re not humanistic brats
who throw temper tantrums if you feed them the “wrong” foods or place them in a corner of your home
that you think they don’t like. The Orisa don’t like or dislike anything. They are an indifferent energy. The
direction and intent that you charge them with is what adds the humanistic qualities to the expression
of the Ase or Power. The Orisa are not as concerned with human affairs as our egoic selves would like to
imagine that they are. In order to petition the assistance of an Orisa one must invoke them internally
and externally. The Orisa maintain the natural functions of the planet and beyond but, those external
natural processes are only but a phantom reflection of what is occurring in your own innerverse of
internal body/mind/spirit. There is nothing that happens on the outside of your body that doesn’t occur

on the inside. That is the way that you must approach the learning of any esoteric, occult, metaphysical,
of traditional Afrakan spiritual system in your study. Study from internal to external.

As we have spirits of
The sea…Olokun or Madre De Agua
The forest….Ogun or Ogou or Zarabanda
Wind….Oya or Centalla Ndoki, or Ezili Danto
Fresh water…Osun or Erzulie Freda or Laskmie or Het-HRU
Wisdom….Obatala or Damballah
Opportunity….Esu or Elegba

These earthly manifestations also exist inside our own internal temples and are coordinated
internally to the rhythm that we command.
What that means is Orisa are not here to lord over you, you are, in fact, charged with the responsibility
of regulating their presence on earth and “heaven”.
As above so below. As within, so without, as internal so external.
If you are in command of the rivers of blood within your body, the wind or air that enters and exists
your body, and the fire that you internal hold in your body, then you are also in command of those
energies outside your body although metaphysic tells us that all things are connected so, therefore
there can never truly be an inner and outer realm as all things are one but, let’s focus on the Orisa
energies for now.
Once western religious beliefs get a hold of an individual far too often the western master- slave
notion becomes the underlying relationship in all things; even the idea of everything and everyone being
natural at odds. Spirits become eternal foes, men and wombmyn become battle ready adversaries and
even different spiritual systems can be sent, even literally, to go to war against one another. This is a
new age model of confrontation and battle as the traditional reason for going to battle was always to
come to one understanding. One idea, in the west we’ve become adjusted all too well to the idea of
incessant warfare just for the sake of being at war.
So how does this relate to the Orisa?
To truly comprehend the Orisa energy it’s important to know that they are powers that exist in
harmony inside of you and are here to assist your journey. You are not their master and they are not
your salve or vice-versa. The Orisa are your supporters to complete spiritual awareness and elevated
consciousness on this earthly plain. Now, if you want them to lord over you and you desire to be
subordinate, then that’s your prerogative. I will share with you how I work with these celestial energies
and how they work with me…….

Listen to the accompanying podcast at:


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