Evidence - The - New - 7 - Wonders - of - The - World English 9 Activity 1 Wilson Roa

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: The new 7 wonders of the world

Fuente: SENA

In 2007, the new 7 wonders of the world were announced after voters all around
the world selected their favourite exiting phenomena. The chosen landmarks
are: The Great Wall of China, Petra (Jordan), Christ the Redeemer (Brazil),
Machu Picchu (Peru), Chichen Itzá (Mexico), Colosseum (Italy), Taj Mahal
(India) and The Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt).

For completing this evidence you need to do two parts. The first one is to look
for information about one of the 7 new wonders and also about the massive
campaign that was held globally to select them. In the second part, you need to
record a tape in which you relate the history of your selected wonder and also
explain how it ended up in the final list of 7. Take into account that for
completing this evidence you need to refer to the construction, history,
development and current status of your selected wonder. In addition, you need
to refer to most of the data you obtain by using the passive voice. Finally, bear
in mind that your recording must be at least two-minutes long.

Petra one of the seven modern wonders. Petra is located in Jordan.

The change in trade routes and the earthquakes suffered led to the abandonment of
the city by its inhabitants. It was forgotten until 1812. The place was rediscovered
for the western world by the Swiss explorer Jean Louis Burckhardt.

Petra was the capital of the ancient Nabatean kingdom, whose inhabitants called it
Raqmu. Petra's name comes from the Greek meaning stone, and her name is
perfectly suitable. The most famous of Petra. they are undoubtedly his constructions
carved in the same rock of the valley, in particular, the buildings known as the
Khazneh (the Treasury) and the Deir (the Monastery). It is not a city built with stone,
but literally carved and carved in stone.
The Siq channel. It runs for 1.5 km embedded between walls over 80 m high. The
first traces of sedentary Edomite facilities at the site of Petra date back to the end of
the 8th century BC. C. The arrival of the Nabataeans, an Arab nomadic people,
probably dates back to the 6th century BC. C. The Nabataeans were a nomadic
people in their beginnings. their homes were simple goatskin shops. Later they
excavated very simple rooms in the rock. The Nabataeans are known for their high-
quality ceramic technique. The abundance of water and security made Petra a port
for the caravans of southern Arabia, which were mainly loaded with luxury products,
spices, and silk brought from India, ivory from Africa, pearls from the Red Sea and
incense. from Arabia.
The Treasury. It is the first building that appears after touring the Siq.
The Theater. The Nabataeans excavated its stands and the Romans expanded it. It
came to have the capacity for more than 3,000 spectators.
Columnar Way. It was Petra's main artery. It was originally porticoed, but the
remaining columns are from the Roman period.
Royal Tombs. The one in the Urn is the most surprising.
The Monastery. It is the largest building in Petra. It is on a hill.
Numerous buildings whose facades are directly sculpted in the rock, form a unique
monumental complex, which as of December 6, 1985, is inscribed on the UNESCO
World Heritage list. Since July 7, 2007, Petra is part of the new seven wonders of
the modern world.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the
platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make
sure the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de
 Describe situaciones o eventos en los cuales el énfasis de la oración
recae en el sujeto, dejando en segundo lugar al agente de la acción.

 Comunica una impresión de objetividad al usar la voz pasiva en los

contextos requeridos.

 Omite el agente de la acción en contextos en los cuales no se tiene

información clara o específica sobre el mismo haciendo uso de la
estructura gramatical requerida.

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