Tacrolimus Locion

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Case Report/Case Series

Treatment of Scarring Alopecia in Discoid Variant of Chronic

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus With Tacrolimus Lotion, 0.3%
Emily C. Milam, BA; Sarika Ramachandran, MD; Andrew G. Franks Jr, MD

IMPORTANCE Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic variant of cutaneous lupus

erythematosus, an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the skin. Lesions are often localized
to the scalp and can result in permanent scarring, disfiguration, and irreversible alopecia.
Although DLE usually responds to topical or intralesional corticosteroids and/or oral
antimalarials, some DLE is resistant to these treatments or adverse effects limit their

OBSERVATIONS Three patients with treatment-refractory, biopsy-proved DLE were

prescribed a novel, off-label preparation of tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%, in an alcohol base as an
adjunct to oral antimalarial therapy. All 3 patients demonstrated improvement in lesion
severity and hair regrowth with the use of this regimen after 3 months and continued
improvement thereafter. We report a retrospective analysis of these 3 cases.
Author Affiliations: Ronald O.
Perelman Department of
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This report is, to our knowledge, the first mention of
Dermatology, New York University
tacrolimus being used in a lotion formulation to treat DLE lesions, resulting in hair regrowth. School of Medicine, New York,
Topical tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%, in an alcohol base may be a potential therapeutic option for New York.
patients with DLE that is refractory to first-line therapies and who risk late-stage disease with Corresponding Author: Andrew G.
permanent scarring alopecia. Franks Jr, MD, Ronald O. Perelman
Department of Dermatology,
New York University School of
JAMA Dermatol. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2015.1349 Medicine, 240 E 38th St, 12th Floor,
Published online June 3, 2015. New York, NY 10016

iscoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic variant of neous lupus erythematosus, calcineurin inhibitors are often
cutaneous lupus erythematosus characterized by well- used to treat cutaneous lupus erythematosus variants.1-10 Com-
defined erythematous plaques with scale, often pre- mercially available preparations include pimecrolimus cream,
dominantly featured on the face, ears, anterior neck, and scalp. 1%, and tacrolimus ointment, 0.03% or 0.1%. No lotions are
More than half of patients with DLE first present with scalp in- commercially available for topical use.
volvement. Discoid lupus erythematosus is one of the most com- In our clinic, we used a novel off-label preparation of
mon causes of inflammatory cicatricial, or scarring, alopecia. higher-potency tacrolimus, 0.3%, in an alcohol base as an ad-
Complications can include ulceration or permanent cosmetic dis- junct therapy in 3 patients with recalcitrant alopecia second-
figurement, with in situ squamous cell carcinoma occasionally ary to biopsy-proved DLE. We herein retrospectively review
seen in long-standing lesions. At later stages, the lesions may ap- their treatment responses.
pear as smooth atrophic scars with central hypopigmentation and
loss of follicular ostia, occasionally resembling lichen planopi-
laris or Brocq psuedopelade.
Although DLE is often managed successfully by topical or
Report of Cases
intralesional corticosteroids and/or oral antimalarials, some We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 3 pa-
cases are refractory to these first-line therapies. Alternative tients with recalcitrant alopecia secondary to biopsy-proved
therapies, such as methotrexate sodium, oral corticoste- DLE (Table 1) who demonstrated treatment success after being
roids, thalidomide, and dapsone, may also be ineffective and/or prescribed an off-label preparation of tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%.
limited by their risks and adverse effects. Among the topical The patients had previously attempted prolonged trials of an-
therapies, corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors are most timalarials and topical and intralesional corticosteroids. All 3
commonly used. patients had a negative finding for antinuclear antibodies by
Topical and intralesional corticosteroids, however, have indirect fluorescent antibody analysis.
well-known adverse effects, including atrophy, telangiec- The patients were prescribed thirty-six 5.0-mg tacrolimus
tasia, and rosacealike dermatitis. Although not approved by capsules. We instructed the patients to add the contents of the
the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment of cuta- capsules to 60 mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol and vigorously shake

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Research Case Report/Case Series Treatment of Alopecia in Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Table 1. Patient Characteristics and Lesion Activity Before and After Treatment With Topical Tacrolimus Lotion, 0.3%

Patient No.
Characteristic 1 2 3
Sex/age, decade/race F/50s/white F/30s/black F/50s/white
Time since DLE diagnosis >10 y 6 mo >10 y
Prior therapy Chloroquine phosphate (>2 y), topical Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (>5 mo), Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
corticosteroids, and intralesional intralesional corticosteroids (>3 y), quinacrine hydrochloride (>5 mo),
corticosteroids and topical corticosteroids
Adjunct antimalarial Chloroquine phosphate, 250 mg 3 times Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, 200 mg, Quinacrine hydrochloride, 50 mg 2 times
per week, tapered to 2 times per week twice daily per week
Scalp lesion location Crown and midscalp Frontal scalp margin and temples Frontal scalp margin

Abbreviation: DLE, discoid lupus erythematosus.

the mixture until the powder was completely in suspension. The

Figure. Treatment of Active Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematosus of the
patients applied the lotion twice daily and were counseled to Scalp in Patient 1
shake the lotion thoroughly before each use. The lotion was used
as an adjunct therapy to oral antimalarials. A Before treatment

At the 3-month follow-up, all patients demonstrated improve-
ment in disease activity consistent with the Cutaneous Lu-
pus Erythematosus Disease Area and Severity Index criteria,
including a reduction in erythema, scale, pruritus, and sur-
face area of the lesions.1 All patients also exhibited increased
terminal hair regrowth within the center and the periphery of
the lesions. They reported decreased pruritus and increased
treatment satisfaction. No adverse events were noted. Pa-
tients 1 and 3 continued to use the lotion for 1 to 2 years, with
continued hair regrowth and reduction of lesion surface area
and pruritus. Representative photographs of patient 1 before B After 2 mo of treatment with topical tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%
and after use of the tacrolimus lotion are provided (Figure).

Discoid lupus erythematosus is a common cause of scarring
alopecia among patients with scalp involvement. The inflam-
matory cell infiltrate is especially prominent around the hair
follicle at the level of the sebaceous glands and bulge, the lo-
cation of the hair’s regenerative stem cells. In advanced DLE,
many, if not all, of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are
destroyed, leaving residual fibrosis and atrophy. Early diag-
nosis and treatment are necessary because scarring can lead
to irreversible alopecia and disfiguration.
Topical tacrolimus was one of the first nonsteroidal drugs A, Before application of topical tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%, the scalp demonstrates
approved for use in atopic dermatitis by the US Food and Drug alopecia and signs of disease activity, including erythema and scale. B, After 2
months of tacrolimus therapy as an adjunct to chloroquine phosphate, the scalp
Administration. Given its low adverse effect profile, the lower-
shows a reduction in erythema and scale and increased hair regrowth.
potency formulations are considered safe in children as young
as 2 years. Topical tacrolimus has many off-label uses, par-
ticularly for autoimmune and inflammatory conditions such phosphatase, by binding to an intracytoplasmic protein termed
as psoriasis, vitiligo, chronic actinic dermatitis, lichen pla- FK506 binding protein. Downstream, calcineurin inhibition by
nus, and pyoderma gangrenosum, among others. the tacrolimus–FK506 binding protein complex blocks the de-
As an immunomodulator, tacrolimus primarily targets in- phosphorylation of the nuclear factor of activated T cells, ul-
tracellular signaling pathways implicated in T cell–receptor ac- timately preventing entry of the factor into the nucleus. As a
tivation. Tacrolimus inhibits calcineurin, a serine-threonine transcription factor, the nuclear factor of activated T cells would

E2 JAMA Dermatology Published online June 3, 2015 (Reprinted) jamadermatology.com

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Treatment of Alopecia in Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Case Report/Case Series Research

Table 2. Results of Literature Review on Topical Tacrolimus Use in Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
Source Study Design No. Drug Compound and Duration Outcome
Tacrolimus Ointment
Avgerinou et al,5 2012 Retrospective 10a Tacrolimus ointment and Statistically significant improvement in
hydroxychloroquine or tacrolimus erythema, desquamation, and edema
ointment monotherapy for 60 d,
dose unknown
Han et al,6 2010 Case series 2 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, twice daily Good improvement in both patients,
for 8 wk quantified as 75% and 57% reduction in total
clinical severity score (an assessment of
erythema, scale/thickness, and
Tzung et al,9 2007 Randomized 4 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, vs clobetasol No significant difference in collective lesion
double-blind propionate, 0.05%, twice daily on improvement with tacrolimus vs clobetasol
opposite sides of face for 4 wk, with
Sugano et al,7 2006 Case series 4 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, twice daily Improvement in 4 of 4 patients
for 4-8 wk
Heffernan et al,8 2005 Open-label pilot 5 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, twice daily Three of 5 patients completed the study,
for 12 wk with 1 case each of mild, moderate, and
marked improvement
de la Rosa Carillo and Case report 1 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, monotherapy Improvement in erythema, infiltration, and
Christensen,3 2004 twice daily for 8 wk hyperkeratosis; hair regrowth in center and
periphery of the lesion
Lampropoulos et al,4 2004 Open-label pilot 6 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, twice daily “Certain” improvement in 2 of 5 patients;
for >6 wk “minor” improvement in 1 patient; the sixth
patient discontinued treatment owing to
adverse effects (burning and peeling)
Yoshimasu et al,10 2002 Case series 4 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.1%, once daily Improvement in 1 of 4 patients
Topical Tacrolimus Compounded With Clobetasol Ointment
Madan et al,2 2010 Retrospective 14 Ointment compound of tacrolimus, “Excellent” response in 5, “good” response
0.3%, and clobetasol propionate, 0.005% in 4, and “slight” response in 1 of 10 patients
(TCPO), in 11 patients vs tacrolimus who completed TCPO therapy; “good”
ointment, 0.1% (TO), monotherapy twice response in 1 and “slight” improvement in
daily in 3 patients 2 of 3 patients who completed TO therapy
Walker et al,1 2002 Case series 2 Tacrolimus ointment, 0.3%, in clobetasol Improvement in both cases, with almost
propionate ointment, 0.05%, twice daily complete resolution of inflammation in patient
for 6-8 wk 1; both patients continued using antimalarials
and patient 1 continued to receive oral
corticosteroids throughout the treatment
period, with ability to decrease dose after
tacrolimus use
This study involved use of topical tacrolimus in 18 patients with cutaneous hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Specific statistical results of patients with DLE
lupus erythematosus, 10 of whom had the DLE variant. An additional 20 receiving tacrolimus monotherapy compared with combined treatment were
patients received topical pimecrolimus monotherapy or in combination with not reported.

otherwise bind to the promoter region of various proinflam- the studies by Walker et al1 and Madan et al,2 in which a higher-
matory cytokine and chemokine genes to induce their syn- potency tacrolimus ointment, 0.3%, was compounded with clo-
thesis, including those genes responsible for interleukin 2 (IL-2) betasol propionate with a good clinical response. However, the
(a T-cell growth and differentiation factor), tumor necrosis fac- inclusion of a corticosteroid obscures the precise role of ta-
tor, interferon-γ, IL-4, and IL-10. crolimus and potentially begets a similar adverse effect pro-
Targeting the calcineurin signaling pathways ultimately lim- file to that of corticosteroids used alone.
its lymphocyte proliferation, which is a predominant feature of Some authors13 have incorporated tacrolimus into other
the scarring alopecia in DLE. In general, cutaneous lupus ery- lotionlike vehicles, such as glycerine. To our knowledge, no
thematosus lesions demonstrate a state of proinflammation, with studies have used higher-potency topical tacrolimus in lo-
increased expression of cytokines such as IL-2, interferon-γ, and tion form with isopropyl alcohol. Moreover, the only study that
tumor necrosis factor noted in biopsy samples.11 In contrast to notes hair regrowth is that by de la Rosa Carillo and
corticosteroids—which nonselectively affect epidermal and der- Christensen,3 in which 1 patient had regrowth of terminal hair
mal cells—topical tacrolimus spares keratinocytes, fibroblasts, in the outer regions of her lesions with application of tacroli-
and endothelial cells, precluding the more robust adverse effects mus ointment, 0.1%, as monotherapy. The successful re-
seen with corticosteroids.12 growth of hair among our 3 patients may be owing to en-
Topical tacrolimus ointment has demonstrated mixed suc- hanced delivery of tacrolimus to the site of inflammation and
cess in treating DLE lesions of the face and scalp as outlined a subsequent reduction in disease activity mitigated by calci-
in Table 2. Most of the clinical studies and case series3-10 use neurin inhibition. Thus, tacrolimus may prevent the lesions
ointment preparations of the commercially available, lower- from entering a final scarred stage, thereby allowing an op-
potency tacrolimus, such as 0.1% or 0.03%. Two exceptions are portunity for the hair to regrow.

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Research Case Report/Case Series Treatment of Alopecia in Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Commercially available tacrolimus ointments are mini- March 2015). Her serum tacrolimus level was undetectable af-
mally absorbed, with a bioavailability of less than 0.5%. The ter using the lotion on a large region of her scalp for many
distinctly significant hyperkeratosis of DLE likely leads to even months. The same was true for another patient using a tacro-
lower penetration of compounds. Our preparation of tacroli- limus mouthwash for oral lichen planus despite mucosal ex-
mus in an alcohol base may enhance percutaneous drug ab- posure (S.R., unpublished data, 2014). Moreover, a veterinary
sorption and delivery to the dermis, in which the lymphoid in- study14 using tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%, for canine atopic der-
filtrates responsible for DLE lesions reside. The contents of oral matitis demonstrated mean blood concentrations below toxic
tacrolimus capsules are lipophilic, and the scalp’s abundant levels among the 8 dogs receiving large doses for 4 weeks.
hair follicles provide a lipid-laden path for drug absorption in Of note, the US Food and Drug Administration has placed
addition to being the target of interest. Moreover, 70% isopro- a black box warning on calcineurin inhibitors owing to the theo-
pyl alcohol is favored as a solvent because it is safe, readily dis- retical risk for hematologic cancers after long-term use, with
solves lipophilic compounds, and enhances permeation of the observations of increased incidence in murine models.15 The
stratum corneum barrier (particularly in areas of decreased skin available evidence in humans is not supportive at this time.
integrity, such as DLE lesions), and its evaporation after ap- As a chronic hypertrophic and scarring disease, DLE lesions
plication provides a cooling relief. Secondary advantages of the demonstrate an increased risk for neoplastic transformation.
tacrolimus lotion are that it leaves little to no residue on the Thus, a reduction of disease activity is essential to avoid irre-
scalp and does not require occlusion, both of which increase versible damage and these long-term complications.
patient burden and dissatisfaction with treatment. Similar
products, including oral suspensions of tacrolimus, have been
shown to be stable for approximately 60 days at room tem-
perature. The adverse effects of topical tacrolimus not expe-
rienced by our patients but reported elsewhere include peel- Although further studies are required, our limited observa-
ing and burning.4 Although the degree of systemic absorption tions support the use of topical tacrolimus lotion, 0.3%, in an
was not assessed in our 3 patients, we have tested the same alcohol base in treatment-resistant cases of DLE-associated alo-
topical tacrolimus preparation, 0.3%, for the diagnosis of li- pecia. The results support a new potential therapeutic option
chen planopilaris in another patient (A.G.F., unpublished data, for this disease.

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0.1% Tacrolimus ointment in the treatment of

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