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Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135

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Industrial Crops and Products

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Compositional characteristics of sour cherry kernel and its oil as

influenced by different extraction and roasting conditions
Cemile Yılmaz, Vural Gökmen ∗
Department of Food Engineering, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sour cherry seeds arise as a waste material during processing of the fruits into processed products such
Received 11 December 2012 as canned or frozen sour cherry, and sour cherry juice. This study aimed to investigate the chemical
Received in revised form 19 April 2013 composition of the kernels in depth for potential utilization as a source of oil, protein and dietary fibers.
Accepted 27 April 2013
The kernel was found to contain 17.0% of oil, 29.3% of proteins and 30.3% of dietary fibers. Conven-
tional hexane and supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 ) were used to extract oil from the kernels. The
kernel oil was found to contain palmitic acid (6.4%), stearic acid (1.2%), oleic acid (46.3%), linoleic acid
Sour cherry seed kernel
(41.5%), and linolenic acid (4.6%). Extraction technique had no significant effect on fatty acid composi-
Oil extraction
tion of kernel oil. The oil extracted by hexane contained significantly higher levels of tocopherols and
Bioactive compounds ␤-carotene than the oil extracted by SC-CO2 . The effect of ethanol used as a co-solvent in both extrac-
tion techniques on the composition of oil was determined. Using ethanol with both hexane and SC-CO2
increased total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and ␤-carotene content of oil. Roasting kernels at
160 ◦ C for 30 min decreased total tocopherols (9.8%), but increased total phenolic content (4.5 times) and
hydroxymethylfurfural (1.4 mg/L) in resulting oil.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction by-product valorization. The effect of hexane and supercritical car-

bon dioxide extractions, as well as use of ethanol as a co-solvent
Sour cherries, species of Prunus in the subgenus Cerasus, during extraction was investigated on the chemical composition
are grown throughout the world at amounts about 1.2 million of kernel oil. In addition, effect of various roasting conditions on
tons/year (FAO, 2010). Sour cherries are mostly consumed as certain compositional characteristics of resulting oil was also deter-
processed products, such as canned and frozen sour cherry, or sour mined.
cherry juice (USDA, 2012). During processing of sour cherries, high
amounts of seeds arise as a waste material that creates an important
disposal problem for the food industry. 2. Materials and methods
Bak et al. (2006) have reported that sour cherry kernel extract
reduces ischemia reperfusion damage in isolated rat hearts. This 2.1. Chemicals and consumables
protective effect might be associated to bioactive compounds
in sour cherry kernels. The kernels contain anthocyanidins and Potassium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, ␤-carotene, tetrahy-
hydroxycinnamates (Bak et al., 2010). It was also reported that sour drofuran, hydrochloric acid, boric acid, sodium hydroxide,
cherry kernels comprise 32–36% oil, which is rich in ␥-sitosterol, ␤- sulphuric acid, nitric acid, zinc sulphate, potassium hexacyano-
tocopherol and unsaturated fatty acids, with high content of oleic ferrate, glucose and amino acid standards were purchased from
acid (50–53%) and linoleic acid (35–38%) (Bak et al., 2010). Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Ethanol, n-hexane, gallic acid,
Due to their chemical properties, nutrients in sour cherry ker- Folin-Ciocalteu, potassium persulfate, ABTS reagent [2,2 -azino-
nel can pass into the oil at different percentages depending on bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)] and fructose were
extraction methods and roasting process prior to oil extraction. obtained from Sigma–Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Trolox [6-
This study aimed to determine the compositional characteristics hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid] and citric
of sour cherry seed kernel in depth for its potential utilization in acid monohydrate were purchased from Fluka Chemie AG (Buchs,
Switzerland). Disodium hydrogen phosphate, hydroxymethylfur-
fural (HMF) and sucrose were from Acros (Geel, Belgium). Formic
acid, acetonitrile, isopropanol and methanol were purchased from
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 3122977108; fax: +90 3122992123. J.T. Baker (Deventer, Holland). Amyloglucosidase and protease
E-mail address: (V. Gökmen). were obtained from Novozymes (Bagsvaerd, Denmark). Mineral

0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Yılmaz, V. Gökmen / Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135 131

standards were from Chem Lab (Zedelgem, Belgium). Ultra-pure elution to 75% B and 25% A, 3–5 min; linear gradient elution to
water was used throughout the experiments (Milli Q-System, Mil- 1% B and 99% A, 5–5.1 min; and isocratic elution of 1% B and 99%
lipore, Milford, MA, USA). A, 5.1–8 min. The injection volume was set to 20 ␮l. The positive
Carrez I solution was prepared by dissolving 15 g of potassium ionization mode was selected for determination of thiamine, nico-
hexacyanoferrate in 100 ml of water and Carrez II solution was tinamide, pyridoxine, panthetonic acid and cyanocobalamin except
prepared by dissolving 30 g of zinc sulfate in 100 ml of water. ascorbic acid. The source and desolvation gas temperature were
Syringe filters (nylon, 0.45 ␮m), Acquity UPLC BEH C18 col- set at 120 ◦ C and 450 ◦ C; desolvation and cone gas (N2 ) flow rates
umn (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 ␮m), Atlantis dC18 column (150 × were 800 L/h and 10 L/h, respectively. The concentrations of vita-
2.1 mm, 3 ␮m), Atlantis dC18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 ␮m) and mins were calculated by means of a calibration curve built in the
Atlantis HILIC column (150 × 2.1 mm, 3 ␮m) were purchased from range between 1.0 and 10 mg/L.
Waters (Millford, MA). HP-INNOWax column (60 m × 250 ␮m,
0.25 ␮m film thickness) was purchased from Agilent Technologies 2.6. Analysis of amino acids
(Waldbronn, Germany) and Shodex Sugar SH-1011 column (8.0
× 300 mm, 7 ␮m) was purchased from Showa Denko K.K (Tokyo, Ground sample (100 mg) was weighed into a tube and
Japan). hydrolyzed with 4 ml of 6 N HCL at 110 ◦ C for 24 h. After hydroly-
sis, acid solution in the tube was diluted with water for 1000 times
2.2. Sour cherry seeds and injected into an ultra high-performance liquid chromatogra-
phy (U-HPLC) Accela system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose,
A local juice processing plant located in Mersin, Turkey provided CA, USA), directly interfaced to an Exactive Orbitrap MS (Thermo
wasted sour cherry seed samples. These samples were evaluated Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA). Chromatographic separations
according to the flow sheet shown in Fig. 1. The kernels were sepa- were performed on Atlantis HILIC column. Parameters of U-HPLC
rated from the seeds by removing the outer shells prior to analyses and MS systems were performed as described by Gökmen et al.
of proximate composition, sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, (2012).
total phenolic content (TPC), and total antioxidant capacity.
2.7. Analysis of minerals
2.3. Analysis of the proximate composition of kernels
Ground sample (1.0 g) was digested in a Mars Microwave Sys-
Moisture (Method No: 925.10), ash (Method No: 930.05) and tem (CEM Corporation, Matthews) with 15 ml of nitric acid at 190 ◦ C
protein (Method No: 984.13) contents were determined accord- for 25 min applying the power of 1200 Watt. After digestion, sam-
ing to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods (AOAC, ples diluted with water were filtrated from ashless filter paper and
1990). Total protein content was calculated by multiplying the injected into an atomic absorption spectrometer (Thermo Scientific
total nitrogen content by a factor of 6.25. Dietary fiber (Method ICE 3000 Series, USA). The concentrations of calcium, sodium, mag-
32-07.01) analysis was performed using American Association of nesium, potassium and iron minerals were calculated by means
Cereal Chemists methods (AACC, 1991). To determine lipid con- of calibration curves built in the range between 0.0–25 mg/L,
tent, ground kernels (200 mg) were extracted with hexane (3 × 0.0–1.0 mg/L, 0.0–0.2 mg/L, 0.0–1.0 mg/L and 0.0–2.0 mg/L, respec-
1 ml) and combined hexane phases were evaporated under a gen- tively.
tle stream of nitrogen at 40 ◦ C. Carbohydrate content was calculated
by subtracting the total percentage of other components. 2.8. Analysis of TPC

2.4. Analysis of sugars Ground sample (250 mg) was hydrolyzed using 5 ml of 4 N NaOH
for 4 h at room temperature. After hydrolysis, the pH was adjusted
Ground sample (1 g) was extracted with 1 ml of Carrez I, 8 ml to 2.0 by 6 N HCl and hydrolysates were extracted with ethyl acetate
of hot water (70 ◦ C) and 1 ml of Carrez II solutions. After centrifu- and diethyl ether (50:50, v/v) five times. The combined extracts
gation, upper aqueous extract was collected. Solid residue was were evaporated by a gentle stream of nitrogen and the final residue
re-extracted with 8 ml and 7 ml of hot water, respectively and col- was re-dissolved in 1.5 ml of methanol-water (50:50, v/v). In addi-
lected extracts were centrifuged for 5 min at 11,180 × g. The 10 ␮l of tion, sour cherry kernel oils were extracted with methanol-water
extract was injected into an Agilent 1100 High performance liquid (70:30, v/v) three times to measure TPC in oil samples.
chromatography (HPLC) system (Waldbronn, Germany) consisting TPC of oil samples and kernels were determined by using
of a quaternary pump, an autosampler, a refractive index detector Folin-Ciocalteu method. Extracts were mixed with Folin-Ciocalteu
(RID) and a temperature controlled column oven. The chromato- reagent diluted with distilled water (1:10, v/v) and 20% aqueous
graphic separations were performed on a Shodex Sugar SH-1011 Na2 CO3 solution. After the mixture was allowed to stand in the
column using 0.01 mM H2 SO4 solution as mobile phase at a flow dark for 2 hrs, the tubes were centrifuged at 7155xg for 2 min
rate of 0.7 ml/min at 25 ◦ C. and the absorbance of supernatant was measured at 765 nm using
UV–vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). Standard cal-
2.5. Analysis of water-soluble vitamins ibration curve was prepared at different concentration of gallic acid
(0–100 ␮g/ml) to determine TPC as mg of gallic acid equivalent
Ground sample (1 g) was extracted three times with water (10, (GAE) per liter of oil and 100 g of kernel.
5, 5 mL). After centrifugation at 7500xg for 5 min, supernatants
were collected. Water-soluble vitamins were determined by ultra- 2.9. Analysis of total antioxidant capacity
performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometer
(UPLC-MS/MS) (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA). The chromato- Antioxidant activity of the kernels was determined by
graphic separations were performed on an Acquity UPLC BEH C18 QUENCHER method described by Serpen et al. (2008) using ABTS.
column using solvent A (0.1% formic acid in water) and solvent B Standard calibration curve was prepared at different concen-
(0.1% formic acid in methanol) as the mobile phase at a flow rate trations of trolox (0–500 ␮g/ml) to determine total antioxidant
of 0.3 ml/min (40 ◦ C). The solvent gradient was programmed as fol- capacity as mmol Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)
lows: isocratic elution of 1% B and 99% A, 0–3 min; linear gradient per 100 g of kernel. To determine total antioxidant capacity of sour
132 C. Yılmaz, V. Gökmen / Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135

Fig. 1. Scheme for potential utilization of sour cherry components.

cherry kernel oils, oil (100 ␮l) was weighed into a centrifuge tube 2.11. Analysis of fatty acids in kernel oil
and the reaction was started by adding 10 ml of ABTS working solu-
tion. The mixture was shaken in the dark for 28 min and the tube Oil (200 mg) was extracted with 10 ml of hexane and methyl-
was centrifuged at 9200 × g for 2 min. After 30 min of reaction, the ated with 100 ␮l of 2 N potassium hydroxide prepared in methanol.
absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 734 nm by UV–vis After the resulting sample was centrifuged at 7500 × g for 2 min, the
spectrophotometer. The antioxidant capacity of samples was cal- upper phase was taken into a vial. 1 ␮l of sample was injected into
culated by using standard calibration curve as mmol TEAC per liter the gas chromatograph at a split ratio 1:40. Fatty acid composition
of oil. was determined by using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatogra-
phy (GC) system equipped with a capillary column (HP-INNOWax
2.10. Extraction of oil from the seed kernels 19091N-136), an auto injector (Agilent 4513A) and a mass detec-
tor (Agilent VL MSD 5975C). The temperatures of injector port and
The kernels were roasted in a temperature-controlled oven detector were operated at 250 ◦ C and 230 ◦ C. The column tempera-
(Memmert, Germany) at 160 ◦ C for 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, and ture was initially held at 60 ◦ C for 10 min and increased to 220 ◦ C at
40 min in order to determine the effect of heating on the composi- rate of 4 ◦ C/min and held isothermal for 10 min and then increased
tion of resulting oil after extraction. The kernels were ground using to 240 ◦ C at rate of 1 ◦ C/min. The flow rate of the carrier gas (helium)
a coffee grinder prior to oil extraction by solvent or supercritical was 1.5 ml/min. The analysis was performed by using electron-
carbon dioxide. impact ionization (70 eV) in scan mode. Famedb23 and NIST05a
libraries were used to identify fatty methyl esters and the results
were expressed as a percentage of fatty acids.
2.10.1. Solvent extraction
Solvent extraction was carried out using n-hexane with and
without ethanol (3.0%). 2 g of ground kernels was mixed with 5 ml 2.12. Analysis of tocopherols in kernel oil
of solvent in a glass vessel. The mixture was shaken in an orbital
shaker for 15 min. The supernatant containing the oil was trans- Oil (1 ml) was extracted with 5 ml of the mixture of isopropanol-
ferred into a glass flask. The residue was re-extracted twice by 5 ml methanol (50:50, v/v) three times. Combined extract was filtered
of solvent. Hexane in the combined extracts were evaporated at through 0.45 ␮m nylon filter prior to analysis. Tocopherols were
40 ◦ C using a rotary vacuum evaporator. Oils were stored at −20 ◦ C determined by using an Agilent 1200 HPLC system (Waldbronn,
prior to analysis. Germany) consisting of a quaternary pump, an autosampler, a tem-
perature controlled column oven and equipped with an Agilent
2.10.2. Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction 6130 MS detector. Tocopherols were separated on Atlantis dC18
A Thar model 1000-2-FMC supercritical fluid extraction system column (150 × 2.1 mm, 3 ␮m) using the mixture of methanol and
(Pittsburgh, PA, USA) equipped with an automated back pressure 1.0% formic acid in water (95:5, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min
regulator, a high pressure pump, a modifier pump and a heat at 30 ◦ C. The injection volume was 10 ␮l. Data acquisition was per-
exchange module was used. Supercritical carbon dioxide with and formed in SIM mode with positive ionization. Protonated molecular
without ethanol (3.0%) was used for the extraction at 60 ◦ C and ions ([M+H]+ ) having m/z 431.7 for ␣-tocopherol, 417.7 for ␤- and
300 bar. The ground kernels (100 g) placed in extraction vessel of ␥-tocopherol and 403.7 for ␦-tocopherol were selected for iden-
the system were extracted for 2 hrs at a total flow rate of 25 g/min. tification and quantification of tocopherols. The concentrations of
Ethanol residues in resulting oils were evaporated by a gentle tocopherols were calculated by means of calibration curves built in
stream of nitrogen. Oils were stored at −20 ◦ C prior to analysis. the range between 1.0 and 100 mg/L.
C. Yılmaz, V. Gökmen / Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135 133

2.13. Analysis of ˇ-carotene in kernel oil Table 1

Some compositional characteristics of sour cherry kernel (n = 3).

Oil (1 ml) was extracted with 5 ml of the mixture of isopropanol- Amount in 100 g seed kernel
methanol (50:50, v/v) three times. Combined extract was filtered Carbohydrates 46.62 ± 1.10 g
through 0.45 ␮m nylon filter prior to analysis. ␤-carotene was Sugars 2.91 ± 0.29 g
determined by using an Agilent 1200 HPLC system (Waldbronn, Sucrose 0.30 ± 0.00 g
Germany) equipped with a diode array detector (DAD). ␤-carotene Glucose 0.96 ± 0.05 g
Fructose 1.65 ± 0.25 g
was separated on Atlantis dC18 column (150 x 2.1 mm, 3 ␮m) using
Dietary fibers 30.25 ± 3.33 g
acetonitrile as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min at Lipids 17.00 ± 0.59 g
30 ◦ C. Chromatograms were recorded at 450 nm. The injection vol- Saturated fat 1.28 ± 0.05 g
ume was 10 ␮l. The concentration of ␤-carotene was calculated Monounsaturated fat 7.96 ± 0.03 g
Polyunsaturated fat 7.76 ± 0.05 g
by means of calibration curves built in the range between 1.0 and
Proteins 29.34 ± 2.20 g
10 mg/L. Amino acid composition (%)
Glutamic acid 27.96 ± 0.44
Arginine 9.30 ± 0.13
2.14. Analysis of HMF in kernel oil Proline 8.25 ± 0.18
Aspartic acid 7.55 ± 0.07
HMF content of kernel oil was determined according to the Phenylalanine 7.05 ± 0.13
Glycine 6.52 ± 0.00
method described by Durmaz and Gökmen (2010). An ultra fast Lysine 5.28 ± 0.02
liquid chromatography (UFLC) system (Kyoto, Japan) consisting Alanine 4.57 ± 0.32
of a quaternary pump, an autosampler, a diode array detector Serine 4.49 ± 0.20
(DAD), and a temperature-controlled column oven was used. The Ash 3.11 ± 0.49 g
Potassium 448.41 ± 2.05 mg
chromatographic separations were performed on an Atlantis dC18
Sodium 15.24 ± 2.16 mg
column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 ␮m) using the isocratic mixture of 10 mM Calcium 275.13 ± 0.50 mg
aqueous formic acid solution and acetonitrile (90:10, v/v) at a flow Iron 4.48 ± 0.44 mg
rate of 1.0 ml/min at 25 ◦ C. Data acquisition was performed by Magnesium 234.39 ± 2.00 mg
recording chromatograms at 285 nm. The concentration of HMF Vitamin
Water soluble
was calculated by means of a calibration curve built in the range
Vitamin B1 0.15 ± 0.11 mg
between 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L. Vitamin B6 0.18 ± 0.03 mg
Vitamin B5 0.03 ± 0.00 mg
Vitamin B3 0.57 ± 0.02 mg
2.15. Statistical analysis Lipid soluble
Vitamin E 6.36 ± 0.81 mg
Total phenolic content 53.87 ± 0.02 mg GAE
The results were reported as mean ± standard deviations. Sig-
Total antioxidant capacity 0.92 ± 0.08 mmol TEAC
nificant differences (p < 0.05) were evaluated by Duncan’s multiple Moisture 3.91 ± 0.11 g
range test after the analysis of variance (ANOVA), by using SPSS
The results are given as mean ± S.D. GAE refers to gallic acid equivalent. TEAC refers
13.0 statistical package. to trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity.

3. Results and discussion 32–36% of oil (Bak et al., 2010). The composition of the kernels from
different varieties or locations may differ significantly.
3.1. Compositional characteristics of sour cherry kernels
3.2. Chemical composition of sour cherry kernel oil
Table 1 gives compositional characteristics of sour cherry ker-
nels. The kernels were found to be rich in carbohydrates, proteins Table 2 gives the fatty acid compositions of kernel oils extracted
and lipids with their corresponding concentrations of 46.6%, 29.3%, by organic solvent (hexane or ethanol modified hexane) and by
and 17.0%, respectively. Dietary fibers were determined as the supercritical fluid (SC-CO2 or ethanol modified SC-CO2 ). It was
abundant form of carbohydrates (30.25%) whereas sugars were found that sour cherry kernel oil composed of mainly polyunsat-
in relatively low quantities (2.91%) in the kernels. Therefore sour urated fatty acids in the form of linoleic and linolenic acids, and
cherry kernels have importance from the point of dietary fiber monounsaturated fatty acid in the form of oleic acid. The sum of
content which is related to the intestinal regulation, the intestinal saturated fatty acids (stearic acid and palmitic acid) was less than
absorption of glucose and reduction of cholesterol levels (Rodriguez 10% in the kernel oils. Popa et al. (2011) reported that sour cherry
et al., 2006). The results revealed that glutamic acid was found kernel oil contained low levels of arachidic acid (0.9%) and myristic
as the dominant amino acid with its percentage contribution of acid (0.5%) while dominant saturated fatty acids were palmitic acid
27.96%. In addition, lysine, a limiting essential amino acid in most (11%) and stearic acid (6.4%).
cereals, was found in relatively high quantity in sour cherry kernel The sum of linoleic and linolenic acids was found to exceed
with its percentage contribution of 5.28%. Potassium and calcium 45% in the kernel oils. Linoleic and linolenic acids, classified as ␻-6
were major minerals found in sour cherry kernel. However, mineral and ␻-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids respectively, form an impor-
content obtained in this study was more higher than that obtained tant part of human diet, because lack of them in the diet creates
by Popa et al. (2011). According to results of water-soluble vitamin adverse effects on human health such as cardiovascular disease
analyses, sour cherry kernel contained vitamin B1 , B3 , B5 and B6 and skin lesion (Temelli et al., 2007). Except palmitic acid, there
whereas vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid were not detected in ker- was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between fatty acid compo-
nel. Relatively high oil content (17.0%) of sour cherry kernel makes sitions of the kernel oils extracted with SC-CO2 and hexane. It was
it a valuable source of edible oil when compared with oil content also found that using ethanol with both hexane and SC-CO2 did
of other oil seeds and tree fruits such as soybean (18–20%), corn not exhibit any change in the fatty acid compositions of the ker-
(3.1–5.7%), sunflower (35–45%), and olive (15–35%) (O’Brien, 2004). nel oils (p > 0.05). Similar results have been previously reported
It has been previously reported that sour cherry kernels comprise in the literature. Vagi et al. (2007) reported that tomato pomace
134 C. Yılmaz, V. Gökmen / Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135

Table 2
Composition of sour cherry kernel oils obtained by different extraction methods.

Solvent extraction Supercritical extraction

Hexane With ethanol SC-CO2 With ethanol

Fatty acids (%)

C16:0 Palmitic acid 6.23 ± 0.15a 5.93 ± 0.16a 7.24 ± 0.16b 6.14 ± 0.12a
C18:0 Stearic acid 1.33 ± 0.13a 1.08 ± 0.17a 1.33 ± 0.12a 1.19 ± 0.01a
C18:1 Oleic acid 46.80 ± 0.16a 47.94 ± 1.33a 44.99 ± 1.38a 45.54 ± 1.33a
C18:2 Linoleic acid 40.58 ± 0.13a 41.23 ± 1.04a 41.81 ± 0.13a 42.26 ± 1.17a
C18:3 Linolenic acid 5.06 ± 0.14a 3.80 ± 1.107a 4.63 ± 1.098a 4.86 ± 1.25a
Total tocopherols (mg/L) 428.62 ± 2.67a 376.56 ± 3.59b 312.15 ± 3.04c 381.68 ± 2.23b
␣-tocopherol 65.66 ± 2.77a 61.48 ± 2.80a 89.47 ± 3.49b 94.93 ± 2.44b
(␤+␥)-tocopherol 274.06 ± 2.91a 237.06 ± 1.64b 183.80 ± 2.54c 228.25 ± 2.47d
␦-tocopherol 88.89 ± 2.81a 78.02 ± 2.43b 38.88 ± 2.8c 58.50 ± 2.26d
␤-carotene (mg/L) 8.47 ± 0.20a 10.03 ± 0.27b 5.65 ± 0.21c 6.00 ± 0.11c
Total phenolic content (mg GAE/L) 6.60 ± 0.41a 9.61 ± 0.2b 19.34 ± 0.00c 27.87 ± 0.90d
Antioxidant activity (mmol TEAC/L) 1.44 ± 0.18a 2.20 ± 0.13c 2.06 ± 0.13b 2.23 ± 0.15c

The results are given as mean ± S.D. Different letters within the same row indicates statistical significance (P < 0.05). GAE refers to gallic acid equivalent. TEAC refers to trolox
equivalent antioxidant capacity.

extracts obtained by n-hexane, ethanol and SC-CO2 solvents had the extraction of phenolic compounds from the kernels. In gen-
same fatty acid compositions. Sanchez-Vicente et al. (2009) also eral, SC-CO2 was better than hexane with respect to extraction of
did not observe any significant difference in the fatty acid compo- phenolic compounds.
sition among the peach seed oils obtained using SC-CO2 , ethanol Similar to TPC, the antioxidant activity was highest in oil
modified SC-CO2 and hexane extraction. extracted with ethanol modified SC-CO2 (2.23 mmol TEAC/L). This
Besides responsibility for the color of many foods, carotenoids result was similar to the report that the SC-CO2 extracts of black
play a crucial role in human diet as precursors of vitamin A and sesame seeds exhibited significantly higher antioxidant activities
as antioxidants (Pereira et al., 2010). As reported in Table 2, ␤- comparable to that by n-hexane extraction (Hu et al., 2004).
carotene content ranged from 5.65 mg/L in the SC-CO2 extract to
6.00 mg/L, 8.47 mg/L and 10.03 mg/L in ethanol modified SC-CO2 , 3.3. Roasting effect on chemical composition of sour cherry kernel
hexane and ethanol modified hexane extracts, respectively. The oil
kernel oil extracted with hexane had significantly higher amount
of ␤-carotene than that extracted with SC-CO2 (p < 0.05). Addi- Roasting at 160 ◦ C for different times had no significant effect
tion of ethanol to hexane increased significantly the recovery of on fatty acid composition of sour cherry kernel oil (p > 0.05). This
␤-carotene from kernel to oil (p < 0.05), whereas the difference result is in accordance with a previous report that there were no
between pure SC-CO2 and ethanol modified SC-CO2 extracts in differences in fatty acid composition of rice germ oils prepared at
terms of ␤-carotene content was not statically significant (p > 0.05). different roasting temperatures and times (Kim et al., 2002).
Eller et al. (2010) reported that ␤-carotene concentration in tomato Fig. 2 shows the changes in some chemical characteristics of sour
seed oil was highest for the hexane accelerated solvent extraction cherry kernel oil with roasting time. The concentration of total toco-
(ASE) and ethanol ASE treatments with a very low content for the pherols tended to decrease linearly as the roasting time increased.
SC-CO2 extraction. It was reported by Temelli et al. (2007) that sol- The results of previous studies to determine the effect of roasting
ubility in SC-CO2 depends on fluid density and properties of solute on tocopherols are contradictory. Decrease in the concentrations
such as molecular weight and polarity. Therefore, it is obvious that of tocopherols of oil samples was attributed to oxidation reactions
␤-carotene can be extracted by hexane and SC-CO2 because of being taking place during roasting process (Murkovic et al., 2004). It was
a non-polar compound. also reported by others that roasting caused an increase in toco-
Nuts and oilseeds are rich natural sources of tocopherols act- pherols because of better extraction of destroying cell walls (Lee
ing as chain breaking antioxidants and protectors of unsaturated et al., 2004).
fatty acids against oxidative damage (Güçlü-Üstündağ and Temelli, It was observed that HMF concentration increased gradually as
2004). Four tocopherol isomers (␣-, ␤-, ␥- and ␦-tocopherols) were the roasting time increased. The oil extracted from raw sour cherry
determined in sour cherry kernel oils. As reported in Table 2, total kernels has no HMF expectedly. However, roasting of the kernels
tocopherol concentration of the kernel oils extracted with different induces the Maillard reaction forming HMF as an intermediate com-
solvents ranged from 312.15 mg/L to 428.62 mg/L. These levels are pound. It was previously reported that furfurals formed in oilseeds
comparable to olive oil (110 ± 40 mg/L), palm oil (240 ± 60 mg/L) during roasting could pass to oil during extraction due to their rel-
and peanut oil (482 ± 345 mg/L) (O’Brien, 2004). atively less polarity (Durmaz and Gökmen, 2010). Only trace levels
Total tocopherols in the hexane extract were significantly higher of HMF were determined in the oils extracted from the kernels
than in the SC-CO2 extract (p < 0.05). On the other hand, ␣- roasted at 160 ◦ C for 10 and 20 min. Longer roasting times caused a
tocopherol concentration of the hexane extract (65.66 mg/L) was significant increase in HMF concentrations of resulting kernel oils
significantly lower than that of the SC-CO2 extract (89.47 mg/L) (p < 0.05).
(p < 0.05). Using ethanol caused significant differences in total toco- Roasting affected also TPC of sour cherry kernel oils. The TPC of
pherols for both hexane and SC-CO2 extraction. When ethanol unroasted sour cherry kernel oil was 9.18 mg GAE/L. It increased
was used, total tocopherols decreased for hexane extraction, but linearly as the roasting time increased. Moreover, total antioxidant
increased for SC-CO2 extraction (p < 0.05). capacity of the kernel oil increased linearly reaching to a plateau
TPC of the kernel oils ranged from 6.60 mg GAE/L to value within 20–30 min of roasting at 160 ◦ C. It began to decrease
27.87 mg GAE/L in the following order: hexane < hexane with 3% afterward.
ethanol < SC-CO2 < SC-CO2 with 3% ethanol extracts. Using ethanol Roasting forms various neo-formed compounds having antiox-
with both hexane and SC-CO2 significantly increased TPC content of idant activity. In addition, it may increase the extractability of
the kernel oil (p < 0.05) due to high polarity of ethanol facilitating several naturally occurring antioxidants by modifying the food
C. Yılmaz, V. Gökmen / Industrial Crops and Products 49 (2013) 130–135 135

Fig. 2. Change of some chemical characteristics of sour cherry kernel oil with roasting time. (a) Total phenolic content, (b) HMF, (c) Antioxidant activity, (d) Total tocopherols.

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