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Cebu Main: 4th floor Coast Pacific Downtown Center), Sanciangko St, Cebu City Tel #(032) 254-33-84
Manila Branch: 3rd floor JPD Bldg 1955, C M Recto corner N. Reyes St, Sampaloc, Manila Tel # (02) 736-4438


INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer of your choice.

1. At 180oC the entropy of a substance is 5.2 KJ/K, the quality of the substance is:
A. 34.23% B. 68.83% C. 56.34% D. 87.56%

2. A 10 m3 vessel initially contains 5 m3 of liquid water and 5 m3 of saturated water vapor at 100 Kpa. Calculate the
internal energy of the system using the steam tables.
At 100 Kpa: vf = 0.001043 m3/kg, vg = 1.6940 m3/kg, Uf = 417.3 KJ/kg, Ug = 2506 KJ/kg
A. 5 x 106 KJ B. 8 x 105 KJ C. 1 x 106 KJ D. 2 x 106 KJ

3. A vessel with a volume of 1 m3 contains liquid water and vapor in equilibrium at 600 Kpa. The liquid water has a
mass of 1 kg. Using steam tables, calculate the mass of the water vapor.
At 600 Kpa: vf = 0.001101 m3/kg, vg = 0.3157 m3/kg,
A. 0.99 kg B. 1.57 kg C. 2.54 kg D. 3.16 kg

4. A steam has a condition of 2 Mpa and 250oC undergoes constant pressure process until its quality is 50%. What
is the heat rejected by steam?
A. 981.33 KJ/kg B. 1986.23 KJ/kg C. 1046.16 KJ/kg D. 1542.34 KJ/kg

5. Steam with specific volume of 0.09596 m3/kg undergoes a constant pressure process at 1.70 Mpa until its
specific volume 0.13796 m3/kg. What is the work done?
A. 71.4 KJ/kg B. 67.1 KJ/kg C. 82.78 KJ/kg D. 97.23 KJ/kg

6. Steam with an enthalpy of 2843.5 KJ/kg undergoes a constant pressure process at 0.90 Mpa until the enthalpy
becomes 2056.1 KJ/kg. What is the internal energy?
A. -703.2 KJ/kg B. 703.2 KJ/kg C. 564.3 KJ/kg D. 984.4 KJ/kg

7. One kg of steam at 260oC and with enthalpy of 1861 KJ/kg is confined in a rigid container. Heat is applied until
the steam becomes saturated. Determine the heat added.
A. 770 KJ B. 828 KJ C. 790 KJ D. 800 KJ

8. One kilogram of steam at 121oC and 10% moisture undergoes a constant volume process until the pressure
becomes 0.28 Mpa. Determine the final temperature.
A. 200.4oC B. 374.5oC C. 206.5oC D. 873.4oC

9. A tank contains 0.50 m3/kg of steam. Heat is transferred at constant volume until the pressure reaches 100 kpa.
Determine the final steam quality.
A. 23.34% B. 45.32% C. 29.47% D. 39.45%

10. There are 2.27 kg/min of steam undergoing an isothermal process from 27.5 bar, 316oC to 6.8
bar. Determine the change in entropy, KJ/min-K.
A. 1.6176 B. 2.1734 C. 3.465 D. 0.204

11. Steam at 200oC and with entropy of 5.6105 KJ/kg-K expands isothermally to 0.515 Mpa. For 5 kg mass, what is
the work done?
A. 2119.06 KJ B. 1103.4 KJ C. 1372.4 KJ D. 1408.2 KJ

12. One kg of steam expands isentropically from 2.1 Mpa and 374oC to 93oC. Find the final quality.
A. 76.44% B. 87.34% C. 93.15% D. 98.34%

13. Steam flows isentropically through a nozzle from 1500 kpa, 288oC to 960 kpa. For 0.454 kg/s mass determine
the change in volume.
A. 0.031 m3/s B. 0.043 m3/s C. 0.054 m3/s D. 0.076 m3/s

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14. A steam turbine receives 0.52 Mpa of steam at 300oC. Then expanded in an irreversible adiabatic process a
pressure of 0.012 Mpa. If the exhaust steam is dry and saturated, calculate the stage efficiency of the process.
A. 67.45% B. 69.50% C. 74.23% D. 87.45%

15. Steam at 1.4 Mpa and 270oC flows steadily through a steam throttle valve that reduces its pressure by 50%.
Find the change in entropy, KJ/kg-K.
A. 0.31 B. -0.058 C. 0.63 D. 0.76

16. A steam calorimeter receives steam from a pipe at 0.1 Mpa and 20 oSH. For a pipe steam pressure of 2 Mpa,
what is the quality of the steam?
A. 88.34% B. 90.34% C. 92.34% D. 95.56%

17. An isobaric steam generating process starts with saturated liquid at 20 psia. The change in entropy is equal to
the initial entropy. What is the change in enthalpy? At 20 psia: (hfg = 960.2 Btu/lb, sf = 0.3359 Btu/lb-R).
A. -230.4 Btu/lb B. -196.2 Btu/lb C. 196.2 Btu/lb D. 230.4 Btu/lb

18. A cylinder and piston arrangement contains saturated water vapor at 110oC. The vapor is compressed in a
reversible adiabatic process until the pressure is 1.6 Mpa. Determine the work done by the steam per kilogram of
water. (Hint: Use steam table to solve this problem)
A. -637 KJ/kg B. -509 KJ/kg C. -432 KJ/kg D. -330 KJ/kg

19. A car with frontal area a = 2 m2 and traveling at 80 km/hr in air at 20 oC is experiencing a drag force of Fd =
0.225Apairv2. How much power in KW is needed in order to maintain its speed?
A. 8.92 B. 3.64 C. 7.81 D. 5.92

20. A steam condenser in a Rankine cycle has an inlet condition of 150 kpa and 90% quality. If the mass of steam is
2 kg/s, find the gallons per minute of cooling water in the condenser for 12oC rise in temperature.
A. 1093.34 gpm B. 1198.34 gpm C. 1284.56 gpm D. 1274.48 gpm

21. A boiler feed pump operates at 40oC suction. If pump efficiency is 85% and needs 20 kw power of motor needed
to drive the pump, find the maximum pressure of the boiler could attain for a mass of 2 kg/s.
A. 8108.26 kpa B. 8232.34 kpa C. 8441.60 kpa D. 9825.45 kpa

22. A boiler feed is available at 5 Mpa and 200oC. The boiler has a steam generated at 10 kg/s at 5 Mpa and 380oC.
Find the developed boiler horsepower of turbine.
A. 1092.45 hp B. 1265.34 hp C. 1573.45 hp D. 2336 hp

23. A Rankine cycle has an output of 5000 kw. The overall efficiency of 65% and factor of evaporation of 1.2. Find
the mass of steam evaporated.
A. 982.45 kg/hr B. 10,224.60 kg/hr
C. 6171.27 kg/hr D. 8745.23 kg/hr

24. A Rankine cycle has a steam throttle condition of 4 Mpa and 400oC. The turbine exhaust is 1 atm, find the cycle
A. 23.23% B. 27.06% C. 34.23% D. 43.23%

25. A Rankine cycle has a turbine work of 600 KJ/kg and efficiency of 88%, pump work is 3 KJ/kg and efficiency of
75%. If cycle efficiency is 26%, find the heat added to the cycle.
A. 2577.60 KJ/kg B. 2345.19 KJ/kg C. 2015.38 KJ/kg D. 1852.40 KJ/kg

26. A Rankine cycle has an initial mass of liquid flowing at 15 kg at 75oC. If final enthalpy is 1200 KJ/kg, find the
change of enthalpy of the system.
A. 655.75 KJ B. 834.34 KJ C. 763.45 KJ D. 885.97 KJ

27. A turbine has an available enthalpy of 3300 KJ/kg in a Rankine cycle. The pump work has also 25 KJ/kg. For a
flow of 3 kg/s, find the system output.
A. 5960 kw B. 6080 kw C. 6343 kw D. 9825 kw

28. In a Rankine cycle, the system turbine inlet has a condition of 3126 KJ/kg enthalpy and entropy of 6.68 KJ/kg-K.
The quality after expansion is 82% and enthalpy of 2103 KJ/kg with hf = 233 KJ/kg. Find the efficiency of the cycle.
A. 23.45% B. 35.40% C. 30.34% D. 38.44%

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29. The available enthalpy of steam at the exit of boiler in a Rankine cycle is 2900 KJ/kg and enthalpy at the entrance
of turbine is 2870 KJ/kg. If mass of steam is 3.5 kg/s, find the heat loss between the boiler exit and turbine
A. 105 kw B. 30 kw C. 20 kw D. 50 kw

30. In a Rankine cycle steam enters the turbine at 3 Mpa (enthalpies & entropies given) and condenser of 60 Kpa
(properties given), what is the thermal efficiency of the cycle?
At 3 Mpa: hg = 2804.2 sg = 6.1869
At 60 kpa: hf = 359.86 hfg = 2293.6 sf = 1.1457 sfg = 6.3867 vf = 0.0010331
A. 25.55% B. 45.23% C. 34.23% D. 12.34%


1. B 8. C 15. B 22. D 29. A

2. D 9. C 16. D 23. B 30. A
3. D 10. A 17. D 24. B
4. C 11. D 18. C 25. C
5. A 12. C 19. D 26. D
6. A 13. A 20. D 27. D
7. B 14. B 21. C 28. B

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