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This study would not be possible without the guidance and the help of

several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance, time

and patience for the fulfilment of this study. The proponents take this opportunity

to express their deepest and sincerest gratitude to the people who have been

instrumental in the successful completion of this study:

To the Lord God Almighty, for giving them strength, wisdom, and

determination to complete this study beyond hardships and failures;

To Engr. Rocel D. Gualberto, committed and supportive adviser and

instructor of Project Study I, for her immeasurable assistance, scholarly advice

and guidance during the formulation and completion of the study;

To Tito Bob, for his knowledge and recommendations imparted during the

design and consultation of the machine design;

To their dearest family, for their undying support, unconditional love and

indestructible prayers during the completion of this study;

To their friends, for their willingness to help and encouraging to finish the

proponents their work successfully;

Lastly, to all the members of the group, for being collaborative throughout

the entire study and motivating one another in times of downfall.

- Bugak, Kuya, Iyo


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