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matters Arising

Permafrost thaw and northern development

H. B. O’Neill   1 ✉, C. R. Burn   1,2, M. Allard3, L. U. Arenson4, M. I. Bunn1, R. F. Connon5, S. A. Kokelj5,
S. V. Kokelj6, A.-M. LeBlanc1, P. D. Morse1 and S. L. Smith1
arising from B. Teufel and L. Sushama Nature Climate Change (2019)

Increases in air temperature have resulted in warming and thaw- No explanation for the drainage assumption is given, although
ing of permafrost1 with effects on infrastructure, mass movements, the condition bears no relation to any field context except perhaps
hydrology and carbon stores, and further changes are anticipated where permafrost is the same thickness as the PSL (that is, ≤5 m),
given climate projections. Teufel and Sushama2 project abrupt soil and even then, not in wetlands saturated below permafrost. Drainage
drainage and drying in permafrost regions on the basis of an arbi- may occur in the southern discontinuous permafrost zone, but not
trary model assumption that invokes drainage of soil water as soon in the places simulated with abrupt drainage (fig. 1 in ref. 2), where
as permafrost in the uppermost layer of the ground thaws, regardless permafrost is considerably thicker. Abrupt drainage has not been
of whether the underlying ground is frozen. The results are a direct reported from any place where deep thaw has occurred, for exam-
consequence of the process representation in the model land surface ple following forest fire, nor has it been reported from any region
scheme: there is no field or historical evidence indicating that abrupt, where Teufel and Sushama simulate that it has already occurred
broad-scale transitions of the soil environment above permafrost (2000–2020), including in Hudson Bay Lowlands, the Keewatin
due to thawing, as simulated, have occurred. The assertion that dry- region and northern Quebec, Canada (fig. 1b,c in ref. 2). Projections
ing of the soil will provoke changes to soil bearing capacity that will for Hudson Bay Lowlands suggest that conditions may rather be
have deleterious consequences for infrastructure is unfounded and wetter in the future5, and field observations from eastern Hudson
may mislead policymakers concerned with northern development. Bay coastlands and the upper Mackenzie valley show that thaw of
Teufel and Sushama’s simulations use the Canadian Land Surface ice-rich permafrost has caused ground surface subsidence and the
Scheme (CLASS)2, in which the soil column consists of a hydrau- expansion of fens/bogs and ponds6,7, not abrupt drying. An evalu-
lically active permeable soil layer (PSL) overlying a hydraulically ation of the results would have been possible given the timescale
inactive impermeable layer3. The maximum PSL depth is 5 m in of the projections. Such validation and discussion in context with
the simulation (Supplementary Fig. 1a in ref. 2). The model assumes previous work is critical when model results are unexpected. Field
drainage at the base of the PSL once permafrost in this top layer has observations highlight that hydrological changes, including wetting
thawed, irrespective of whether permafrost occurs below. and drying associated with permafrost thaw, vary depending on
Simplified soil drainage may be necessary to implement atmo- local factors such as topography, vegetation, ground ice, and geo-
spheric simulations where land surface models present the lower logical substrate8, but there is no evidence indicating widespread,
boundary condition, but the approach is not suitable for soil mois- sudden drainage over large areas.
ture predictions, as important groundwater processes are not repre- Bodies of ground ice in excess of the soil’s pore space (excess
sented4. Usually, a free drainage boundary condition assumes that ice), particularly near the top of permafrost, have important impli-
(1) soil conditions are spatially uniform and that (2) no bedrock cations for soil moisture conditions, topographic adjustment as
(that is, no impermeable layer) is present in the simulation profile4. permafrost thaws and the ground thermal response to atmospheric
Setting aside objections to the first assumption on grounds of scale, warming. Thaw of permafrost supersaturated with ground ice
we note that the second assumption has been violated due to the supplies the active layer with moisture, whereas associated thaw
presence of permafrost. Teufel and Sushama2 have no soil water consolidation and surface subsidence may lead to ponding. Thaw
drainage within their simulation when the thaw depth is within penetration slows due to the latent heat required to melt excess ice9.
the PSL. The authors state that “an abrupt decrease in soil mois- Therefore, thaw at the lower boundary of the PSL occurs unduly
ture occurs during the year in which permafrost degrades enough soon in the simulations, which contain no excess ice. The effects
to stop acting as a hydraulic barrier”2. Sufficient permafrost deg- of excess ground ice melt on topography, the timing of perma-
radation to facilitate drainage is arbitrarily allocated to the PSL. frost degradation and changes in hydrologic conditions are neither
Permafrost above the base of the PSL acts as a hydraulic barrier, simulated nor discussed, although they are of critical relevance
but once the PSL is thawed drainage promptly initiates regardless of for infrastructure management and for projecting the rate of thaw
any permafrost underlying the PSL. The reported abrupt drainage penetration into the uppermost permafrost, which is commonly
is thus an artefact of the model. The model does not account for ice-rich in fine-grained sediments.
lateral flow and drainage in soils when the top of permafrost is in Teufel and Sushama2 state that the abrupt modelled decrease
the PSL, or the ability of underlying permafrost to prevent drainage in soil moisture will cause “changes to the bearing capacity of
once permafrost in the PSL thaws. Hence the simulation presents an the soil due to increased drainage”, which will lead to “poten-
abrupt, not gradual, change in hydrologic regime. tially catastrophic situations for infrastructure”. Permafrost thaw

Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton
University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 3Centre d’études nordiques (CEN), Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada. 4BGC Engineering Inc., Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada. 5Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Northwest Territories Geological Survey, Yellowknife, Northern Territories, Canada. ✉e-mail:

722 Nature Climate Change | VOL 10 | August 2020 | 722–723 |

Nature Climate Change matters Arising
has affected and will continue to challenge the integrity of infra- Received: 10 February 2020; Accepted: 26 June 2020;
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Any methods, additional references, Nature Research report- Report No. 1 (eds Prowse, T. D. & Ommanney, C. S. L.) 103–134 (National
ing summaries, source data, extended data, supplementary infor- Hydrology Research Institute, 1990).
mation, acknowledgements, peer review information; details of
author contributions and competing interests; and statements of Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
data and code availability are available at published maps and institutional affiliations.
s41558-020-0862-5. © Crown 2020

Nature Climate Change | VOL 10 | August 2020 | 722–723 | 723

matters Arising Nature Climate Change

Data availability Competing interests

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. The authors declare no competing interests.

We thank S. Wolfe for helpful comments on a draft of the manuscript. This Matters Additional information
Arising is NRCan contribution number 20190500. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.B.O.
Peer review information Nature Climate Change thanks Jan Hjort and
Author contributions the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review
All authors contributed to the content of this Matters Arising. H.B.O. and C.R.B. drafted of this work.
the text. All authors contributed to editing and revising the document. Reprints and permissions information is available at

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