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Matters Arising

Reply to: Permafrost thaw and northern

B. Teufel    ✉ and L. Sushama
replying to H. B. O’Neill et al. Nature Climate Change (2020)

O’Neill et al.1 argue that some of the assumptions in the land surface on a high-emissions scenario: representative concentration pathway
scheme of the climate model we used2 are not valid. They1 also state (RCP) 8.5. So far, only a small fraction of the permafrost degradation
that no field evidence exists of the abrupt, broad-scale transitions projected for the twenty-first century under RCP 8.5 has occurred.
of soil environments above permafrost projected in our study2. In Furthermore, it should be noted that the hydrologic regime of vast
addition, they contend that the statements concerning changes to areas of the permafrost region remains essentially unobserved. It is
bearing capacity and flood risk in our Letter2 are misleading. Here thus reasonable to surmise that additional evidence of abrupt dry-
we address each of the points above, none of which preclude our ing will continue to emerge in the coming decades, as permafrost
original conclusion that the effects of abrupt soil drying due to per- thaw accelerates.
mafrost thaw could pose considerable risks to northern ecosystems, As permafrost thaws, frozen water within the soil matrix will
communities and infrastructure. be replaced by liquid water, substantially decreasing the strength
Before addressing the specifics, it must be noted that the results of soils in permafrost regions. This strength (that is, the bearing
presented in our Letter2 are based on simulations performed using a capacity) would reach a minimum when the soil is saturated with
state-of-the-art regional climate model (RCM) at 50 km horizontal liquid water, a condition that also potentially leads to soil subsid-
resolution. Processes relevant at these scales are parameterized, and ence depending on site-level conditions (thaw consolidation), chal-
the results should be interpreted accordingly. To better inform cli- lenging the integrity of infrastructure. If the liquid soil moisture
mate change adaptation-related decision-making at site or local lev- content subsequently decreases, the bearing capacity would prob-
els, higher-resolution simulations with improved representation of ably increase but still be much lower than that of the original frozen
processes are required, as fully acknowledged in our original work2. ground13. In addition, the damaging effects on infrastructure would
We reported the potential for abrupt changes to soil mois- have already occurred during the thawing phase.
ture and related near-surface variables, based on RCM simula- Our original statement regarding flood risk has been taken out of
tions2. In our RCM simulations, the land surface is represented context. Flooding is the result of the interaction between many vari-
using the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS)3, which is a ables (topography, soil moisture, snowmelt, precipitation, ice jams
state-of-the-art land surface model (LSM). As we acknowledged2, and so on)14–16, and we were referring only to how flood risk/magni-
permafrost hydrology is complex, but LSMs are continually evolving tude could be attenuated given projected decreases in soil moisture.
to improve their representation of relevant processes. For example, Seasonally frozen soils are explicitly modelled by the LSM, in which
excess ground ice and detailed groundwater processes are begin- the hydraulic conductivity of soils decreases as the fraction of frozen
ning to be incorporated into LSMs4–6, but their use in large-scale water increases. However, unsaturated frozen soils are more perme-
climate simulations is conditional on the emergence of global data- able than saturated frozen soils10 and drier soils also thaw faster (as
sets of the parameters required by these new modules. Even in the latent heat is decreased), leading to increased infiltration. As we
absence of excess ground ice, the LSM we used explicitly accounts stated2, this would lead to a reduction in flood risk/magnitude, all
for soil moisture phase transitions and their effects on the timing other factors being equal. A full assessment of flood risk at both
of permafrost degradation and changes in hydrologic conditions. local and regional scales is critical, but well beyond the scope of our
In our simulations, most permafrost within the permeable layer Letter2.
in the model is saturated with ice at the beginning of the simula- It is fundamental to note that drier soils could impact infrastruc-
tion (that is, 36–49% volumetric ice content for mineral soils and ture through various pathways, as we demonstrated2. These include
83–93% volumetric ice content for organic soils). In our view, the a substantial increase in the severity of wildfires, which constitutes
uncertainties present in current LSMs due to simplistic represen- one of the greatest risks to northern ecosystems, communities and
tation of processes should not preclude the scientific community infrastructure17. Drier soils also often result in warmer near-surface
from performing experiments and developing climate projections soils during summer, decreasing atmospheric stability and favour-
and then using these to assess and provide information on future ing of convective precipitation, which leads to an increase in intense,
risks to human activities, as done in our Letter2. short-duration precipitation events and lightning frequency. The
A growing body of evidence indicates that surface drying is one former can wash out roads and overwhelm stormwater infrastruc-
of the possible consequences of permafrost thaw7–10, and this drying ture, for instance, whereas the latter can trigger wildfires, putting
has occasionally been observed to occur abruptly11, as we demon- infrastructure at even greater risk.
strated2. All climate projections should be interpreted in the con- In summary, emerging field evidence supports our projections
text of the emission scenario(s) represented12. To identify potential that permafrost thaw under a high-emissions scenario would
hazards associated with a lack of climate action, our work focused greatly reduce surface soil moisture in many regions. Owing to

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ✉e-mail:

724 Nature Climate Change | VOL 10 | August 2020 | 724–725 |

Nature Climate Change Matters Arising
the heterogeneity of the surface, high-resolution simulations 4. Kurylyk, B. L., MacQuarrie, K. T. B. & McKenzie, J. M. Climate change
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Received: 16 March 2020; Accepted: 26 June 2020; climate perspectives. Clim. Dynam. 48, 2881–2899 (2017).
Published online: 29 July 2020 15. Jeong, D. I. & Sushama, L. Rain-on-snow events over North America based
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References 16. Teufel, B. et al. Investigation of the mechanisms leading to the 2017 Montreal
1. O’Neill H. B. et al. Permafrost thaw and northern development. Nat. Clim. flood. Clim. Dynam. 52, 4193–4206 (2019).
Change (2020). 17. McGee, T., McFarlane, B. & Tymstra, C. in Wildfire Hazards, Risks and
2. Teufel, B. & Sushama, L. Abrupt changes across the Arctic permafrost region Disasters (eds Shroder, J. F. & Paton, D) 35–58 (Elsevier, 2015).
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3. Verseghy, D. L. CLASS—The Canadian Land Surface Scheme (Version 3.5), Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
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Climate Research Division, Environment Canada, 2011). © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2020

Nature Climate Change | VOL 10 | August 2020 | 724–725 | 725

Matters Arising Nature Climate Change

Author contributions Additional information

Both authors contributed to drafting, reviewing and finalizing the Reply. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.T.
Peer review information Nature Climate Change thanks Jan Hjort and the other,
Competing interests anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
The authors declare no competing interests. Reprints and permissions information is available at

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